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Archive for the SFW Category




Kira Kosarin in Underwear of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some kid who was exploited by her parents, they were Broadway performers, her mother as an actress and her father a music director, conductor and record producer…..She grew up acting, singing and dancing because of course she did, why would they have kids if they couldn’t throw them into the industry that they were trying to excel at themselves, you know ship her off to LA to show the world how well trained she was like this was the 20s and they were a touring Vaudeville family, only to get her a gig on Nickelodeon….and some fame…that she could use to build a Youtube Channel…where she can cover songs and one day release her own…

It’s almost text book strategy so many people before her used, but thanks to the internet being full of retards it works…

To make the strategy complete, get her in the trend of the times, in this case Calvins, and have her do a creepy photoshoot for the perverts, that will lead to more creepy photoshoots for the perverts, knowing that perverts fucking love creepy photoshoots and thus boost her numbers…because along with idiots on the internet, there are perverts…just leave a dude alone for 5 minutes and he’s googling “Nickelodean Stars in Underwear” and she brings it…

Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW




G Hannelius Bikini Disney Girl of the Day

G Hannelius is a 18 year old Disney Kid…who’s like all Disney Kids sings and acts and all that bullshit. Her name isn’t entirely G Hannelius, tha’s more of her stage name or what she goes by because her parents probably found it cute when they sold her to the Disney people in exchange for them not pressing charges against any sexual misconduct or abuse, as you know execs who think they are untouchable that work at Disney Channel…are execs you may want to avoid….I don’t trust any grown man into Children programming and I always wonder about Elementary School teachers who are male and not gay…they must perverts…

Her real name is Genevieve, but I guess G is way cooler….it’s more street, more playful, but reads more like a terminal disease or new strain of bacteria I’ve read about on my various internet journeys into hypochondria – hoping that my wife is the dying one and not me – but symptom checking from always feeling like shit…it’s an overall blanket sensation I’ve had forever and learning it could be from whores and their mucus membrames smearing n my mouth…or strippers or even that old lady at the grocery store I saw pick her nose and smear it on her cart that some poor bastard was bound to grab….you know…GERMS are everywhere and most sound like “G Hannelius”…

Point being, STDs aside, she’s in a bikini, she’s Disney Kid, she’s doing the Disney Kid half naked marketing tactics, and I am all for it…keep stripping down girl…

As a side note, I love reading these WIKIPEDIA’s where they say that “G moved to LA at 10 years old to pursue her acting career”….bitch please..her parents saw dollar signs everytime they changed her diaper or she made someone laugh at a family function and SOLD her off…after training her how to be a crowd pleaser….and here she is starting to crowd please…

Posted in:G Hannelius|SFW




Kristin Cavallari in a Bikinis of the Day

Kristin Cavallari is some sugar baby, athlete fucking, lucky she was on a reality show early in her life and when reality shows really matter because it brought her to places where athletes were, where she could seduce them, get knocked up by them, and live the good life without having to actually work that much….something she’s good at…

Living the American Dream. Having some level of celebrity, followers, and an Athlete Husband and Athlete family…even though athletes are notorious cheaters, who cares, look how big the house is and how nice the trips they go on are…perfect settings for her to launch a personal brand or lifestyle site that will end up making her money…because people are morons, into groupie-ing people they are familiar with, even if that person is Kristin Cavallari….someone who was on TV for 5 minutes…

I’m not complaining, I mean what better way to start a day than looking at a 4 day old pic of some 30 something mom sprawling out seductively now that she’s got tits…living the California Dream the Mommas and the Poppas once sang about….

All I see is a failed actress, because she tried to be an actress after Laguna Beach and failed at it…but also a mom in a bikini And some nipples in some outfits…

Posted in:Kristin Cavallari|SFW




Mikaela Shiffrin in a Bikini of the Day

Mikaela Shiffrin is the new Lindsay Vonn, only she actually wins Olympic medals…

She’s in a bikini, showing off how ripped her body is, because I guess it is the off season, no Olympics for another 4 years, and she can spend the time focusing on what is important, and that is showing off her body to remind us all that her Lindsey Vonn Mentor is old, washed up and disgusting, while new half naked fitness body, who thanks to her werido stage parents who are I guess “ski” parents that pushed her into this, is now making money and moves..

I generally don’t find ski people hot, but you’re a different breed of pervert and probably love this…because she is your medal winning hero..and more importantly – in a bikini that we hope is see through while wet but where are those pics…I want those pics Mikaela Shiffrin….someone get her coach to explain to her what this slutty on social media thing is all about…and how it works…

Posted in:Mikaela Shiffrin|SFW




Sarah Hyland is a Bendy Freak of the Day

I accidentally watch Sarah Hyland’s stories on a semi regular basis, I guess she’s tricked instagram into thinking I want to see what she’s up to, and for the most part, I get nothing from these glimpses into her life, other than realizing that she has some disease and has had a Kidney Transplant like she was Selena Gomez, 5 or 6 years ago, in what I find pretty insane to go through, and that it must have something to do with Kidney’s not developing properly when you have parents whoring you out to the entertainment industry…

She’s working on a new movie, that involves dancing, and I guess this is how she stretches in what is clearly a total fucking fetish for all you perverts…cuz you can make the bendy doll get into any position you want…despite her looking like an underdeveloped premature weirdness…that you like cuz you’re into weirdly developed things as long as they have vaginas..you can pretend to put your penis in.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Latest Bikini Pic of the Day

An hour ago, the manliest looking jacked up face in children exploited by their parents, like the puppet sex workers they are, news….Bella Thorne posted up a bikini pic celebrating what looks like fake tits to me in a wet bikini….nipples not hard despite the cold water of the pacific in what may be confusing if you’re even looking at her tits and not her broad deltoids that look like a male gymnasts…

I have seen the hot slutty sex worker looking mom, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bella was really born a boy, dressed up like a girl, because she was the one the mom knew she could exploit the hardest and the best…

These moms want everything so bad, they’ll do all kinds of crazy shit, and the expense of their kids, who in this case, have written her off for her mooching fame whoring…..

But have taken the famewhoring upon themselves in what is repetitive and boring, but still a young girl, with a lame mooch of a boyfriend, K-Feding her, media manipulator hustling from every fucking angle and seeing success doing it.

She’s got music, clothing, acting, social media marketing deals coming from every angle. She’s a star out there having a good time, showing the people her contrived persona, and it’s working….but with everything that works, it eventually crashes and will end bad..but in the meantime…titties in a bikini top…

Here’s Bella Thorne Bringing her Man Face and Meth Boyfriend Out in Public


From her social:

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Rihanna’s Butt Crack from a While Ago of the Day

I don’t think I posted pics of Rihanna’s butt crack, but feel it is very important for me to post pics of Rihanna’s butt crack, as the world loves Rihanna and her butt crack and will thus celebrate her butt crack because it is a success story and people love success stories..

I don’t understand how a random, barely talented singer from Barbados, I mean there are videos of her singing at her High School Grad that I guess she’s had removed from the internet and she can’t sing for shit, and we don’t really even know if it was her high school grad at all…I just know whoever found her didn’t think “this is the meal ticket we can sell to Jay Z and make a billion dollars with”…yet that’s what they did…and I know some Voodoo went into that..or there is more to the story than that…and really girl’s living the life…no longer in a shanty…employing people in the shanties and showing her ass crack at events….seems like whatever happened when she first started out to get to this point was a positive transaction or trade…cuz look at her now…

Butt cracks…what are they good for…let me count the ways…

1- Contraception
2- Story your Keys so you Don’t Lose Them
3- Hiding any and all contraband from exotic snakes to drugs.
4- Shitting.
5- that’s all I got.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Kate Beckinsale Ass in Leggings of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is one of those timeless people who doesn’t seem to age, despite being old, and a mom to a college aged girl.

Sure she’s got a bit of a hot, fit, skinny soccer mom vibe, but she’s still not what you’d typically expect from a mom with a college aged kid.

One must wonder if she was in fact an actual Vampire and her Underworld move franchise that is pretty much the only thing I think she’s ever done is documentary…unless she doesn’t play a vampire in that movie…I can’t be too sure because I am far too lazy to google it and I don’t actually care about something virgin loser comic book weirdos who seem like they still live with their mom’s at 40 are passionate about…

I do know she’s in leggings and lookin’ fit..

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

I also know she is in bra top….

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

I like keeping tabs on her because the age range of people reading this site, are people who still have posters of her in their basement TV room where they masturbate cuz their mom’s room is two floors up and she can’t hear the cries….

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Halle Berry Erotica of the Day

Halle Berry TIts in Lace Lingerie for Instagram

Yo, What’s up Halle Berry…I didn’t realize you’re an Instagram model….but I guess all these girls are when given the opportunity to do some half naked shoot in some “artistic” black and white setting…they just can’t help themselves. It’s probably why all those Old Timey Photo Studios at the county fair exist..people see a camera, some costumes, and the opportunity to be slutty and share it with the fans, and they jump at it…you know the perfect excuse to get some Old Timey tits out there…and I’d say it is magical, but I’m more into Halle Berry a decade ago getting naked kind of magic…not this instagram shits.

Halle Berry TIts in Lace Shirt for Instagram

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Heidi Klum Bikini of the Day

Heidi Klum Tits out on a Yacht in a Bikini

I wonder if people are bored of me going into some rant about Heidi Klum being a produce of Germany’s Eugenics program in the WWII era of Hitler, where he was doing all he could to create a master Aryan race, including finding medical advances through human testing and other terrible things, that brought you things like Asprin and Volkswagen….and I guess Heidi Klum.

The reality is that no one seems to get bored of Heidi Klum, even as her face gets older, and her stomach looks odd thanks to the litter of babies she had with SEAL…so why would they get bored of me writing about her being some genetically modified product of design, because I don’t understand why she still looks so good, even if you can tell she’s a little weathered and you know that parts of her, mainly her vagina are fucking ravaged and destroyed…eve with tasteful surgeries….

But then I remember that she’s in a bikini and I’m not…and bikinis, fresh new bikini pics, seem to inspire people to masturbate and ignore all the flaws a woman may have…even when they are as old as Heidi and her flaws are negligible due to her age, it is like the older they get the more lenient we are with their flaws…and that we can just appreciate the tits for what they are….attention seeking professional tits…that have made a lot of money being tits.

Heidi Klum Tits out on a Yacht in a Bikini

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW