I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Amber Heard GQ Australia of the Day

Amber Heard GQ Australia

Black Widow, billionaire fucker, sugar baby garbage manipulator who had the world engaged and interested in her story about how abusive their favorite actor is…because people by instinct want to see their favorite actors fall from the top because they are jealous…no one can accept that dude was manipulated into something, abused throughout that time, and made to go crazy all because he has a penis….making him the devil…

Well, she’s trying to have a second wind at being the rich sugar baby woman who broke Depp and Elon Musk….with her well trained pussy…and she’s doing it in collaboration with GQ.

Her face looks old, tired, a mess…but she exists…and I guess we should encourage her to continue destroying rich guys with her vagina…it’s a talent and they do deserve to be taken out….

She was also at the GQ Event…because I guess GQ is a big deal for her….


Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Emma Roberts Butt at an Event of the Day

Emma Roberts Butt at an Event

I still have a warm place in my heart for Emma Roberts….one of the original rich kid, hollywood kids, who decided to act…

She’s older but she’s still skinny.. She’s cute, she’s stylish and there’s something about her that I like…probably her daddy issues…but then again, whether her dad is famous or not famous, or in Eric Roberts’ case a bit of both, he was a star too famous to bother with kids, then he fell off into drugs and self destruction while this one sat on the sidelines left disappointed by him…and I can only hope that left a mark on her soul…being an outsider…I tell myself it did…it just makes her overall being that much better…

She was at some event about books, in a see through outfit…and looked good….and that’s all I have to say about that..


She was in jeans….


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Daphne Groeneveld is Amazing of the Day

Daphne Groeneveld is Amazing

I have been reporting every nipple I see on social media – not because I don’t like nipples – but because I feel slighted by society because I was always about FREEING THE NIPPLE – but I was never able to monetize it because advertisers called me porn – and now – all of a sudden it’s trendy and art and all these fuckers post their nipples – making my existence obsolete – because no one needs to go to one site that posts all the nipples – but rather they can just go to instagram, zuckerberg monopolizing on EVERYTHING…fuck that guy…

So this may or may not be a nipple from instagram of a model named Daphne Groeneveld who I find hot, but I’ve been told by people who know her that she’s pretty fucking weird looking in person…which makes sense..that face is like a muppet…and we don’t need to worry about her in person..it will never happen…so take in the pictures…right…right.

Posted in:Daphne Groeneveld|SFW




Phoebe Price of the Day

Phoebe Price

Phoebe Price, better known as the goddess of Tennessee who is now in Hollywood, who pre-internet was able to get shot by the paparazzi by hanging out at the right LA places, thanks to LA being a place that attracts people looking for fame and willing to take it wherever they can…

Well, in keeping in the Holiday spirit, she decided to put on a Baywatch themed bathing suit and posed with a car…like the import model of all of our dreams…

It may not make sense, but the beauty of it is that it doesn’t need to make sense…it just happened, and is beautiful, take it in.

Posted in:Phoebe Price|SFW




Dina Meyer’s 48 Year Old Ass Clickbaits of the Day

Dina Meyer's 48 Year Old Ass

Dina Meyer was on Beverly Hills 90210, I don’t remember that show because it was 100 years ago, you know at the advent of television and my brain doesn’t really retain that much bullshit information from 100 years ago, as it is fully congested and filled up with useless information from today…

She was the lead in Johnny Mnemonic with Keanu Reeves, so there was a time when she likely thought she really made it..but never made it…

But at 48 years old she’s taken it upon herself to get on social media finding her own audience, her own way…showing her ass….

Oh and she posted a tweet about empowerment not shameless “Look at my old fucking ass”

Posted in:Dina Meyer|SFW




Nicki Minaj Threesome with herself of the DAy

Paper Magazine became relevant in the internet age – after being a successful magazine turned hipster fashion magazine turned struggling magazine – with a series of photos they did of Kim Kadashian’s fake ass balancing a champagne glass..you know the body dysmorphia, weird fucking porn chick that found commercial success as a virtual avon lady thanks to being early to the internet hustle…they called the series “breaking the internet’….because I guess Kim Kardashian’s ass, one we’ve seen many times before, even with dick inside it…balancing a champagne glass on her ass is what they consider breaking the internet…it may have been break the Paper Magazine servers big…their biggest traffic day ever maybe…but the internet? In a world that doesn’t care about Kim Kardashian…at least not on that level…I don’t really believe…so there were no repair men scrambling to fix the internet after those pics came out…maybe a few folding IKEA chairs broke in the process of the shoot but I can’t imagine much more…

It’s one of those – If we say it broke the internet, people will think it’s breaking the internet, because people are dumb fucks…situation.

Well, they’ve made a trend of it, a yearly tradition, like Christmas…and this year they featured Nicki Minaj having a threesome with herself on the cover…

Photoshopped to look like she’s eating herself out…

In what is not her actually eating herself out…

And I can’t imagine people caring…I mean it’s Nicki Minaj…who fucking cares…but they will thanks to having nothing better to do ….you know with being the dumb fucks that they are…

Magic wasn’t made, internets weren’t broken…the whole thing is actually pretty disgusting.

Also, her audience is teen girls, tweens really, is this how we want to see pop stars that target our youth.

Take her out back and shoot her…

Here are the rest of the pics….of her in a narcissistic threesome with herself that people are hyping up…even though she’s some scam drama school girl manipulating everyone with fake ass and tits…

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Kaia Gerber Bikini Picture of the Day

Kaia Gerber Bikini

Normally you’d be shocked a teenage girl was posting up seductive pictures of herself for social media, you know like what is this about, is this even legal, where are her parents…you know the kind of image that isn’t that innocent because it is half naked posing…even if it is just a “bathing suit”…she is but a child…you know the kind of image that would lead to getting a girl suspended from school, or maybe in a meeting with her priest to figure out what the deal is…

But when it comes to billionaire heiress Kaia Gerber, the product of Narcissistic Cindy Crawford, who is using her as some kind of revival of her ego, or barbie doll…the mom is actually behind the images..some stage mother shit..and it’s creepy…but not as creepy as how much you fucking love it…

Posted in:Kaia Gerber|SFW




Liz Hurley Posts Her Nipples to Social Media of the Day

Liz Hurley Posts Her Nipples to Social Media

If there’s one thing I know about Liz Hurley, besides her being a hot bodied old lady who was once in Austin Powers….a movie I tend to forget exists…thankfully…It’s that she’s a money grubber, cock rider, wallet fucking, model who mooched off men to get wherever it is she got…because TITS don’t get you there alone..they take strategy…as all women have tits…and that strategy is “Kick back, close your eyes and let thing happen, so that you can turn around and ask for handouts, movie roles, etc”…

And now she’s sneaking her nipples onto her social media….look close it’s there.

From riding Hugh Grant’s dick until he rode dick to Hollywood, he’s a tranny fucker like Ryan Seacrest you know, to babies with billionaires, to still looking good because it’s all she knows…to nipples on social media…she’s so current…with her attention seeking famewhoring…it’s great.

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Elodie Christ is Good…of the Day

Elodie Christ

Jesus Elodie Christ….

She’s apparently a model, she goes by the name Elodie Christ, maybe it’s her actual name, maybe she’s one of Jesus’ distant relatives, who the fuck am I to know these things…

What I do know is that this is a shoot for Marie Claire France of her in some early 80s blazer….but more interestingly in her goddamn underwear on a studio floor…doing something I love…pantyhose over panties….it’s not something I google, but I do remember the first time my high school girlfriend changed out of her waitressing clothes when I was just a young pervert, a not very refined pervert, a pervert who didn’t know how to channel my perversion to make a massive fucking media empire no one has ever heard of…but more the kind of pervert who got an instant erection and was forced to jerk off on myself because she was tired as she posed in the bed….smelling like dirty feet from sweating in the pantyhose all day…but I didn’t care…the way it shaped her young tight body…was perfection…

Now that I am old as fuck, I don’t quite get the same excitement, but the memories are forever…and this instigated that…so here this is…to inspire your own pervert shit that happens when you see hot chicks named after your lord and saviour in her damn panties…

Posted in:Elodie Christ|SFW




Gal Gadot Riding the Fame Wave in GQ of the Day

Gal Gadot Riding the Fame Wave in GQ

Gal Gadot annoys me…

I just don’t find her that interesting, or that hot. I don’t watch comic book style movies, so I am not in love with her because she’s playing a new version of an old character I didn’t jerk off to when it was on TV in the 80s and don’t expect to jerk off to now. I am not against power women, I actually surround myself with power women, and think the concept of Wonder Woman is great, I am lazy and like to be supported, make me a housewife who doesn’t have to work please..it’s ideal…

I just don’t think Gal Gadot is a power woman, i think she’s an old actress, who used Jewish Guilt on Jewish producers, because if you know Jewish people, they all sympathize with Israel and send money to Israel, but don’t live in Israel…you see because she’s Israeli…

I think she’s a typical woman who uses her looks to seduce people into giving her what she wants, I mean she is an actress here, who gives a fuck about actresses, what the fuck do actresses do in the grand scheme of the world besides bitch about the grimy producer they fucked to get their career and blame him for being a molestor…forgetting they are the ones shoving his dick in their mouth…then turns on them and refuses to participate in movies if dude’s part of it…in a “you’re not that important, quick letting your fame get to your head cunt”…strategy she should be penalized for because she is replaceable…

It’s a weird time, a time where this puppet is just a puppet, but she’s cashing in and I guess that’s what matters..

I just prefer my Wonder Woman to be closer to 20 than 40…..but people buy into what they are sold and here she is in GQ….

Since that’s not enough of her…here she is:

1-In Another Magazine

2- At an Event Who Cares

In more intersting news, speaking of Justice League Premiere….check out this Brooke Ence Crossfit Games winner turned actor…bitch is SCARY…and there’s definitely a fetish up in here…..


Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW