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Archive for the SFW Category




Bella Thorne’s Zombie Erotica of the Day

Bella Thorne posted some bullshit to her instagram story of her smoking weed – it’s recreationally legal and she’s likely got a prescription – that’s why she makes a spectacle of it like a high school kid smoking his first joint – thinking he’s a rapper or some shit..but rather a 19 year old who never went to high school because she’s stunted on all levels but her tits – thanks to her mom whoring her and her sister out to Disney.

Well, she’s one of the more relevant VINE style people in LA who have these massive audiences and can command these massive views…and she’s milking how retarded the world is by making and participating in shitty music that come with silly music videos…in what looks DIY…but is actually what’s going on in the world…

She had zombie make-up and showed off her youthful, relevant to the young audience, hanging with vine star tits…and they good dawg…they good….even if they useless dawg..they useless..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|Videos




Stephanie Tanner Big Meth Mom Tits on Set of the Day

Stephanie Tanner Big Meth Mom Tits on Set

Stephanie Tanner is on the comeback, from failed child star no one gave a fuck about – to Meth Addict who did the circuit of low level talk shows to talk about her struggles as a child star no one cared about – to having the choice of going back to meth and using them tits to get her that meth money – or to marry a cop and eventually go back to the acting game after a bunch of kids – to use those tits for casting couches – not that she needs casting couches, she’s a 90s child star and not all 90s child stars end up like prostitute Maitland Ward…some just ride off the irony, the kitsch factor, the who the fuck cares, she’s a mom in her mid 30s from Meth Tits to Straight to Netflix tits…they are still tits….I just prefer when they stay fallen off – this comeback shit annoys me…stay BROKE and broken you peaked girl…

To see the rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Jodie Sweetin|SFW




Bella Thorne Erotica Won’t End of the Day

Bella Thorne Erotica

The second most important question you must ask yourself today is:

The most important question you must ask yourself today is…

“Do I care that Bella Thorne is shamelessly promoting herself in a seductive way on social media because she likes attention, her tactics work, and she learned at a young age how to sexualize herself in a non trashy way, an accessible way people will still sign onto and give her money…..Do I really think she’s that hot or interesting and worth my time to look at in a world of hot chicks…and why am I doing posts on her everyday…knowing I don’t jerk off to her, I won’t jerk off to her, and that she’s just using all of us…and we’re letting her….am I just a pawn in the equation that the media wants me to be”..

The answer is yes…a pawn…I should re-invent myself and find a better hobby that whatever this idiotic behavior is.

I don’t know ANYONE who knows who Bella Thorne is or who cares who Bella Thorne is, it’s some insular local Hollywoood shit…none of this matters….but here I am posting it…becuase it’s click bait to me…so get clickin’

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ariel WInter Big Fat Boobs of the Day

Ariel WInter Big Fat tits

The most important question you must ask yourself today is…

“Do I care that Ariel Winter is showing off her big, restructured after being cut off, because girl eats everything, tits. Do they matter, do they deserve my time, does Ariel Winter care about me, is this just noise that I am being sucked into because I love tits, are these even tits, do they matter…..or am I just a pawn in the equation that the media wants me to be”…

Ultimately, she’s not hot, her tits aren’t great, she’s a sloppy Slobby little troll and just because she’s on TV doesn’t mean I give a fuck…yet I’m posting the pics to all 1 of you….because like you, dear friend we are pathetic.

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato blue leggings

Demi Lovato is on the hustle, the body positive, no make-up, bisexual, gender fluid, or whatever other catch phrase her team pulled from google trends she’s trying to pretend sh is posted a couple of pictures..

One of her ass in leggings, like a straight up butt shot in leggigns and the other some lingerie photoshoot with what looks like an erased / cartoon face…

Both contradict her whole “fat chick, fat power” strategy of last year and all it took was getting dumped to remind her that she’s a vapid cunt who wants to look good, raised in Hollywood, bring it…

Because nothing going on in these pics support her “no make-up”…”just be you”…”don’t give into body norms”..

She’s showing her ass and tits whole wearing make up saying “Objectify me…and appreciate that I’ve lost 20 lbs”.

I don’t believe anything any of these idiots pull..it’s all fake news but lucky for them…PEOPLE buy into the nonsense hard.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Coco for Breast Cancer Awareness of the Day

Coco for Breast Cancer Awareness

Remember Coco?

Well she’s out there promoting breast cancer with some of the most amazingly funny breast implants…that remind me of an era long gone…the trashy stripper chick who jacks up her face and body for rappers…that I guess isn’t all that different that what”s going on in social media today…but the girls jacking up their faces and bodies for rappers don’t have bleached blonde hair, they just have real fucking tans, looking like they are arab or something, even though their all white all the time, and the rappers are just there to sell more records…cuz they saw what girl did with her cosmetics line…

That said, as trashy and silly as COCO is, or as funny as this strapless bra she doesn’t need because her tits are filled with helium, I’m old and remember when Coco was out there keeping busy trying to build up her brand around her booty and for that reason alone we must celebrate whatever the fuck this is.

Posted in:Coco|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Pantsless on Instagram of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Pantsless on Instagram

Alessandra Ambrosio posted a pantsless selfie on her social media despite being 38 years old…because you can never be too old…even though I think you can be too old…to be pantsless in bed…even old ladies do it…but to post it on your social media like some 20 year old…because some brand still pays you money and because you don’t want to admit you’re done…is pathetic, depressing, creepy, weird…tacky, trashy, time to hang up the pantyhose girl…save the nudes or the selfies shot by a pro photographer for the rich guys you fuck…unless there’s more vagina in them…in which case…send em over.

You see, I like actual nudes, of women at all ages, but this cocktease shit isn’t cute, it’s like getting with an older woman and she gives you a handjob, even though I love handjobs…older women are just supposed to know how to work it…save the entry level shit for the college kids..

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Romee Strijd Nipples for Fashion Shows of the Day

Romee Strijd Nipples for Fashion Show

Romee Strijd is a Victoria’s Secret model, which means she’s very important as a model, unlike all the other models, which is pretty much every single girl in the world with an instagram, doing silly poses for the camera in public places and in private photoshoot settings that they planned and coordinated, in an adults playing games like kids, a little make-belief, while other adults feed their egos and tell them how good they look, even though under all logical obvservation….they don’t stand a fucking chance…yet they keep going and going…because their EGOS are deluded and they believe….that there is more in the world for them….and the world just needs to see them to buy in…even though the world doesn’t really care…but yes…fat chicks can get famous, skinny chicks can get famous, tattoo chicks can get famous…it’s all how you angle it…and people are morons and will believe what you tell them…

But I prefer actual models you know, the girls that some dude or company created to promote product so that my brain doesn’t need to process if they are hot or not, it is just generally accepted as hot…and my lazy mind likes that….otherwise I’d be lost and confused…now tell me what to buy media…TELL ME!


Posted in:Romee Strijd|SFW




Ariel Winter Fat Girl Workout of the Day

Ariel Winter is working out because she knows that her body type is destined to be 300 pounds and she can’t have that. It’s one thing to be body positive and pretend to love your body..but it’s another to cut off your tits cuz they don’t stop growing…only for them to keep on growing…and the rest of her…mainly her gut along with it….making girl nervous, freaking out, eating everything in front of her to deal with the stress…and realizing that’s the problem not the solution…

I don’t know if I find a chubby girl fighting to stay fit hot, I guess it’s like watching someone trying to bail out their boat that is sinking and will sink, it’s the pre-obesity content we can look back on and collectively laugh….as her fans still remain loyal to her because they watched her grow up and feel like she’s family to them…thanks to not having a family of their own becuase clearly they are weird…

I am ready for the inevitable….

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Selena Gomez and her New Tits New Kidney New Face of the Day

Selena Gomez Braless New Face

Selena Gomez is a feminist, now that she’s got a New Kidney…New Kidney New Me….situation…where the lost identity crisis of a Disney Kid raised in front of an audience because her mother had a dream that ended up working out for them all…now old enough to make her own decisions with the pile of money she’s made for herself…allowing her to decide what it really means to be Selena Gomez…and what message it is she wants to give the world as Selena Gomez…is it that we are all god’s people…by dating men of other ethnicities….like Canadians who just happen to be one of the biggest musical acts…or is it by pretending to have a breakdown and pretending to go to rehab while really getting a new Kidney….lying to the fans, only to bring out the story when she was ready to milk it for all she could….or is it not wearing a bra because her tits that are likely fake are perky and dont’ need that kind of repression..she’s a woman…let her be a woman…tits out…midget legs…you’d all want to climb and probably could climb because it’s not that much of a climb…provided you get past security and charm her with your Canadian pop music abilities…she likes that…

I guess what I am saying is…she looks good…braless..new Kidneyed…an improved version of the otherwise Dying Selena…and as the most followed girl on social media…you should jerk off to it.


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW