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Archive for the SFW Category




Lauren Hutton Old Lady Erotica of the Day

Lauren Hutton Old Lady Erotica Vogue Cover

I don’t do enough content on Lauren Hutton’s tits.

She may be 73, and her face may look 103, but the model who moved to NYC with some dude 20 years older than her and worked at the Playboy clubs in the early 60s, before getting her degree in New Orleans…only to return to NYC in ate 60s to make millions for brands like Revlon,…before becoming an actress…in alot of movies…always looking hot…

I love that she hasn’t mangled her face up with fillers like all these other 100 year old women, who just look like clowns…I like the wrinkles, the weather, the abuse, they are perfect crevices to imagine giving your own fillers…you know after jerking off her her face..

But most importantly, I love the old lady tits, I remember them as young lady tits, and they are making me want to volunteer at the home..because there’s likely tits like that there….new hobby…doing good that comes with some personal gain…I like it.

Posted in:Lauren Hutton|SFW




Iggy Azalea’s Butt Implants are Comical of the Day

Iggy Azalea's Butt Implants in Tight Black Leggings

Iggy Azalea has some serious body dysmorphia…just fucking jacking up the face and ass until she achieves Maximum crazy fucking person…who I guess we shouldnt really know exists…but we do because of the fake ass and fake face and fake career and fake backstory…that dudes who are connected to the right people and who like things that look like this…or a scaled down version of this..because this is just gnarly as fuck…comical..looks fun to use as a trampoline maybe…when practicing to be a stunt man or some shit…but seriously cartoon like…I mean is this even human, or is it a prop for a porno movie…or an accident victim…



Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Brie Larson in a Magazine of the Day

Brie Larson by Camilla Akrans for Porter Magazine

Brie Larson is not that hot, I mean not hot at all really, but she’s been chosen as the next big thing in Hollywood thanks to Hollywood being a very weird place that decides who gets the big payouts based on who the fuck knows…but I am assuming…an Academy award that girl only got because the story and the production…I don’t buy into good actors existing, anyone can act. It’s a farce.

She’s in a Magazine…and I’m posting the pics just to look at in confusing…because why do I even know who Brie Larson is…it’s very rude of her to pollute my life like this.

I guess garbage likes to perpetuate itself…it’s like garbage grows on garbage…until we’re all drowning in garbage.

Posted in:Brie Larson|SFW




Sarah Hyland Feet of the Day

Sarah Hyland Feet

Sarah Hyland is on a less popular show than the Nerd Show, but a still popular show that people seem to love all these years later, in an era where no one actually watches TV, or Sitcoms, and that I assume is all just a lie to sell ads to advertisers who believe that millions of people are watching the shows they run ads on … with no actual way to track how many people actually see the ad…forcing smart advertisers to go to computer and internet and leaving nothing but pharma ads for TV targeting old people with all kinds of diseases like Asbestos related cancers…or diabetes…where some dancing Indian dude tries to sell you on some double dose of insulin…in a crazy overmedicated world we live in…

That said…she’s got a lot of dudes following her…loving her…into her and her new face and here are her feet..because the same weirdos who like her and her face…like feet..it’s the internet -and you’re all perverts.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Adriana Lima Staged Old Lady Workout of the Day

Adriana Lima Staged Old Lady Workout

Adriana Lima is doing some staged workout for Victoria’s Secret…you know hire the paparazzi get in magazines…sell workout gear to old ladies who know who Adriana Lima is, who are into her, who think she’s a hot model mom to look up to, their spirit animal…whatever the fuck this markeitng hustle is…

While I just see pretty much what I see outside the Old Folks home and in the park…or at the community pool…Aquafitness or senior aerobics…just a bunch of people still holding on to whatever is is they once had…squeezing that extra year out of life if they can…but the lingerie model version

I mean she’s not that bad, she’s been worse, but still bad.

She’s still Adriana Lima…not the end of the world seeing her flexing in leggings, even if it looks like the end of her modeling world….because it’s near….


Posted in:Adriana Lima|SFW




Rui for Maxim Korea of the Day

Rui for Maxim Korea

Rui is a K.Pop member of a K.Pop Band and she’s in Maxim Korea, not North Korea, they aren’t allowed magazines, but South Korea, where all things magical, like K.Pop and Korean BBQ and BIMBIMBAP happen…

Korea is pretty on trend now, and if you ever go to a all you can eat BBQ spot you’ll probably be lucky enough to watch K.Pop music videos, that are some futurist, but bootleg version of American 90s pop music videos, featuring Korean women, before they become the Korean Women 300 pounds serving you, when they are still Korean women all hot, and often times plastic surgeried up to look like white people…and the whole thing is magical and weird…

His is her shoot for Maxim Korea, a Maxim that probably does better than the American version, since they love American 90s there…and well…that’s the last time Maxim was relevant or mattered…

Posted in:Rui|SFW




The Chinese Massage Guy is the Hero from the Dark Corner of Youtube of the Day

I was trolling youtube last night and came across a bunch of random shit that I guess is marked educational – but that is actually erotica, fetish shit, pornographic to the right person, which I guess everything is…

But there are videos, countless videos of dudes measuring their dicks before and after using a Penis pump…there are tutorials on how to massage the prostate…there are bikini wax spread pussy videos…and naked yoga videos…all running Google ads…clickbait, porn…anything to generate the views for the publicly traded company.

I’ve been talking about Youtube Porn for years…and find it so ridiculous that I can’t get a google ad on my site, sometimes for posting youtube videos hosted by youtube, because they are too hardcore but ok for them…elitist cunts.

Well, this guy, the street massager or masseuse, I doubt has qualifications gives random girls massages, films it, posts to youtube and no doubt jerks off to it…

And for that…he is a legend..

Here are some of his videos.

Big Titty Girl

Red Bikini Girl…

Some Hot Skinny Girl

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Selena Gomez Loves her Nipples of the Day

Selena Gomez hard nipples in NYC

Selena Gomez is braless and showing off her hard nipples – because that’s what you do when you get fake tits and when you have hard nipples to show off – because you may not have a Kidney that’s yours and you may not live past 30 thanks to your LUPUS – but you got the tits – show the tits – give the world the tits…like you give the Weekend your vagina – because his big black cock is the only thing her medicated, numb, broken soul can feel…

She’s also got a fake mouth too, but I guess no one notices….because no one cares, but that’s how girls look now…she’s just on trend.

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Demi Lovato’s a Feminist of the Day

Demi Lovato's a Feministn with underboob

Demi Lovato’s full of shit, I assume anyone who knows anything about Demi Lovato, you’ll know that she’s full of shit.

You’ll also know that Feminist is a catch all catchphrase that means so much to so many people, but also means nothing specifically…because if you have a vagina you can apply the word to anything you do, from sex work, to egotistical narcisstic bullshit, girl power, that diverts attention from the fact that it’s straight whoring…

Demi Lovato also used to pull the whole no make-up, then the whole get fat, until your man dumps you, then get fit, then get half naked and braless, all because of feminism….because it’s that catch all term you need…to not necessarily justify your actions, you’re rich and a cunt, you don’t need to justify shit, but it makes for a nice angle…because people like angles…it makes them feel better out being whored out their entire life, being coddled to the point of pretending to be bipolar identity crisis….it’s all weird….it’s all lies…but retard kids with no attention span buy into it.

Lies to live by…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Chubby Sofia Richie in a Bikini of the Day

Chubby Sofia Richie in a Bikini

Sofia Richie is the real daughter of Lionel Richie, unlike Nicole Richie, but likely as spoiled and entitled, maybe a little less broken because her actual parents wanted to keep her and her actual parents are richer than god…and she knows like all adopted kids know that she’s by default the favorite..

She’s a fame hungry social media personality – even though she doesn’t need to be – but why not…so she fucks with the Kardashians’s 40 year old brother Scott Disick as part of the show’s storyline – you know get anyone relevant enough willing to fuck with you to fuck you and it works out nicely for him – because he’s a party guy surrounded by pervert young rich girls who want to fuck him – so he gets to bang them all out and move onto the next thanks to the Kardashians making him rich as fuck…

It’s a good gig if you’re into partying with young “it” girls and going to exclusive places doing exclusive things – life of luxury..

He’s like the K-Fed if K-fed was a cheesy LA scenester party boy…and really, I don’t think Sofia Richie is that hot or hot at all, but If I was into social media following, and “influencers” I’d be up on it, like he is, that’s where the market is…get your tabloid obligation bonus from the Kardashians and keep winning…

It must be nice to be pawn in an evil empire when your job is to solely find and fuck girls with over 1,000,000 followers on Insta…

Werido world….it’s all just fucking noise and for 19 – her ass is fucking garbage…I mean good enough for a 40 year old fucking a 19 year old…but overall as a whole..do some squats..


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie