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Archive for the SFW Category




Gal Gadot Lesbian Kiss from Hell of the Day

Gal Gadot Lesbian Kiss from Hell

I fucking hate Saturday Night Live, and all things Saturday Night LIve…and I hate comic book shit, like Wonder Woman, it annoys me, and I hate anything that represents women power, because it is cast and starred by a woman and it is called wonder woman when really it is just pandering to pervert dudes who objectify women, the comic book socially awkward dude who jerks off to powerful women because he can’t get women…and the women they feature are just parody of actual women..

I hate that the industry manipulates the media into acting like she’s a feminist icon, some Israelite who doesn’t matter, who is old, who just kind of appeared from no where

I hate that her kissing some twerpy looking SNL cast member who makes too much money is considered news…

I hate everything the world has done and become…where this type of thing “matters”…aren’t there better things to watch, enjoy, jerk off to…seriously…zero fucking hot here..watching a lesbian looking chick dressed like a boy kiss some Wonder Woman…isn’t my fetish, but maybe it’s yours….

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Demi Lovato Provocative of the Day

Demi Lovato Provocative

I find it interesting, not that interesting, but interesting in the context of doing this site, none of this content is that interesting, but sometimes the hypocrisy of some of these people is interesting, whether it is lesbian Demi Lovato, turned Bi Polar disorder, turned Wilmer Valderamma’s girl for a decade, who got fat and loved the empowered woman movement, to breaking up with him and going racy, tits out, pussy out, drawing attention on herself because being an exhibitionist, in slutty content is now considered to be empowering or feminist, when really shit’s just clickbait…a girl objectified at a young age trying to maintain that audience doing what the porned up generation considers valuable…half nakedness.. works for me, but I still find her gross.

Demi Lovato Provocative

Here’s some Demi Leaving her Hotel:


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Rita Ora is in Miami of the Day

Rita Ora is in Miami

In case you were wondering where Rita Ora is, or was, she’s in Maimi where she can wear her one piece bathing suit and show off her cleavage, the only reason she matters…literally the only reason anyone gave her a chance…

I think it is safe to say you weren’t wondering where Rita Ora is…and that you don’t care where Rita Ora is…but the fact that she’s in a bikini and it’s being handed to you makes it alright information to know…I figure..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Alexis Ren is Nude in Bed of the Day

Alexis Ren is Nude in Bed

I like that Alexis Ren has figured it all out, and in reality it’s not that hard to figure it out, if you have a banging body and some social media followers you garnered over the last 4 or 5 years of being slutty on social media, getting you to some 11 million follower zone, bigger than most actors, you might as well give the fans the nudes, in an era where nude doesn’t fuck up your career, rather than find a clever way to polarize your slutting to really maximize cashing in..

She’s one step away from running a membership private snapchat where people pay her 30 bucks a month to watch her masturbate..

Why do corporate deals when you can just masturbate to 1,000,000 people paying you 30 dollars each…

Seriously…get it girl..just enough butt crack to not be seen as a whore..

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Rosario Dawson’s Upper Thigh at Comicon of the Day

Rosario Dawson's Upper Thigh at Comicon

I find it interest, not that interesting, but insteresting for the sake of this post, that Rosario Dawson goes to Comicon and flashes a room full of virgins her pussy, yet, I put up a pics of her that were “alleged” leaked nudes, that I don’t even think were that racy or memorable, but that happened, for a bunch of virgins, and her lawyers come after me…

The world…is unfair, girl just wants you jerking off to her, so do it….even though she’s old, tired, expired, she should just kept the nudes out there, this too much thigh when her tits are her good parts is annoying…


Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty in a Netflix Movie of the Day

It was Bella Thorne’s birthday, she’s 20, no longer a teen, and the Hollywood Reporter listed her as Top 10 Actors on Social media, I guess in terms of followers, and all it took was acting in a Disney show once, taking the vinestar approach to social media, hanging with vine stars and posting slutty fucking content..

She’s not that interesting, exciting, or hot, she’s got a tranny face, she’s got a good body, great tits and is just fucking living the cheesy LA Disney kid, fame hungry life being lazy and capturing it all like an entitled cunt…and there’s nothing wrong with that…

Some people just go viral, and unfortunately, all social media has done is allowed people who would fade away, to maintain some level of relevance because people don’t unfollow…and now…instead of new blood, we’re forced to deal with the same shit over and over and over again…because Hollywood only cares about social media following

Here are videos of her Birthday cheesy shit – where she’s doing cheesy shit…but TOPLESS.

Here’s her terrible skin at some bullshit she shoulda stayed in for…or at least worn a mask for…nipples out..

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Fat Ariel Winter Still Working Out of the Day

Fat Ariel Winter Still Working Out of the Day

Fat Ariel Winter is really into showing the world that she’s into working out to offset the fact that she’s chubby, neckless, weird looking, with massive tits she keeps getting surgically removed…because she just keeps on eating…

But if she shows you her working out, it means she’s healthy and fit…with her sloppy young body!!

I always like the fat girls at the gym, who try so hard to get fit, but they just never quite get there because cake is so good…and they are lazy…it’s a fetish….better than just fat girls sitting on the toilet eating baked goods….

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Rita Ora Butt Cheek of the Day

Rita Ora Butt Cheek of the Day

Rita Ora is so shameless, and attention seeking that a butt flash seems so basic, so “been done”…so expected when she leaves the house…

I am looking for famewhores and attention seekers who still put some creativity into their famewhore and attention seeking…

You see…people like Rita Ora required effort, and tactics, and sales pitches to get where they got…it meant meeting people, connecting with people, getting them to take her semi seriously, while staring at her tits…

So many women in the world are attention seeking, thirsty, trying to get attention…but only the top tier ones actually pull it off…and when they do, they get lazy, it was too easy for them..and they “chill”…

Well..I’m into looking at all ass, but I prefer looking at ANUS…so step up girl..just cuz she’s got money and people giving her attention like she exists…DOESN’t MEAN SHE gotta go and get stagnant and stop trying you know….

Shooting her own music video..gives a girl an ego…but I guess it could be worse and she could be Katy Perry or some shit.

Here’s a bonus that’s not really a bonus…some Rita Ora in a sports bra…shit…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Pussy Eats her Leggings of the Day

Charlotte McKinney Pussy Eats her Leggings

Charlotte McKinney barely exists, she never was actually famous, it was a fake follower, use some of her dad’s money he doesn’t pay tax on because he’s from the Bahamas, how convenient, and in jewelry vending, also convenient, and build that audience in Florida…that you trick some rich guy you meet at a party and distract with your tits into thinking you are hot – and next thing you know – you’re on Dancing with the Stars…

A literal ZERO on the popularity charts, not even TRENDING on instagram, she may have done one shoot that didn’t even count as a shoot for Guess? and on fucking TV…as TV scrambled to tap into the social media market without knowing anything about it..

Well, now her big tits have another big friend, her big pussy, that’s eating her pants…pretty much the most she’s accomplished in recent years…since the scam worked out for her…you know…she exists.


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Face is Trashed of the Day

Hailey Baldwin face is trashed

Hailey Baldwin is such low hanging fruit, she barely exists, but she’s trying to exist…

She’s got millions of followers, she groupied every Kardashian and Hadid she could…

She had her dad’s talent agencies and PR people she grew up around supporting her…

She fucked Bieber when she was underage…

She’s basically replaced Ireland – her weirdo cousin with more famous parents..

She’s put in the work….I mean more work than most lazy entitled rich kids…and it is all for her ego…to be the best, to get the jobs, to fit in, this is what the kids want to me…SOCIAL MEDIA….it’s lazy “watch my life” …reality shows that aren’t as fun as reality shows…

But that face…is fucking mangled..

I’m guessing fillers, injections, whatever…but it’s jacked up and 45 lookin….

Weird…..but her bikini top pic is ok..

Better than this anyway…..


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW