I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Sugar Baby Amber Heard as Aquaman of the Day

Sugar Baby Amber Heard as Aquaman

That’s hardly an ass I would get manipulated into marrying…even as a broke ass who lives in a basement apartment that my fat wife pays for with her disability check…so I don’t know what kind of drugs she was feeding Johnny Depp, who could virtually have anyone, especially at that time, to lock in with her and end up breaking down cuz of her, looking like an asshole thanks to her not having any respect for the man who feeds her, or who fed her, or who legitimized her, because women as a whole hate men for being men and that’s partially why this uprising is happening…

I mean, when you’re a gold digger attached to an ego rich dude like Johnny Depp, you should kind of no your role, instead selling the motherfucker out. What a cunt.


Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Chantal Jeffries Brought Out them Tits of the Day

Chantal Jeffries Brought Out them Tits

Chantal Jeffries is a bieber fucker turned instagrammer turned hangs with other instragrammers turned jack up face with the big titties on …big titties that she doesn’t need to tuck into her boxers or even put in a bra because that would defeat the purpose of the see through shirt she’s wearing for the paparazzi…

So whether you know this thick, rapper fucker looking girl or not, you can appreciate them big titties in the see through shirt…


Posted in:Chantal Jeffries|SFW




J.Lo has the Fat Ass in Leggings of the Day

J.Lo has the Fat Ass in Leggings

I didn’t like J.Lo’s fat ass in the 90s when it entered my life uninvited…and I by default I don’t like J.Lo’s fat ass now….it’s pushing 50 and you can say “damn looks good for 50″…or “I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for losing bladder control cuz she’s old”…or “I don’t mind a little grey pussy hair if her pussy hair wasn’t waxed off thanks to being a trashy escort of a woman”…or “I kinda like that she’d have dentures if she wasn’t rich enough to have veneers”…but it’s still pushing 50 and that in and of itself makes her disgusting…and a reminder of all the old ladies in Yoga pants around the world worth fucking, but who shouldn’t be in yoga pants because they are 50…it’s all so depressing this aging process being delayed for rich people with their good diets, trainers and surgeons…you know..


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Sarah Hyland in Pajamas of the Day

Sarah Hyland in Pajamas

Sarah Hyland always creeped me out – she looks like malformed, premature baby, maybe on hormones by her parents who sold her to the entertainment industry…who really knows, I just see a 25 year old who looks like an 8 year old in all aspects of her life, and she’s now acting and dressing sluttier…while looking like an 8 year old and I find it wrong…

The dudes who jerk off to Sarah Hyland also creep me out, because she looks like an adult TWEEN, on some Benjamin Button shit….

The outfit Sarah Hyland chose to wear in this IG story selife…creeps me out..for obvious reasons, but the fact that she did it for her creepy fans, who are into it for creepy reasons, is all intentional…and creepy..but I can’t help but post it.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Maxim Still Exists and They Had a Halloween Party of the Day

Maxim used to be a big deal and they used to pay me for traffic, back when they were a magazine and I was a website and they didn’t know how to be a website, so they’d buy plugs on sites…I didn’t mind taking their money, but I did always find them pretty fucking lame…

Then the magazine was taken over by their lawyers, when they couldn’t quite figure out how to make all that stupid Maxim Money they were making before print died, and those lawyers would send me legal letters, threats to sue me, to take down all the images of theirs that I had on site because they paid me to post them…so I kind of hate Maxim…

They were sold to some rich kid, they are doing better shoots, they are still doing their parties and Hometown Hottie Next Door shit…they still exist…and they had a Halloween party…and the top notch girls showed up…here are the pics….

Tara Reid was there and she’s perfect….always up for a good party…with a gnarly Cameltoe..

Joanna Krupa was there because Maxim created her many years ago…

Lindsay Pelas and the Big Big tits

Aubrey O’Day is not dead….

and Emily Sears…

Not one single relevant person..like real bottom feeders here – but it happened and I wasn’t invited…a fucking gang of washed up hookers…


Posted in:Aubrey O'Day|Emily Sears|LIndsay Pelas|Maxim|SFW|Tara Reid




Chanel Westcoast Butt Shot of the Day

Chanel Westcoast Butt Shot

Chanel Westcoast has 3 million followers, but I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that no one gives a fuck about her ass in a thong…for some photoshoot for god knows what – because it’s the instagram generation – everyone has 3 million followers and her MTV career was so flimsy and irrelevant that her fan base doesn’t even know why they follow her, they just rememeber the name when they see it and see that 3 million people are into her and figure “I should be into her too, you know to be current, on trend, with it”…even though none of us know who the fuck she is…and are wondering whether she’s going to release a sex tape or not because girls from the internet are better while having sex on camera- because these girls are all virtual hookers – but where there is a hooker there should be close up penetrations….

Posted in:Chanel Westcoast|SFW




Irina Shayk Bra in Pajamas of the Day

Irina Shayk Bra in Pajamas

Irina Shayk may be a soulless, communist Russian babe, but she gets it. She used her Russian chick spy tactics…you know her cold manipulate the cock that can feed you for the rest of your life…and get what you want out of it. She took her communist discipline and applied it to being a hot chick. She aimed high, she knew she could have been mail order or an escort, she knew she could have been a cam girl, but she also know that she was too hot for that and but instead went the find rich and famous people to leverage herself into the mainstream, to find more rich and famous people to knock you up because you are in the mainstream..

It’s a cold war era OLYMPIC gold motherfuckers…and her tit is out in a bra from a few days ago in pics I may have already posted by I just saw them a minute ago and thought I should post them…I always listen to my instinct..

Here’s some sugar baby / model / gold digger / mom of a celeb baby tits in a bra at an event from last week – revisted.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Bella Thorne Tranny Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne Tranny Bikini

Bella Thorne is some identity crisis, really popular or followed on social media for having a skinny / fit body with some rocking tits that she likes to expose, post up, celebrate, be masturbated to….because all kids her age are very into this DIY celebrity….after her mom whored her out to the entertainment world, getting her on Disney and making sure she “matters”…

Now she’s a raver, being the weird EDM party monster that I guess is finally mainstream. I’ve seen these costume wearing weirdos at the parties for pretty much my entire existence…in the 90s it was weird and funny, in the 2000s it was weird and weird, in the 2010s…it’s mainstream and the Disney kids are doing it…

How far we’ve advanced as a people…the mainstream has officially gone from GAP wearing, Top 40 listing, suburbanites and they have become the half retard – E- TARD – raver idiots who will all have mental problems 20 years down the road…but that’s ok because they have mental problems now….

I don’t know about this social media thing, or what it is doing tbut I think it’s gonna stick…because that’s what all these people are into…

Here she is in public with her boyfriend / guy she manages

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Hadid Nipple on Social Media of the DAy

Bella Hadid Nipple on Social Media

I have reported this picture of mangled, jacked up face Bella Hadid the world famous model rich kid who posts her tits on social media becuase it’s the trend, it’s the style, it’s what feminists and empowered women who want the world to see their rockin’ tits do, not for attention or success, but because they are women, shameless women, vapid and egotistical women, narcissistic rich women, who like all eyes on them, and who probably don’t even realize the scam they’ve pulled off, but think they deserve it all…because they are important…

Now, I don’t hate that these bitches post up their tit pics, I like it, but I also had our step_Girls account deleted after years of doing it, because of not showing tit, and that hypocrisy has been my entire life doing this, some sites post tits and get called porn, other post tits and get million dollar deals…born to lose or some shit…while losing..

So I like to see if there is such thing as favortism, while knowing there is such thing as favortism, while being on the non-favorite side of the fence it kind of sucks, while for peoeple like Bella Hadid everyone allows the nipples because they just want her and the other famous sluts using the IG platform for free to keep share prices up…facebook you elitist, non inclusive devil you…

If I was to post this exact pic, that I pulled from her IG, to my IG, I’d be deleted…


It doesn’t…the world is unfair….

Here are some other pics..

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Top 20 SFW Cam Girl Clips of the Week

Every week we put together this amazing, inspiring, entertaining, comical, lovely video piece featuring our friends from the Cam world doing things that aren’t traditionally associated with what they do…you know masturbating for perverts…because they are SFW…..

I’ve been watching Cam Sites forever and realized the best part of the cam girl show is not the hardcore part, it’s the build up, the personality, the performances to get people in to want to watch the hardcore part…

Some girls don’t even get naked on cam, and people just watch them, because they are that compelling in their act, or the dudes are just exhibitionists..

Either way, behind every climax to any story…is the build up….and this is how these amazing babes build it up….not everything is graphic and out there…some things are fun, playful and a good time.

That said, you can see all these babes naked and fucking themselves if you CLICK HERE

Posted in:SFW|stepTV|Videos