I'll Make You Famous…

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Madison Beer at a Breast Cancer Event of the Day

Madison Beer Bra Top

Madison Beer is some stage parented girl who is barely famous – but possibly signed to Beiber’s record label – because Beiber likes hot young girls to either monetize or fuck like they were Selena Gomez before she went for the big black more popular cock in her quest to be relevant – calculated little child star…

Madison Beer is best known for posting racy enough content to social media for the perverts..

She’s at some Breast Cancer event supporting Breast cancer by showing off her tits to make anyone who has survived breast cancer and lost their tits jealous of her tits…

In a “look at that inappropriately dressed young girl”….to which we say “she’s empowered and can dress however she wants she’s a woman and it is her right”….to which I say “But why show off your tits when showing support to women who cut off their tits”….it’s like going to a blind person and bragging about how good you can see..or going to a AIDS walk and showing dudes all the unprotected anal sex you have because you got into unprotected Anal sex after they found a pill to prevent AIDS…or going to an amputee / wheel chair / paralyzed event and showing off your dance moves…it’s in bad taste…but young tits are alright even in bad taste..right..


Posted in:Madison Beer|Madison Murray|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Backlit Sunset Bikini Shoot of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Backlit Sunset Bikini

Alessandra Ambrosio is some mooch bitch who won’t back the fuck off her career as a lingerie model, even though she’s near 40, to give room for hotter, younger, more eager bitches, because her ego…just won’t allow her to accept she’s old as fuck..

So she works out, she starves herself, she looks great for near 40, but back the fuck off girl…let the hot young girls in…no one needs to see half naked middle aged bitches in half naked action in an era where young hot chicks get naked all the fucking time…

She just can’t take what she got and move on..she’s gotta be all greedy as fuck…the worst.

She also Left the Gym recently…in Gym Clothes…Erotic


Posted in:Alesandra Ambrosio|SFW




500 Year Old Brooke Burke’s Bikini Yoga of the Day

Brooke Burke's Bikini Yoga

Brooke Burke is a 500 year old skeleton with fake tits, you probably don’t remember her, but she had a minute of fame from being on some show called Wild On, where she bikini partied around the world it what looked like it was a lot of fun, so fun that Tara Reid took her lead and spent a decade doing it….

Brooke Burke was also on dancing with the stars, definitely two very low hanging fruit places to be for a set of fake tits..

But she’s managed to leverage that into whatever the fuck it is that she’s doing, fitness, lifestyle brand, mom of a few kids, a rich husband, weird creepy pervert fans who actually hacked the the site many years ago over a post I did on her…which blew my mind, as does the fact that whenever I do a post on her, her plastic surgery, her tight for an old asian lady fake tit body that reminds me of 1992, people send in hate mail….

I can write horrible things about horrible yet more famous people than her and no one cares, I call this bitch, her mom stomach in shameless bikini yoga paparazzi pics out for being lame and inbox fills up with death threats.

I don’t know why..but maybe she’s an alien and has brainwashed the world…MAYBE…people who like hacking like old ladies in bikinis…


Posted in:Brooke Burke|SFW




Rose McGowan in a Bathing Suit in Malibu of the Day

Rose McGowan in a Bathing Suit

Rose McGowan fucking loves attention, you know this, we know this, partially because of all her campaigning she’s been doing the last few years against hollywood now that she doesn’t get cast in movies because she’s old and not the hot piece from the 90s, the only reason she was getting cast in the 90s, great tits in the 90s she once was…

So she’s really championed the Harvey thing, being someone who got a shitty settlement out of him, only to see her career tank, and his continue to flourish, you know take that 100k and forfeit millions but at least you have your integrity and that legacy of being the half naked, exhibitionist celeb from a sex cult….

I don’t think what Weinstein did was good, it’s fucking criminal and dude should be locked up, but it went on for so long because the women it happened to – allowed it and became rich because of it…and it’s easier to turn on a guy once you’ve already made it…and you have that voice..but they participated, took hotel meetings, bought into it thanks to their fame hunger being greater than their self respect…they are victims from one perspective and participants from another..

That said, Rose McGowan, known for her tits in movies, likes the eyes back on her, this is what she’s wanted since virtually disappearing, it’s what fame is about, you get addicted to your self…eyes on you, cameras on you, etc…

So with the new press, the new position as the voice of abused women in Hollywood, she’s gone to the beach for some staged paparazzi bikini pics..because that’s how it’s done people…this is PR…this is “Don’t you wish your girl was hot like me”…a whole “I don’t let power men sexualize me, but I did have a bunch of leaked sex nudes..so freaky fucking that is consensual for her to share for attention is all good…

I like her thinking…fuck the gross fat guy trying to sexualize women, sexualize yourself it’s feminism…

Then do bikini / bathing suit paparazzi pics…for the tabloids to keep talking about you because you like that…it’s feminism…your body…just being the most basic you can be.

I think she’s confused – but her tits are still great…and that’s what matters really..


Posted in:Rose McGowan|SFW




Heather Graham with Some Ass Flash in the Short Shorts of the Day

Heather Graham with Some Ass Flash

Heather Graham is old…she’s not known for her ass…she’s more about her tits…or we’re more about her tits…or I’m more about her tits…because I will admit that roller girl was a hot thing to me back when it happened in 1999 or whenever it was…close to 20 years ago…and she maintained being a hot thing with great tits for a while after that…I just haven’t really thought of her since then…but she pops up here and there…1000 years old ….but today…in her weird onesie outfit…flashing a whole lot of leg on legs I don’t remember noticing…she’s back on the map….mainly because she’s skinny in this fat world…and skinny legs are my porn…who needs tits or really ass…or a face that is youthful and fresh with skinny legs…NOT ME….that’s the answer NOT ME…I don’t need none of that just give me the skinny legs…

This is the hottest thing we’ve seen all year.


Posted in:Heather Graham|SFW




Mariah Carey Singing at “Exclusive” Fashion Parties of the Day

There was some Karl Lagerfeld hipster bullshit fashion party – put on by VMagazine or some other scammy bullshit that people buy into because they are rich and bored or looking for legitimacy or trying to be part of something fancy, exclusive, New York…because really all these people are, whether it’s the Hadids, or some small enterprising and dialed in “artist” rich kid, is scamming…like magazines will post this selfie and be like … ‘GIGI AND BELLA FIERCE SELFIE”…or some nonsense and others will be like “OMG did you see the Hadid Selfie OMG”…in a world where the Hadids shouldn’t matter, don’t matter, but people are tricked to think they care…what kind of brain washing is that shit…weird brainwashing really…I blame lazy media.

trying to associate with whatever is cool, whatever the public deem cool, being a part of it like it’s summer camp, and they are the cool and connected kids, living out childhood dreams of being relevant…and finally being relevant…but to who really? The general public? Maybe….I don’t know…but I do know that it’s lame, it doesn’t matter, it’s just noise, but Mariah Carey’s tits were there and they were massive..

Posted in:Mariah Carey|SFW




Barbara Palvin in Panties – NAUGHTY of the Day

Barbara Palvin in Panties

Barbara Palvin is on a mission to reclaim her early in success life…because when she was a fresh 18 year old she was signed to Victoria’s Secret, being positioned as the girl Bieber fucked, when really he was fucking married gold digger Miranda Kerr, and all the while this one, PALVIN, had no idea what was going on because she was Hungarian, plucked out of her small town, cold water flat, and forced to do press, photoshoots, promote panties…

Then she met Stella Maxwell, who moved in, stole her contacts, took her job, leaving this one to fend for herself, still young, but forgotten…

She ended up getting fat, spent a few years figuring it all out, and now..she’s got it…panties…

Panties brought her here, panties will take her where she needs to go, so while she was sexting on the phone in her hotel bed, wearing some panties, her boyfriend said…let me stand above you like a predator, now you look up at me, scared, unsure, but willing….and we will go viral with this shit…the good old fashioned looking down on a half naked chick for instagram pic.

I like it. Slutty, but not straight up and explicit slutty, but slutty none the less.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato Erotica

Demi Lovato is garbage. She’s been this advocate of no make-up, get fat and lazy while you have a boyfriend who may be a homosexual but who did have sex with Lohan at one point, only to get dumped because she’s a pig, and go off on some slut tirade that she positions as empowered feminist but that comes across as girl getting dumped so she dropped weight, took slutty selfies, wears make-up and is craving that male attention, or dyke attention, since Demi Lovato was a lesbian at one point in her bipolar existence…

She is now taking pretty vulgar crotch shot selfies, like this was Disney Executive casting couch, far worse than any weinstein, because kids are involved….only 15 years later..

I don’t get it, but I’ll still look at it.

Behind every slutty selfie is a dude girl’s trying to piss off…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Meredith Mickelson Proves her Body is Real and that she Works Out of the Day

Meredith Mickelson Working Out

Meredith Mickelson is some social media model with 1.4 million followers – repped by an agency called The Lions – who rep a lot of the VS models and girl’s not only figured out out to find fake followers on the google for cheap – she’s also managed to get the industry to give her a shot – because that body is skinny and ridiculous…

In an era of fat chicks succeeding – it’s nice to see a girl proud of being skinny, not fat, looking good, whether she’s got the fake followers or not – she looks good.

I also like that she decided to defend her ridiculous skinny body – by telling the world she starves herself – and by world I mean the 900,000 people from Pakistan who follow her…

It’s nice to see a girl serve a purpose and have an actual cause, like telling the haters she isn’t a just photoshopped…like all the other girls, but I bet she has the face injections…

Here are some videos of her..

Either way, I like her….

Posted in:Meredith Mickelson|SFW




Kate Hudson Not Drunk or Fucking All of Hollywood Til They Kill Themselves of the Day

Kate Hudson In a Magazine

Kate Hudson may be an old as fuck celebrity thanks to her old as fuck mom being the actual celebrity – who had to you know do the whole casting couch, be cute an fun and hireable for the producers of the time – do the whole date important people to be the hot chick in the romantic Comedies of the 60s…only for your mooch daughter to take over for you thanks to you handing it to her – since she’s your daughter and by default you like her…

She may also be a budding entrepreneur with her Yoga line that she’s attached her face to that has gotten pretty big..

But she’ll always be the hollywood rich kid who pretty much fucked everyone famous over the years, leading at least one to attempted suicide…who likes to drink…because life is a party when your life is handed to you….

She’s in some fashion shoot, and I figure why not look at it, because why not…why not anything right…because why not..

At least she’s hotter than her sister Jennifer Hudson…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW