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Archive for the SFW Category




Lottie Moss, Socialite in a Bikini of the Day

Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss and I don’t think she really claims to be..

She’s more into using the last name to get her into all the right parties, or have the paparazzi take pics of her, or get into Reality shows as “Kate Moss’ sister”…since it’s far better and more fun doing that than going to college and trying for a real job…right.

She spends every single week in a bikini, at the beach somewhere south of London…and it’s a good life she’s got…and she didn’t even have to do shit for it, let the sister do all the hard work, ride the wave…

It’s actually a better life than being the star of the family, no pressure when you’re the lowlife mooch living in the family owned condo…riding the credit card your sister gave you to shop with…

Living the good life..and to make things better, she’s got a hot little body in that bikini. I’m a fan.

from the IG


Posted in:Lottie Moss|SFW




Katharine McPhee Panty Flash of the Day

American Idol Katharine McPhee who has since turned into some TV star I don’t really care about…

I don’t really think about Simon Cowell’s cumshots that he’s thrown at the industry via his television brain washing show…to see whether it trips out of Seacrest’s ass or not…

If that makes sense, I mean, I like to think it makes sense, but I am more into dicussing Simon Cowell cumming in Seacrest like a married couple trying to have a baby, but they can’t because the wife has no idea the husband was smart enough to Vastectomy…as breeding is gross…

The point is, whether she’s an American Idol or not, an actress or not, celebrated or not, she’s still a girl petting a dog flashing her panty covered cunt and that makes her a friend of all of ours.


Posted in:Katherine McPhee|SFW




Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

Rita Ora wants you to know that she’s more than just tits…she’s also an ass…in a bikini..for the paparazzi as part of her PR strategy to get publicity, to stay in the media, to maintain that level of celebrity she has, even though no one really knows who she is or what she does…at least not in America…because we don’t have to listen to her shitty music she used to get her Work Visa…or that she used to seduce a Kardashian, a Calvin Harris and whoever else along the way….

We can just focus on what is actually important…her actual skill…her actual ass and tits in a bikini….


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Demi Rose Chick and her Crazy Fat Ass of the Day

Demi Rose is a known instagram hooker, she has 5 million followers, she produces really shitty images, and she’s got Kim Kardashian type plastic surgery, fake asses and face, and tits, and waist, to give her that instagram filter look in her everyday life..

She is 22 years old, she clearly fucks black guys, or at least embraces the look the black guys are into, so that the white guys follow suit, and I’ve bene told that she actually gets paid to fuck…at least according to my source….but then again…so does every chick I know…they don’t need 5 million instagram followers for that.

I’ve seen a bunch of paparazzi pics of her that I ignore, because I don’t support picture of girls who look like this, they creep me out…

But I couldn’t ignore how clownlike and comical these cartoon ass shots in shorts were…what the hell is going on here…it’s weird..but I’m into it…knowing that this is the ass of the future…a fake one…that looks silly as fuck in person but great is cheesy selfies…I mean I guess it’s better than working at walmart as a cashier…or as a stripper..right.

I don’t know how people like this, but they do.


Posted in:Demi Rose|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld’s Bathing Suit on Set…of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is shooting a movie that she’s wearing a one piece bathing suit in…

I am assuming she’s on the swim team, or the diving team, you know some compelling story of overcoming an obstacle and at the climax of the film, she ends up winning the race….even though they pretend she’s not going to…because humans need really basic storylines that end up aspirational…hero…whatever…

The real issue is why she’s wearing ill fitting spanx, it looks like it is holding in a mic or some other thing, like an insulin pump…is she diabetic? I don’t know…I just know that ass shots in bikinis or bathing suits are better when there isn’t a mid thigh skin colored short under said bathing suit…

It’s almost offensive and weird..but if you look close enough, you can see her nipple and that should be all you really care about.


Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Elsa Hosk is Ridiculous of the Day

Elsa Hosk was a shameless titty model, who I guess got some exposure in the model scene because she’s hot as fuck and when the brand Victoria’s Secret was looking for some new promo models who looked a lot like their old promo models, to replace their old promo models while they went off to get pregnant, with new promo models, she got the job….even if her work before Victoria’s Secret was just a lot of topless shit….

Well, the promo model who was off on disability is back, leaving the future unknown for this temp / scab….and she knows she’s gotta put work out there to get people to support her and keep her working…and what better way to do that is slutty pics….because slutty pics get noticed…even if they aren’t that slutty, they are still slutty enough and she looks amazing in them.

I’d sign the petition to keep her around, even if she’s pushing 30…this is still good.


Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Kate Beckinsale’s Daughter in a Bikini Top of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is the name of Kate Beckinsale’s daughter with Charlie Sheen, or some other Sheen, that is probably not HIV positive, but could be…

She’s 18, going to college, and her mom was just recently stalked or had a stalker arrested because she doesn’t understand passion and excitement when it comes in the form of some socially awkward nerd, who coincidentally is 99 percent of her fan base…

She’s was at Comicon / Aspergers Convention in Tampa fighting for her life because nerd fans can be weird…

While her young daughter you’ll want to fuck, even if you’re not a Vampire Beckinsale fan, because she’s 18….showed off some cleavage….

I’m into the new generation, but historically, I have been the last 3 decades….so it’s not saying much, but it is saying – keep up the good whore pics.

Posted in:Lily Mo Sheen|SFW




Sarah Hyland Butt Shot of the Day

Sarah Hyland freaks me out.

I think she had some traumatic experience at a young age, probably from her parents whoring her out to the film industry, that did the opposite of most girls who are traumatized at a young age, you know their period at 7 thanks to traumatic experiences…and this one ended up never getting her period….stunting her growth, delaying her puberty….and keeping her weird looking in her adult years….all big head, little body, on TV for such a long time that people are used to her look, but that probably wouldn’t be into her…if she wasn’t on TV…

TV career is like that thing that makes a bitch better than she is, increases the stock price, and the broken, traumatic aspect of her character, makes her more fun to fuck, horny, dirty pig, trained by pervert execs at a young age.

It’s nice….but not as nice as seeing her butt for instagram like a low level fame-whore, basic chick. It normalizes her…despite how weird she looks with her child body….a child body that is likely why you pervs are into her.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Jessica Simpson’s Cleavage of the Day

I have a big titty on 40 year old bitches fetish…

It doesn’t have to be a celebrity 40 year old mom with monster tits…

It can be any bitch in her 40s with big tits…

I’ve been seeing so many of them, all womanly, pre menopausal, and I’m not sure if it’s just the hormones in the food or something like sluttier clothing, or girls giving it a shot before it is too late, or if I was just never open to big titty 40 year olds…as I had this cut off age of 24 and that made them invisible…

That’s not to say I haven’t banged 40 year olds, or older, in my life, it’s just to say I either blocked it out and hated it or…just blocked it out…because with big tits usually comes gut, sloppy ass, and thighs…

So seeing a 40 year old like Jessica Simpson, young billionaire, showing off tits at a kid’s birthday party, knowing the rest of her is fat…isn’t the hottest thing ever…but it is good enough for me….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Jessica Alba Tits of the Day

Jessica Alba shook her mom tits while making a mom joke about them being hormonal and milk filled because if you know anything about pregnant women – they are disgusting, they know they are disgusting, and only have their tits to carry them through the pregancy and often times the first year of being a new mom, thanks to it being the only thing their husbands want to look at or fuck, but also because their pussies are shredded and can’t be fucked.

I guess what I am saying is that Alba, even knowing she’s an old Alba, knows to use the tits for that attention that makes her feel good now that she can’t cheat on her husband with actual celebrities for a while, since that’d be weird….seeing as she’s got his baby, or what they think is their baby up in her..

Point being…

I’m into this mom tit thing..

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW