I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Nude Joy Corrigan of the Day


Her name is Joy Corrigan, she’s a Florida based model, probably a sugar baby, but then again who isn’t a sugar baby in this internet generation of wanting to live the rich life, and figuring you can stomach banging a 50 year old in exchange for a good life, because you can rationalize that they take good care of themselves, they workout, and they have nice houses where you can be lazy, do nothing all day, living the medicated housewife life waiting around for them to come home, in really nice egyptian cotton sheets, on a really expensive house that likely has an Ocean View…better than work…

Or maybe she’s Billy Corrigan’s daughter…

I don’t blame hot girls for wanting rich guys instead of jobs, or rich guys for wanting hot young girls who get naked in photoshoots on their quest to become famous…whether they are in LA, New York, or LA – they are all the fucking same…they all run in the same circles, circles I don’t participate in and never would even if I was a billionaire, but that I don’t mind judging while looking at nude pics of a girl, because just appreciating her nude, huge fake tits, remembering her as Charlotte McKInney’s sidekick, isn’t enough for me…

I don’t know much abotu Joy Corrigan, but I know I lover her as much as I’ve ever loved any other woman…and that’s by staring at them tits in sand….black and white…shadows hiding her pussy – so dramatic.

Posted in:Joy Corrigan|SFW




Michelle Hunziker in a Bikini of the Day


Michelle Hunziker is a 40 year old mom in a bikini from Switzerland becauase it is neutral territory filled with hot 40 year old moms in bikinis…

My favorite thing about her was her tribal arm band tattoo, but I guess her fit as fuck body isn’t

She’s apparently a TV host / model, she’s got 3 kids, she’s been a bikini before nd will be in a bikini again….I never bother posting her in a bikini – even though she’s always in a bikini and has been for years – because women die at 30 for me – but the 25 year olds of today are so fat – I’m forced to ignore old aging weathered faces – to focus on tight body…It’s crazy to me that a 40 year old mom of three has a tighter body than most 25 year olds…but apparently – it happened…


Posted in:Michelle Hunziker|SFW




Bar Refaeli Definitely Pregnant of the Day


Bar Refaeli is still pregnant – that baby hasn’t crawled out of her vagina – tearing her apart – giving her big tits purpose as they feed new life – since they’ve stopped performing for her – but did do a pretty good job for her throughout her 20s – from A-List men, to A-List Brands – to having the money to go back to Tel Aviv and fight terrorism from the comfort of whatever luxury apartment she lives in…

Baby making is not hot to me, I don’t like ready to drop porn, but I do like how ugly women feel / or how beautiful they think they look, in this weird emotionally unstable time – that lead to posting big titty pregnant selfies, putting themselves out there, like breeding is a beautiful thing we should rejoice and celebrate – because they are rejoicing and celebriating – when all I want to see is before and after pussy pics…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Subtle Outfit / Casual Posing of the Day

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I call pictures like this casual. Where a cunt poses hard and cheesy and owns it. Like the street is her runway and the hired paparazzi her adorning fans – or the people in the audience at the fashion show of her life…

It’s so shameless, so ridiculous, and basically what a group of fame whore girls have been doing for the longest time in their self promotion…financed by the yogurt shop…

I just prefer when the pictures on INSTAgram are more “INSTANT” and not some photoshopped bullshit lies. I prefer when the paparazzi pics are casual, and the girl in them doesn’t want to have her pics taken like she’s having her privacy invading – LIKE SHE IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL WHEN PAPARAZZI HOUND HER…

But instead everyone, especially Bella Thorne, are fame whores, who love the attention, who love the camera, who work it for the camera as part of their marketing strategy and who don’t care how silly they look, because their entire generation does this FOR their IPHONES, at least Bella is on TV and in movies and is doing it for reputable hired paparazzi – like she mattters…

This girl is one of the more relevant names on social media getting work in movies…and this is how she behaves – loving every second of it – reminding me that the glamourous exclusivity of hollywood is done, and it’s just a matter of who can be the bigger fame whore getting half naked – in a bikini top on the fucking street – to get noticed…and it’s really too bad…because if hollywood is so basic, accessible, cheesy and lame…what are the kids going to aspire to…I guess getting half naked on the internet – fingers crossed that they’ll make it…I guess that works for me…so keep it going Bella Thorne…slut on…forever…you 40 year old looking 18 year old gift from the trash can of florida…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Rihanna Humping the Stage Video of the Day

“Which one of my Scottish fans took this video???” – Rihanna’s Social Media Coordinator when reposting this video.

So last week this video of Rihanna performing on a glass stage that she didn’t fall through, but she did hump to give fans the illusion of her humping their face, directly on top of the camera, that she obviously knows she’s grinding up on – and because Rihanna lap dancing, slamming pussy in the face of the world is a big deal, it went viral…

I didn’t post it, because I didn’t bother posting it or looking for it, but Rihanna posted it on her social media yesterday – calling out the fan who shot it – who she basically face fucked…because she wanted more people to see it – and since she is my leader, my god, the only thing I worship….I figure I’d post it too…because Rihanna pussy is magical…it made her famous and I appreciate the reminder that after fucking up when the videos came out because I was in a park watching girls tan in bikinis – you know, doing important things, and that I forgot the video existed when I got back to my computer because I’m over stimulated by garbage slutty internet content and I can’t be held accountable – to remember to post..this shit…So thanks for the reminder BAD GAL RIRI…without you this would have gone into archives of my brain amongst all the other bullshit I’ve seen on this internet thing.

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Iggy Azalea VS Fan of the DAy

Guy thanks Iggy Azalea for ruining hip hop….which is funny, even though she probably set this up because dissing celebrities brings me joy….but it would be better if she was actually hip hop and if hip hop actually still existed – seeing as hip hop is really just pop music and Iggy Azalea is some fat assed white girl who managed to get a couple hit songs – because of that thanks to the world having no taste and no sense of authenticity..

I don’t like Iggy Azalea for a lot of reasons, her stupid rapping is one of them, but her shitty attitude and lie being a stripper, when we all no an Australian coming to America means she had a work visa and a work visa costs money – so she was already hooked up….all while barely being hot, despite her massively huge ass, that wasn’t that hot, but I guess black producers liked it and fucked it and make her relevant…

This is probably her best work.

Posted in:Iggy Azaelea|SFW




Jennifer Aniston’s Non-Pregnant Pubic Mound of the Day

Jennifer Aniston was pregnant in a bikini a few weeks ago, that was the story, and now she’s no longer pregnant in leggings…

One could assume she was just experiencing Menopausal bloat, but I guess she could have had a miscarriage.

She may pretend she’s still young and hot, but she’s 47 years old – which is pretty fucking old…even when you have a pile of money to hire the best cooks, fitness instructors, and people to surround you and tell you how hot and amazing you are – while execs at studios and agencies suck up to her too – they used to watch friends when they were kids and she’s an icon to them…but an icon doesn’t make for an iron lined uterus….no matter how much her ego wants to breed now that her looks are faded….and her “hot chick” angle is more hollywood fantasy than likely or realistic…so settling down to retire and mom would make sense – and for a narcissist that works best when you have kids of your own – otherwise you “Mommy Dearest Them”…you know adopt for PRESS and abuse because they annoy…

I guess what I am saying is that even when she was hot – dudes ran from her…all dudes ran from her…so she is either a terror or the worst…or just someone you don’t knock up…and cheat on with Angelina Jolie…But you can stare at her mound in tight pants, even if she’s better suited to show off her nipples.


Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|SFW




Ava Sambora Still Bikinis of the Day

Ava Sambora, is a rich kid trying to make it, and who I truly believe could make it, even if her mom barely made it, but got to where she did by making it, with dudes who were into making it with her….she was still on TV…

So this Ava Sambora has still got the name, opportunity, finances, and youthful, marketable, commercial look and spirit to be the next big thing…the next Gigi Hadid, the accessibly hot, tight body, moderately cheesy, yet relatable half naked girl..perfect to promote bikinis, or Carl’s Jr, or any of the real basic stuff that bros and dudes are like “look hot girL”…

YET – she chooses to do the stripper / hooker / instagram immigrant model route..with all the money and connects, she chooses trashy….and it’s weird to me…. is she that sheltered and disconnected that she doesn’t know what is cool and what is not, so she jumps on the whore hustle…or is she just blacklisted by the industry..because of who her mom is…or is she just clueless and takes anything that happens fo rher – I DON’T GET IT…

But I do think she should hire me as her manager. We could make magic / a sex tape.

She is great. Misguided rich kid who could, but great…ass…great ass.


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Aneta Pajak Bathing Suits for Vogue Russia of the Day


Aneta Pajak is a Polish model and these Vogue Russia pictures aren’t that interesting, unless you’re old and still fascinated by seeing the Mob run country picking up on western things like Vogue – when you remember the 80s when the country wasn’t filled with billionaires but rather despair….in government issued work camp outfits…sports uniforms – etc…and this whole freeing things up, even if it’s all corrupt and not a democracy at all, just makes Russian brides less exciting to import because they don’t need to escape for you, they just need a plane ticket and where is the fun in that. I want Siberian mountain climbing – almost freezing to death to build character and make a bitch like my basement room I lock her in – rather than being all fancy and demanding Rolex watches and shit…which is where these soulless opportunists who know they are hot – because they have big social media followings can go right for the money / a listers like Irina Shayk…rather than take whatever comes their way – and in a lot of ways, they gained their freedom – and we lost part of ours..

Here’s Aneta Pajak in a bathing suit, if you can jerk off to these, you’re weird.

Posted in:Aneta Pajak|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Still Has Big Tits of the Day


In case you were wondering – Charlotte McKinney still has tits…and in case you were worrying – she’s still uses them as aggressively as she can without being considered porn – since brands don’t like giving money to porn –

They are a natural wonder of her world, and she should be using them aggressively – before it’s too late and either the rest of her catches up to them, or they get cancer and need to be cut off or some shit…MAXIMIZE the gift…

And luckily, she’s very florida about shit..no, not on bath salts shooting gays like a racist – or eating homeless men under the underpass – but in a stay as cheesy as fuck – in neon – like you work at hooters or the topless donut shop…





Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW