I'll Make You Famous…




Sara Sampaio Wet T-Shirt Contest of the Day

Sara Sampaio Wet T Shrit

Sara Sampaio looks a little too much like a Portuguese Fisherman / Tom Hanks who is also Portuguese….to really get me excited…in part because my first bosses at an internet company were Portuguese making me racist towards Portuguese people, only to learn after meeting actual Portuguese people, that they are in fact great people who embrace being the armpit of Europe according to the rest of Europe, making it a cheap travel destination to an amazing place with amazing food….that my Portuguese Racism is more directed at first generation Canadian Portuguese people because they fucking suck.

So Sampaio, the fisherman’s daughter, looking like a relation to those losers I once worked for, can’t be something I’d ever jerk off to….she’s beyond fucking average and how she became this “model” worthy of importing to america to work for the most coveted brand these whores, aka all whores crave to work for because it will mean that they are “Hot” by the mainstream standard…makes no sense to me…but it happened.

I guess now that Victoria’s Secret is half dying, she’s doing wet t-shirt contests with herself, which is really the level of “modelling” I’d peg her for, if it wasn’t for that whole VS thing that makes no sense….either way, she’s fighting to get the views like her dad fights with a sturgeon he’s trying to reel in that could feed the family for a month…. and this is how she’s doing…

Sara Sampaio Wet T Shrit


Posted in:Sara Sampaio




Madison Beer Short Shorts of the Day

Madison Beer Sexy

Madison Beer got them big titties which makes her relevant…or in her case, she probably believes her own hype like all these other girls do and assumes she’s not just relevant but that she’s actually IMPORTANT….but the truth is she’s just a Youtuber, like all the other Youtubers, who are overpaid by Youtube because Youtube likes to pay the creators fairly so they keep producing and getting them views, and the 100 million dollars they all make per year doing some lazy fucking videos because they have that audience that will watch them rant about anything…makes Youtube 10 times maybe ever 100 times that….so it makes sense to keep paying them, which makes them think they are really more important than they are…because Youtube is the real money maker in the whole equation…

That said, Madison Beer got her start on Youtube when she was underage, so she was part of the OBVIOUSLY criminal and creepy as shit pervert ring targeting underage girls on Youtube….in plain fucking sight…she made that Youtube Money doing cover songs, a tactic to get views, that gets even more views with the titties pushed up….and she now markets herself as a singer or popstar that NO ONE has ever heard a song from…but we have seen her tits in various states of marketing efforts…which I appreciate because she’s scamming the media into thinking she’s this “artist” when really she’s just a social media whore…it’s kind of funny…does she even sing? The paparazzi seem to think she does as they follow her big tits around, but I just think it’s another example of a fucking overhyped internet lie…

Madison Beer Sexy


Posted in:Madison Beer




Taylor Hill Bikini of the Day

Taylor Hill Green Bikini

I just googled Taylor Hill because despite her being some Victoria’s Secret model in a bikini, she’s boring as shit. I know you may not find a girl in a bikini boring for the sheer fact that she’s in a bikini, that’s enough for you to think she’s worth looking at, and you’re right….but I have to look at these bitches and pull something out of the pictures…and catalog, staged, contrived, bullshit bikini pics give me nothing to work with…they are zero inspiring…

So I googled her, because despite looking fine in a bikini…not “FINE”….like that 90s rap music “FINE”…but “fine”….like “how you doing?” if you know what I mean…just average and uninspiring across the board….

So when I googled her, even google was like “this bitch is boring”….because the result was “Taylor Hill of Skiatook named to Harding University dean’s list”

Bitch is a million dollar earning VS promo model…and the top story on her isn’t even about her…it’s about some dude named Taylor Hill making the fucking Dean’s list…the other Taylor Hill’s got more going on than this one…

Taylor Hill Green Bikini


Posted in:Taylor Hill




Rowan Blanchard Cowboy Boots of the Day

Rowan Blanchard Cowboy Boots

Rowan Blanchard is an 18 year old actress who was on Disney’s Girl Meets World, where I guess she linked up with Boy Meets World alum Maitland Ward to discuss where the real money lies…pornography…

She’s bringing the COWBOY BOOT erotica, because COUNTRY is hot now, which is weird to me since I’ve been a fan of old country for as long as I can remember and I’ve had many conversations that have ended badly because people, the mainstream jerking off to this trending country thing, who would say “anything but country” when asked what they listen to….and now they’re all out here GIT’in Up, or Old Town Roading, or Cotton Eyed Joe….

But Disney kids are shapeshifters who know how to emulate the trends to get in on the trends like they created the trends….Miley did it, Bella Thorne has done it, it’s basically par with the Disney kid training program they all go through….if being a whore is the way the young people are going, you better go whore to continue being relatable to them….and the fact they are Disney kids makes it all more exciting.

Her parents are Yoga instructors, so I get the whole holistic, wholesome, down to earth hippie who would choose a life of being a Disney Kid. The two ideologies seem to be totally inline.


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Jamie Chung Bikini of the Day

Jamie Chung Bikini

Who the fuck is Jamie Chung?


Posted in:Jamie Chung




Rihanna’s Pushing her Lingerie to the Limits of the Day

I guess Rihanna has given up on the whole pop star and singing thing, which deserves some respect, or support, some accolades if you will because I know that the whole internet thing, or social media, these people NEVER fade away, even though they fucking should…so we’re stuck with old timers like J.Lo still thinking they are relevant, still getting support from the fans, which I guess means they are still relevant because the population of drone follower fucks only know how to follow and support the people they are told to, and if the people they are told to follow never go away…they can’t move onto follow other people, that’s far too complex….

So as long as people give these idiots likes and follows, the execs who only care about dollars are going to assume they are important and give them more money and jobs and performance opportunities…

NEVER do these people bow out and say, fuck it, touring sucks, I have made enough money so that I can retire and live a good life…they just keep on fucking going….

Rihanna must be worth over 100 million dollars, her HOMES are probably worth more than 100 million dollars, why the fuck isn’t she just posting up on the beach, laying in a hammock, being tended to by the same people in Barbados who used to make fun of her…I’ve heard stories about how she treats the hired hotel staff working the beach like a rich person would…maybe worse than a rich person would…because she didn’t start out rich so she’s really on that high horse….looking down on the peasants….in a BLACK ON BLACK racism…

THAT SAID….clearly Rihanna’s making a ton of money with the lingerie so that she doesn’t need to work the stage like a dancing clown…busking for clout…and part of her selling lingerie is posing in her lingerie with her now big tits cuz she’s now big…

I am a fan.

Posted in:Rihanna




Jojo Doing the Splits of the Day

Jojo, who is trying to make a comeback after years of falling off despite the high level of fame she had about a decade ago, only to be forgotten, except by her core fans who she was reunited with on social media and who she has been producing content for over the last few years, content that includes her letting is on her secret fat tits, tits she flashed “accidentally” during an instagram live, because free the nipple, which in her case was a fat tit nipple….can also do the splits…I guess that’s how their parents train them when they are prepping them to be fully exploited by the entertainment industry before they turn 18 like the sick criminal fucks they are….

So here she is working on the splits!

Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque




Candice Swanepoel Bikini Party of the Day

Here’s some Candice Swanpeol in a bikini because she’s out here selling her own brand of bikinis that I assume are just a subsidiary of Victoria’s Secret because they have so much invested in her, why wouldn’t they create a brand around her, that has little to do with Victoria’s Secret, since they are going down for being tranny hating, fat girl shaming, evil creepy rich men who traffic women with the likes of EPSTEIN…at least according to the Epstein documentary…that actually implied he used to fuck the founder of VS for access to all his money…but that’s all irrelevant..

What is relevant is that Candice, who barely has a belly button, because either this photo is edited to shit, or she really is just some Animatronic sex doll, that they pretended was pregnant for 4 years like the neighbor on Family Guy, because they were updating her firmware or some shit…

I think it is interesting that she’s got absolutely zero tits of late, I guess she got her implant removed, because unlike the other influencers promoting the environment or boycotting plastics, despite having fake tits, she already made the money off her tits, and can focus to other things…like the fact that she has no belly button.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW




Olivia Wilde Midget Legs in Leggings of the Day

Her last name is Cockburn….and her body burns my cock….not in a good way like super Chlamydia because knowing you raw fucked a millennial for anti-biotic resistant STDs to know you’re still relevant….

This is some long torso, midget leg, yet in still in leggings clown body weirdness…but for some reason, a reason I call brain washing….the media manipulates your minds and your dicks….into thinking wonky ass looking piles of slop are hot….because they are in movies…

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Jane Krakowski Hot Bikini Action of the Day

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart…

She’s pretty daring to bring a body like this out to the beach with paparazzi around…it is some bold, made too much money to care….look at her, that won’t stop the eating….which I assume created this gut…and not pregnancy because she is 50 fucking years old an uteruses die by then….

I don’t even know who Jane Krakowski is….but she is not hot at J.lo age because not all 50 year olds are sluts, some channel their inner beach ball to keep on trend or on theme with her beach surroundings!!

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Jane Krakowski