I'll Make You Famous…




Dua Lipa Erotica of the Day

Dua Lipa Erotica

Dua Lipa is a youtuber who has a career because social media dictates the trends…

Influence is no longer manufactured by marketing people sitting at the desk of a billion dollar media company based in LA and NYC…who have the power to create whatever they want because the audience are easy to manipulate idiots… It is not based on stereotypes from market research idiots who decide what and how much is going to sell.

The consumer, the people buying, now have the power to decide what is good, worthy of buying into, with their likes, follows and their pulling out their wallets as a way to crowdsource or vote on a product or a person they believe in….but probably shouldn’t….

I am convinced it is all the same evil coming at us…whether it is a dude with 5 billion views selling 1 billion dollars of make-up a year with his personal brand…or an evil company like proctor and gamble doing it…it is all the same shit…only the self starting influencer will end up being far more of a cunt for making magic happen, than the board of a public traded company…you know like the Kardashians…and all the big evil brands will just throw money at the influener to have them push product…so really nothing trickles back down to the consumer…we are just consistently fed shit and are forced to eat it…

So when people like DUA LIPA come along, a big youtube girl, the record labels seduce her cuz of the power her name has…throw money at her not based on merit or talent but based on audience…but it dosn’t mean they make good music…it just means Dua Lipa has more fans, money, marketing behind her and the ability to make her own shit songs, instead of focusing on Youtube cover songs…which as it turns out are just shit songs..

So here we are…stuck with shit fucking music…and some barely exciting marketing material for that shit music…

Dua Lipa EroticaDua Lipa Erotica

Dua Lipa EroticaDua Lipa Erotica



Posted in:Dua Lipa|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Topless of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Topless

Ireland Baldwin still trying to be hot….because her dad didn’t love her according to the media..something they play off because I watched her Dad’s roast and the story where he called her a pig was 90 percent of it….but that could have just been his peace offering to get her some screen time so that he doesn’t feel guilty about how much of a loser she is, and he can feel like he threw her a bone, you know cuz she’s a little pig and they like bones…

She’s about 7 feet tall, so her tits she is holding up are bigger than your head…and I guess there’s magic in that.


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Bella Hadid Topless of the Day

Bella Hadid Topless

I don’t buy into Bella Hadid hype. I am well aware of everything she is. The lie that she is. The marketing scam she is. The robocaller, who keeps calling you, almost making you think they are your actual friends, because they are so incessant, only the “model” version…It’s like if we are persistent enough the retard world won’t have enough time to realize it’s all a scam…cum hard, cum fast, and once you cum, they can’t take that away from you…

Why the long face Bella Hadid with the titties out? Isn’t this the face that was reported to be “perfect” by science cuz it was made by science in a surgeon’s office..which is about as impressive as this lame titty pic…she should be forced to do better..but idiots everywhere throw money at her, and she’s already a lazy entitled rich kid to begin with, why would she bother…


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bebe Rexha Chainsaw Erotica of the Day

Bebe Rexha twerking into a chainsaw…which is either fat girls are horny, cuz they have different hormones than the no fat, or maybe it is is social commentary on the current state of Plastic Surgery, like fat bitch could use a trim, a little half of her cut the fuck off, according to the patriarchy, modern medicine and society as a whole…

But instead they will just go with old and fat angle in a FUCK YOU ALL, since her career as a popstar is one that only exists and that only stemmed from needing old and fat pop stars to speak to the protestors of the internet and to avoid conflict or being cancelled for not promoting fat pop singers…

To diffuse the situation…they went through their archive of writers who could sing and pulled from their talent pool..rather than trying to find someone of their own…and now we all have this “never was” living her dream…depressing.

Here is her fat ass in a swimsuit.
Bebe Rexha Bikini


Posted in:Bebe Rexha|SFW




Inka Williams Wet Bikini of the Day

Inka Williams Wet Bikini

I am a fan of Inka Williams. The only thing she’s got working against her is that she was born in 1999 and not 2000…

Going into 2018, I remember thinking that fucking somone born in 2000 would be a huge feat, because I remember Y2K, I was at a party and convinced the host to pull the fucking power as everyone screamed happy new year…such a winning prank in a time when I used to socialize…when I could laugh…before I hid and hated everyone…but enough about me…

Since 2018, I haven’t fucked someone born in the year 2000, but like Christina Aguilera Nudes, each day that passed, it became less and less desirable, and less and less like something I needed to achieve as an old and tired and near expired fuck…it’s best to just sit it out and look at the hot young bodies in bikinis like everyone else on the internet…depressing in its own right, but not as depressing as real life, so that’s good…just not as good as thin, hot Inka Williams…


Posted in:Inka Williams|SFW




Salma Hayek Hot Bikini of the Day

Salma Hayek Hot Bikini

Salma Hayek has always known her role in Hollywood, so the fact that she’s in a Marvel Movie that is currently filming, isn’t really a testament to her integrity as an artist, and more about her knowing her and her titties are clickbait…

She can barely speak english, so what the fuck is she to think when people wanted her in movies back when she became a huge fucking star…so i guess her whole hustle is wanting as many people as possible on an international level – including CHINA looking at her tits…

She is married to a billionaire, so it’s not about the money…or the paycheck, unless there is a clause in the prenup saying “1 big movie every 3 years so I know I’m not married to a fucking money grubber bum”…

She does it for the fans…and I guess now that all the celebs need to have social media, her creativity in self produced posts is limited to “how can I show my tits in various ways” and this is her most recent attempt.


Posted in:Salma Hayek|SFW




Kendall and Kylie Incest of the Day

Kendall Kylie Jenner Incest

I don’t find Kendall or Kylie hot. They are just vapid plastic puppets being used by their psycho mom that is so crazy their dad cut his fucking dick off…years of being emasculated ended the weirdest way possible, but at least it inspired kids everywhere, who are unable to choose their favorite cartoon to watch on a Friday Night with family, to choose their genitals or gender at fucking 8 years old, so that they can go to school, and fight for their individual rights, that they have no concept or understanding of, but that their parents do….their parents want to be such a part of the conversation, and advocate cuz their kids are different, it gives them purpose…put them all on hormones…

Which I guess makes Kris Jenner, the hustler stage mom who understood merchandising, celebrity, and making fucking money…less of a threat…

If these cunts piss, it’s worth 10 million dollars, because it sells 10 million units….That is why they still exist. They can drive fucking sales….to basically anything…otherwise no one would care, pay attention or give a fuck…but in this buy and sell world…they care…

They are muppets thanks to face injections and the family surgeon who’s prized work is shaping Bruce’s balls into a pussy….making Kylie’s ugly face an easy feat….

They are on each other cuz incest in the best, at least according to all the trending porn videos…

If you find this hot. You’re fucked up….

In other news… Here’s Kylie halloween costume…even though bitch is in costume daily, so committed to her fake persona that it’s not just for Halloween anymore…but it is fucking clownlike…

Kylie Jenner Halloween


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kelly Brook Fat Tits of the Day

I have been in a pub with a group of Rugby players that were official Rugby players from the UK, and not your typical weekend league of Rugby players, who are equally crazy, like to drink as much if not as the pros and do equally weird tough guy jock things, that could be confused for homosexual, as it involves rubbing their dicks in each other’s faces, and fucking drunk trash together…living up that Rugby Stereotype harder than the pros…

For some reason, I have no idea why, Kelly Brook came up in conversation, it was years ago, and I guess she was fucking a Rugby Player, she is from the UK, and I guess were all in the same scene…and they went off..

They were laughing about how fat and gross she is. How she’s got the tits, but that they are tits no one should want, how she’s a terrible person who thinks she’s more important than she is, hotter than she is, and that she only looks good in pics cuz she starves herself out before going back to being fat…They laughed about how she went to America to make it at 35, you know one last run for celebrity…they even passed around nudes that I think have been leaked since….

So I feel closer to Kelly Brook when I see her now 40 year old titty content, I feel like I have inside scoop with those who either fucked her, or know people who did….and I don’t think she is so bad, all girls are fat fucks now, but not all girls put all their worth and value into their tits, and if you got tits like this…they should be out there on call, on duty, putting in work….they aren’t retired yet…


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW




Elizabeth Olsen Interracial Sex of the Day

elizabeth olsen interracial sex

Elizabeth Olsen is barely having interracial sex from whatever movie this is from, but it is still enough interracial sex for your white racist ass to be triggered and feel offended by, because not every man is like Maitland Ward’s husband who to spice up the relationship they threw her into BLACKed…

Elizabeth Olsen is the Olsen triplet who still acts and who also looks human…making her the more interesting Olsen…mainly cuz as an actor she still gets half nude for roles….it is the only way to survive…

elizabeth olsen interracial sexelizabeth olsen interracial sex


Posted in:Elizabeth Olsen|SFW




Jordyn Jones Getting Wet of the Day

Jordyn Jones Wet Bikini

Jordyn Jones is an actor from Dance Camp, something I am sure you creeps are very fucking familiar with, but that I can say I’ve never seen or heard of, but assume is the pedo content coming out of Hollywood, cuz Hollywood is filled with a bunch of fucking pedos…

She is 19 now, so looking at her slutty self produced content for her social media feed, because it is the trend, all the young girls are doing it, they grew up on porn, whats celebrating a youthful body in a bikini, it’s not nearly hardcore or degrading, it’s more a celebration that if you take on dance at a young age, and remain fit, and you’re 19, half naked is the only way you should be, cuz eventually it will all end…time is not on her side…so make the most of it…

I know so many 40 year old women who regret not doing this at a young age, back when they could eat and drink anything they wanted without getting fat, with no time machine and no social media back then, it all becomes just a memory….when it should have been documented, yet everytime I offered to use my SONY HANDICAM on them, they’d freak out, leaving my experimental porn videos womanless…

So this is all progress for humanity, at least in terms of celebrating hotness or being your hotest at 19, which really doesn’t matter to anyone, but she won’t regret doing this at 40, and either will her husband who will still jerk off to the archive…oh to be young.

Jordyn Jones Wet Bikini


Posted in:Jordyn Jones|SFW