I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Tranny Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne Slutty Tits Out in a Yellow Bikini

Bella Thorne is the most interesting character on Social Media, probably the most influential girl besides the Kardashians. She gets paid a ton of money to post bullshit. She has been able to manipulate the music charts with her music that I will avoid listening to but that I appreciate because she’s gaming everyone.

It’s the ultimate troll….leverage Disney, be as sensational as possible, get followed, get naked or half naked, have people love you and buy into you and believe your lie….

I like a girl exploited by her mom. They get how life really works and have no souls or expectations because even their moms saw them as a product to sell off…

Here is her bikini, part of her hustle of dominate social media, to dominate pop culture, and eventually dominate the movies, TV and music cuz it’s all reliant on social media…



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Heather Graham Slutty Fetish Pics of the Day

Heather Graham Slutty Bikini

Heather Graham, like all the Celebs in their 40s from the 90s, is making a move to social media because they understand that people are voyeurs and part of being a public figure is letting your fans into your actual life, your actual personality, making a reality show of yourself, that you curate on your feed.

They remember when they had to be totally disconnected from their fans, and when they had to limit their exhibitionism to the movies….but now, it’s the other way around.

If you want to get into movies, to get noticed, to be hired – you need the instagram feed…you need a character that represents you as an actor and the world will buy into you…

It’s really nonsense, but people want real and these puppets who are not real at all have to fake their way through it.

Sometimes with bikini pics doing weird fetish pics like this…

Posted in:Heather Graham|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Braless of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Braless Tits in a White Shirt

Ireland Baldwin or IB(s) as I like to call her, because she’s full of fucking shit, is a 7 feet tall and 250 pounds aspiring instagrammer….

She’s actually been producing instagram content and building up her portfolio for a long time, long before her cousin Hailey Baldwin took over for her and rode the Baldwin name harder than her, and made it further than and really to all the places IB(s) wanted to go….

Like many Amazon women, just not all Amazon sized women, she’s managed to be semi proportionate, despite being 7 feet tall and 250 pounds…so she can Anna Nicole (pre-obesity, slim spa, death from opiates) this shit and confuse the hell out of people in photos because she seems normal sized…so modeling was an option for her, especially now more than ever, but no one cared enough about her to get her work…

She was an unstable monster, or is it a PIG as her dad described her when she was 10, in and out of rehab but finally pulling it together, all dark, mysterious a headcase whatever….

EXISTING in a better like than you have..

Someone gave her a job – here she is for GUESS? – Getting work finally living the dream….her dream….

Ireland Baldwin for Guess

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Bella Hadid Tits Out of the Day

Bella Hadid Tits Out in London Black Dress

I may find Bella Hadid totally irrelevant and uninteresting, but the fact of the matter is that I am totally irrelevant and uninteresting, proven by writing 42,000 posts over the last 14 years and no one actually reading them…..while this rat face has managed to buy her celebrity – thanks rich daddy – and the world buys into the hype because the world are retards….and I blame the tits….

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Halsey Being Black in a Bikini of the Day

Halsey Tits in Pink Bikini

Halsey is black, or a black panther, now that she’s decided the best marketing angle is to promote her blackness, which I don’t discourage, but that I find racist in and of itself, partially because she’s whiter than Rachel Dolezal in appearance and has probably gone through life thinking her half blackness is a funny little thing about her cuz no one knows…like a party trick “guess what, my dad is black” to which everyone goes “whaaaatt no way”….to which she busts out a pic…that’s how the plight of an identity crisis goes…

As a celebrity, or try hard celebrity, I figure she’s exploiting it as hard as she can because it’s current and now and an angle…and I mean she’s black we can’t argue that…and even if being the whitest half black person in the world is a challenge in and of itself…because no one accepts you, even if she’s played up being white as fuck in the media….and everyone thought she was white, because she’s white….

I don’t know what made Halsey think she needs to prove herself as being anything but an EDM vocalist who became an EDM vocalist by raving hard at the club and getting back stage to connect with the EDM people who made her and gave her a career, since these people are accessible nerds and getting back stage at a club isn’t that hard when you go there weekly and know everyone cuz you’re a party slut…

I don’t understand why she can’t just be a fucking human, instead of putting on these labels to keep the world categorized and hating each other. Pretty irresponsible CRACKER.

More importantly, I don’t know why brands use her in marketing campaigns, when she’s been caught ripping lines of coke on a Boat in Miami…like aren’t people held accountable for shit anymore? Or only for racism? I don’t get it.

I guess Sugarbear hair is good for her NAPPY ROOTS

Halsey Being Black for an Ad

Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Marisa Papen Bush of the Day

Marisa Papen Bush Naked on a Chair

In the stepLINKS of the Day, a feature that I spend two hours on every fucking day, pulling up links from the same sites, because I don’t bother finding new sites, I do a “Bush of the Day” link everytime I see a bush I like that I’ve decided is the Bush of the day…..rarely have I don’t a Barbara Bush erotic post, but on the day of her death, I probably would have done one…because anything to celebrate bush is good to me…I don’t even need a reason to celebrate bush…I fucking love it…

I don’t know where my bush fetish started, probably jerking off to Playboys in the early 80s, or maybe fucking girls in an era before shaving off the pussy, but the love for bush is deep rooted, and not going anywhere, and something I encourage every girl to grow out and live with, it’s hot, it’s a nice accessory to the pussy, it makes the pussy more hidden, protected and discreet, rather than exposed scared and alone…and I have been pushing BUSH on everyone, dudes included since the dawn of bikini waxes.

I have no confidence that dudes are the reason for bikini waxes, dudes will fuck anything, I also have no respect for the lesbian social justice warriors who are BUSH advocates who act like growing out a bush is protest, or try to intellectualize it, despite loving bush under any and all circumstances…

I just think it’s the way to go, it’s the easy life,the good life, the hot life…and not a political thing, not sexism thing, not a protest thing….other than giving girls the confidence in their own bush to let me stare at it and not see it as a bad thing..

So Marisa Papen has a bush, she’s some nude instagram chick who I think has been banned from instagram for the whole nude thing…

Marisa Papen Bush Naked

Posted in:Marisa Papen




Whitney Cummings Topless in the Bath in Blackface Making More Racist Jokes that Roseanne of the Day

Whitney Cummings TIts in the Bath

Whitney Cummings is a not so interesting story, of a girl who I assume wanted to be a serious actress but never made it as one, so she decided to do comedy, because she knew she’d be able to manipulate and keep up with the funny guys, because she knew she was always the hot funny girl in her group of friends, and the hot funny girl is likeable especially when comics are notoriously insecure losers who can’t get laid…

So she climbed the ranks, talking shit, and managed to seduce the right people to buy into her, thanks to having tits, and for that reason alone, she’s produced a ton of hit shows, and is rich as fuck.

Sure you can argue she’s talented or has a great stage presence or that her comedy is good…but I don’t know any of her jokes, I’ve never heard her stand up, I find comedy as whole dumb as fuck, seeing a bunch of losers rehearse jokes to make people laugh, like the sole purpose is to make people laugh, is way too much effort, way too try hard, and way to weird for me to fuck with….

But I will say, I am sure her jokes are basic as fuck, accessible as fuck, maybe a little off color and quirky, but ultimately…I doubt they are revolutionary or interesting – but the tits…the tits so exciting…the tits is the real reason she exists…I’m sure of it.

Give a nerd some attention, he’s signing over his life to you, or at least bringing you on to produce shows for him….

Hot girls, or girls who position themselves as hot, go far in life.

So Roseanne, a Comedian who didn’t use her looks to get ahead, back before hot chicks did comedy and her look was expected, because what else is a fat who chick who likes to perform to do besides be funny… can’t get away with calling black people apes….but CUMMINGS can do blackface….seems a little biased…right?

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Miley Cyrus Hard Nippled Blowjob Shirt of the Day

Miley Cyrus hard Nipples in Blowjob Shirt

I wouldn’t say that Miley Cyrus is the best thing that has come from sex, but I will say that she was born 9 months after the Achy Breaky Heart song was released, making me think her mom was the kind of girl you’d expect to be the mom of a young slut exhibitionist…

Whether she was sold off to Disney and became a huge star of her own, she still possessed the redneck country roots her trashy trailer park looking cocktail waitress mom taught her…and for that reason alone..we’ve all had the chance to see her pussy….

Like some Pigeon Forge Tennessee obese escort turning tricks in the Publix Parking lot three hours after giving birth…thanks to her baby daddy, the enterprising Asian earner with a van, after you and your family went to Dollywood (a themepark based on Miley’s godmother, so that you know she’s legit country) and visited the Titanic Museum….and they’ve all passed out for the night and you’re ready for some backwoods meth addict good times…

I like her styling, I like her overall hipster getting naked on instagram vibe, her body always looked good naked to me, so seeing her nipples is refreshing…

Here is her Sister Niece Auntie Cousin – Noah Cyrus – with her vomit inducing ass in a bikini

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|noah cyrus|SFW




Balcony Fuck and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Street Fuck

Haitian Bank Manager Gets stripped and BEaten

Masturbating Indian

Weirdest Lucador Moment

Cop Says “I hope You Crash and Die”

Weird Sex Ed Class

Police VS IDiot

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I have been talking to a few friends who aggressively use tinder to fuck 19 year old sex addicts who were raised on porn, because they get to aggressively fuck 19 year old sex addicts who were raised on porn, and who think being pissed on is edgy, cool, exciting, not a big deal…anal is standard and fucking their girlfriends while you watch is also standard….something that I haven’t quite experienced from internet people…but every dude I talk to sees to have experienced…mainly because I am a vile human being even the worst sex addict would never sex…but I been asked for anal from the random hookers I hire…likely because I have a jelly bean sized penis and it is the only way they feel it…which isn’t the point…my experience with internet meet-ups is that the girl sends you videos of her vagina, insists on meeting you, which you find weird since no one ever insists on meeting you and you’re like “great vagina, fine I’ll meet up”…only to meet her to see she’s 300 pounds…but looks great in a close up vagina pic…forcing you to say “Hey you don’t look like your vagina pics”…or if you’re like me…just never introduce yourself and go grab a slice of cheap pizza before heading home to your wife you hate….

Point being…I have no idea what the point is…but apparently it involves people being pretty fucking horny, just not for me…and if they are, then they are likely 300 pounds…they can smell the sweetness in my Diabetes sweat….

Here are some stepLINKS

The Cast of Roseanne Speak Up….

Camera Man’s Epic Save

Angry Birds Attacking People

How a Tucan Cleans it’s Beak – is the Name of my First Porno

Gwyneth Paltrow – Annoying

Miss Ireland…

Instant Karma

Roseanne Dropped by her Talent Agency

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Posted in:stepLINKS