I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne and Demi Lovato Dyke it Down at the Stripclub of the Day

Bella Thorne and Demi Lovato Dyke It Down at the Strip Club

Demi Lovato is this famous for who the fuck knows why, but we can assume it has to do with Disney exploiting her at a young age…

While Bella Thorne is famous for pretty much the same reason, two stage parented, wild and crazy Disney Kids, who were coddled, made money, aimed to please their families, before having some mental lapse or rebellion….

Two peas in the same exploitative pod…

And they continue the scandal, the hype, the attention seeking you’d expect from two Disney Kids, by going to what I guess is a strip club togehter…

You know, BFF each other, be weird together, be LESBIANS and GENDER NEUTRAL cuz it’s hype and in together…and MOOCH MOOCH MOOCH the paparazzi and fans who will buy into you and your bullshit together…

This is some straight manipulative scamming that I only want to see when there is more scissoring…

Lesbianism, especially when pop, is so boring…

Bella Thorne Dyke It Down in Sheer Dress and Fishnets


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Hadid Cameltoe of the Day

Bella Hadid Cameltoe Tight Shorts No Bra

Sometimes I feel amazed that society embraces certain things as fact…or certain trends…or certain social norms that I don’t consider to make any fucking sense…but that the general population thinks makes sense thanks to being marketed to aggressively…

But then I remember the world is filled with a bunch of half retard groupie idiots, who are really just that, fucking idiots…

So people like Bella Hadid being unanimously accepted as a hot chick, a model chick, celebrated and paid, despite already being rich in a perpetuate these idiots more than we should….surprises me because she’s ugly…but reminds me that the people are easy to convince things you just have to tell them enough…or convince people they believe in to hype them up….in what we call the FYRE FESTIVAL of a model…just straight bunk garbage..

Here are her shorts eating her pussy like they were one of her black boyfriends who I guess banged her out hard enough to be able to fit things like shorts in her vagina…especially when the paparazzi are there to watch…

Bella Hadid Cameltoe Tight Shorts No Bra with dog


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Paige Jimenez Naked of the Day

Paige Jimenez black and white nude tits out

PAIGE JIMENEZ is apparently from Master Chef –

She’s Naked…

I don’t know what that says about her cooking, but I do know when naked we can just order in girl…you don’t need to do that whole getting down in the kitchen and making us all a meal…we can focus on other things…like you being naked…

I like this….whoever she is…I’m sold.

Posted in:paige jimenez




Nicki Minaj Fake Tits and Ass of the Day

Nicki Minaj Big Fake Tits and Ass

I forgot about Nicki Minaj …I wonder if I actively forgot about Nicki Minaj or if I just sort of never gave a fuck about Nicki Minaj and stopped listening to the radio to hear her stupid raps being shoved down my throat like I was part of the #MeToo movement…raped by pop culture I want nothing to do with..

But if you’re looking for your Nicki Minaj update…apparently she still exists, still is trying, has taken her role as Nicki Minaj that she created in acting class seriously…and is still doing it…thank god for that right…what would we do without a fucking hack like this shoving her big fake tits out there to the world…I mean I guess we could turn to instagram and find countless other girls doing the EXACT same thing as her…and they’d be less annoying about it.

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Lara Stone is Topless in Vogue of the Day

I remember when Lara Stone first went viral…it was the 1800s, I think the automobile was being refined and almost ready to introduce to the world, in what would turn out to be both the most convenient yet most polluting invention of all time…roadways were build, Highways, Fast Food Drive In, communities, suburbs…the COMMUTE…

She’s so fucking old…but still getting topless…it’s weird, but not as weird as the fact that she tried to sue me once…for posting pics of her clothed…making her a total fucking cunt, enemy of the site, and a person who I will still post when topless because ultimately I don’t care about being sued, or hated, or noticed, or these people…I just celebrate their tits.

Posted in:Lara Stone




McKayla Maroney Tits of the Day

Mckayla Maroney is doing the rounds, meeting up with the media, talking about the years of abuse she endured when she was an Olympian, and the whole thing makes total fucking sense to me…

I remember when she just finished the olympics, she had some level of fame, was still underage and the perverts of the world…so many fucking perverts were sexualizing her…so many people were sexualizing her…it was before the whole MeToo thing…

I used to say, this girl knew what was up, she was like a victim of abuse of a dirty coach and I was right…

Not that I can spot abused women, but when a girl is 17 and putting up pics of her ass for a bunch of American perverts pretending to be patriotic and supporting their Gymnastics team….you motherfuckers should have paid more attention and got her help.

That said, here are her tits for social media as she comes out of the woodwork…again…to promote herself, draw attention to a bad man, tell her story, who knows…but I do know it’s your American Duty to stare…

Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW




Julianne Hough Leggings of the Day

Julianne Hough tight black leggings and bra

Whenever I watch Julianne Hough…not that I ever watch Julianne Hough…it’s not like I park outside her house in a van, or that I’ve paid her pool guy or maid to install hidden cameras, I live in fucking Canada, I don’t even know where this Julianne Hough lives, I’m assuming LA, I mean why else would the paparazzi have so many pics of her, it’s not like she actually matters that much….I digress.

When I see Julianne Hough…I think about the incest with her dancing brother, you know because they are from some weird religious cults, and incest is one of those things that happens in religious cults….but more interestingly…I think about Ryan Seacrest, her public boyfriend, who she dated…and who I know first hand account dirty stories of…like real dirty stories of…and that I can assume can be applied to this one…you know good little religious girls are never so religious….

I remember hooking up with a weirdo catholic chick years many years ago…and she was fucking crazy…fucking Jesus statues to defy her mom and shit…while Mormon..that’s a whole other pile of shit…if you’ve ever seen Mormon underwear…you’ll know what I mean…

No more Mormon underwear for this Julianne Hough…would make her leggins fitness ass look bad…can’t have that…this is Hollywood yo.

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Chanel West Coast is the Worst of the Day

Chanel West Coast Ass Thong Bikini

Chanel West Coast is such a low level celebrity…a fake rapper from the suburbs who culturally appropriated a black accent, or what she thinks is a black accent, because she’s just that fucking garbage….

An MTV girl from an MTV show you probably don’t even remember….based on the life of Rob Dyrdek or some nonsense….

Only to become a shameless instagrammer which I guess is what all these idiots become….popping that face injected, fake ass, garbage half nakedness for you pervs…

Good times…I guess..

Posted in:Chanel West Coast|SFW




Ashanti is Unemployed & Still Thick of the Day

Ashanti Thickness in Pink Bikini Big TItties

Earlier in the week I confused Ashanti for Aaliyah and I was called a racist by at least one person / the only person who reads this site….

He said “Not all song and dance women of color are the same person”….to which I responded “But I heard all the male actors of color were played by Denzel Washington, can’t the same be true about forgotten R&B singers of the 90s…couldn’t it be an Andy Kaufman / Elvis situation….where aaliyah and Ashanti are the same person”….they still haven’t responded…but I anxiously await..

In the meantime…Ashanti has figured out the complicated dynamic of Instagram…”POST BIKINI PICS”….and she’s doing it..

Posted in:Ashanti|SFW|SFW




Naked Woman on Drugs and Other Videos of the Day

Canadian Bouncer Sucker Punches Drunk

Car Crash in Texas

Tag Team Theft….

Terrible Fucking Parenting

Driver Helps Old Lady Cross the Street

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos