I'll Make You Famous…




Eugenics Heidi Klum Naked For Some Book of the Day

Eugenics Heidi Klum Naked For Some Book

This is some bootleg, spy photo, that may remind you of World War II espionage, because it is some pictures of a book, spy styles..

It reminds me of WWII because Heidi Klum is clearly a product of some Eugenics program that Hitler was running because genetic modification is the only thing that makes sense for why a 50 year old Mom of 1000 shouldn’t look like this…but it does, so stare at her hardcore fashion erotica that is really just softcore porn…nipples through the fishnets if you will…and I will..

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Rihanna Stripper Dance for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets of the Day

I haven’t seen this Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Luc Besson film but apparently Valerian is some French comic, and Luc Besson, probably best known for The Fifth Element, a movie I remember seeing in the late 90s, that inspired all the raver girls I knew to wear ridiculously colored hair and slutty outfits designed by Jean Paul Gauthier….

I don’t really fuck with Sci/Fi unless it’s got elements of perversion, which most of it does, because nerds are fucking perverts, all undersexed and too smart for their own good.

In this Velerian, a movie that came out in the summer and that I didn’t see, Rihanna before she was fat, probably filmed two years ago, had a stripper dance scene and looked good, flexible and lovely, even if it was possibly not her doing all the dancing – but rather some circus performer as the french do…and the video is now on the interent for you Rihanna fans to jerk off to it…take it in…white latex nurse uniform my god.

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Catharina Bellini Brings the Pussy to Instagram of the Day

Catharina Bellini Brings the Pussy to Instagram

Catharina Bellini is some instagram model from brazil, who is not all that hot, and who compensates by being not that hot, by posting pictures of her tits and pussy on instagram, and presenting it like she’s some kind of feminist artist, who like celebrating her period, becuase her period makes her a woman and it should be smeared on white walls everywhere, even though all bodily fluids should really be kept to your damn self, you don’t see me rubbing my giardiasis feces all over the place celebrating eating some immigrant asshole I shouldn’t have eaten…or more interestingly my snot on door handles for all to touch…keep it to your damn self…you bleed, you’re fertile, doesn’t mean I want that shit on my fucking dick or my bed looking like a murder scene…

Either way, pussy on instagram…good times…

Posted in:Catharina Bellini




Demi Lovato Working Them Disney Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato Tits

It’s nice to see Demi Lovato slowly merge into looking like Demi Moore – not because she’s old, but because like Demi Moore she’s jacked up her fucking face so much, all these bitches kind of look the fucking same.

It’s also nice to see her being a hypocritical influence on the kids who go to her concert, one year pulling the whole fat lazy bitch in no make-up, the next being some ripped, plastic surgery ridden bitch, covered in make-up…and all it took was some level of bi-polar disorder – to justify the behavior.

I don’t know what inspired the recent Demi Lovato tits out, looking like a bootleg Kardashian, but it’s happened, and it’s here…and it’s as uninteresting as you’d expect it to be…because you, like me, have no real grasp on who the fuck Demi Lovato is, you just know she’s famous…

Here are some pics of her in a bra…no idea why she’s looking like a pornstar sex doll…


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Selena Gomez Underwear Flash of the Day

Selena Gomez Underwear Flash

Selena Gomez likes getting paid, and this is a shameless branded post sponsored by whatever company made the underwear she’s wearing…you know good old fashioned panty flash…product placement for the paparazzi ad brought to you by PUMA…

I am assuming she’s got at least a million dollar deal doing shit like this, sports bra and underwear strap, looking more fit than ever, thanks to the new Kidney that prevents her from retaining water, you know working the way it is supposed to, giving her a second chance at life and at trying to be hot – despite being this defection chronic auto-immune disease freak that has way too much money, and emotional damage that she is….

I think playing god, when you’re some church going weirdo, who represents nothing by evil in all she does in life, with the money grubbing and false-idoling…not dying when you are supposed to, harvasting organs from your organ matches you let live in your house conveniently…is some fucking weirdness…

But I’m ok with the sports bra, underwear strap, jacked up face…I mean what else should I be looking at, my pig wife watching the Price is Right…I choose Selena….flat stomach, no water retention, no problem…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day

Mila Kunis

The most disgusting thing about Mila Kunis is that she has let Ashton Kutcher cum inside her at least twice – creating a baby or two that will live this entitled life thanks to his dot com billions and her Hollywood money…when really, the world would have been a better place if he stuck with Demi Moore, who was unable to get pregnant, thanks to her uterus falling out during one of her plastic surgeries, coupled with her being old..

The fact is that it’s pretty sad that Kunis went running back to Kutcher after their teenage love affair on That 70s Show, after she was with CULKIN for a decade, never quite sucking his dick as well as Michael Jackson did..

I figure she went to the familiar rich place, like a friend she had a special bond with, instead of venturing out in the world getting Weinsteined…or really doing anything but ending up with Kutcher, that guy is fucking annoying.

She posed slutty for some magazine called The Edit, because she’s promoting some movie or some shit, and the whole thing is probably exciting to her creeper fans who have been following her forever and can’t get enough of her, even though she’s old…

Mom tits being used to trick you into thinking she’s hot so that she gets cast in movies and paid…all these money grubbers everywhere…

Posted in:Mila Kunis|SFW




Fergie’s Got the Bikini Butt Shot of the Day

Fergie is not dead, even if the meth addict who managed to pull herself out of the meth, before developing an opiate addiction to chill out on the meth, should probably dead from the Fentanyl overdose, like all these people dying of Fentanyl, but rather like a cockroach with too much money and too much positive influence and feedback…constant affirmations..people telling her she’s great so that bitch gets up in a bikini on her social media…

At least she’s fit in her old age…and that her butt videos don’t focus on her faces of a meth…jacked up face of meth…and while looking at her it’s amazing that she had a kid at 60 years old…these rich people…they got all the good doctors…I mean except their plastic surgeons apparently…

Posted in:Fergie|SFW




Brooke Candy’s Heart Nipples Continue of the Day

Brooke Candy's Heart Nipples

Brooke Candy is some irrelevant female rapper that I guess Iggy Azalea based her performance on.

An actual stripper who turned her stripping into bullshit music career….that involves her pulling her tits out…

She had a minute, probably 5 years ago, where all the hipster kids were into her, and thought she was good, or important before she died, figuratively, because clearly she’s still alive and a reminder that she’s alive with the posting of her new barbed wire hearts around her nipples tattoos..

Sexy…ghetto, trash, not sexy at all, but posting nipples to the internet is a good time.

Here she is getting her nipples tattooed because she’s clearly a crazy person, possibly molested as a kid, weirdo…

Posted in:Brooke Candy




Julianne Hough Mormon in a Slutty Pose of the Day

Julianne Hough Mormon

Julianne Hough is some Mormon Dancer gone wild, posting bikini pics of her hard nipples, on what could be fake tits and the whole storyline about her is pretty funny, mainly because I remember her as the girl who dated Ryan Seacrest, another American Hero, Mr Fucking Nice guy with the big smile, but I’ve known girls and transgendered women who have fucked Ryan Seacrest and have heard the stories…

He makes them all check their phones in at the door, sign an NDA with a security guards, before being let into his Anal sex, cocaine filled dream house that was once owned by Ellen.

I have no idea why he hasn’t gone down yet, I personally know 3 women from different places who had the same treatment from the guy, and they all said the same thing, that he’s a midget freak with a small penis, who is likely gay and super aggressive and abusive…

But for some reason, they are whores, who don’t want to out him…I don’t know why…but his day will come, he’s too fucking weird…

And the fact that this one was publicly with him, makes her a lot more naughty, but since she’s in Hollywood, that kind of comes with the territory..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Rita Ora in a Bath Robe to Host the EVMAs Other Sluts Attended of the Day

Rita Ora in a Bath Robe to Host the EVMA

Rita Ora clickbaited by being cast to host the EVMAS by doing some “Hotel Robe Life” as her outfit at the EVMAS – which are the EURO VMAS – because MTV is international – in what I guess was her attempt to be gangsta rapper, or funny or ironic, making her look not put together, even though she spent hours getting the robe outfit just right…

And the amazing thing in all this is not her clickbait, her sense of humor, her look at her in a hotel robe…that she gave free advertising to, it’s the fact that she’s famous in Europe and kinda famous in the USA, but in Europe she’s known and that’s why she’s invited to this shit as a star..

But she’s still a nothing to me.


Someone named Sabrina Carpenter:

Someone named Natalie Dormer:

Someone named Madison Beer in a Push Up Bra with her Hair Stubble:

Someone named Hailey Baldwin with the Jacked Up Face…Real Jacked Up Face


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW