I'll Make You Famous…




Hilary Duff Thick Mom Thighs in SHorts of the Day

Sometimes, usually around meal times, I like to look at pictures of Hilary Duff’s well fed thighs…

I’d say they were magical, but that’d be an understatement, sent from heaven while I know there is no heaven and that god is just a construct of man to control the population, a lie…so I’ll just say I want them wrapped around my head, crushing me like those watermelon crusing fetish videos on YOUTUBE…cuz they are strong and that’s how I want to die.

I may have never liked Hilary Duff before, but her sturdiness…in shorts…excites me…it’s like you can’t even push this girl over if you tried…and that for some reason…is erotic…


Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Ariel Winter Fashion Model of the Day

Pig Ariel Winter…is a little monster troll that people are confused by, so by default they think she’s hot, thanks to a set of rebuilt tits, a stamp of approval by TV execs who brain washed the simple minds into thinking “If she’s on TV she must be hot”….you have to remember that people who watch sitcoms are the same people who buy infomercial crap…mindless idiots…

Well, she is in this photoshoot, you know doing some modeling, showing you that she’s more than a paparazzi bait in slutty outfits…and that her troll face that is normally hideous can be made up and lit and filtered black and white to look good enough, to justify her celebrity and all that…

I prefer when her ass is hanging out of shorts and her doughy tits spilling out everywhere, because these are boring, but you need some of these to help her sell her other pics, she can’t always come across as a monster…

For the record, I’m not saying she looks hot here, I am saying with modern lighting, make-up , photoshop, she looks less disgusting…and that’s a good thing…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




India Westbrooks is Interesting of the Day

India Westbrooks has 3.2 Million followers on social media, yet I’ve never found her. From my googling, which was really flimsy googling, I found out that she was a “socialite”…and with a name like Westbrooks she must be some kind of royalty, only after looking at some of her pics, I would have to say, she’s probably more the kind of girl who fucks and gets knocked up by pro athletes…

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t party, have a good time, or look good in her topless pics she posts for her 3.2 million followers…knowing that that is why they are there…

I guess the world or America likes…trashy girls, from Kardashians to this…there’s always hope for stripper looking porn trash to make it…

I am a fan, terrified but a fan.

Posted in:Uncategorized




Heidi Klum Still Brings it in a Bikini of the Day

As someone who spends his day around girls in bikinis….you know, a real expert on the subject, despite never being on the beach, never quite leaving my house, but still an really good judge of how girls look in bikinis, because I stare at bikini pics all day, and because I’ve been around at least one girl or group of girls who clearly photoshop / facetune the fuck out of themselves for social media, with confidence, despite having to go out in person to be busted for the bullshit….

I can say with confidence that at 50 years old, this Heidi Klum mom of 6, who has been banged out from every angle, is pretty fucking good….a ROBOT maybe….or just a product of Nazi Germany genetic modification…

I like it.


Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Jessica Wall is a Topless Model of the DAy

Jessica Wall is a model no one has heard of, but that doesn’t mean she’s not working or making a living as a model, it just means she’s insignificant, doesn’t matter, and all that other good stuff..

Well, she’s naked in a photoshoot, her tits hardly exciting, but it happened, they are out there and it is my duty to document her, and really any of these girls trying to make it the titty way…which as far as I’m concerned is the ONLY way…

She’s already signed to an actual agency, take that hotter, better looking, instagram models, you got nothing on this Jessica Wall….and her naturals.

Posted in:Jessica Wall




Ashley Tisdale Attempts Braless and Fails of the Day

Ashley Tisdale is trying to stay youthful and with it with these going out in public without a bra on…but she’s so old, disconnected and irrelevant that she failed at her attempt…it’s like we see that she’s not wearing a bra…as no girls should be wearing bras in this era of no bra…but the censor bar is so big and clunky…it just seems like a 40 year old mom who pretends to be young and with it…trying to prove she’s young and with it…while just embarrassing herself…

I used to get emails from people who went to High School with Ashley Tisdale saying that she pretends to be a 25 year old while playing a teen on High School Musical, but she was really in her mid-30s then…so 40 now…

Still pretty tight body, even if her style’s garbage….and body is more important than a mangled face, as Tisdale proves daily…


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW




Madison Beer Showing Off Tit of the Day

Madison Beer is a young hustler, out there making moves with her big tits and average at best talent, but that is made better with big tits, as everything in life usually is…big tits are everything..especially on a small frame…

You may have no idea who Madison Beer is, and despite loving beer and thinking maybe her family invented beer, it’s more likely just her porno name…she just hasn’t done porno yet…

She has seduced Bieber into a record deal from her YOUTUBE account her stage parent ran for her when she was under age…and she has seduced a Beckham into fucking her teen body…and I guess she’s also mastered stage paparazzi pics, while so young, because young girls can be fame whore opportunists also…proven by the shoulder drop of the jacket…pretty hilarious to me…in a kind of hilarious I can jerk off to…thanks to big tits.


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Bella Hadid Posts Paparazzi Nipples of the Day

You gotta be some kind of narcissist who is really into herself to post a picture that the paparazzi that you called on yourself took of you – because you like the way your mangled plastic surgery lips and nose and tits and stomach look….

That’s enough on that.

But check out the nipples…because she wants you to…and if you know anything about influencer marketing, following their lead is the answer to all things vapid, disgusting, and superficial in our pathetic society and existence…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Britney Spears Slutty Middle Aged Menopausal Mom of Two Workout Content of the Day

Britney Spears is looking pretty good for a middled-aged menopausal mom of two in her workout gear…because Britney Spears is back, at least as “back” as she can be, thanks to being a middled-aged menopausal mom of two, who thanks to being old can’t have more kids, even though as K-Fed will attest to, knocking her up is a real win….no more…

She’s fit, her body good, her parents working her hard because they still own her…she carries them with her song and dance scam…and while rolling into her high sex drive late 30s..things could get exciting if she just gets off the meds…

I’m starting to get into 40 year olds….there is something about their battle wounds I appreciate…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Car Sex Busted by Moral Police and Other Videos of the Day

TRUMP Ignores Disabled Boy..>The DEVIL

Guest KOed at the Florida Valet

Woman Pepper Sprays Teen on Subway

A Couple of Guys Flogging Each Other

PERV on the BUS

Car Diving Olympics

Croc EATS Shark

Guy Tased While Restraimed by Strapped into Chair by Cops

Guy Harassing Woman Gets Smacked

Drunk Bike Rider

Zombie MODE….

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos