I'll Make You Famous…




Gillian Anderson Full Tit on the Day

Gillian Anderson had a tit slip showing the world her breast while on vacation in a bikini

Gillian Anderson tit hanging out of her bikini top – no matter how old and sloppy Gillian Anderson is – is clearly the fucking best thing ever for Gillian Anderson fans, who definitely exist and who as a society as a whole we can probably say we’d rather didn’t exist…all that aspergers nerdy awkwardness and cum soaked sweatpants in public…after a game of LARPING or board games….is just fucking weird…but harmless I guess….I shouldn’t hate on nerds, I have a fucking blog, that’s about as punk rock as being a teen girl…and not in the discovering my tits or sexuality or getting my first period way…in the I am a grown man doing shit teen girls do for a living…that’s worse than weridos who jerk off to Skully and her tit.


Posted in:Gillian Anderson




Adriana Lima is Hot for Harper’s Bazaar Spain of the Day

I’ve been hating on Adriana Lima for getting old and fat for a while now, but these black and white pics, despite being for a bootleg market, of Harper’s Bazaar, is good fucking times, it’s like she’s not a 40 year old mom at all…and I like it….even if everything she does, mainly promo model for the evil underwear tycoons, is pretty garbage especially according to her god, as she’s a weird Catholic, who is apparently going to hell….which I guess is hot in and of itself…get naked for money….instead of joining the convent or some other catholic shit…

Hot ass…Hot nipples…NAUGHTY

Posted in:Adriana Lima|SFW




Olivia Munn – Where the Pussy Meets the Thigh of the Day

Olivia Munn wants you to see the place where her pussy meets her leg, one of my favorite places to bite gently on a woman I go down on, before giving her 27 full body orgasms, at least I assume they are orgasms, unless they are just rigor mortis, like how a chicken runs around pre-death…I mean I don’t remember ever disposing of any bodies so it’s probably not that, you’d just think it was based on the chances of me eating pussy with a voluntary person…

That said, Olivia Munn pulled off a scam, pandered to nerds and now exists in that world as pretty top level actress, not to give her more credit than she deserves, but good fucking scam girl…

I still say my favorite thing about Olivia Munn is knowing that one day she’ll die, and it could be a horrible way, getting what she deserves…and that’s about all I like about her…but I also don’t mind the place where her pussy meets the thigh…


Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Shay Mitchell VS Nina Dobrev in a Canadian Brown Girl Bikini of the Day

Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev are two Canadian brown girls who made it in America. They both got on weird shows with weird pervert fans and both got all famous in their own right. The kind of annoying actor famous where they genuinely think they are super fucking important. The kind of annoying actor famous that means they aren’t about to talk to me when they come back to Canada for their grandma’s funeral or to film a movie and pretend they are connected with Canadians while really being LA cunts who think Toronto is so quaint or some shit…

Well, they are both uneventful in bikinis and I figure, whether they are too cool in their minds for people like me at the igloo party or not, they can be reduced to how they look in bikini and compared to actual hot chicks on instagram who don’t act they are a solid 5 and a half….but to people into their acting, I’m sure they are a 10….

Looks Like Garbage to Me…but when I put bikinis on garbage it looks less appealing…damn rotten cabbage why can’t you smell better…



I guess Nina Wins…she had more pics…and tried harder. Even though both are try hards.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW|Shay Mitchell




Candice Swanepoel in a Tank Top of the Day

Momma Candice Swanepoel is wearing a wife-beater that used to be a fetish to me, mainly from the 90s when girls didn’t wear wife beaters and if they did – they’d have bras on when really all I wanted to see was that shit braless since it was see through – then one day I did…and my life was changed forever, or at least for a summer, that was spent convincing girls I had over that the only clean shirt I had for them to either sleep in when they drank too much of my date rape drink was a wifebeater….I’m such a pervert….and clever pervert who always had one bed to guarantee they’d be in my bed for sleepovers..

I don’t know how I feel about a lactating bitch in a wifebeater, who isn’t even lactating, because she’s got fucking nipple covers to prevent the lactating on, something that I would rather see lactating because it’s wet t-shirt from within, not from me dumping water on the shit….unprovoked…before being called a sex assulater….jerks.

What I am trying o say is that the bitch in the wife-beater isn’t lactacting the right way…


Posted in:Candice Swanepeol|SFW




Lucy Hale Bikini Top of the Day

Lucy Hale is in a leather skirt – with her tits all hanging out.

Maybe that’s how she got herpes…

I was told she has herpes by a reputable source, because why the fuck would I go digging to find that out about someone I barely know exists…and why would my contact or source go out of their way to tell me about Lucy Hale’s herpes since Lucy Hale barely exists…it’s not like we have Lucy Hale gossip parties, it’s more like “Dude my friend banged Lucy Hale, she’s some chick from a TV show, she’s got Herpes” situation…you know…having herpes in Hollywood is just status but still herpes…and also the reason she’s wearing a leather skirt, not pants, to avoid cooking up and the stinging when sweat drips in…


Posted in:Lucy Hale|SFW




Greer Grammer Bikini Party of the Day

Greer Grammer is a little celebrity rich kid who I want to fuck of the day – and despite doing her own acting thing, or bikini whoring on the social media…I am into her..

I’m not sure if it is becuase Frasier was a coked up whore loving Hollywood sitcom star, that makes me appreciate the vagina his sperm helped created, or maybe I just like that she’s less vocal or popular than all the other celebrity kids doing the instagram model thing after fucking the Bieber…like Haley Baldwin…you know…

Celebrity kids are pretty top tier in spoiled, living the good life, being entitled, all while trying to break free from their parents, while riding their parents name hard, and it’s a dynamic I like jerking off to…

Interesting party though…

Posted in:Greer Grammer|SFW




Britney Spears Lingerie Erotica of the Day

Britney Spears put up some dance videos…that you can masturbate to.

So you should thank her for that – by masturbating to them…

You know, because she’s Britney Spears and thus a magical creature in lingerie outfits for shitty pop shows everyone still throws money at because she’s Britney Spears…

A creature who keeps on producing, or bringing in the money, for her parents that have found a way to keep her captive, legal slavery, and earning….it’s the way of the south…ingrained in their redneck roots…and something they’ve done good with….and the good news is…at least she’s not fat.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Cristina Buccino in a Bikini of the Day

Cristina Buccino Bikini Vacation

Cristina Buccino is some big titty “model” with 1.5 million followers on instagram -so she must be important, or maybe she’s just rich from being on that social media hustle, getting paid from all angles, so that she can afford to take all her friends on these expensive 10k a day yachts in the South of Spain…

You know it can’t belong to some rich Euro dude that just likes having slutty big tits around in a bikini to help stylize or justify or validate all the money he’s made and the nice things he can afford….you know to assume she’s a sugar baby is just typical of my opinion of instagram models. I am such a misogynist.

That said, who are these people, 1.5 million people care about them – but I’ve never heard of them. Instagram must be a lie…

Posted in:Cristina Buccino




Sarah Hyland Skinny Legs of the Day

Sarah Hyland Shows Off Her Skinny Modern Family Legs

I give fat slob pig bitch Ariel Winter so much attention on this stupid dog shit website – because I find it interesting that she is some broken fat girl with fat tits that has been exposing her fat tits for a while because she likes the attention – and the following of perverts who liked watching her grow up and a PR team behind her thanks to her massive TV show she is a part of, you know one of the last ones still out there, as the networks struggle to stay alive as they adapt to the internet and Netflix, so she’s known..

But Sarah Hyland, the creepy faced skinny one, who doesn’t look like she fucked the CRAFT services all day everyday eating her feelings, she was more of a stress starver because her parents, like Ariel Winter sold her to the industry also…and for that…she deserves some love…or fingers pointed at her that would rather be trying to make her squirt…but we aren’t exclusive enough for that…snobby freak looking bobble head.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW