I'll Make You Famous…




Rat Cow Messy Ass Grab of the Day

Rat Cow had a friend grab her ass in some mud bath – leaving hand prints on her ass – for her social media that I am blocked on…

Because that’s just the kind of shameless whore, using her friends as props to get pervert fans to watch her feed and jerk off to her. It validates her, it helps her grow her channels, and ultimately allows her to polarize her existence to be more than just a titty model, but rather a fashion icon, or a socialite or who the fuck knows, I just know bitch is getting paid HEFTY for all her brand deals….so the scam, the great tits, the casual ass slaps…all work for her…and I am sure some of you wish you worked for her…cleaning her panties with your mouth or some shit…

I think she’s overrated, not that great, but she’s also not that bad either, she obviously knows this is all a joke – her career, instagram, the checks, just cash em when you can…

I think she’s the fucking worst, but I like knowing she has had sex with directors and actors for her movie roles, I find that funny.

Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




Kendall Jenner Panty Flash of the Day

Despite the wishes of her mom, the pimp who raised her to be the whore that she is, Kendall Jenner wore panties to flash the paparazzi.

Her mom / or one of her mom’s, the one with the dick turned into a pussy, was pushing for the no panties, but Kendall knew that just came from pussy envy, since he didn’t have a natural pussy, and if he did, he wouldn’t actually show it to everyone like his mangled dick, he would instead be secure in the pussy and keep it to himself….

The other mom just sees this as missed media opportunity, it’s like the time a dick needs to be thrown into the mix to fulfill the storyline she has crafted…but Kendall is rebelling, and we’ll just have to deal with PANTY flash.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Selena Gomez New Face Who This of the Day

Selena Gomez looks like a typical broken rich kid, Disney Kid, brat having an identity crisis, it happens when you have no childhood, and you’re sold to this terrible vapid and disgusting money grubbing industry, learning that you are a commodity at a young age, and that there is no real value to you or your opinion, just dance monkey dance, get paid…and as long as you perform – you get treated nicely, but not because of who you are or your personality, but because it’s a business model…

It’s enough to make a girl get LUPUS, develop a drug addiction, go to REHAB, cancel a tour and fuck big black dick to piss off BIEBER…or whatever it is she was doing when she did that…

She’s a hustler, an earner, a coddeled, entited cunt, that gets filled with big black cock…and she seems to have a new face, or some lip injections as these INSTAGRAM people do….not so hot, but porny which works.


She Also Has Nipples…..


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Nicole Kidman Legs in Instyle of the Day

Nicole Kidman’s ROBOT legs were in a magazine – because I guess she’s super famous and promoting some bullshit she acts in – as that is what she is programmed to do and will remain doing until someone hacks her software or forgets to plug her in to charge her battery…

That means that after the apocalypse, when all humanity is on some ship circling the earth they destroyed thanks to TRUMP, Nicole Kidman, the Tom Cruise wife-bot, and mother to his adopted kids, since you can’t breed robots yet….the technology just isn’t there, not even in secret Scientology labs….

But after the apocalypse, she’ll just be cycling in circles or in front of her mirror….reading scripts over and over…or trying to clap like she’s at the award shows…wigging the fuck out…because that’s what robots do…

The whole thing is super weird…

Posted in:Nicole Kidman|SFW




Lea Michele Slutty Pics of the Day

Lea Michele is everyone’s favorite dude, and for some reason, a reason I call – EVERYONE IS DOING IT – she’s decided to start posting weird pantyless pics of herself, and of her ass in a thong, on her social media – for attention…because all these actors are just that…attention seekers and they’ve realized, at least when they are given their own channel to communicate with people, without management and PR people getting in the way, that they can slut out, the way they want to slut out, for the feedback they ultimately want…especailly someone like Lea Michele, who prior to her sex change, was just a little boy who sang like an angel – who had psycho parents exploit the fuck out of him to get him the life that he has now…

I hate to say I like this fit, new face Lea Michele, Glee scam, because I don’t really – but I like what her naughty behavior represents…the tits, or ass, get hits….

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Jessica Chastain Vogue Spain Titties of the Day

I guess Jessica Chastain is in a big movie and her PR team is out there getting her as much media hits as they can – because she gets paid bonus money in her contract that more media she does for whatever movie she happens to be in.

I am too lazy to bother looking up her schedule of work she’s overpaid for, but I am into looking at her tits, as are most people who know who she is, because that’s what she’s known for, or maybe reduced to…at 40…after winning awards…her tits…is what matters…

Posted in:Jessica Chastain|SFW




Lindsey Wixson for LUI of the Day

Lindsey Wixson is a freakish faced model…and despite her success as a model…she was an “it girl” who defined a look for a minute…which means she’s had a lot of success at it…

But it makes no sense to me… as far as I’m concerned she’s a monster…but I guess interesting face to some is marketable, and to others reminds them of the dude in Goonies…

She’s in LUI, being low level instagram model slutty – in her panties and flashing parts of her tit, but not her nipple, because you need to pay more for that.

You see, she’s used to making over a million a year. She’s that level of model…so this LUI thing is interesting, mainly because they aren’t focusing on her weird as fuck face…

That’s about all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Lindsey Wixson




Rita Ora Bikini Model of the Day

Rita Ora is not a bikini model yet she is one for a bikini company – because nothing is sacred and if you have enough followers for whatever reason – people will pay you to do anything they need.

She’s likely affordable because she’s just eager as fuck to do anything that gets her attention and I appreciate that kind of work ethic or “hustle”..she puts into whatever this scam – that seems to be working is…

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Titty Jewelry Party of the Day

Old lady Alessandra Ambrosio loves her breasts implants…and I guess so do the people who are using her to promote their weird beach body jewelry – that they obviously overpay her for thanks to Victoria’s Secret pricing her out – in photos that are not that exciting or interesting – because 40 year old moms, model or not, are best seen topless getting their annual mammogram….not in photos…

I say that, but I don’t actually mean it, I sext with a handful of 40 year old moms and it’s always more substantial than the younger girls – because they’re all porned out also, but haven’t lived it out…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Halle Berry Pregnant in a Tight Dress of the Day

Halle Berry looking a little older and fatter in the gunt is making people assume she’s pregnant, but I figure she’s too old to make babies, she must be 50 by now, and that freakish god complex, playing with nature thanks to fertility drugs is a very possible thing, I mean rich people are fucking weird egos and she’d probably want to produce as many kids as possible in her image….

BUt I think it’s more about liking food, slower metabolisms, body positivity and all ther other depressing shit that makes women go out there in tight dresses….with confidence…

I guess it’s pretty typical for big tits, to have their belly slowly catch up to them….sad by true….


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW