I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Still Lives of the DAy


I think it is important to celebrate Miley cyrus whenever she brings out her character Miley after putting it in storage when she went back to her future husband to live the semi normal life on their pile of money – because like all these other idiots – she is also a media manipulator – totally not authentic – fake tumblr weird – but naked – which makes any and all intentions irrelevant so long as she’s naked…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Lady Gaga Bikini Nightmare of the DAy


Lady Gaga is being ousted as a Taylor Swift, you know a media manipulating cunt who lies and creates an illusion by polarizing their story into something marketable – and really committing to said lie…the kind of girl who cheats on people, slits some throats and turns the story into a “poor me”…when the real victim is viewers like us, forced to listen to every fucking song they create on repeat – to the point we know the lyrics – which basics confuse for liking the song – while people like me just get mad about it…because it’s garbage – manipulative and she’s not that hot…

My only Gaga story is that years ago – I fondled her ass when she was in a VIP area at a club, fully on sexual assault mode – but not because it turned me on, it was more a grab her ass – see if she reacts and she didn’t so keep grabbing her ass – like a creeper….but a creeper with taste because throughout her career her only redeeming quality has been that ass…

THE FUNNY THING in my rapey hand grabbing Gaga story is that I wasn’t even in the VIP, she didn’t even know I was grabbing her ass, we never even met and she just didn’t react..which to me was her consent…but everytime she cries about sexual assault and victims – I know I did something that wasn’t rape at the time – but that today – the feminists at the college level would go crazy about…KINDA FUNNY…

I guess what I am saying is Gaga’s tears for victims are lies, she actually likes sexual assault, it’s gotta be the only reason her career happened – because that face is terrifying…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Rita Ora Nipple Tape VS Benson Nipple of the Day


Rita Ora nipple tape is pretty offensive, bold, cocky of her…it’s like now that she’s booked a hosting job on TV, she feels like she doesn’t need to be a shameless exhibitionist, but rather, just imply that she’s an exhibitionist by basically putting a neon sign on her nipples to remind everyone looking that the nipples are there – without seeing the nipples – because she likes to keep a little mystery, now that she thinks she can, instead of just remembering showing her nipples the other day / week / month – we have seen all her nudes …but I guess that was before she was a network TV girl on America’s Next top model….back when she was still prostituting herself to rich guys to give her hit songs…she’s never had….who knows…

ashley (1)

Maybe she should take the lead from hard nippled Ashley Benson, just don’t take her diet advice…



Yes, I’m a grown man…

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Georgia Fowler Nipples of the Day


Georgia Fowler is an IMG model – which means she’s very very very important and not like some kind of low level instagram model – even though even models from big agencies like IMG need to do some level of instagram modeling – because otherwise no one will hire their sad little skinny asses…..

Only she has the ego to call herself a a real model who does real model jobs – but more importantly – who appeals to A listers and Rich guys – and has even been seen with Leonardo DiCaprio – the most important model scout and PR person in the world….and it’s not even his main job, in fact he doesn’t do it for the money, he does it because it’s a passion of his…

Like all good models, Georgia Fowler did a topless shoot – so here’s her tit…


If you want – Follow Her on Instagram

Posted in:Georgia Fowler




Britney Spears is a Mom in a Bikini of the Day


Britney Spears is an inspiration to us all – you know that not only can you have a kid that if you are tactical about can become your full time job, put the pressure to earn on them, and if the stars align because of their cuteness or their ability to dance at Disney Auditions thanks to Jazz Ballet classes…you can live the good fucking life…and when she’s over 18 and you’re feeling the burn from spending your earnings you made off of her faster than you thought – now that you’re cut off – and she coincidentally starts doing crazy shit that allows you to institutionalize her and take control of her – she can keep earning for you for decades to come. People rely on her.

More interestingly, she proves that you don’t have to be a model bitch with a Victoria’s Secret contract to cold dick, sometimes you can find that rich broken girl to seduce with your dick, so you better have a big dick, that you can knock her up with after a little brainwashing so that you secure – a retirement plan and never have to work again – thanks to the enough money to go around all thanks to this tight enough mom body in a bikini.

I am a fan..


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Shannen Doherty Cancer Downer Slideshow of the Day

Wow…Shannen Doherty really knows how to pick up all our spirits with this photo series of her shaving her head due to breast cancer she’s been treating like an asshole by not cutting off her tits – at least that’s what I read somewhere – because I guess cancer is traumatic and you don’t want to jump to conclusions and cut the fucking shit out of you – you want to take treatment that doesn’t cut it out of you and ride it out hoping it disappears…

I don’t know anything about oncology – or about breast cancer other than that it is the enemy for targeting my friend – the breast….I know people die from this shit, and it is very possible that Shannen Doherty will die from this shit, so documenting the journey is less about fame whoring and more about therapy…awareness…who knows…I just know it’s not tits, not nudity, not panty flashes, but rather someone you probably jerked off to at least once – fighting for her life – publicing – it’s pretty fucking depressing…but I guess then again, so is life…you know since we’re all dying.

Posted in:SFW|Shannen Doherty




Kate Upton Humps the Air of the DAy

Kate Upton humping the air doing some fitness – looking better than she has for a very long time because she knows that she had to get in shape to get back to the top of the charts she was once at. No longer a cocky girl with huge tits – who just assumed her tits would carry her through life, even though they did, coupled with her trust fund of course, because people are fucking basic and get excited when they see tits. Not realizing something I saw the first time I saw her – and that was that “this girl’s gonna get fat, grow fat, be fat”…..and that’s exactly what happened – and she had the ego or confidence to not give a fuck, she still did shoots and booked jobs and got bigger and bigger..until a few months ago, the fat shaming opened her eyes, she got healthy and looks good again – as the better version of herself – sine fitness is a good thing, taking care of yourself is a good thing, being a fat pig a bad thing….so remember kids – fat shaming works.

Here’s her Yoga Pants…and her new ass – far less offensive than they once were….


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Tit To Leg of the Day

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Alessandra Ambrosio Fake Titties!

With Miranda Kerr using her Australian charm to get some misguided billionaire to buy into her and propose to her so that he can have a real life model wife to himself, one he probably jerked off to when he was coding snapchat on planning his billion dollar project masturbation breaks and he probably is pinching himself with excitement that all it took was a billion dollars and the most relevant app to lock her in – because it’s true love and she’s not a superficial cunt…

I figure we should give other old timers with at least one kid from the same company, who weren’t fired some titty attention to their tits as they rock their bikinis…for their social media – still being funded by the brand that didn’t fire them – not forcing them to find tech dudes to manipulate and lock in….

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Filippa Hamilton Bikini for Grazia of the Day


Filippa Hamilton is an old french model who has done a lot of work for Ralph Lauren, apparently…he booked her for the first time when she was 16….and that is perverted in America, yet legal in the rest of the world…but still perverted…probably perverted enough for him to keep on booking her so that she keeps silent…

But then she was fired from Ralph Lauren for being fat, so I guess that’s what happens when you go at them at 16, before they really fill out to their full potential of big titty….and amazing…and I guess that’s what happens when you didn’t sexually assault them…you fire them guilt free.

Fashion has expectations out of their women, and it’s that they don’t eat fucking cheese and bread all day…but rather workout and stay fit…but the people are trying to change that – and let in the fats – the much fatter than this one – who is hardly fat – but got fired for being fat – making her have real fat issues – unlike actual fat girls who can’t be fired for being fat because they are actually fat…

So let’s celebrate this fatty, with fat girl problems, by looking at her bikini photoshoot…

Posted in:Filippa Hamilton|SFW




Miranda Kerr Locks In Billionaire of the Day

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I have done a series of posts on Miranda Kerr’s tactics to land a billionaire – I called it the Miranda Kerr schoole in landing a billion guess it works – because she just announced her engagement to the Snapchat nerd billionaire put at ring on the hooker – and they announced it with a snapchat filter….which I guess is how he asked her…or how they communicate .because when you have a god complex from creating snapchat – and lots of money – where you bang models who double as sugar babies – you can impress them pretty fucking easily…just show them your bank statement…and a reminder of what you created – with a snapchat filter…

It doesn’t make sense to me why he would marry some mom, washed out model – when he could have anyone

She’s obviously got her sales tactics down, she knows how to land a billionaire – and it works….

The lessons are:

1- get out of your relationship with some has been actor, and the best way to do that is by fucking Bieber…because actors aren’t billionaires

2- to get fired from your million dollar contract with a lingerie company, because the billionaires you are trying to bed won’t want to pay your rent when they know you have work…they just like that you had work and that you’re in a place of desperation that requires their help…

3- pull in some sporadic campaigns, so that she doesn’t seen like a full mooch….and the last thing is to do some media, get some red carpet pics, you know seem like an active member int he model world…because these billionaires want models, they don’t want girls who once modeled…


Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW