I'll Make You Famous…




Drunk Girl Walks Into Freeway in Heels of the Day

Here’s a crazy video of a stipid girl in San Diego who I guess was driving home drunk and her car either broke down…or she was too drunk to realize that she didn’t put the key in properly…but bitch acts like she’s pulled over on the side of the road in a small town…and not the fucking freeway…

Either way, she continues to be a crazy person, while the news crew is there and freaking out on her trying to save her….but sometimes some people deserve to die because they are fucking idiots…

The reality is she could have killed someone…and for that, I hope she gets prison time…

If you don’t like, here’s a spring breaker dealing with a Manatee…

Posted in:Videos




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day


Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers, which makes sense because I want to eat her ass….or even lick her like the public toilet seat she may be…seeing as she’s a successful enough model in the fashion industry and that usually happens with balls being rubbed on her not necessarily while taking a shit..but if you’ve been to a public bathroom, or more importantly, if you’ve been to a casting, you know what I mean…the talent never turns down a producer, director, photographer’s demands to help secure said job…

Now that doesn’t mean her pussy smells like sewage…but based on these pics..even if it did…I would lick it all up…but that’s not saying much…I’ve licked up way worse..

Which brings up an interesting point…and that point is…I wonder how many people in the USA crawled into septic tanks to masturbate in strangers’ shit…cuz I’m thinking at least one person did…and that’s disgusting…

What isn’t disgusting…is Anna Ewers…who rhymes with Sewers…

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Jesy Johnston by Drew Haran of the Day

Her name is @JESYJOHNSTON and she’s in some pics by @DREWHARAN because that’s what hot girls do…they let people take pictures of them…so people like you can look and stare and wonder why your life went wrong…or try to make it better so that one day a girl like this will wake up next to you…

I would suggest you try to make yourife better…and I’ll get you started with these pics…

I know, I’m a hero…

That’s all.

Posted in:Photos




Sofia Vergara Nipple of the Day


Possible drug lord, or daughter of a drug lord who supplied all of hollywood with their cocaine…because hollywood fucking loves cocaine and as a thnak you they made her the highest paid actress on TV…Sofia Vergara…who I guess could just as likely be really good at seducing men with her massive tits…is in Vanity Fair…or some other magazine…shot by the legendary Annie Lebovitz….and apparently..who happens to be the photographer who hired the photographer who shot for me when I was in Maxim Magazine in 2007 when I was at the point of maybe becoming relevant, only to fall off the fucking map…as her assistant….making me feel really emotionally connected to both her lesbianism and Sofia Vergara, since it’s practically as if she shot me…right?

I don’t know why I am making this about me, I should make this about Sofia Vergara, the tits, who’s nipple you can see in the bath, because Annie the Lesbian likes bath tubs, she’s used them before in shoots…namely with Whoopi Goldberg…in what scarred me in my youth…because Whoopi Goldberg is a monster…


Anyway, I posted the cover yesterday…and here are the rest of the pics…because people love Sofia Vergara, maybe because only Hispanics watch network TV, or maybe becaue girls over 30 watch network TV and wish that their life turns around at 40 like it did for this one…she’s like an aspirational guide…to middle age…maybe there’s still hope…bitches everywhere…

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Haley Joel Osement Pretending To Have His Period of the Day


I don’t know if you remember the “I see dead people’ kid who I think was even nominated for an Academy Award….who for at least a year or two was celebrated in the movie business by being in all kinds of movies…only to have hit puberty and fallen off the map…like so many childstars before him…because cute can turn to weirdo ugly real fast…

Well, I have this theory that he got a sex change when he hit 18, because he knew that if his tits were big enough, or if he posted enough bikini pics, dudes would care about him…as a her…

You see, tits get hits…so he rebranded himself as EMILY and now he’s pretending he has his period..because as a trained actor from a young age…he knows how to commit to a character….his parents beat it into him when they secured his first gig…

Posted in:Haley Joel Osement




Lots of Models By Collier Schorr for Document Journal SS 2015 of the Day


Collier Schorr is a photographer….who took pics of these models: Daria Werbowy, Freja Beha Erichsen, Joan Small, Katlin Aas, Astrid Holler, Zlata Mangafic, & Andreea Diaconu….for something called Document Journal….which seems like it is some “fashion” industry…uptight…dramatic and intense magazine…that I am only featuring because of the nipples…because I am like the Free the Nipple Movement, and have been officially since 2004…because I hated that GOOGLE and corporations didn’t advertise on nipples, so instead of making millions on the interent…I took a stance and posted the nipples, only to be called a porn site, even though it was just nipples and the real porn was happening in advertising executive’s offices…

That said, I don’t know who the nipple belongs to, I just know there are 30 pics to get the nipple, which is a lot if you’re lazy like me…and not even worth it because it is just nipple, but I’m going to post it anyways…because #nipple.

Posted in:Collier Schorr




Alessandra Ambrosio’s New Lookbook of the Day


Alessandra Ambrosio is a mom, who I guess is also the face of her own brand called ALE, up on some Jessica Simpson shit, hoping for the billion dollar pay out for doing little no work, but being able to sign off on designs her 30 something year old ass approves of…because she’s a model and is on top of the trends…that’s why this campaign looks like Coachella back in the Lindsay Lohan at Coachella days of 2006….Because in Brazil, like Wisconsin, things are a decade behind when it comes to style…but here is her catalog anyway..

I would like you to note how she is not in a bikini, or lingerie…which is kind of her thing…and I would like to make it clear that I don’t approve of any girl reinventing herself by putting more clothes on than we’re used to…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Izabel Goulart Fitness Erotica of the Day

I like that Izabel Goulart has finally embraced her fitness porn for what it is, porn…because there is nothing that anyone can really take out of this to apply to their everyday life in efforts to get a healthy body like hers…but instead we can jerk off to it, thanks to her being a long, thin, lingerie model, in the skimpiest fucking shorts and a bra…humping the air like some kind of goddess sent from heaven with the powers to use her vagina to touch the fucking sky…so that GOD can get up in her uterus…it’s a Catholic from Brazil thing…I mean that, or she’s showing us how she can use the ceiling fan to trim down her clit..

Either way…it’s hot.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Brianna Olenslager is Naked for Paul Beattie of the Day


I don’t know who this photographer PAUL BEATTIE and I don’t know who this model who I follow on instagram named BRIANNA OLENSLAGER … I just know that they are part of the new, DIY movement…where models don’t need agencies or magazines anymore…and photographers don’t need to get paid anymore…they just need instagram…to add to their portfolio…it’s enough of an excuse to do a topless shoot..

And for someone who spent the better part of the 90s nad 2000s to get girls naked…this right here..is magic to me…

I call it naked for free…in hopes of launching a career and getting noticed…but still naked…and I like it.

Via Sticks And Stones

Posted in:Photos




Lindsay Lohan Fitness Continues of the Day


There was a time where Lindsay Lohan was the most interesting tabloid star in Hollywood…she was never the most interesting actress, because she never actually worked, I mean she did Mean Girls and a few other things, but other than that, low level celebrities are more prolific and probably better paid than her..

Then she fell apart, starved herself, turned to drugs and partying and pretty much medicated herself to the point where my stalking her tits, became me betting on when she’d be found dead like Amy Winehouse or all the other dead celebs that have happened…

And now…she’s on a fitness kick, which is so fucking weird, but I guess an addict will replace bad addictions for good ones…but it seems pretty fucking bullshit, considering she’s lohan…and posting these fitness pics like a fitness instagram account is jokes…and jokes make me smile…but more importantly….so do her tits..

And throughout it all…she’s always had great tits…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan