I'll Make You Famous…




Hilary Duff for Shape Magazine of the Day

Shape Magazine is notorious for photoshopping the shit out of the celebrities they pretend are in shape enough for their magazine…because it sells copies..

So here is Hilary Duff looking like a Real Doll….

Remember Shape magazine is the same magazine that feautred Oprah..and we know how Oprah turned out…not in fucking Shape..even when she was in the best shape…


So we can assume this is as much real Hilary…as the pill of print out of Hilary you jerk off to..

That Lizzy Maquire…she’s so seductive…

All this to say, I like recently divorced women when the pick up where they left up an start their hustle again…new beginnings in their 30s…so slutty..

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Kylie Jenner’s Vagina Definition of the Day


Kylie Jenner, the Mr Potato head 17 year old, who keeps modifying her face, ass, stomach and body to turn into an instagram hoochie video vixen…that has an audience for some weirdo fucking reason I call fat ethnically ambigious ass…which makes sense because I call these girls “Not Quite Kim Kardashians”…and Kylie is the closest “Not Quite Kim Kardashian”….since genetically they crawled out of the same monster womb….

Either way, you can see her black man loving teen vag in these shorts…thanks to her good mother…and great fashion trends the youth are picking up…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner




Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift for Glamour of the Ay


Karlie Kloss is or was Taylor Swift’s beard…who recently quit Victoria’s Secret because let’s face it, she’s a tall skinny runway model not built for lingerie and bikini, especially not lingerie and bikini for the average lingerie and bikini shopper at Victoria’s Secret, who we can all assume is obese as fuck…it’s the Mall life you know…

Well, since quitting, thanks to all the money she’s banked being Taylor Swift’s lover…she’s gone onto new horizons…that involve doing the exact same thing she did for Victoria’s Secret…only now for Fashion Magazine…good thing she’s moved on from that life…

Sidenote…Taylor Swift is also in Glamor next month…possibly the same issue…coincidence? Or controlling weirdo puppet master…trying to be a model…while fucking models…who knows…I just know she went onto say :

“What else is it when you have two boyfriends in one year and everyone’s calling you boy crazy, making jokes about you at awards shows? That’s public humiliation. And I don’t think it’s fair.”


Posted in:Karlie Kloss




Hannah Davis for Direct TV of the Day

Hannah Davis did the cover of Sports Illustrated and as a prize, got to book the ad campaign for DirectTV, a company we can assume is a huge Sports Illustrated sponsor, because people use TVs to watch sports, and DirectTV brings the sports to those TVs…

It’s an insular, incestuous world out there..in the advertising world…and I guess that’s ok…it worked for Kate Upton…even if she ate the profits…

She’s pretty amazing..

Posted in:Hannah Davis




Joanna Halpin Nipples on Instagram of the Day


Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, which is the default modeling agency of the world…at least according to the lame fucking girls who have huge followings….while the number of followers an actual model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money, and all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, because it makes them feel about being spoiled rich kids and/or broke ass models working at walmart…

That said, here’s Joanna Halpin’s nipple…because real models show their nipples on instagram…and I like to look…

Posted in:Joanna Halpin




Droopy Faced Gigi Hadid of the Day



It was Gigi Hadid’s birthday…so we can assume her dad bought her this bikini campaign for Seafolly, like he bought her her career, when he realized she was cute enough, lazy, and hopeless in school…and that a model daughter would be better for his image than a doctor or something, it would give him access to her model friends…and coworkers…he could sugar daddy…you know…so it all makes sense…

What doesn’t make sense is how her droopy face is considered the hottest model around…oh right…that was bought for her too..and I guess if she’s stripping down half naked..that’s good..

Here’s her cameltoe..



Even more pics HERE and HERE

Posted in:Gigi Hadid




Pornstar Logan Pierce Sings THis is How We Do It….of the Day

Apparently it’s Firday…so you’re either done work, about to be done work, not on the computer…or hungover from last night….unless of course you’re like me…an unemployed loser with nothing better to do that to look at flimsy bullshit internet content as a distraction from my shitty life…

Well, what better flimsy internet content could you want than a male pornstar, you know a dude who’s dick you’ve definitely jerked off to, cuz you’re a homo…Logan Pierce…singing This is How We Do It…

If you don’t like that cuz watching the dick you’ve jerked off to sing is too romantic for you…here’s a Gay joke…with Sara Luvv…a pornstar you may have also jerked off to…distracting you from Logan Pierce’s dick you were jerking off to…

Posted in:Videos




Alexis Ren Sleeping in of the Day


Her name is Alexis Ren or Alexis Reneg..and there is word that she’s a serious fucking hustler, really grinding away at being the next big thing in instagram models…she apparently has a huge instagram following, a huge tumblr following, and her boyfriend…is right there with her…producing content, videos, making themselves famous…and they’ll probably end up with a reality show..because the world just likes young hot couples…it reminds us of everything that has gone wrong in our lives…

That said, they were asked to do a campaign for a lingerie company…featuring her in their lingerie…shot on an iphone…in what may be interpreted as softcore porn…in what I consider just looks fucking awkeard…but young girl in lingerie…that shit’s alright by me…

Posted in:Alexis Ren




Nicole Eggert’s Breast Reduction Show of the Day

This is a terrifying video clip from a show I guess is called Botched Plastic Surgery, where they go in and try to fix up shitty plastic surgery, but I could be wrong, I didn’t bother googling it..

I was too busy trying to understand Baywatch Babe Nicole Eggert’s tits that she wanted to have rebuilt, now that she’s 50 and built like a 50 year old, all broad backed and scary enough for me to never want to see her in a bikini, or really see her topless with her nipples censored…

So this show is on E!, who are known for their quality programming, and they creation of Ryan Seacrest…and it is 5 minutes of talk about fat old lady tits…showing fat old lady tits…that if you’re 40…you probably jerked off to on Saturday nights…

I see enough fat tits in my day to day…but this plastic surgeon is pretty awesome!

Posted in:Nicole Eggert




Alexa Vega Abs of the Day


Alexa Vega is the Mexican who I assume Robert Rodriguez really fucking liked when she was a little girl, since he made her his spy kid….a spy kid who ended up growing up with a barely there acting career, but a hot body that reminds us that you don’t actually need a career as long as you’ve been in one movie, that shit can carry you into the arms of a rich dude in the industry,, so that you can focus on your abs…

lookin’ good….

Posted in:Alexa Vega