I'll Make You Famous…




Tampa Bay Bucs Cheerleaders Do Blurred Lines Badly of the Day

If you’re like me, you hate this fucking song and everything it’s feel good, TV Theme song caliber, Get as many listens from retards everywhere…represents…you won’t even watch Emrata topless and dancing in the shit on Youtube anymore, cuz you can’t fucking stomach it…

If you’re like the rest of the world, you fucking love it, and seeing the Tampa Bay Bucs cheerleaders do a parody of it, in what I bet they thought was a genius idea, even though they aren’t naked and executed it horribly, will make you happy.

But as far as I’m concerned…This is the fucking worst…

Posted in:Videos




Aubrey Plaza for GQ of the Day

I still don’t know who Aubrey Plaza is. I know I did a post on her yesterday, she was talking about masturbating on set or some shit, but even that wasn’t all that memorable,because these bitches are a dime a dozen, there are just so many want to be famous, who get some work, and who land some magazines…and even if they were masturbating on a porn site, spread pussy, inserting household objects in themselves, we wouldn’t bother with them, but cuz they are in a movie…or GQ..we’re supposed to think they matter…

The fame game confuses me, but here’s Aubrey Plaza, luckily not Aubrey O’Day in GQ in her underwear…anyway…I think because I am just happy it’s not Aubrey O’Day…or Aubrey the rapper known as Drake.

Posted in:Aubrey Plaza




Shakira’s Fat Ass in a Bikini on the Beach of the Day

You know what isn’t small and humble? Shakira’s belly…and ass… I mean I get it, she just had a kid, but that’s no fucking excuse to go down the Christina Aguilera route of sex appeal, if anything, the one thing she should have learned from Christina Aguilera, before taking her job on the voice, was to not do that…but these rich bitches never learn, and feel like they will be adorned even when obese, because their fans are latino and latino people are used to fat chicks, but more importantly, are loyal and passionate to their kind, like one massive fucking family, even though in that family, all Shakira wants out of them is their fucking money…it’s a scam…like her in a bikini…it should never have happened…not until she laid off the tacos and toned the fuck up…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Shakira




Woman Attacks TV Reporter then Gets Maced of the Day

Sometimes all your day really needs is some gutter black chick attacking a reporter, before the cops mace her to make you feel better about yourself, you know to add a little sunshine and brighten an otherwise cold and lonely place…I mean that or start up a conversation about race wars, up on some Trayvon Martin shit, cuz clearly that cop isn’t a fucking black person macing her, and he’s obviously after her cuz she’s black…right? Let’s riot and loot like this was Rodney King….

Posted in:Videos




Lady Gaga Without Make-Up is As Horrible As You’d Think of the Day

Lady Gaga has been consistently the most disgusting face in Entertainment. I’m talking more disgusting than any other face I can think of. All because they needed someone to attract or sell product to the kids who were being bullied, you know to empower them and make them feel like someone understands, like someone can relate, like someone like them can make it in the world…without realizing, she’s just fucking lying and exploiting all you fucking drones…

So I don’t know why she decided to remind us of just how vile she is by posting a braless, make-up-less picture of herself, when she knows she’s better in masks and really anything that covers up her disgusting….a disgusting she feels the need to put out there..but really fucking shouldn’t….she’s the worst.

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Vanessa Hudgens in Some Shorts of the Day

I wonder if seeing pics of Vanessa Hudgens excites anyone….like do dudes jerk off to this shit…I mean couldn’t they just google her nudes she took when she was 17…you know when she was advised to do the Traci Lords…and smut out while underage so all her nudes would be taken down and the scandal would make her household…I mean does an ex Disney star who was just fat in a bikini for Springbreakers, in shorts that aren’t even that shirt really do anything for anyone…you can just leave your house and see hotter bitches who don’t have Disney starlet attitude actually showing cameltoe and ass cheek…making this Vanessa Hudgens character as obsolete as I already knew she was…

I’ll post it anyway…cuz I’ve already written this nonsense.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Candice Swanepoel for Vogue Russia of the Day

I’ve lost interest in Candice Swanepoel. I don’t know why, but I am going to assume it’s over exposure. I also hate the brand she is owned by and everything they represent, in their evil sweatshop manufacturing, overpriced garbage, that they sell to middle America way.

Sure they book hot bitches to pose in the shit, but everything they shoot is so fucking boring, they photoshop out nipples, and they are the fucking McDonalds quality of photoshoots, you know manufactured, robotic, and garbage…and I don’t care how many big macs a motherfucker eats, I’m not touching that plastic shit.

If you know what I mean…

And my hatred for Victoria’s Secret, spills over into all the other work their bitches do, because I know they sold their soul to the devil, and I get that it’s about making money and getting as huge as possible, but I prefer my hot bitches a little less desperate to be at the top…and a lot more desperate to get to the top they have no chance of attaining but that they’ll suck my dick for me to post about them as part of their efforts…if you know what I mean…

This Candice bitch is done, over, and sure she has a great body, there’s very little in it for me, especially when she’s not getting naked and let’s face it…this life that I’m living is all about me…and this twat serves no purpose in it unless she’s showing nipple. Bye bye.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Nicole Neal Hairy for Page 3 of the Day

I don’t know what they were thinking over at PAGE 3, the UK daily newspaper’s porn section, because every newspaper needs tits, cuz tits get hits…and really make the news more interesting to read.

Not to mention, Page 3 tits are really the reason the whole Glamour Model movement exists. It gave the everyday big titty sluts something to aspire to be, you know to be topless in the newspaper, cuz once you get in the newspaper, you’ve officially made it. Everyone knows that. Especially big titty sluts.

But you’d think they would have taken the time to photoshop out her body hair…sure it is blonde, but is fucking everywhere, and it is freaking me out, she’s like a fuzzy fucking animal and it’s making me uncomfortable…

Sure she’s otherwise awesome to look at, one of those Glamour models you don’t hate and understand why she’s in this game…but that ass cheek hair, standing on it’s end, shows a serious lack of maintenance…and I am someone who loves bush…just not when it’s creating a weird layer over a bitch in her entirety.


Posted in:Nicole Neal|NSFW




Taryn Manning Titties for TV of the Day

There was a time, not that long ago, when Taryn Manning was my internet homie. Where we shared glorious internet time together….

It was before she booked this Orange is the New Black, female prison rape show that I’ve never seen, but that people are loving, because people are all fucking drones and do what they are told. A show that may or may not make her a bigger deal, you know her big break.

It was back when she was in transition…between jobs…and I guess bored enough to hang on Social Media, you know before she got too famous to give me any attention.

I’ve seen it before with some many second or third string famous people, all awesome in the beginning, but when they finally hit something good, they disappear.

I guess it’s true what they say, there is no loyalty on social media with people you’ve never met…and that internet love affairs are not real….but fantasy…

Either way, here’s the last message she sent me…back in September 2010…I have no idea what it was in reference to or why she blocked me but I am sure it was cuz I was being awesome and hilarious and she was taking herself too seriously, as they often do…

Tayrn, if you’re out there, I hope we can learn to love again…

Posted in:NSFW|Taryn Manning




Jack Nicklaus’ Grandson Nick O’Leary Survives Motorcycle Crash of the Day

This is the video from the bus thatgolfer Jack Nicklaus’ grandson’s bike slammed into after he was in a crazy fucking motorcycle accident that didn’t end in death.

It didn’t even end in serious injury… it just looks fucking horrible…he was thrown 100 feet….

Maybe he’s got super powers…or maybe it is some illuminati protecting the rich shit….or maybe he’s just lucky as fuck. Not only does he live the rich kid college life, fucking all the hot college coeds, but he also survives accidents and that make him even more appealing to the hot college coeds he’s already getting making me think he probably did this on purpose for the fame, glory and most importantly the pussy.

It reminds me of the time I drove my car into a hot bitch’s car in efforts to get her name and number by pretending it was an “accident”…or the time I ran a girl on a bike off the road, so I’d have an excuse to take her to the hospital and spend time with her, or even the time I threw myself down the stairs in front of a babe, in efforts to get her to see if I was okay as I was bleeding out of my ears and suffering some Natasha Richardson brain trauma….only a way better executed.

Posted in:Videos