I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Ricci Still Tits of the Day

Christina Ricci will forever be the early 00s child start turned indie film legend with the big fat tits…

She was known for being some exploited child star back when no one cared about mental health or victim of abuse bullshit, you know a simpler and more amazing time where victims would just self destruct after going off the rails….

Well, she ended up slaughtering her tits, getting a breast reduction thanks to what I assume was anorexia at the time…BIG TITS MADE HER LOOK FAT….and well, she’s come out of the woodwork to reprise her role as Wednesday Addams in Wednesday and she’s in some other shows too….which is weird…you know since she disappeared during her prime big titty years…only to return at 40….

But the good news is….the tits grew back, maybe not as big and sloppy, but still tits, so that’s always fun….right…

I don’t know if the tits on the mini body, or the big forehead giant head, weird shoes, cow print save this shoot, but she’s still Christina Ricci….and has tits so whatever.

Posted in:Christina Ricci




Sarah Hyland’s New Face of the Day

Sarah Hyland has been consistently terrifying to me, she looked like she had primordial dwarfism her entire career, here you couldn’t quite tell if she was 90 and dying, or 10 and dying, but you were right in thinking she was dying, because even her own kidneys tried to check the fuck out….maybe the cloning facility that made her didn’t have the tech they needed for their Disney clones for ABC family shows to last as long as they’d like, luckily, they could just buy her new ones…

Anyway, thanks to the internet, she tries to play this hot chick into sex, despite her husband being a fag, and part of that is rockin’ face filters, a girl made me into some bald dude earlier today thanks to snapchat, it creeped me out….but these is what these whores are using….or she’s jacking up her face with face injections….maybe she’s been replaced again with a body double or new clone because the other one died and they have too much invested in her to let the Sarah Hyland brand die…you know like they did with Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince…who fucking knows, but this is definitely a NEW FACE who this..STILL CREEPY in a tight dress that at least one of you Modern Family watching freaks will jerk off to…because people did watch that show and that’s fucking weird to me….before realizing how basic and retarded normies are…


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

As a pervert, a lifelong pervert, I can say that clothing has been the number one roadblock between me seeing a bitch naked, so the on/off movement hold a warm place in my heart because it strips us down to our bodies made int he image of god, rocking god’s signature the way it was meant to be before those satanists figured out that they could become billionaires by making clothing if they made everyone think it was what they HAD to wear in order to be DECENT members of society…


Luckily these girls are going back to the basics, realizing that there were no clothes in the Adam and Eve era of Genesis and being NAKED Is biblical…that’s why they are doing this right?

Or maybe they just want to say they live up to the hype their high tech clothing bring by shaping them in ways that are unnatural…

I don’t fucking care…GET NAKED.


Posted in:OnOff




Britney Spears Dance Dance Revolution of the Day

With the whole Kanye thing that happened yesterday on InfoWars, Britney Spears is being roped into the conversation, in a Kanye is crazy, look how crazy he is, institutionalize him, medicate him, instead of listening to him or trying to understand what he’s trying to do with the troll, is he really trying to break him from the programming and satanic spell h was under being in the industry and being married to demons like the kardashians, or is he just a demon satanist trying to discredit the conspiracy telegram channels…who fucking cares, it’s a fucking distraction….but yeah, I heard a lot of “Ye is like Britney, get them on Lithium”….which seems like a good way to deal with people who were used by the industry to make a lot of money….

This is about Britney though, they pretend she’s free, but she is always in the same place doing her content and is never seen by the paparazzi, or at events, or anything a free person would do…..

She still lives in LA you know….

Then they package her as a nutcase, at least with her insane captions and dated content that is shot on old techf from the prison that is her old house, that I thought she didn’t live in anymore, you know since she got fake married to an actor / handler and they got a new house….

The fact is crazy or not, she’s Britney Spears and she’s not doing better than this for her social feed, it’s just all as weird as her mysterious tooth gap….NEW CLONE WHO THIS….

I’ll still watch the old bitch with the sloppy tits and mom bod who is probably actually dead in a dance video in her bikini bottoms or weird bride of satan night gown… it’s just weird…

Posted in:Uncategorized




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are panties too, even if they are less coverage than the average bikini in this era of whroedom….

Which means, despite all the bad press, the being forced to be seen as GRANNY panties that old chicks wear, or period panties that girls in relationships or when alone at home and living their true lives without trying to impress anyone rock their their comfy panties and all you can see is old blood stains…unless those are shit stains..or some pussy infection stains you happen to appreciate because of where it comes from…..

So yeah, despite being marketed as gross, they can be hot, because they are still panties and as panties, some of us, who still like the simple things in life, want to get up in them…..or at least to sniff them even if it means stealing them from the laundromat or buying them off the internet from whores who wore them for weeks at a time….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Feminist Friday of the Day

Don’t find yourself a feminist, who thinks getting naked for strangers is empowering because she’s get paid or because it’s what dudes jerk off to.

Get yourself a trad wife who will treat you the way you want to be treated, running your home, being your kids mom, servicing you sexually,taking care of you and the family, while you go out there and hunt and gather….it’s a better existence….

But that doesn’t mean you can’t jerk off to feminists who get naked on the internet to fill some empty void they have thanks to being misguided or brainwashed by the system….INDOCTRINATED if you will….

It also doesn’t mean that your TRAD WIFE, even if you buy her in Asia or Eastern European has to wear a bra…Bralessness and feminism and traditional wives and whores are not the same…and Bralessness for whatever reason is a good fuckin’ time, even when posted on the internet for attention….


Posted in:Feminist




Tallia Storm’s Youtube Shorts are Sexual of the Day

Tallia Storm is some Scottish bitch who became some popstar when she was a teen because her mom saw opportunity to do the Bieber or Madison Beer hustle of sexualize the fuck out of your kids who sing so that they get all them Youtube views and the industry takes notice…

I don’t know if she’s ever really broken in America, but she’s been consistently slutty in content, you know pushing the whoring lessons her Publicist mom who gets the internet put into her mind….raised proper for a horrible woman…

Anyway, she apparently got dumped, was heart broken, lost 25 pounds not that the 25 pounds got in the way of her slutty outfits….but I prefer when they aren’t 25 pounds heavier….

She is active on Youtube as she would be thanks to launching her career as a Youtube teen, packaged like a whore who sings….

DREAMS DO COME TRUE….it can happen for you…

Posted in:Tallia Storm




Fishnet Friday of the Day

The highlight of this week’s Fishnet Friday is that the picture above is from a homie’s wife. He sent it in to celebrate the fucking holidays the right way.

Unfortunately, his wife didn’t want to include her gash in the pic even though I am all about the gash, it’s an obsession.

But the fact that dudes who come to this site get laid by babes willing to take pics in some historically relevant lingerie or hosiery is pretty amazing, puts all you near virgin, sad lonely fucks to shame, doesn’t it.

Celebrate the blessed holiday season and be inspired by homie to find a chick who lets you send me pics of them because I don’t make money off this shit, but consider this its own currency, it doesn’t buy food or pay rent, but that’s what I married a fat fuck on disability for.

Now, I’m going to stare at these these fishnet feet knowing they are one of your wives whilst listening to some Christmas carols….Santa is Cumming to Town……


Posted in:Fishnets




Flashback Friday When Sarah Silverman Said She Wanted to Kill Jesus of the Day

I guess you only get cancelled when you make fun of the wrong thing.

Clearly there’s a satanic agenda at play and the demons are hard at work…and seem to be winning, but people with actual brains, or maybe autism, can’t get sucked into the trap…

You’d have to be pretty fucking demonic, with parasites in your brain, telling you what to do, in order to have sex with Jimmy Kimmel….

You’d also have to have some deal with some high up motherfucker to have a career as a top comedian, when you’re a sloppy and unfunny bitch…

So yeah, this is a clip of Sarah Silverman saying she wants to kill Jesus, while the fans laugh because they are told to…..

So as long as you’re anti Christ, for the anti-christ, you’re good….

So when they say all White people are bad, Christians are bad, or weird, TRAD LIFE is bad, all men are bad, men are women and women are men, all Unvaccinated people are bad, lock them up, all abortions are good, or whatever weird satanic inversion they are pushing into the brains of the masses of retards who pollute our otherwise lovely planet…..it’s ok….

So just hate on the right side, and you can live your slave life un-cancelled….This bitch is trash.

Posted in:Sarah Silverman




The Youtube Shorts girl and Other TikThots of the Day

Girl Gets that Workout In

Hot Tub Flex

Yoga Moves

Parking Lot Body

Wild Times

Yoga Legs

Elevator Girl

Strong Back

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos