I'll Make You Famous…




Ninal Agdal Models Bathing Suits of the Day

Nina Agdal is some model I have POSTED ABOUT ONCE OR TWICE BEFORE her claim to fame is that she is or way an SI Swimsuit Model…. which is code for she either has sex with athletes who have powerful agents who threaten SI to cut their supply of EXLCUSIVES if they don’t feature the bitch….or she’s actually got a rockin’ body that is worthy of half nakedness….even though I figure having a vagina makes a bitch worthy of half nakedness and I am a firm believer if SI took life by the balls and featured fat chicks in bikinis because despite the fact that you may not notice they exist except when they are sucking your dick one night when you were bored enough to online date…cuz online date girls always put out…..they are quite comical posing in bikinis…I know cuz I married a fat chick….

Here’s This Nina Agdal SI Swimsuit Model…..modeling Swimsuits….cuz that’s kinda her thing…

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Lady Gaga’s Horrible Yet Amazing Concert Ass of the Day

Lady Gaga may be a garbage lie of a human with the face of the demon she probably sold her soul to in order to have this much fame and power….and her costumes may be not quite erotic enough…..since there is that high percentage chance she’s got a cock and balls and dirt on some record producer….like pictures of their tranny sex to get her here….even though I am convinced she’s just a tool making other people more money than she is making herself….a cookie cutter cut-out of what they needed to reach the gay/dyke/trans crowd…textbook formulas that work in business if enough of a machine is behind the concept….

But I have actually grabbed her ass at a party before she got really famous….and she was pantsless and in fishnets….wasted and unaware of my tender romantic touch….as I reached around her bodyguard to see what was good…and trust me….as much as I hate admitting it…it was good….

Posted in:Lady Gaga




Kelly Brook in Some Weird Postcard Art Campaign of the Day

Here’s some proof that Kelly Brook will take any fucking job she can get…..I have this theory about her realizing she’s hitting 35 and that big titties aren’t gonna be enough to save her….so now is the final push before retiring to a swimwear or lingerie line like all other glamor models….cuz she’s been popping up all over…..but this postcard art campaign….has got to be the fucking weirdest of her willing to take any fucking job she can get….unless I read the documentation wrong and this is just some creepy fan sign shit you see around the internet…cuz fans are fucking obsessed…especially the socially awkward virign fans…and they do some weirdness like carving life-like busts of the bitch out of their solidified semen….true story…I’ve seen in before…..

Either way, any excuse to show titty is an excuse I endorse.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Ryan Reynolds’ Wife Blake Lively for Marie Claire UK of the Day

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds got married on a plantation in South Carolina last night….I guess in efforts to show their respect for the plight of the black slave….I mean that is the only logical explanation for the wedding, I mean other than her having already got fucked by every famous cock in her low level of fame, and her possibly being pregnant, rushing a fly by night marrriage as to not make her look like a whore when her baby is old enough to count 9 months backwards….

Either way, Blake Lively fans everywhere are angry as fuck because prior to this wedding they felt they had a serious chance….

Marriage sucks under all circumstances…whether your wife is rich and famous….hot or not…she’s robbed your freedom and here’s some Blake Lively lookin’ like an old housewif for Marie Claire UK….because that’s the only way I know how to celebrate marriage…

Posted in:Blake Lively




Rosie Hungtington-Whitely Pantsless for Elle Video of the Day

I’ve posted these pics before….but I’ll post them again…cuz I’m crazy like that and like excuses to post videos of bald friendly models turned actors….not that what she does is really acting…but more lookin’ good half naked on camera….on camera for magazine photoshoot behind the scenes videos….not that they are all that erotic considering this is the internet and you could be spedng your time better on porn…….anal porn….fetish porn….any porn but fashion porn

Posted in:Rosie Hungtington-Whitely|Videos




Springbreakers New Poster of the Day

I can’t believe that as an adult, I am tracking the progress of the Springbreakers marketing material like it fucking matters in a world where real shit happens daily……

I can’t take myself seriously, but the good news is that I never do, not even when it comes to half naked tweens who aren’t even tweens, but instead genetically modifed 20 year olds up on some Disney Science experiment Peter Pan shit….

But I am documenting this shit….and here is the poster and some more of the exhausted and played out pics of Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens non-nude and some other whores I’ve never heard of in pics….

Posted in:Springbreakers




Tamara Ecclestone 2013 Calendar Preview of the Day

I am starting to think people in the UK do not have smart phones or computers…

Here are 4 pics – there’s at least 8 more out there…of Tamara Ecclestone…some daughter of a billionaire who manages to be a huge fucking pile of trash…in how she looks, dresses and behaves in tacky, cheap, garbage pictures….making me think maybe daddy was too busy making money to give her hugs and love….cuz why would someone try to leave their mark like this…if they didn’t have to….in cheap masturbation fodder for blue collar mechanics in the shop….cuz no one else uses bikinis…I mean shit, her dad is a fucking billionaire…couldn’t she have taken a couple thousand dollars and made an app or something….fuck….I hate these cunts who waste opportunities by following the stripper’s lead….it makes no sense…go to Harvard, get a degree, save the world, cure MS or AIDS or Herpes….instead of smearing said herpes on the pages of a 2013 calandar…

Garbage….but I’d still K-Fed her.

Posted in:Tamara Ecclestone




Morena Baccarin Hot for Esquire of the Day

I had never heard of this Brazilian actor before, but after lookin gher up, I saw that she was in all kinds of ridiculous nerd shit, and seeing as this is a blog, and no matter how fucking rock and roll I am….and no matter how many models I have sex with….I will still have nerd readers….it’s the internet….nerds built this shit like it was a real doll robot version of Morena Baccarin, someone you have never heard of and would find weird….but who they married in a private ceremony in Second Life….even though the real Morena Baccarin wasn’t involved.

So she’s been in Stagate, Serenity, V, FIrefly and some other nerd bullshit….and now she’s in Esquire giving me boners.

Posted in:Morena Baccarin




Rihanna Grabbing Her Tit for God and for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna makes me laugh….she’s so fucking unstable, as you’d imagine some poor Garbage man’s daughter who was prostituting herself to tourists in Barbados when she was 14 would be after becoming the biggest fucking thing in music…despite her inability to sing, or dance…or really do much but get beat up and get puppet mastered by people she made far richer than she made herself….

Either way, she’s posting all this God shit to her Instagram….along with topless pics…because that’s what crazy, torn, raised in the Church like all people from the Islands, but guilty from pretty much going against all she has learned….from going back to men who beat her….to just being a whore in general….this shit is almost certifiable…and I love watching people break the fuck down and sabotage themselves….especially after thay’ve made all this stupid money

The only time I’ll post religious prose on my site is to mock celebrity…because I know god doesn’t exist…the aliens told…

Posted in:Rihanna




Eniko Mihalik Hot for 25 Magazine of the Day

The fashion industry confuses me. It is like a cool kids club run by people who aren’t cool, who are always seeking the next starlet or muse or inspiration or designer, who is really is no different than anyone else, but to these latch ons, who pretend to be trend setters and important, is a genius….I don’t get why some people are considered more important than others….and I guess I don’t have to…cuz I’m just into the models and their toplessness….even when in movies that are weird for the sake of being weird…obscure and arty for the sake of being obscure and arty….that I know people who watched it were like “that’s fantastic, genius, revolutionary”….while the guy who made it is either playing it up like he’s the next big thing in fashion film….or laughing at how retarded people are…in the fashion circle jerk of losers who don’t know what is important in life.

That said, here’s Eniko, a model I like seeing topless, doing some topless shit in video…

Posted in:Eniko Mihalik|Videos