I'll Make You Famous…




Heather Graham Bikini Tits of the Day

6 Days ago, Heather Graham or an actress hired to play Heather Graham, or her assistant because she is too old to understand social media, uploaded a bikini picture to her instagram, because she not only understands the power of her tits, she harnessed those fuckers and made a fucking career out of it, and I for one will never forget Roller Girl, a part of cinematic history, from the last era of good movies, and I forget basically everything! She’s got staying power and is one of the old timers trying to keep up with the young girls, because they young girls don’t understand the sacrifices and dicks they sucked in an era when it wasn’t for the LOLZ, when sucking dick meant something when shame was real, and I don’t mind looking at what she’s been up to!


Posted in:Heather Graham




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminist Friday is not about the feminists, it’s about the girls who don’t wear bras, because bras are an archaic, dinosaur invention created by the patriarchy to give girls good cleavage, those bastards!

Bras are the dominatrix dungeon invention to make women uncomfortable as fuck in their tits throughout the day, you know to assert our manly control over them!

The fact is that I had a feminist joke, probably based on a girl I saw a few days ago walking around with a tight white t-shirt on, showing off her whole fucking nipple, then there’s a neighbor who I’ve never chatted with but who’s tits I’ve seen so many times, I feel like I know them intimately, like I breast fed off them, but only in my mind!

But yeah, had a feminist joke, but forgot it becuase I am old and don’t remember anything, it probably had to do with how annoying these woke idiots on social media are with their attempt to intellectualize and compartmentalize everything like a shitty school assignment, but applied to real life, while being fucking morons! It’s like you can’t sell nudes unless you’re an empowered feminist, otherwise you’re just a whore giving your soul away to a man, or you can’t sell nudes unless you’re a man hating asshole who think YOU are using them, while they think “look at what this bitch does for money”!

The point of the story – NO bra is the right choice!


Posted in:Feminist




Denise Richards and Daughter in Wholesome Family Photo of the Day

Just cuz they are rich, don’t mean they ain’t trashy whores, if anything being trashy whores is why they rich, not so much the daughter, but you are genetically predisposed to be what your momma is, luckily, it’s trendy to be a prostitute on your 18th birthday, like a right of passage!

In my day, you turned 16 and got your license, it was a big deal, today, you turn 18 and can finally monetize your nudes!

It’s being edgy, being gothy, being a money grubbing whore, but what they don’t teach you is that whoring is a soulless work, there is a trade off, and as fun as it is, all sex workers end up destroyed, but have fun with it, get that easy money, when you already have money Fucking scumbags!

It’s not uncommon for a stripper or a hooker to bring her daughter into the mix, to increase her rates, or to keep the legacy going, it’s just weird to do it when you’re rich and don’t have to, but sell the nudes, they think there’s no harm in it, then maybe they should get more naked, maybe do some titty comparisons, some mom/daughter illegal scissoring since incest is hot, you know follow all trends to get paid, since that’s what they care about, even with the money, it’s a sickness bro!

Not that these are nudes, imagine paying for this shit and realizing they are laughing at you while taking your money, that would make me mad!

WHAT A SCAM, but ALSO a fetish, mom daughter sex, at the same time or apart, always a win!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Alessandra Ambrosio Goes Tits Up of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio’s in the water in a bikini, just giving it away for free, all for self promotion or marketing of what I’ll assume is her direct to consumer bikini brand that is likely created and funded by the same people she worked for for 20 years but that they can’t say is the backer, because the whole point of the influencer brand is to reach people who don’t shop at Victoria’s Secret!

I never gave a shit about Ambrosio, she was always the one I wondered about in the mix of talent they had over the years, I figured she just must connect to the basic bruenettes and push product to them, because she was nothing substantial, but at 40 years old, or near 40, she’s looking better than ever, which doesn’t make sense, unless you factor in getting lots of sleep from not working, eating well from being rich and fucking rich, working out and cosmetic procedures, fillers, implants, and photoshop!

But yeah, 40 year old Ambrosio is hotter than 20 year old Ambrosio, make it make sense!


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are the panty that got away because they got a shit reputation in the media in the 2000s in order to sell a whole new breed of panty and make billions in the process off the backs of dumb girls who follow trends to feel like they matter or are part of the culture.

It was when we were entering a more modern digital time where girls would soon need to be posting panty pics daily to matter, so hot styles were critical to build up to where we are at now, and since the market is saturated, they’re bringing back the old, the granny panty, the mom panty, the period panty, the relationship panty, but the funny thing about it is that out of all the girls I’ve known over the years, a VERY small percentage of them even wear underwear, so I guess it’s more just a prop for their internet show, no big deal, since THE INTERNET IS LIFE to us loser!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Whenever I am feeling down and out, which is never because I am a super human who denies mental health being a “disease”, and I choose to view everything as the joke that it is, but when I used to feel down and out, back when I worked as a janitor at a pharmacy, a job that taught me that I was invisible to hot chicks, because they’d ask me for some of the most humiliating products the store had to offer, from plan b, which I think was out back then, but I could be wrong, but shit like plan b and not in a “I have sex way” but in a “I don’t consider you a human, so send me to the section of the store where what I need is way”, you know hot chicks asking for laxatives, enemas, douches which were a thing at the time, pussy deodorant sprays, there was a brand called FDS, and they’d have no shame in their mind and some were fucking hot…so when feeling demoralized, dehumanized, like that there was really two sides of society and I wasn’t on the right side, I’d just take a pair of fishnets off the shelf, it was the sexiest thing in store, I’d try to convince the cashiers to model them for me, they never would, so I’d just jerk off on them and throw them in the “returns” for the manager to deal with! Never got caught, but drug store fishnets have held a warm place in my heart ever since!


Posted in:Fishnets




Avril Lavigne’s Creepy Cleavage of the Day

There’s a great conspiracy that Avril Lavigne died in 2003, right after her hit album was released, but they wanted to keep the good times rolling, and people are so fucking brainwashed and hypnotized by the media, that they wouldn’t even notice she was replaced! It’s something I am sure they laugh at amongst themselves.

I mean, I’ve seen dudes fall for ugly chicks and think they are hot thanks to the power of suggestion – neuroscience!

I don’t know if this is original Canadian hick turned shitty pop music they tried to brand as pop punk because she sang about a skater boy and dressed like a mall rat of the era, but I’ll assume she fucked Nickelback, who are shockingly NOT a one hit wonder, which makes no sense, they had legit fans and it wasn’t a fluke!

I know that whatever 40 year old this is, she’s got some titty that she’s showing off, probably thanks to her handler, the same handler that got Bella Throne from Disney to viral trending influencer!

All it takes is some cleavage!

Posted in:AVN 2012|Avril Lavigne




Peeing on Side of Road Fail and Other Videos of the Day



Big Titty Doctor

Short Skirt Dancer

Short Shorts

Golf Slut

This is Ableism
0″ height=”764″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/MjnPv3xKnKA” title=”T. Rex – Girl ?Little Bro?? #tiktok#shorts#ArnaOfficial” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen>

period Hacks

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Kim Kardashian is Trolling You of the Day

I do not put much thought into the Kardashians, I always knew their hustle, and not just because the person who used to run their SOCIAL MEDIA, who I guess went onto running their marketing agency used to send me nudes, but because I understood the trool, the lie, and the fact the mainstream idiots were buying into it, was just because they were under some spell that they had to buy into, like covid vaccines, to feel part of the culture!

Right timing, maybe, soulless, definitely, but they’re money grubbers who wanted to be top players in the influencer game, get paid to be yourself, because that’s how money grubbers with no souls operate!

I don’t love that they’ve destroyed social media, made it some transactional shitty place to be. I don’t care that they can get people to buy whatever they are selling, people are dumb. I also don’t mind that they’ve brain washed idiots to get naked for attention in hopes of being the next Kardashian but it celebrates materialistic, vapid shit with no substance, and that’s just unfortunate!

I do think it’s a troll, they are just running with it as long as it lasts, and it’s lasted long!

But the real troll is this picture that Kim K is trying to pass off as her.

I have facial recognition blindness, I’ve written about it forever and I never know who the celebs I post are, not because I don’t care, but because they all look the same, but even with my weird form of autism, where I can’t recognize people I know, they look different to me daily, I can ASSURE you that “THAT AIN’T KIM THOUGH”.

MAYBE parts are her, maybe it’s just a hard edit, maybe it’s filters or other fake shit, but I believe she’s just fucking with us at this point!

In what world is this Kim K? Other than the naturally grey hair cuz she’s old as shit, the rest is some doctored weirdness, where clearly she’s glitching out, or the matrix and timeline from the future they are from is glitching out, maybe their shapeshifting is faltering, or maybe they are just fucking liars who get away with it either way, WEIRD!

The rest of the pics still look like her, or a version of her, since she’s fucking fake!

Posted in:Kim Kadashian




Is this really the Elton John / Britney Spears Official Video of the Day

I am of the school of thought that the Britney conservatorship being dropped was fake. I even think the free Britney movement was fake, or at least ignored for decades until it was needed to become a viral movement when people were locked in their houses bored.

I do not believe that Britney is free, or even alive, I don’t believe she got married, and the people interviewed about her wedding were all industry plants, liars, part of the fucking lie.

I do believer he husband is a bought actor, because he’s an actor and playing the role of Britney husband is huge, especially for a gay like him, meaning he can lie about the whole thing, so long as he gets paid!

It’s just too fucking easy!

Well, to keep the whole Britney is Free and money making while she’s a hot, marketable ticket item, all these retards lining up to support her because they just don’t know the truth, they’ve dropped a Britney/Elton John dance song that they claim is Britney singing, but it’s robot music!

Apparently, this was recorded in 2015 and they sat on it, so why not pretend it’s hot off the presses!

To make the whole lie seem more obvious, like they are mocking us, I saw this clip of what they are saying is the official music video, a Palm Springs pool party!

The kicker, Britney and Elton are played by actors. Two people who are huge stars, on camera all the time said “I’ll sit this one out”, maybe because Britney is in a fucking dungeon somewhere!

At least that’s the conspiracy, believe what you want, who really cares about these rich fucks celebrated for their shit music, I’m more into watching the bikini bitches who could have been hotter, but whatever!

Posted in:Britney Spears|Videos