I'll Make You Famous…




Shera Bechard is Hugh Hefner’s New Bullshit Prostitute Girlfriend for Publicity of the Day

I was tempted to dig through the internet and find all kinds of naked pics of this Shera Bechard chick who is playing Hugh Hefner’s “Rebound”….but then I realized I’d just be giving Playboy free press on their stupid marketing campaign that kinda lost its appeal when dude turned 80 and the idea of him dating hookers who were or wanted to be in his magazine was pretty much obvious…and boring…

I mean shit, the Playboy models are tacky, trashy, fake titty and all that shit….they look like strippers or hookers that you could marry if you had enough money….and this is all part of a campaign to get Playboy noticed and written about….that would be better if they used girls who didn’t look like hookers or strippers…

Seriously. This is all efforts to get people talking…and people are talking as if it is a legitimate thing…and that’s just idiotic on all of your part…it’s an act, a lie, a story, not really his girlfriend but his employee pretending to be to make him money….and the whole thing pisses me off…THis isn’t impressive….

To See A Gallery of Her of the Pics

Posted in:Hugh Hefner




Amber Rose Latest Nudes for Publicity of the Day

If this isn’t a publicity stunt, I don’t know what is….

Basically, the story to get people talking about a hip hop groupie slut, is that she sent nude pics to some other bitch’s man….so they leaked the pic to MediaTakeOut, after blurring out the bitches cunt so that these might as well be pics of her in a bikini….Real basic shit…

Then MediaTakeOut tagged her pussy more than Kanye or Wiz have combined, making her looking like a Caribana float, all decorative and shit, and now Amber Rose denies the story, even though the pics are of her, all cuz that’s how you make a career as a hip hop ho these days….and I want to see the uncensorded, untagged pics…cuz I’m a pervert and this kind of thing is important to me….

Either way, here’s the shit MediaTakeOut posted….and remember you can’t spell hip hop with out ho….and here she is with some sticky/stinky fingers…it’s not as fun when a bitch does it on purpose…but whatever…Send me the uncensored version!

Posted in:Amber Rose




Regina Feoktistova Titties for some Magazine of the Day

I don’t know this model. I just know she gets Naked For Fashion , cuz it is better than getting naked to work the Eastern European sex trade she was meant to work…it’s classier and less degrading this way….not to mention more lucrative and you can quit, or escape any time you want….Yay for that…cuz instead of her only being available in basements of Russian Restaurants for a select few perverts, we get to all hang out with pics of her tits…and as far as I’m concerned…that’s good enough.

Posted in:Regina Feoktistova




Princess Diana and Kate Middleton Newsweek Cover of the Day

This is hysterical. Newsweek…read that as NEWSweek….took it upon themselves to do an artist rendition of an Princess Diana walking with Kate Middleton in a feature they call “If She Was Still Alive Today”….This is like a bad Late Night talk show prank, but apparently it is legit, and it made me laugh so I’m sharing it with you….I figure at least one of you out there has Zombie fantasies and can manage jerking off to this shit if you tried…that’s why I love and respect you so much…you have no limits or boundaries as to what can get you off…you are genius of masturbation…a prodigy…

Posted in:Kate Middleton|Princess Diana




Halle Berry Doing Acrobatic Shit of the Day

I think these pics are of Halle Berry trying to prove her blackness, you know cuz like all white people, she probably thinks she’s gotta show the world how athletic she is to really get the message across that she’s not just some white girl who happened to have some black sperm in her mother’s uterus one night when her mom was at a concert and got too into the music and smoked too much hash or some shit…so she hit the monkey bars….seems kinda racist to me….

Next thing you know she’s gonna star a drumline, tap dancing or a fried chicken restaurant…We get it Halle Berry, there’s nothing black about you but the way the studios marketed you and shit won you an Academy award cuz it was time for an accessible black person to win, you can stop stuntin.

Luckily, I can see past her insecurities as a half breed and focus on what’s important, a mom in the park bending in ways she things is wholesome, but any pervert can skew to be dirty….and today, that pervert, is us….

Posted in:Halle Berry




Jennifer Aniston’s Desperate Legs May Have Trapped a Motherfucker of the Day

I wonder how many dicks she’s had inside her?

The rumor is that she’s officially engaged to this week’s boyfriend who prior to Jennifer Aniston was in a 20 year long term relationship that he never strayed from, making him the perfect candidate to transition from one stagnant pussy to the next, but what Aniston hasn’t factored in is that the second he realizes she’s insane, after the excitement of fucking new pussy has subsided, and the dust has fallen from the horizon, dude will realize she’s a fucking high maintenance, demanding, diva cunt…and his instinct to follow the freedom he’s recently lined up for himself after leaving his longterm girlfriend…or he’ll going crawling back to his longterm girlfriend he cheated on, with his tail between his legs, begging for forgiveness cuz she gets him and anything is better than Aniston….

The vibe I get is that she’s one of those good to fuck, but fucking horrible to do everything else with kind of girl…

What it comes down to, is engaged or not, she’s promoting a new movie. Don’t let Hollywood fool you, Jennifer Aniston is destined to die alone….she’s just that girl…intolerable….

Nice botox, it is real convincing….you don’t look a day over your actual age trying to look younger but instead looking like a fucking clown.

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jersey Girls Are Trash is the Story I Heard of the Day

This picture is hilarious…..one’s picking her frontal wedgie, the other is a tank with fake tits, another is fat as shit, and the last one looks like a weird tanned circus creature….These are our idols….it’s like watchign the reject beauty school dropouts on a mission, doing the monster mash…Busted…

I don’t know what is worse…that Jersey Shore exists and is popular enough to make some uneducated trashcan pig a NY Times Bestseller….pretty much fucking the publishing industry up the fucking ass without a condom while HIV and HEP C positive….letting the world know we’re fucking doomed and that the internet and videogames has raped us of all our learning….or that everyday girls dress and act like these cunts like they aren’t ugly trashcan pigs who don’t ever deserve to be copied….America’s got this problem that if it is on TV, it must be good….and the whore thing about Jersey Shore is that it was meant to be a fucking joke, you pointed, laughed at and wanted nothing to do with…a “thank god I’m not those people” or a “I can’t believe there are people like that in the world”….which once it hits the masses becomes “Snooki is so good, OMG, i need that hair”….It’s some gully, stripper, low class shit that I would love to see the tour bus crash and burn on there way to some spring break party.

They aren’t hot. Sure they are like hookers….but remember, hookers are meant to be fucked and hired in the dark while at your lowest point of desperation….they aren’t supposed to be million-dollar-aires or even celebs more famous than Christ….

I know you’ve heard it all before – but I still find it real fucking disgusting.

Posted in:Jersey Girls




Penelope Cruz’s Mom Body in a Dress of the Day

Here are some pictures of Penelope Cruz in a dress post pregnancy.

I always thought she was kind of erotic except for her nose..you know all European accent and hot body and shit…but now you can add mom pussy and baby weight to those strikes against her….however she kinda redeemed herself when getting married in July, just 6 months prior to her birth, in what most haven’t called out as a shotgun wedding, cuz they were all distracted by wondering why the fuck they cared that two Spanish actors who made it in Hollywood were getting married…and I fucking love shotgun weddings….they remind me of white trash teen pregnancy from the deep south in the 60s, a fetish of mine, but more importantly they remind me there was a 3 month windo where they contemplated getting an aboriton…

Either way, these pics would be much better with more LABIA….God knows that since he birth she’s got some to spare…

Posted in:Penelope Cruz




Emmy Rossum is my Twitter Girlfriend Who Ignores Me of the Day

Emmy Rossum Fuck On TV was some of the best Tits On TV to advance my career I posted in the last year….I mean other than some shit from Boardwalk Empire, and some shit from Californication…but overall she was right up there…a pretty good place to be if you have no self respect…and are running off a dream that you’ll one day actually be famous….cuz prior to Shameless, I never heard of the bitch…it’s one of those “I can be a hooker or stripper in my hometown, or I can be one on TV and get labeled an actress” stories…..

I figured she would have loved all the press I gave her, so I turned to twitter only to find out that she blocked me….proving yet again that bitches don’t like being told they are bitches and don’t respect the people endorsing their nudity….

Who fucking blocks people….it’s like not inviting someone to your birthday in grade school, childish cunt can’t appreciate messages of TRUTH….

That’s the kind of shit that would make me mad, if I actually cared….but ultimately, I don’t….cuz actors are emotional little twats who hate criticism but put their insecure selfs out there hoping for that pat on the back….all while making stupid money…

Fucking useless fucking bitch if you ask me….which you did indirectly by visiting this site…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I had one of the best nights of my life. From trying to rent a communal bike and finding out the girl who had it before me had a rank pussy that left traces of pussy smell on the rubber seat…..To going to a free concert and watching some of life’s biggest titties bounce….To watching a black girl booty shake….to being touched by a fucking taco…closing out the night drunk and buying crackheads with dogs and face tattoos popsicles like a fucking popsicle fairy but way more manly….

I’m alive people. I’m alive. This hangover burns when I pee.

Here’s some morning links…

hat You Mean Your Cat DOESN’T Like Slayer?

Jennifer Aniston is Probably Engaged – Cuz Her Uterus Only Has So Many Eggs to Drop and She Wants a Child in her Image – Cuz She’s a Vain Cunt Like that…..Oh and she’s also promoting a movie….

Women’s World Cup 2011: The Loveliest Ladies in This Year’s World Cup

Free Cam Shows, From Me to You

God Taylor Momsen is Ugly

Barack Obama is a Baby Whisperer or Something

I Wanna Be All Over Claudia

The 10 Hottest Reality Show Judges

Big Tittied Cheerleader Gets Herself Off

Lindsay Lohan Just Wont Go Away

Posted in:MHD