I'll Make You Famous…




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It may be CANADA DAY here in Canada….

It may be INDEPENDENCE DAY weekend in the USA….

We may all be victims of a Tyrannical Government trying to steal our freedoms and put us on social credit score systems to control our every move because EVIL is winning…

But it’s also PERIOD DAY for some of you with significant others who aren’t menopausal…..which means FULL BACK PANTIES….TO GET THAT REAL relationship experience….which I guess involved period panties everyday of the month because people give up and get comfortable when they get off the HOOK UP dating apps to do normal shit like start a family..

I believe panties are panties whatever the shape or size…they may not be created equally but if my dick still worked, I’d come on them all with equal level of disappointing vigor….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Emily Ratajkowski’s Lying Naked on the Floor of the Day

Looks like Em Rata has found her pack, that dog faced pony boy no longer a lone mutt going through life as a set of awesome tits who marketed herself in a really clever way thanks to being the right tits at the right time, and instead of dying of AIDS from fucking rich dirty old men like other hot tits, she’s managed to become a rich dirty old man of her own….you know the kind of girl giving her own AIDS to unsuspecting pool boys, cabana boys, house boys, instagram photographers….Ben Affleck and David Fincher, Kanye West, some tall redheaded dude who has been forgotten and replaced by a guy who looks like THE MASK with CHER not Jim Carrey…who she’s bred with…

I don’t think Em Rata is as hot as Em Rata thinks she is, but when you pay a bitch as much as they paid her, how could she not think of herself as important or hotter than she actually is….but she’s hot enough plus she’s got some rockin’ tits….and a mom ass she’s been working on showing off..

So I dig her Natalie Imbruglia interpretive dance, even if it’s pretty silly of a concept “ok, so you take a pic of me nude on the floor with my dog, 100 times and we’ll pretend it’s a casual captured moment in our life when we post the best one”…hey, at least she’s naked.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Em Rata




Kristin Cavallari Ass of the Day

I saw some story about Kristin Cavallari, some garbage reality star from 20 years ago, talking about how she’s GAINED weight, or PUT ON A LOT OF WEIGHT, and the media is running with the story, at least the traditional media like Yahoo, Entertaiment Tonight, People, as if Kristin Cavallari is of interest to anyone anywhere, or her weight gain is of interest to anyone everywhere, especailly when her weight gain is hardly weight gain, but rather a fitness body in her divorce..

You’d think her even sayng that would get her cancelled from the actual fat chicks out there who hate skinny bitches….but instead….they celebrate her for some weird reason.

It’s like some people are just fodder for the tabloids and I guess she’s one of them, because she really is an insignificant nobody who just happened to use her low level celebrity to marry a pro athlete that will guarantee her and her kids have that OC life….

There is NO reason anyone should are, or talk about Cavallari, unless it’s about her mom tits, that I think are fake tits, or her ass that I’m surprised isn’t on OnlyFans as she clearly shows it off because she finds it hot.

The whole point is, Kristin Cavallari is garbage, but her “fat ass” from her weight gain’s alright, but let’s not let the media feed her ego too much, it’s not THAT good, it’s OLD and probably smells like old basement…as old PUSSY tends to…..even when it’s rich and can afford all the lotions.


Posted in:Kristin Cavallari




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Let’s catch some bitches…..get to drug store, but some fishnets and chase all the sluts you see down, they’ll probably like it, unless they don’t, which is the funny thing about girls, the are whores on their terms for the right guys, whether they are rich, or their audience, or connected, or just someone they want to fuck….but the minute a guy they find fat, slimy, repulsive tries to trap them in fishnets like the CARP that they are….it’s a bottom feeding fish….they cry MeToo…

That whole MeToo thing, what a fucking joke right, if I had a business and only wanted to hire girls who suck my dick, who’s fucking business is that, and if girl decides that is the trade off for the job, then she’s consented to the job requirements, or the given into the whole hiring experience….so when they run out and complain about it…years later….and they go after the motherfucker….it’s like “Why didn’t you just apply at Starbucks where you don’t have to suck dick for a job”…no job is worth sucking dick you don’t want to suck, but when you do suck dick for the job you do want, because it’s a condition to the job, complaining about it or ruining a dude’s life because of it is just mental.

That has nothing to do with fishnets, besides girls being sluttier than ever, but being the biggest whiners about being slutty than ever…but I appreciate the slutty parts…and will take it with the annoying parts….because that’s what being into biological women with vaginas is about.


Posted in:Fishnets




TITS and Other Videos of the Day

Girls Hate Her for her TITS

YOGA Moves

Back Flasher

I wonder if this is his sister

Contortionist Ready for the Fuck

Bikini Time

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

People are protesting “Canada Day” and “Independence Day” because for whatever reason the woke liberal types that are so far left they are offensive socialists, feel that the flag, the creation of the country, is some horrible day of mourning, when really, the only day of the year worth mourning is their birthdays because they are miserable fucks…..who hate their lives, themselves, their family, their culture, everything…

It’s like a bunch of mid-30 cat ladies with blue hair and a miserable existence realized that being mad as a collective makes them feel better about their miserable self…as a group….

Didn’t they always know that the land was stolen by the white man from the natives, it’s sort of the whole history of the country, and the people responsible for doing that are long dead or their lineage is in a castle or office somewhere posing for their face to be put on Canadian money….

It was the union of monarchy and private business (Hudson Bay Company, the owner of SAKS) that were systematically taking the land, so go annoy them…..

Not annoy this motherfucker while trying to eat my hot dogs, drink my beer, fuck a relative through marriage, shoot my hand off in a fireworks show, you know typically patriotic celebrations….

We all know that our Freedom has been attacked, but the funniest thing is that the people fighting for freedom are the patriots, the people crying about how somber and sad a day like your country’s founding 300 fucking years ago are the ones who hate themselves, their country, fun, happiness….so be sure to tell them to FUCK off if you see any of them….

Less talk, more drunk…

Let the good times rollllllll……

Paris Hilton Chose Britney Over Biden

Le’Veon Bell’s Ex is On OnlyFans, Confirms She Posts Nudes

Bikini Scooter Babe

Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant Still Want to Play Together, Lakers Could Try to Land Both of Them

Topless Russian Model

Keith Olbermann Wants Alex Ovechkin to Be Arrested in Response to Brittney Griner’s Arrest in Russia

Black Belt Man In Chicago Takes Down A Man Who Punched A 7 Eleven Clerk!

How Are Parrots Able To Talk?

R. Kelly Recruiting Girls In Ethiopia By Singing A Song

Suspect caught smashing church door with huge rock as woman prayed inside, then spray painting employee in the face

Joey King’s Underboob is Hot

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS




Denise Richards’ Sad Nipple of the Day

So last week, there was some bullshit storyline that Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards’ 18 year old daughter had decided to launch an onlyfans because she isn’t rich enough, or loved enough, or gets enough attention to not hop on the money train that she likely hopes gives her some clout, gets her some audience and makes her some stupid money….for getting naked on the internet….

Why give the nudes away for free to dudes on TINDER when you can bait really lame dudes into subscribing to your porn site…right…

Well, a week later, the PLATYPUS looking mom, who was once a Heidi Flies girl decided to hop on the trend and pull out some deflated titty, or mangled tits, with her very sad looking nipple…

Luckily, she realized how stupid her nipple looked and has posed in more strategic ways since the first titty drop….that people potentially paid for….which is fucking insane since she’s old as shit and you can just jerk off to her tits when they were at their prime, at their happiest, at their best….

But maybe that level of sadness and desperation is the fetish…..one of those just because you can get naked doesn’t mean you should or just because you’ve been a legit whore in your life before a few acting jobs doesn’t mean you need to continue…or just because there is easy money when you have money does’t mean you should….or just because Charlie Sheen HIV is probably in you so why bother caring….it’s not a death sentence so it doesn’t mean you should…..and the fact that you are, because you don’t have to, is awesome to a very small group of people….

I don’t find it awesome, you see the only 50+ year olds I’m into on OnlyFans is the ones who weren’t naked and famous in their 20s, so that I still get to see them naked, in my campaign to see every girl in the world naked, but if the 50 year old has nudes from her 20s, I’ll stick to the archive footage….

MOST IMPORTANTLY….if you’re asking fans to pay up, I fucking hope you do more than a lame tit pic, I mean this is a slutty generation and she’s a founding father of slut, so at least fuck some giant dildo or something, make it worth it.

Could you imagine how lame you’d have to be to sign up and pay this bitch to see her deflated tit…I mean how embarrassing…if she was doing circus tricks with her cunt that she learned along the way, like shooting out ping pong balls out of her asshole and catching them in her mouth like a seal, before shooting ping pong paddles out of her cunt to make the point….then I’d be into it…but A TIT PIC…that’s offensive.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Dua Lipa Upskirt of the Day

Dua Lipa’s on stage, so her white panties are probably not the cotton full backs that turn on the perverts looking for a wholeseome bitch in this era of whores, but if she’s a whore, in the cotton panties, to play the role of the wholeseome bitch in the era of whores, it’s almost the same thing, it just may smell worst or leave weirder stains from the cunt drippings…you know mileage without an oil change can make some weird goops…GWYNETH PALTROW…

I don’t know the sexual history of DUA LIPA’s vagina or asshole, but she is on stae with those sturdy legs that are surprisingly not cellulite ridden because they look meaty, which is a good thing, maybe the reason she’s a top popstar I guess…

It would be more interested in knowing more about her sexual history and the things she has put and continues to put her ass than knowing she’s a pop star who has TikTok hits..but you can’t have it all people….YOU CAN’T HAVE IT ALL!


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Sarah Hyland Bikini of the Day

Half dead, chronically ill, quad vaccinated, freaky genetic condition that reminds me of a little primordial dwarfism that made her look like a weak 90 year old back when she was a teen on TV….SARAH HYLAND….who may or may not be retired, we don’t give a fuck about her in these parts to bother finding out what she’s been doing since her long running, high paying, sitcom career…has slowly, like other girls, been morphing into a slutty version of herself…

It’s like we live in an alternate timeline or dimension, that sort of got sprung on us when we were least expecting it, because these boring, normie, girls you probably sexualized since they were on TV are now doing the low level IG slut shamelessness we’ve all seen OTHER ladies who are trying to make it pull off for the last decade…

So this awkward, double kidney transplant surviving freaky looking midget troll you likely never jerked off to, is trying to get you to jerk off to her, even though she’s got all the money, celebrity she needs, it’s not enough….

So she’s out here in the “on your knees, whilst the knees are spread, in a bikini” pose, which is a pretty fucking racy pose when it comes to the bikini model pose formations….this would have been one of those pics you take of your gf to jerk off to at a later date back in the day, not a “hey internet fans, check out my spread cunt bikini pose”….but I guess when you come face to face with death, you know, time is limited, get those titties out…because cumming is all that matters…

The funny thing would be knowing how many pics it took to capture her perfect on her knees bikini pose….probably 250….CAMERA ROLL SCREENSHOT NOW.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Since girls don’t shit according to everything I’ve ever been told about girls when they go to the bathroom….. except for my wife when she makes me clean up after her very abusive, disgusting, disturbing bathroom experiences but she’s hardly a girl…

But yeah, since girls don’t shit, at least the girls I want to fuck, the whole thong not covering the dirty post-shit asshole to protect the pants, and the people around them from the shit smells, like underwear is supposed to do is totally fine….

Since the asshole, on girls I want to fuck is a sexual orifice I want in my mouth, the thong just makes that asshole more accessible, which is what you want, whether you believe the asshole is the window to the soul or not….

So here are some girls showing asshole in the most modest way possible, because they still got their panties on…..respectable behavior requires respectable staring at the asshole behind thong…


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong