I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Panties of the Day

Kendall Jenner is in her panties in some shoot because of course she is, you can’t have a Kardashian promoting anything without doing it in their underwear for added views, because people like these bitches in their underwear, being sleazy, even when it’s the one they packaged as “high Fashion model”….a joke to most, but she pushes product, so let her have it.

I realize calling a bitch the best of the kardashian is basically like going to a discount brothel and being offered 6 different hookers, all ridden with open herpes sores, monkey pox from the anal, unshowered, with cauliflower looking shit growing out of their urethra….one of those….”i’ll take the one who smells the most like vaniall body spray to cover up the rest of the feces and sadness from her life choices that got her to a brothel and not OnlyFans”

That’s not to say the Kardashians are bargain basement hookers, they’re billionaires people, they aren’t bargain basement anything, but they are fucking trash and might as well be homeless, drug addicted, AIDSed up bitches.

I do wish Kendall slipped out of her panties, so we could end the debate of whether her ADAMS APPLE is from being one of them girls with high testosterone into fucking, deep voiced and horny as shot….or if she was born with a dick and was the test run for Bruce’s cunt

Was she the BRUCE CUNT inspo, or was she the BRUCE CUNT test run cuz she was born with testes..well we won’t be finding that out today….all we got is lame panty pics to push product she likely got paid millions to promote because society is fucking dumb.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Lily Mo Sheen in a Bra Top of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is the daughter of vampire freak Kate Beckinsale who pretty much seems like she never ages, but her pussy may tell a totally different story, she just keeps us at an arm’s length from it, you now out our nose’s reach, so we can’t really lock in the stench of rotting flesh that may exist in between her legs, but even if we were in close range, that smell could just be the aftershock of having sex with Pete Davidson AIDS back when she adopted him and they used to fuck.

Point being Beckinsale is still hot and this is the creature that crawled out of her womb thanks to Charlie Sheen’s seeed…

I know her from leaked nudes that the lawyers made us remove, you know a party girl getting wild with her liberal flashing of her tits, her young girl into sex, it’s college….she’s rich….her parents famous….why the fuck not…

But now she’s a serious actress, in her first role in the Nick Cage movie “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” about Nick Cage….and her bra pic is circualting, so you might as well look.

I call it marketing to help her get her career to the next level, but I’m sure nepotism will do all the heavy lifting.

Posted in:Lily Mo Sheen




Feminist Friday of the Day

These are girls without bras on. and not feminists, but the title triggers me, so I’m not going to talk the natural titty hang and poke under a shirt, but rather about feminist…boot licking, man hating, feminists….

Feminist Friday is the day I laugh at feminism, because like so many campaigns launched and funded at the University level amongst a bunch of annnoying woke idiot liberal academics, who live in their own theoretical bubbles, it’s a fucking idiotic movement, like so many, that taint the mind of people who just don’t know better.

It’s one of those “it sounds good on paper” especially when it’s politicized, or positioned to trigger people’s empotions so that they get on board….you’ve seen all the protests for similar movements that are just one sided, idiotic, but presented as progressive and amazing…

So you have women who are told that they aren’t slaves to their homes, families, or hubands and children….YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE…..one of those DO NOT RELY ON SOME MAN…..when really, the women who took care of their kids and husband, who they love, feel rewarded by that and the kids fucking benefit from a mom who is a fucking mom…..

BUT INSTEAD….slave for you career, make your own money, so you can live in a shitty middle management sized CONDO that may have a pool, that may have the instagram trendy decor, that you use to bang out random dudes to get a taste of intimacy or an orgasm, maybe they’ll even let the stranger cum in them….WHO KNOWS….but it’s all pretty fucking emplty…

So running your home and raising your kids, something that fulfills a person and feeds their soul and purpose has been replaced with slave for a job that doesn’t give a fuck about you, until realizing selling nudes makes you more money…

These idiots, still think, feminism is this virtuous thing, this SUPPORT ALL WOMEN ON THEIR QUEST, which has nothing to do with feminism, while destroying the family has everything to do with feminism.


Posted in:Feminist




Victoria Justice Face Mask of the Day

Victoria Justice is posing with what looks like a mould or is it mold of her face, that we’ll assume her handlers are using to make a realistic mask or CGI face filter in th event they need to replace her for the internet when she’s predisposed or locked in a dungeon getting reprogrammed by the Nickelodeon team.

They are pretending it’s a face mask from the spa, SURE it is bro…SURE it is….

I don’t know if there’s much of a fetish here, but I think she should start selling those on her own store, some direct to consumer shit, so that you can buy them, wear them and look like her while you jack off, or better, put it over a melon, cut a hole out of the mouth, and live out the closest thing you’ll ever get to fucking the face of Victoria Justice.

I have all the ideas, I wonder why I’ve never been offered work from a celeb to elevate their footprint.

Here she is drinking wine:

Posted in:Victoria Justice




Caroline Vreeland Top Heavy of the Day

I always need to be cautious while covering Caroline Vreeland’s monstrous and amazingly huge new mom tits that are bigger than your head and almost intimidating to look at, I mean, I couldn’t imagine being in the same room as these things, it’s on a circus freak show level of amazing, you know if you were the weirdo into fucking bearded ladies, or into fucking midgets, or into fucking strong men…where the freaks of the freakshow are two insanely large breasts, likely bigger than any breast you’ve ever seen.

But yeah, I need to be cautious writing about her because she lives in the same city as me, is now a Canadian through marriage, and can turn the woke liberal canadian socialist hate crime police on me for being sexist by reducing a woman to tits that are so fucking big they need their own talk show….I hear that pervert Ellen is out of work, maybe Vreeland’s tits are the answer to the compelling interviews and silly opening dance.

The point is, the fact that these tits are in the same city as me as I write this, but that I’m not perched on some telephone pole staring at them, or hiring some nerd to hack their security camera system, is really a fail on my part.

I don’t even know if I can write that, is that seen as threatening, I mean obviously I am joking, but it’s definitely something else knowing tits like this are eating poutine like a french girl because these boobs are on another level and thus should be celebrated as such….

Posted in:Caroline Vreeland




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are making a comeback, in part because of feminism, you know empower women to wear things they’ve been conditioned to think are only for their period or long term relationships, since the full back panty has spent 20 years being dragged into the mud as being an inferior panty….even though functionally, it’s got great coverage, and with the elastic leg bands, can probably hold a full shit like a diaper….at least for a short period of time before seepage, but THONGS can’t do that.

I don’t know if this is a product of rebellion against the patriarchy they blame for the THONG being made to be the standard panty, which functionally it should never have been, it’s a look not a tool…..

I don’t know if this is a product of realizing dudes like any panty so long as it is panty, that’s the allure…we’re not supposed to be seeing the panty, it’s UNDERWEAR not outerwear…and even a full back panty is hotter than a bikini because a bikini is meant to be seen.

I don’t know if it’s a matter of keeping up with the nudes, or salacious content they post daily, because you need diversity to stay interesting!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Barbara Palvin’s Booty of the Day

I don’t know what this GIF of Barbara Palvin’s ass is from. It’s not like documenting Hungarian models branded by Victoria’s Secret is my job or anything….

I don’t know why it looks like one of those awkward pregnancy boudoir shoots normies who are knocked up seem to love getting done, just a topless man with his topless pregnant woman, being shot by some bootleg wedding photographer, as some sort of high concept you can buy at Walmart…you know the vibe…but its probably because it looks like she’s bloated, maybe too many carbonated drinks, maybe a Gluten issue, maybe a fat gunt that got her fired from Victoria’s Secret when they used to shun the fatties and had standards….look at the last frame if you don’t know what I am talking about.

I don’t know who the weird cult members in black dancing around her are, probably satanic ritual shit, you don’t get to America from Hungary without some tradeoffs, like selling your soul…..

I don’t know what her scars on her back are…movie make-up, or lashings from the Eyes Wide Shut sex party for the people into top models….or maybe it’s some acid burn from an angry father in her conservative home after finding out she gets naked for money….lots and lots of money.

I just know I don’t mind staring at it.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Kara Del Toro in Apartment with Tits of the Day

Kara Del Toro is some instagram tits who has tits on instagram because if you have tits, you take the to social media, call yourself a model, take a bunch of self produced photoshoots of yourself, like some faggy self portrait artist in art school with no actual friends, so they just shoot themselves, only instead of art, you produce low hanging fruit lifestyle titty pics, like you’re starring in a pharmaceutical add, but with tits, you know the cheesy as fuck look.

Not everyone can be a star, but everyone can game social media, if they got the right hook, and lucky for tits, tits are one of the right hooks.

Posted in:Kara Del Toro




Fishnet Friday of the Day

You may need Fishnets for the apocalypse, when the foot shortages happen and the economy collapses and you’re forced to find sustenance, who the fuck are you to expect the whore you’re willing to trade a cup of clean water you’ve squirrelled away to be rocking a nice fresh pair of fishnets, you need to come prepared…

I guess you could also use them to catch fish, or rats, or other things to eat instead of your dead neighbors, but I’d rather eat the crabs I get from said hooker willing to fuck me raw for a cup of water…you know EAT BUGS AND BE HAPPY, that’s the plan, it’s in all to documentation, it might as well be PUSSY bugs rather than those taking over the world thanks to death and dispair.

ON THAT POSITIVE and JOYOUS OUTLOOK, which actually is positive because you have to have the collapse before we have heaven on Earth, it’s in thee book of Revelation people….it’s just not going to be that fun….but it will be better with Fishnets..some modern luxuries in the dark times.


Posted in:Fishnets




The Girl Who Turns Her Tits into the Letter P and Other Videos of the Day

Amazing Titty Top

The Reason to Join the Gym

Just a Dress Show

The Narcissist Dance

At the Pool Dance

Hot Body Looking Silly with a Stupid Slut Dance –

Slutty Inked Bitch Dance

Bitch in a Dress

Posted in:Videos