I'll Make You Famous…




Vanessa Hudgens Witch Tits of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is apparently into Witch Craft, because all of these famous people are occultist weirdos who worship the wrong god, it happens when you sell your soul to evil for personal gain, but they seem to have fun with it, which I guess is what life’s about, hence the turn on religion and embracing of evil at all levels of society, because why the fuck not, and as degenerate I don’t care, I’ve done my share of horrible self destructive godless shit, it just seems less creepy when it’s some low life broke ass near homeless failure, than an orchestrated cult all these idiots are a part of, that look down on us, while taking our money and our attention…

Since she’s into Witch Craft, we call her tits Witch Tits, but they’re probably just aftermarket tits….not quite as impressive as casting spells and flying on brooms before eating babies…..

She hosted some Vogue livestream, because she’s back, the pandemic, like for so many rich people, are now so much richer while the rest of us suckers are far worse off…..and in being some out of touch, diluted, not reading the room on COVID restrictions we’ve all be subject to, while they all walk around normally thanks to being supreme humans according to the powers that be, since they push all the messaging their handlers tell them to….I mean it takes work being a Disney Kid….

While hosting the Vogue livestream, she interviewed Hailey Bieber about eating Pizza, which to anyone who knows, Pizza is some pervert rich person conspiracy that’s known enough that you probably wouldn’t talk about pizza if you were rich and famous, unless you were doing it on purpose as part of their universal law of disclosure….

I know, Pizza, such an innocent food, just not at some satanic ritual disguised as a fashion event.

The point is, satanists or not, these people are horrible, but I still look at their tits, witch tits, after market tits, any tits….

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Bella Hadid Topless of the Day

Bella Hadid is a top model, which is a joke in and of itself, because if you’ve ever looked at her, you know she’s got the face of a beat up tranny with AIDS, but that’s a matter of opinion, some people may find that so high fashion that they had to make her a legit model, when I just think High Fashion became walmart clickbait trying to scam as much money off poor people trying to keep up with social media because they don’t have souls, or haven’t realized what is important, so they think a designer purse or a 20,000 dollar pair of shoes is the answer to all their sadness, when it’s not, but at least they find sugar daddy’s to help them achieve their dreams…or pay pigs on their ONLYFANS……because designer clothing matters in their weird ecosystem of being marketed to.

The point is, Bella Hadid, not hot, only a model because she pushes product and luxury fashion pretends to be luxury fashion, but is really the same as the direct to consumer stripper gear….so you need instagram models to sell it, you just need to pretend they aren’t instagram models but actual models even if they miss the mark on all the qualifiers needed to be a model…..except maybe being skinny.

Which when the head is cropped out, we can appreciate, since her body is nice, I guess it’d have to be when you’re running such an elaborate scam like being a modern day supermodel for overpriced designer clothing.

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Dove Cameron Got Them Tits On of the Day

Here’s Dove Cameron in what I’ll assume is some Met Gala satanist event that only the very special COVID immune because they are rich fucks get to attend in silly fucking costumes as the peasants look on in envy, which to me, at this stage in the game of Hollywood’s collapse, is pretty idiotic to partake in, yet these idiots all line up to partake in it, because they think they are special, or they are forced to by their teams to stay relevant, when I look at it and see nothing but a boring ass, lame ass, disgusting ass, event filled with the worst kind of trash, celebrating high fashion when looking like a bad costume party, in some weird fucking rich person ritual that you know ends with PIZZA eating…..because Hailey Bieber, Vanessa Hudgens, Jonas Brother, Kim K and Pete Davidson all left the event to eat PIZZA, a fact that I know without even watching any of this shit because it’s totally uninteresting to me….but they just can’t hide their symbolism of being satanic predators, or victims of satanic predators, like Dove Cameron who feels like a broken, lost, depressing girl in every social media post she posts….that may happen when you were once the PIZZA they all ate….assuming that conspiracy is legit….and really, conspiracy asides, these idiots planning this event like it matters, you know trying on outfits, and working with a team to get the right costume, is as lame as the fucking event is…..

If you’re rich and famous, why the fuck would you bother wasting your time going to this bullshit….some people even pay to go to this bullshit….don’t they have better things to do like not go to a stupid fucking event amongst a bunch of unimpressive assholes….weird.

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Kate Beckinsale Underboob of the Day

Pete Davidson tainted Kate Beckinsale who I guess was one stop on his ritualistic climb to the top of the food chain, ending up on Kim Kardashian, I guess is the top of the food chain, because in her food chain it’s about who eats the most souls of the people beneath her…..

Obviously, to the average spectator is a downgrade from even an old as shit Kate Beckinsale, because Kim K is old as shit too…she’s just about double the size of Beckinsale and about 1/100th the hotness, or less, depending on how disgusted you are by her freakish surgeries, procedures, body shape, and contribution to the destruction of humanity through vapid, social media, narcissism, and money grubbing….

But to the insider, the Kim K touch, is the best marketing hustle, the richest, the gold standard in “I’ve made it in the culture”…..which is sad..

No one, except Beckinsale’s creepy fans knew that she was fucking Pete, but they’d be mad at her fucking anyone, they’re the old school fan boy who rages when their girl gets dicked, it taints them for them and that upsets them…..kinda like Bieber fans being mean to his wife…they just can’t handle their love being violated by something that looks like he has AIDS…..

Point being, Beckinsale has still not rotted out, she still looks good, she still seems slutty, and I like it.



Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|Kate Beckinsale




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I don’t think I’ve ever made fun of a girl for having small tits, I mean I may have, but if I was making fun of the small tits, it was probably to make them feel insecure about the small tits, so that they’d show me how good the small tits actually were, you know making a girl insecure, since they are all so insecure, just look at all the filters and face injections being used on the daily, hot chicks ruining themselves for no good reason, other than to fit in with the Kardashians despite the Kardashians being trolls who crawled out of the depths of hell to ruin society….

The point is that I’ve always liked small tits, because when they come with a pussy, they’re just as feminine as big tits, and anyone who thinks a tiny tit is less impressive, or less hot than a big tit, is the kind of guy who would fuck a big dick tranny for the tits, and well, that’s not very hetero when there’s a dick involved, and doing it for the tits, makes you hella not straight when there’s a dick involved, so keep on calling people who like small tits perverts into young girls, when old bitches have small tits too weirdo, when we all know you’re a closet case who overcompensates for his gayness with a weird obsession with tits…..

“DID YOU SEE THE TITS ON THAT ONE”……is a sure fucking sign that you may be a fag…..

While small tit appreciation means you’re so straight, you like anything that has a pussy.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Katy Perry Big Tit of the Day

Katy Perry is some satanist elite from a very rich family who managed to pretend that she was a popstar, not very well by the way, but people bought into it, because the radio told them so, not because they actually liked it, it’s some sort of witch craft that they do to us, casting spells, making money, and creating things like Katy Perry.

She’s consistently depressed me as a celebrity knowing that she managed to game the system at the level she gamed the system….in her early concerts of awkward dancing and annoying singing, the kind that I think legit rapes your brain and that no one has cancelled her for not having my consent to put those sound waves into me violently like it was a raging strap on….

I should sue.

But in her depressing me, she’s had big tits, and tese are heer big tits, getting ready for yet another satanic ritual, satanic hangout amongst her satanic peers who are all the worse people in the world, that we’ve managed to make think are the best people in the world…that’s on us I guess.

Seeing her strugglee to fit the big tits into the gown doesn’t bother me so much, so this MOM, who is NOT a MILF by my standards because I hate her, more a MILF if you can K-Fed her, still has solid tits that I’ll look at, no matter how many baby blood transfusions she had to take to get here, you know cuz tits are fun to look at….EVEN Katy Perry’s.

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP


Posted in:Katy Perry




Nina Dobrev Swimsuit of the Day

Nina Dobrev gets to live the Sugar Baby life, despite being a celebrity in her own right, that is just for show, so that the Sugar Daddy doesn’t know he’s a Sugar Daddy, but rather that she’s a working actress and influencer who doesn’t need his money…

One of the funniest ways the whores game their sugar daddies is paying for the first date, if you pay for the first date, the idiot rich guys don’t realize that you’re never going to pay again, they get so excited that they paid the first time rather than taking the free ride, so that they’ll never let them pay again…it’s a weird dynamic, but it works….

So if you’r a sugar baby out there, get a fake job like model or actress, maybe even get your own house or nice apartment to give the illusion you’re not there because dudes a billionaire, pay for dinners, and the Sugar Day will think he struck gold, and bitch can take it to the next level of sperm in the womb, to baby, to marriage, to child support, to alimony and free houses…..LIVING THE DREAM.

The nice thing about this Eastern European, who rolled through Canada on her way to the USA is that she’s got a pretty awesome body and has turned out to be way hotter than I thought she was, so if you’re going to sugar daddy anyone, this is the kind of girl you’d go for….


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

My tight pant diary of the weekend includes one 45 or 50 year old mom who clearly works out, on some walk with her old fat husband who I guess she’s trying to get healthy, since he works all day to pay for her expensive life…..and her ass was surprisingly pretty fucking solid looking, probably the pants, but that didn’t stop me from trying to make out her pussy mound from behind, I just wasn’t able to keep up with her pace…..luckily, just around the corner there was another extremely tight pant wearing girl, probably 19 or 20, straight off instagram and her tight pants looked far thinner, less power needed to hold it all together, because she was pretty much held together on her own….her ass round and halfway up her back….the kind you’d chip a tooth on if you could get close enough to trip and fall into it cuz you know she’s not letting you get close without a staged accident….the “Opps, did I do that” Urkel of perving out….I’ve felt all kinds of tits like that….it works.

Then there was an ass so wide, on an normal sized woman, but for whatever reason all her weight went to her ass and hips, it looked like a botched fake ass, but was likely just a genetic issue…and she walked through the grocery store, huge ass and all, not buying a thing, but basically rubbing up on both sides of the aisle at the same fucking time……

The point is, tight pants complete any shitty day, the more tight pants the better and motherfuckers, there’s a ton of tight pants out there to let you see pussy mounds, pussy fatness, in public, no cover charge…..the SFW, generally accepted as ok, make every street corner a stripclub without the stripping cuz the tight pants make the stripping unneccessary.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Gabrielle Union Bikini of the Day

I saw some stat that was put out by the race baiters, because they want people to think that everyone is racist, especially white people, at least that’s the angle they seem to be running with when everything, even Survivor, talks about race…

It’s some divide and conquer tactics, HATE EACH OTHER, not us, when really, no one I know personally hates any races, and I know some real shit people, they just hate assholes, which is reasonable…

Anyway, the stat that was put out was that there are lets say 10,000 rapes from black people against white women reported a year or something, I should probably google this to not piss people off with fake news, but this isn’t a new site, I don’t even know what kind of site this is, but it ain’t news motherfucker…..and there are 0 rapes by white people against black women….

Well, when Gabrielle Union is a survivor, when she was 19 years old and working part time at Payless, as people do, she was raped at gunpoint, only to survive from watching Oprah, and by suing Payless for negligence and settling….so that stat doesn’t mean black girls don’t get raped, or that they should be raped by white guys for equity or equality….just because 10,000 white women are raped by black people, doesn’t mean 10,000 black girls should be raped by white people to make things equal….

NO one should be doing any raping, unless it to yourself while staring at hot Gabrielle Union in a bikini, not that you can rape yourself, you know like granny always said, you can’t rape the willing, but you can always try. I believe in you.


Posted in:Gabrielle Union




Courtney Stodden Bikini of the Day

When you’ve seen a babe like Courtney Stodden, who I think is one of the most wonderful creatures to crawl out of the tabloids as some child bride to some pervert who never went to jail, which is why I alway assumed she was never actually a child, but rather a 30 year old pretending to be a child for the tabloid fodder, only to have all the tabloids eat the story up and talk about it, I’m pretty sure she even did Dr Oz or Dr Phil or some other Oprah produced Dr show…..she was a pretty big fucking deal…and no one fucking cared that it was a potentially creepy situation, maybe she was a victim, they just ran with it, made fun of her, because they are bullies…BUT we were always here to support, to celebrate and to encourage Courtney to show us her clown sized tits, which I hate as a concept because I hate fake tits, but love in practice since they are tits, and if you’re going to jack yourself up with tits, you might as well make them clown sized, otherwise what’s the point.

The point is, if you’ve seen a babe like Stodden naked, do her bikini pics really matter, she’s got sex tapes or masturbation tapes out there for profit….and as it turns out, the bikini pics do matter because she’s hot. Think of is as foreplay before googling her masturbation videos that happened when the tabloids stopped caring and she had to reduce herself to sex work to get paid!


Posted in:Courtney Stodden