I'll Make You Famous…




Halsey Got Her Period of the Day

Here’s some Halsey doing a selfie after one of her satanic rituals, you know it’s a small price to pay for that fame, and if you don’t rebuke evil and if you don’t consent to evil, you may not end up with as lucrative of a career, being a puppet to handlers who need you pushing their evil brainwashing agenda….you might as well just choose the dark energy demonic side…and get fucking paid…..and all those fans…so exciting….

Unless she’s just being one of those annoying hipster feminist girls of the internet who decided to play up their periods as some angle to push feminism or to cry for attention, by either doing period facials or artwork with the menstrual blood….something I posted about what must be decades ago…it’s nothing new…just more mainstream, which means more people are doing it, and it’s far grosser than drinking your own pee, even though I’d probably eat out any girl on her period, but that’s far different than fetishizing it and making it a health and wellness trend for other mainstream girls to get into because their leaders like Halsey do it…

Either way, like period sex, it’s disgusting, but unlike period sex it doesn’t feel good, so I can’t turn a blind eye to it…


Posted in:Halsey




Salma Hayek Ass of the Day

At a certain age, even with billionaire narcissistic celebrity trophy wives need to get their picture taken from half a mile away.

Living that GOOD FROM FAR but FAR FROM GOOD life that I am sure has had you check out at least one long hair biker on a road trip’s ass, thinking “oh yeah, look at that biker chick’s ass”…only to catch up and realize girl’s got a beard because she’s nto a girl at all….but rather a biker…

But yeah, even kind of girl who gets everything she wants, who has access to all the top fitness programs, the top fitness trainers, the top dieticians, the top chefs, the top plastic surgeons, the top face injections, the top baby blood transfusions, the top MEXICAN stem cell treatments that are illegal here, but that are not illegal to rich Mexicans….to make people as hot as they can to defy the aging process…even though their pussies are still 100 and rotting from the inside out…..

Then there’s the whole photoshop, digital retouching, post production, augmented reality filters for the he internet feeds, where life REALLY happens….now that we are all transhumanist drones dialled into the HIVE…or grid…thanks INTERNET for sucking…..and for LYING to us about how hot a bitch actually is…

But from that 1/2 mile away, I’m into the big Salma ass, it’d just be better if it was her big tits….since big tits at all ages can be fun…I know because I am a daytime stripclub patron where the old strippers go to die…and where I go to grab titty….you see, tits outlast ass when it comes to their expiration date….you can find a granny with a hot tit, but you’ll never find a granny with a hot ass….not even a famous one like SALMA…who I thin we should call SALAMI…because it sounds more delicious.


Posted in:Salma Hayek|Salma Hayek




Zoe Kravitz Topless of the Day

Here’s Zoe Kravitz showing you that she’s a serious actor by getting naked, which is a good way to show people you’re a serious actor, even though we all know that acting is a fucking joke….

But playing the artsy, serious performer, who deserves to be taken pretty seriously….which is pretty easy to do to…

Step 1: Have really rich and famous parents….and grandparents….so you get your foot in the door.

Step 2: Dress weird and go to hip fashion events and look at the paparazzi with serious artist like faces….you know like you’re always depressed or about to cry…..

Step 3: Get your parents to introduce you to the right people to build that portfolio..

3 steps to being cast in some NETFLIX propaganda about an agoraphobic during a COVID pandemic…which is exactly what we fucking need being forced into agoraphobia by the powers that be stealing us of OUR SOULS…and FREEDOMS….but not all of our SOULS…some of us don’t consent to evil and REBUKE it….Zoe Kravitz is likely not one of those people.


Posted in:Zoe Kravitz




Fishnet Friday of the Dayf

Here are some pictures of girls in fishnets to both remind you that fishnet lingerie is available on every street corner or local grocery store and pharmacy, because like with mini vibrators, they big box retailers want to keep women sexy…..so ladies, it’s valentines day, single, a slut who sleeps around because that’s what you’ve been trained to do with your hook-up apps, or relationship girls alike…..DRESS The fucking part and get cummed on or inside…since that’s the basic definition of ROMANCE…

Plus, it’s hot to the hunter gatherers out there looking for off grid land to grow their own potatoes on while waiting for the end of the world to finally fucking happen…..because when you’re alone in the wilderness trying to net small game to feed yourself…the idea of netting a hot naked chick is exciting…the one thing missing from the off grid hermit hole….and these girls are ENTRAPPING themselves…AMAZING.


Posted in:Fishnets




Nicki Minaj Bikini of the Day

Remember when Nicki Minaj broke her demonic programming, got red pilled, talked shit on their most favorite vaccine in the history of vaccines, said that her cousin’s now impotent or that his dick turned into a pussy, which may have been just an excuse for going trans, since the Caribbean isn’t as open to that shit, gay marriages are still illegal in some parts, so blaming a vaccine would make sense….

But yeah, she was so close to being cancelled, called out the White House, was demanding answers….the she DISAPPEARED…and now comes back possible replaced by a body double…or just herself reprogrammed…they can do that kinds of thing… with a NEW ALBUM like nothing happened.

Those were the days…


Posted in:Nicki Minaj




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I had a very important conversation with a girl I met on the street about the difference between panties and underwear…why is some underwear called panties while other underwear is just called underwear…her conclusion was that it is all underwear but the panties are just the part the cover the cunt….you know the DRIP PAN….but they are still underwear…so panties are underwear but not all underwear is panties…..

If you’re wondering why I had a conversation with a stranger about underwear or panties, the age old debate because girls used to HATE the word panties, it would make them feel violated…and now they wear panties for three days to sell to strangers from the internet….with all kinds of dirtier descriptions than just panty….it’s because whenever you talk panty with a girl in an inquisitive, non threatening way, she will either describe her panties, or admit to not wearing panties, or if you’re lucky show you the panties…and it may not get them horny, it may not lead to a fuck…but when you’re marred for 20 years…it’s almost enough to jack off to….

So don’t be shy, have that panty conversation with strangers, it’s far better than the argument with the anti-freedom evil anti-human demons who run off the same script telling you to get vaccinated or to wear your mask or some other insanity….like they are agents of the devil…

Keep all conversations in your life…PANTY RELATED…and some good talking points when it comes to panties, since you may not want to ask them about their underwear immediately, you gotta warm them up and work towards that…could be the panty vs underwear research I was doing for a personal project today…..it could be the thong vs full back panty conversation….it could even be about how thongs don’t cover the asshole if you’re willing to get into orifices…or it could just be you distain towards the CANCELING and BANNING of full back panties in the late 90s…like they wore blackface or some shit…

These are FULLBACK panties to reclaim the GRANNY PANTY…and remind you that all panties are hot even when they are not…you know shit filled, period stained, etc….THEY ARE STILL PANTIES!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Olivia Jade Underboob of the Day

Olivia Jade is Aunt Becky’s daughter she went to jail for, or you may know her as the ultimate rower who was photoshopped rowing to get on the CREW team, only to take the place of some less privileged person, sparking the whole “we all deserve to be treated the same, you can’t be allowed to buy your way into a college, even though that’s the way colleges have worked since their inception, and why bother go to college, when you can just sell pussy pics on the internet….”….

You know, that shit is outdated on all levels, and IVY LEAGUE is about to get more PUBLIC SCHOOL….for inclusivity of course…

The funny thing in the MOST BORING SCANDAL EVER…the most annoying rich person wanting their kids in college when the kids just want an allowance o they can YOUTUBE…it’s not like they’ll ever work so what’s the fucking point of bribing your way in….is it to make you feel like a good parent, is it to fit in with the neighbors who have smart kids, I mean bitch had millions of followers on YOUTUBE…let the girl VLOG….

Now that the internet trolls, the WOKE MAFIA…have decided to stop being mad at a WHITE GIRL from a rich family for the dumbest thing to be mad at…our girl OLIVIA JADE…is finally able to bring the tits out to the internet like she wanted to do before her mom was a fucking pain in the ass about the whole college thing….

The real question is whether Aunt Becky got prison rape by a newly transitioned male to female prisoners with one of those 9 inch long cocks…probably would have made her stay more familiar…like being on the set of FULL HOUSE in the good old days of HOLLYWOOD DEGENERACY …when girls fucked dudes they didn’t want to fuck to make all their dreams come true….


Posted in:Olivia Jade




Feminist Friday of the Day

We call this feminist Friday and by WE I mean ME….it’s the replacement for the FROG BUTTS no one cared about…with some NO BRA…because no one wears bras anymore…whether they are feminist or not…they are constricting…and bitches choose comfort…even when some of them should wear bras…beause their tits sag to their fucking pussy holes…but it’s their RIGHT TO CHOOSE…stop BODY SHAMING them….let them be empowered for dumb shit like the right to NOT wear a bra…which is a right they always had and if they felt they didn’t it…it’s their own doing because us patriarchal misogynisitc assholes fucking LOVE to see a titty hang behind a shirt…it’s actually one of my only life interests really…some people make money, some people make art, some people are into real estate and running AirBnb businesses…others are into selling shit online….I am into tits…and pussy and really anything to do with sex….because I am a pervert…

I do a rant on the regular about how dumb feminism is….destroy the family, get DRAFTED to fight in WARS for equality, become a LESBIAN…grow your clit out into a DICK….as you cry for EQUAL pay that you probably already get but you saw a CLICKBAIT ARTICLE on some flimsy fucking website disguised as a MEDIA source…get to the office because being a homemaker who got all the time in the world to fuck the mail man or the tennis coach when husband was slaving….wasn’t good enough for you…even though so many girls seek rich dudes to pay their way so they don’t have to work anymore….because FEMINSISM….sex work to them is real work…without even knowing that NONE of them worked, all had a free ride, their kids raised by them not the state…a better EXISTENCE back in the 1950s before all this bullshit surfaced…

Indoctrination works in mysterious ways…doesn’t it.


Posted in:Feminist




Masked Girls Making Content and Other Videos of the Day

Do Girls Not Have What?

TikTok Built in Bra Challenge

She Does Rod Stewart Better than Rod

Good Body Bitches

Girl Does a Dance

Titty Word Association in the Snow

Hair Challenge

Hair Challenge 2

In the Pool

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




HANGRY. and Other Videos of the Day

Canadian Radio Host Fired for Speaking “His” Truth that Goes Against the Narrative

Dude Red Pilled Himself

Soulless Thugs Starting to Show True Colors…

Police Showing Up to People’s Residences after Leaving Comments on FB….and this is where the internet Died.

Student Doesn’t Wear Masks – Gets Taught a Lesson

Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution

The New Zealand Police

Watch Out for the Bear

Posted in:Uncategorized