I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne’s Fat Ass of the Day

This is what happens….when dudes jerk off to fat girls….not so fat girls think fat girls are normalized and hot…or maybe they know that they can just edit their shit…because being fat is comfortable, lazy, and delicious, until you die prematurely, which for some reason hasn’t happened to my real fat fucking wife yet, but I’ve been hoping…for the last 20 years or longer….because that’s just the kind of luck I have.

As someone who likes fit girls and skinny girls, even sloppy skinny girls, I think this CARB LOADING is a little unfortunate…not that I give a fuck about Bella Thorne, her fatness, and either should you.

It’s something to look at, but there’s a whole life out there waiting for you to have it, if you just get off the damn computer…I mean Bella Thorne’s living….and there’s more to your life than watching that…

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne




X-Tina is the New Goth Tits of the Day

X-tina, also known as Christian Aguilera was a celebrity I was convinced I would have sex with before I died, since I am not dead, it’s possible that it could happen, you never know where life will take us, but I obviously didn’t WILL it hard enough when I used to use that as an opener line in 2003 at parties….I would bet people that I would fuck….clearly making me no friends and not impressing any of the girls I was trying to get drunk to have sex with…

Anyway, like all these celebs, she’s looking better than she did 10 years ago. I asked a friend of mine why he thinks that is, are they all on the injections, are they clones, are thee CGI, or are they just getting solid procedures that are not as invasive…you know sucking fat out of your belly instead of working out….

There was a time, basically in the last 10 years, where she was a fucking school bus sized woman, which was a shock for those of us who were there before she got her implants on her tiny frame…

Yet here she is now, looking good with the tits out, maybe she’s been doing some prayers to hr overlord who gave her what I’d call VERY annoying singing chops….or maybe it’s photoshop….or MAYBE it’s blood transfusions with baby blood…RIGHT…they do that….they just don’t want you to know it.

Either way, BIG tits are fun…so check out the cleavage on this whore…

To See the Rest of the Pics from the Paparazzi – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Christina Aguilera




Medical Worker Monday of the Day


I am a firm believer that mandated vaccines are an attack on our freedoms….whether you are vaccinated or not, you can agree that letting these people fuck with our personal existence because we’re trapped in some echo chamber from hell….on some lower frequency that’s trying to separate us from our souls, consciousness, or even humanity….and the idea that people get fired from their jobs over medicine they take because the media has decided you’re a heathen if you don’t take it…in the worst ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE stunt ever….is fucking crazy.

I still see people fighting on social media about this shit, it’s like get a fucking life, let’s fight about more important things like TAXATION BEING THEFT….

I don’t know the VACCINE STATUS of any of these medical workers, I am sure that many are still employed and being gross at work….not getting fired because that’d be discrimination against moonlighting sex workers….

I don’t want to know the VACCINE STATUS of any motherfucker….so KEEP it to your damn selves you fucking ZOMBIES…


Posted in:NURSES




Lottie Moss Panty Flash of the Day

You can throw out all those iconic Kate Moss pop culture moments from an era where models were exciting, interesting, or at least involved in less shameless shit than the girls of today self producing their shit….which I think is the real reason the whole “Influncer” or “Instagram Model” concept sucks…

In the mid 90s, when HipHop wasn’t mainstream and satanic, the only model content we saw were from fashion mags or paparazzi. They may have been industry dick suckers trying to get ahead through head, but it wasn’t done in public. So the shoots, the publicity stunts, all seemed less contrived…

The internet has exposed us to the real flaw in celebrity, which is that behind every famous bitch is a bitch who really wants to be famous and will do anything for it, because fame is seen as a good thing, not an evil thing, and a means to an end financially, because once famous, even for a minute, you get paid….

So with every selfie they take, every hashtag they use, ever celeb they interact with, is just contrived bullshit to get your eyeballs on them, instead of some other chick you don’t give a fuck about, because they are on the screen and not on your dick..

There was a semi-interesting storyline to follow when we only dealt with celebs through the media…not that they were more interesting or more important then, I’ve always said worshipping celebrities is bullshit and you need to have a life, but now people are worshipping non celebs like they are celebs, even though they aren’t…and that’s too bad….it gives people egos who shouldn’t have egos.

Looking at Lottie Moss, who is a Moss in name and not in body, isn’t as interesting as her sister’s iconic work, but different era means different hustle, means showing your panties on the internet to send people to your subscription site where you sell nudes…

It’s all so transactional, the mysticism gone….and that’s ok, cuz we get butt shots, straight to the fucking point butt shots. A win.


Posted in:Lottie Moss




Jojo Got Them Titties on Of the Day

One of the more interesting revelations of the pandemic, is that Jojo has huge tits, which for some reason, a reason called WE LOVE TITS, makes her dramatically more important than some washed up child star trying to revive her career….and with the help of big sister Rihanna who I am sure don’t have a questionable origin story…which I guess Jojo does too…you know how does a girl from New Hampshire end up in Movies by the age of 15…maybe the same way a girl from Barbados ended up in NYC at 15 with all the work visas in place to become a huge popstar for a big record label…probably not the kind of thing you’d want to look too deep into, but instead just accept as normal luck….good old fashion LUCK…

Anyway, Jojo is grabbing her big tits at the American Music awards which I didn’t really care were on, because the American Music Awards are the only awards I was ever “Invited to” as press, I didn’t go, because I figured if they were inviting me, it was probably some real bootleg shit….you know if I am at your party, your party is the wrong party….if I sneak into your party, your party is the right party.

Point being. tits.


Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque




Kid Rock’s New Anthem Against the Woke of the Day

Obviously, I’ve been a victim of a woke on a very low level because the site is very low level at this point…..I hardly got hit by the woke because at the time the feminist sites would try to outrage against the site, no one cared, if anything it just increased my relevance, you know mad that I reduce women to their tits for jokes on the internet…get a fucking grip…

But yeah, even not being a victim of the woke, you know that it is the fall of fucking society and that the people can’t be woke enough, which makes them worse than they already are…just sitting there trying to get mad at someone to feel better about themselves instead of not giving a fuck, the way nature intended…it’s like JUST let us fucking live, this divide and conquer shit is ANTI-HUMAN….we aren’t supposed to be ALL the fucking same…and for the most part, it’s white people who are pushing the divide and are the more racist, sexists, simple minded monsters…

We don’t need a debate about all this shit being a viral trend, brainwashing, whatever you want to call it…MAYBE a distraction…

But the FUNNIEST thing about it is that none of the celebs are speaking up against it, maybe they are dick suckers just scared of offending people and being cancelled so they lose their livelihood…


You see people like “RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE” who are supposed to be raging against the machine, basically felating the machine….same as the whole ANTIFA movement of anti-fascists who are defending the fascists pushing vaccines on people…it’s pretty fucking confusing.

Luckily, Kid Rock doesn’t give a shit…and is making music to tell people to fuck off and let us live..

When Kid Rock and his midget made a name for themselves, I was not a fan of his music, he was too rock and rap and not enough country….so I wasn’t a listener…

I am actually surprised the only voice of reason out there is Kid Rock, I guess make a motherfucker rich and he may still keep his fucking spirit and isn’t controlled…unless this is just to make us think he’s a voice against the machine….which is possible, I never believe any rich people. They have CUCKED to be rich….

But I’ll take it…we need more music to push against this shit, because seeing everyone just give into it…is creepy as shit.

Plus he fucked Pam Anderson when she was still pretty hot, so there.

Bigging up Kid Rock has been a weird experience for me…

Posted in:Music




Milf Monday of the Day

In conclusion, MILFS can be sluts too.

I guess it’s not that shocking that the world on the internet is getting more and more perverted, but I’d argue that MILFs have always been slutty, especially when recently divorced with a chip on their back and something to prove now that they’ve spent a year starving themselves out to deal with the loss of their entire existence they locked themselves into for “Love” or to fit in with society.

I am not against the traditional sense of marriage and family and think it’s a beautiful and magical ideal, but most people are instant gratification fucks and sex is pretty available anywhere you look, so it takes a certain person to keep the marriage alive, rather than just fucking off and finding younger and hotter pussy now that they are older and more successful in career.

That’s not to say that it is always dudes looking for a thrill, because that’s a fucking SEXIST stereotype because any logical person out there is like “if dude gets success and his wife and kids get boring, young cheap pussy in a bachelor pad seems soul cleansing”….but I am sure just as many bored women, who have husbands who jerk off to porn instead of them, even if those husbands aren’t out there cheating, want more….you know they watched SEX AND THE CITY and other bullshit and it appealed to them…

That is to say that with the iphone, the normalizing of porn, old bitches with kids can play too….whether they are desperate for new cock, or just wanting to play a young girls game and the truth is, I’d fuck em…which I guess is the fucking point of shooting content like this..


Posted in:Milf




Joy Corrigan Pussy of the Day

Joy Corrigan is the weird-faced instagram model who I guess almost made it, whatever that means, but never quite officially made it, whatever that means, since nothing actually matters.

What I mean is that Joy Corrigan came up when Charlotte McKinney came up, both big tits from Florida in bikinis at a time when that was all you needed to go viral.

Now you need to do silly and humiliating dances like a mindless 5 year old despite being an adult…to go viral…so it’s way more effort than just standing in a picture in a bikini.

So she went viral, not never THAT VIRAL, but I’m sure her low level celebrity was enough celebrity to get rich dudes to buy her nice shit and more importantly…make her own money selling shit to her creepy fans…it’s the MODERN BUSINESS MAN hustle…

Joy Corrigan is in a nude shoot, I don’t know the context or reason, but I fucking love when girls get naked and you should too…clothing just gets in the way.


Posted in:Joy Corrigan




Anya Taylor Joy Fishnets of the Day

I think Anya Taylor Joy is one of these new age satanists from the entertainment industry because she made her debut in a movie about WITCHES which is the foundation of the OCCULT…but more recently I saw she was a guest at a pretty creepy fucking wedding…and more interestingly there’s a turning point in all these celebrity careers where they just end up going “viral” and becoming part of the system…and if you saw her in that WITCH movie, you’ll know she was pretty uneventful, but if you see her now, that bitch is in everything….

I guess they’d want you to reduce it to “WHAT DICK DID SHE SUCK”….which I guess is an easier thing to SWALLOW….than making it a spiritual war that the athiests out there can’t grasp because admitting there is a group of people who worship lucifer means that you have to admit that there’s an opposite group of people worshiping the other guy…which may not be as GLAMOUROUS as the cesspool that is Hollywood, but it is probably more inspiring….unless you’re inspired by fame, money and making relatively shitty movies….which you may be inspired by…I mean it seems like everyone is.

In this shoot, she’s on some fancy stairs, blazer open, BUTTERFLY ON HER CHEST, WITH PANTYHOSE you’d prbably want to sniff after a day or two of wearing them….because you know you haven’t lived until you’ve sniffed a pair of pantyhose after a day or two of wearing them…just dirty feet and pussy motherfuckers..


Posted in:anya taylor joy




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I’ve been looking at these breast milk squirting girls all wrong. I was thinking they are just girls who lost their sex appeal because of the whole pregnancy thing that led to these milky tits blowing out their vaginas like it was a birthday cake….only with more blood and afterbirth…

I figured their husbands weren’t into fucking them, assuming they had husbands is a bit of a stretch since there is an attack of family, relationships and people are just getting cummed inside for intimacy…so take the new tits and the new tit talents of milking those tits the way nature intended you know since we can feed our offspring and live off the land…and not in the hell society has imprisoned us with.

But why overthink women being enterprising with new found talents that require no actual talent…all they have to do is get cummed in.

I celebrate women’s natural body functions because I’m not queer and like the things people with biological vaginas can do….


Posted in:Lactating