I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Titty Flash of the Day

I don’t know what this topless Miley Cyrus content is from, probably a photoshoot, or a behind the scenes that she posted on her social media to remind you that she’s racy, but I do know that I like it.

I am a big fan of Disney’s creation, that I guess was Billy Ray’s creation, that he allowed Disney to create a brand around because why the fuck not, she’s become an empire.

I am not fully convinced that she’s the brains behind the operation, or her team at Disney or whatever put this together based on their market research of what her fans at the time were into…TUMBLR PORNOGRAPHY…you know the gateway to OnlyFans…

I don’t know how much of the creative direction is hers, but she’s inspired so many tits to feel as though they should be seem, no big deal, and that means because of Miley we’ve been able to see a lot of peripheral tits because of her tits.

I do think Miley’s hot, masked or not, so I’m always down to stare at her titties no matter what the reason they’re being flashed…you know shock value, empowerment, perversion, exhibitionism, edginess, money, clickbait, so long as there are tits, I’m lookin at em.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Nina Dobrev Panties of the Day

I don’t know whether Nina Dobrev is tapping into her Gypsy roots, or easter sex worker in the communist block era her granny was from, before being saved by Canada and their easy immigration laws, where she could out perform the non-communist, lazy, spoiled, Canadians and become a star actor in LA….who now fucks professional sports heroes who may look like circus clowns, but are rich as shit due to his athleticism….

I do know she’s in the panties, with nice think mid 30 legs and a tiny ass…so whatever the motivation, someone decided to film her with her brain cancr causing AIRPODS in, to show you how fearless she is, I mean she didn’t just survive Communism, she fucking THRIVED because of it…so BRING IT CANCER…with your RADIATION in the mother fucking ears..

This is a star in her panties uploaded by herself for you to see, meaning she wants you to see her in her panties…that’s some whore shit…alright…I’m into it.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Rachel Bilson Bikini of the Day

Mom who must be in her 40s or near 40s is still looking good, or at least her tits are, while simulating a facial from a weak loaded motherfucker who jerks off too much, so he basically just dry heaves with a trickle of semen at the end of the load, or they’re just cucks with no testosterone because of the birth control pills fucking up their hormones in the drinking water, estrogen in the soy, other environmental poisons that turn men into little bitches, but still capable of blowing loads for Bilson…unless it was a full load and she swallowed. I don’t know…it could just be her PINA COLADA as she’s sitting on the beach with hot round fucking tits in a bikini top, because COVID variants dont’ get in the way of the life of luxury of the rich…\

The point is that Bilson was the hottest The O.C. had to offer, take that Mischa Barton and Samaire Armstrong and Olivia Wilde….and she’s still looking good to me…even if she’s pretty much forgotten and boring…those tits look great.


Posted in:Rachel Bilson




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I hope you didn’t read the news over your long weekend, because they are trying to demoralize you, they are trying to destroy you, so just fucking chill out…

How about that new variant…

Nothing like some HEALTHCARE HEROES so swamped with this PANDEMIC that I think is totally blown out of proportion, with a 99.7 percent survival rate, meaning if you die of the shit, you’re probably a weak fuck who will die of something else anyway…so why fucking bother caring….

Then there’s the whole psychological warfare, censoring alternative treatments and natural immunity shit, that they say people who had SARS in 2004 can’t get COVID because they are immune…interesting storyline right…as they push these vaccines on people then fear monger the fuck out of you….because they are evil and demonic and trying to control you…

I am surprised people bought in, instead of saying fuck off, yet HERE we are…psychos injecting their kids who are at NO risk of the virus…but then this experimental medicine can just fuck em up hard…

It’s given me a far worse opinion of people than I previously had, I had NO idea that we became those people…I guess that’s the whole alienating myself from society far too fucking long that I just thought people were the same as they were a decade ago…they aren’t….

The AI and INTERNET destroyed them….

I see the soccer players dropping dead…THAT is the new normal, unprecedented times, or whatever….

I see people getting fired from their fucking jobs, even healthcare heroes, all because they don’t want to take medicine that they’ve admitted don’t work, so just take more of it, you BIGOT….

Where are they going to go with this? Who fucking knows…But be happy the healthcare workers aren’t too bogged down with this shit..because they’re still producing, in the cockiest of ways, content you can jack off to from the job…in the uniform….wild.


Posted in:NURSES




Debra Messing Ginger Swimsuit Titty of the Day

You know, the last celebrity I want to see in a bikini is probably Debra Messing, because as far as I’m concerned, Debra Messing is hardly a celebrity….because unlike you faggots, I didn’t watch Will and Grace, then or now, because I don’t need stereotypical gay sitcoms mooching off homosexuality, with this bitch being the best Fag Hag…are they still called that…or has “Gay Bestie” taken the place…because Fag, despite being an amazing word, that we all know what it means, like CUNT, is beyond effective and getting that message accross…and even the fags I know are fine with being called fags…because I only deal with old timey gays who paved the way for this weirdness..

What weirdness you ask…well, I was looking for clips for stepSMUT, and got baited by a monster energy can in the asshole of a waxed butthole…only to pull out the camera….for us to see the balls…

So motherfuckers are no longer gay, they are women with dicks fucking energy drinks….because of that whole slippery slope..

Long gone are the TRUCK STOP gay hook-ups…..and turning the kids gay before they even know what gay is…you know “teacher says gay is when boys like boys, well I like my friend Kyle, and I want to be with him always, we play so many sports and have so many jokes, therefore I must be gay according to teacher”….when kids don’t have those instincts obviously…so confusing them is a great fucking strategy…if you are fucking evil.

Anyway, Messing, in swimsuit, rich as shit from mediocre acting…that a handful of fanboys who think she’s the hottest shit..and she’s not even showing any of her old lady ass….


Posted in:Debra Messing




Candice Swanepoel Topless of the Day

I am sure that Candice Swanepeople is jacked up with face injections as all these girls trying to stay fit and hot into their 40s do, but she’s also not THAT old, still skinny, and since she’s retired from Victoria’s Secret, doing her own thing, it doesn’t take mean she’s too old to jerk off to…or too old to get naked…even if she’s had two kids…if anything her having two kids was just a fuck you to her fans that are her age or older, in a “look how I look after I squeeze out a couple of kids, while you look like shit”…it’s the equivalent of when a rich dude shows off his money, you know since hotness is a currency….just ask any model human trafficked.

Swanpeople, the best kind of people, yes I am calling her Swan People instead of Swanpoel because of autocorrect and because I like it better…is our own kind of SOUTH AFRICAN variant that came out conveniently a day after they reported COVID isn’t an issue in Africa despite being 6% vaccinated….


People in South Africa are like “why are you alienating against us, is it because we are the most racist country in the world, with our apartheid”….because as travel bans happen, they’re like “we have 9 people in hospital or less and no one is really that sick, this MORONIC variant is actually mild as shit….because ALL variants get less and less intense…and if they get worse, it’s because a new version of the virus has been released or sprayed on you…

It’s all lies….but what isn’t a lie is that Candice with her giant LEAVEs looks fucking great….evn with her breast implants removed because I hate breast implants.


Posted in:Candice Swanepeol




Milf Monday of the Day


MOMS I LIKE TO FUCK….or is it moms I’d like to fuck since I don’t know if I’d like fucking any of these moms…I don’t even know if they are all moms. There’s a scam in the MILF world where bitches who are old enough to be moms, which I realize is 16, based on Farrah Abraham alone, but that I think is more when a bitch who wants to get naked on the internet is 40, she needs to put that disclaimer than the objects in the mirror, or on the screen are not quite what they seem…there may be some fucked up fat deposits, rashes, scars, loose skin, skin tags, stretch marks…you know old lady shit….maybe their pussies are blown out from insertion in their yout and not from EXPULSION…I don’t know any of these people so I don’t have the answer…

I just know that I am older than all of them, so “JAILBAIT TO ME”…even when 40…

I also know that having kids isn’t the hottest prerequisite for a nude…but some lonely people are drawn to it.

We’re not at the point of forced sterilization, eugenics, making kids in a lab not in a womb, where MILFs are some amazing and coveted rarity…you know Hand Maids Tale shit, where they house fertile pussy in the attic of the rich fucks…because they are the holy grail for humanity…

So MILFs are still relatively unimpressive to me, because I think moms should spend their time being moms, not being whores…but I am conflicted because I like naked ladies of the internet…


Posted in:Milf




Kari Riley Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who the fuck Kari Riley is but I bet she fucks rich dudes, only rich dudes, because sex is transactional now, and the whole point of building that instagram following or becoming a model is to get to the rich dudes. There’s a reason Victoria’s Secret models marry billionaires…100 millionaires aren’t enough for their egos….and millionaires are just dirt to them…

I figure if you’re a tight body bitch in a bikini, on some fancy looking boat, you are the kind of girl who deserves all you ever wanted or dreamt of. It’s ok to be a vapid, superficial ego chasing an empty fucking dream…BUT AT LEAST SHE WILL HAVE NICE STUFF.

But like I said, I don’t know Kari Riley, so I’m sure she’s just a down to earth LA based hippie, into dudes living in some of the tent cities in Venice or Downtown LA, you know because they aren’t slaves to the system…

The point is, hot chicks in bikinis are important.


Posted in:Kari Riley




Jennifer Aniston Nipples of the Day

I don’t know what kind of perverted sex toy old lady Jennifer Aniston is playing with, but it looks like it’s some sort of breath control fetish shit, you know helping her test the power and strength of her lungs while giving us a chance to look at her razor sharp, meaty as shit, SITCOM winning nipples…

I would argue that the only reason Friends worked as a show was her nipples, because I know that is the only reason I watched the shit….I guess it also gave nerdy awkward dudes hope they’d get the hot tits to fall in love with them based on their charm and the fact that it was. TV show written that way….but I was really only there for the nipples..

I used to call it “Nip-On” back then, which I guess would be deemed as racist now…they call them pokies now…and even as a senior discount aged motherfucker, she’s still got tits to look at.

I guess this is from a movie, where she’s nude…in shower, like a victim washing off the bad sex..


Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|Uncategorized




Big Baddy Bee is the Ultimate Model of All Time of the Day

Big Baddy Bee is someone who only has 8,000 followers, but her profile was sent to me, and I fell in love with the concept of what she’s doing.

I was talking to a dude this weekend who was laughing about how big tits get hits, at least on TikTok…when big tits are being flashed or shown off…motherfuckers watch and big titty content has about 2000 times the views small titty content does…so girls are being told BIG TIT LIVES MATTER, but little tit lives don’t…

That’s the messaging…and it’s nothing new, I mean Pam Anderson, Anna Nicole, Jenny McCarthy…Carmen Electra and the other BIG FAKE TIT models of the 90s laid the groundwork….Emrata, Kate Upton and more modern big tits…confirmed that Big tits make dreams come true..

So this girl decided to buy some silly prosthetic tits to make content around, and she’s basically mocking the IG model, while now being one….rocking an OnlyFans withe the prosthetics….

I know, I’m more into real tits, than big silicone made in china breast plate tits, but for the social commentary…this is what legends are made of!!

Posted in:Tits