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stepLINKS of the Day

Lawyers are on my dick and not in a good way.. I had to take down the Ashley Greene nude pictures because they got all the buzz they needed for their new trailer they released today and they feel like making a big deal abotu shit, even though nothing ever disappears off the internet. This […]




Sophie Monk is a Whore of the Day

Here are some pictures of Sophie Monk working Russel Simmons and his Adult Lisp in hopes of landing a record deal, because before she was a miserable, horrible, busty actress in shit movies that went straight to DVD, she was winning singing competitions in Australia, something I guess she wants to re-visit here as she […]




Sophie Monk Staged Paparazzi Pics of the Day

I used to like Sophie Monk, not on a personal level, because I’ve never met her and never will, but in a I have nothing better to do with my time than post paparzzi pictures and she’s interesting to look at kind of way. But now now she’s older and washed up and I’m assuming […]




Sophie Monk in her Bikini for Some Straight to DVD Springbreak Garbage Movie of the Day

There was a time when I would only rent movies with girls in bikinis, because porn wasn’t readily available and I was 16, horny and down to jerk off to some seriously softcore shit. That time is long fuckin’ gone, so I am surprised shit like this is still made, even when it’s starring Sophie […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was drinking a beer in the park and this blonde girl was walking around with a baby carriage in her bikini top. I screamed out at her that she’s only 5 pounds away from the breakaway point. She didn’t get what I meant, so I had to explain that the breakaway point is when […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I once dated a girl who dumped me because I would make fun of her everyday, I also dated a girl who dumped me because I didn’t buy her a birthday present because I spent all my money on partying, I dated a girl who dumped me cuz I stuck my dick in her when […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be drunk most nights of the week and I may spend a lot of time with strippers but that doesn’t make me a degenerate. The fact that I live off my “disabled” wife, who is really just a lazy fucking pig who gets a government check makes me a degenerate. Tonight may not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The last I heard from Paris Hilton’s New BFF was that her dad is in the FBI and he’s going to ruin my life for posting that video of her. The last time I got drunk, which was last night I had a mission set out to shit the bed when I woke up. It […]




Lady Gaga is Gagged of the Day

Lady Gaga’s stunts are getting old fast. We get that she’s desperate enough for attention to hang with Perez Hilton for free advertising, we get that she had no friends growing up and is on some fabricated, unauthentic artist kick, we get she’s just some twat who can sing who created this seriously unlikable character, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My site used to be way cooler, I mean more stimulating. I feel like I’ve become like all the other reptitive gossip shit and on this Independence Day, I’ve go no choice but to plot the next step of the site, I expect it to involve prostitutes, drug use and me dead in the gutter, […]