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Miley Cyrus is an Annoying Cunt of the Day

Here’s a shitty fucking introduction to a Miley Cyrus performance at some Idol Charity Event that I can only assume happened because the show had a few minutes to kill and this is the only concept they came up with last minute and figured it’d be easy to execute since Billy Crystal had nothing else […]




Miley Cyrus in Her Cat Suit of the Day

I am from the school of thought that thinks if a girl dresses like a slut she is askin’ for it. I am also from the school of thought that if you get turned on by this 15 year old piece of shit, you’re not a pedophile, you’re just have bad taste. If Miley was […]




Miley Cyrus Showing Off Her Teenage Legs of the Day

I guess one of the good things about 15 year old girls is that they don’t have cellulite like they will when they actually become women, but they are so annoying when all they want to watch is Hannah Montana reruns, especially when they are Hannah Montana. I don’t find anything appealing about these pictures, […]




Miley Cyrus Goes to Church on Easter of the Day

Miley Cyrus goes to church on Easter and these are the pictures. I am not sure if the blonde chick is her mom, but I remember seeing her mom in an interview once and it made me want to see the Billy Ray sex tape…but the truth is that I’ve always wanted to see a […]




Miley Cyrus Does Leno of the Day

Looks like Miley Cyrus got to stay up past her bedtime to make an appearance on Leno, but she was accompanied by her dad, because she’s a minor. I wonder if she’s accompanied by her dad in your sick sexual fantasies that you have of her. I wouldn’t be surprised, but that’s just because you […]




Miley Cyrus Wears a Bra of the Day

Miley Cyrus is taking over the world and it’s not with her big tits, it’s with her stupid lyrics and her country all american trash twang and here she is in a see-through shirt showing off her bra. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with today’s youth but it’s freaking me out. First […]




Miley Cyrus and Her Baby of the Day

I don’t know if you remember Miley Cyrus had a pregnancy rumor going around a few months ago that was never confirmed or not and I guess these pictures of her with baby are enough of a confirmation. It’s one of those “caught you red handed, Mom” situations that will be hard to talk her […]




Miley Cyrus Bikini Hot Tub Self-Shot Pictures of the Day

Facebook and Myspace and Paris Hilton, Lohan and company have turned a generation of girls into sluts who think partying hard and filming sex tapes is the way to fuckin’ get ahead in life. They are dressing like sluts, having sex with multiple partners wherever they can get it and often times in public and […]




I am – Miley Cyrus is Pregnant of the Day

So a little life lesson for all you teenagers or parents of teenagers out there is that if you or your daughter dresses like this in public it’s just a matter of time before you’ll be driving her to the STD clinic and the Abortion Clinic because no matter what people say, suggestive clothing breeds […]




Creepy Noah Cyrus in her Racy Outfits of the Day

I am not sure what Noah Cyrus’ fashion influence is, or what this style is. It’s some kind of space goth demonic freak who died in the trailer park from a horrible murder but who was reanimated thanks to some kind of Solar Eclipse or creepy science experiment, only to get up and walk down […]