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Archive for the Katy Perry Category




Katy Perry Adjusts Her Stupid Tits of the Day

Katy Perry was at some event and she adjusted her stupid tits, or what I like to call the only thing worth lookin at on her because the rest of her is a fucking trainwreck, or at least in her case I hope a train wreck survivor because that would be the only thing that makes her busted up face and body worth lookin’ at. The good news about this video is that their is no sound, so while lookin at her tits, we can ignore everything else miserable this clown has to offer…. I hate this cunt.

Posted in:Katy Perry|Tits




Katy Perry Tit for Some MTV Bullshit of the Day

I guess Russell Brand’s needle sharing AIDS hasn’t soaked into Katy Perry’s bloodstream yet, because she’s at this event all smiles and looking as shitty as usual, like she’s got know idea she’s about to go on the battle of her lifetime.

I guess the reason why the AIDS from needle sharing hasn’t taken over her life and spun her into a depression or rage, is because Russell Brand doesn’t have AIDS for sharing needles because he was never a heroin addict that he claims to be. That shit was a lie to get him publicity and it worked, the UK people bought into his bullshit and gave him a book deal, that led to a radio show and an MTV deal and America followed….

So the only hope I had in eliminating this Katy Perry is pretty much back in the hands of one of her crazed stalkers who I’m hoping stops thinking about kidnapping her and bringing her back to his cave in the backwoods, where he will marry her and make her have his babies, saving the rest of us from having to deal with her cunt face, until she plans her escape in 13 years and no one remembers who the fuck she is, and actually does it.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:cleavage|Katy Perry|Ugly




Katy Perry is a Sloppy Twat of the Day

Here are some pictures of Katy Perry dressed up like a piece of fucking shit, unfortunately for her, it is not because of halloween, but because she is some sloppy trash everyday of the year and no matter how often she puts on her bike shorts and pretends to go to the gym , or how many dance off’s she has on stage for her idiot friends who I wish bad things happen to, she will always be a pig of a women….she just can’t help it and it is all in the way she drags her feet when she walks.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Katy Perry|Sloppy




Katy Perry is a Sloppy Pig of a Woman of the Day

I figured out what I hate about Katy Perry and it is going to sound weird….I hate the way Katy Perry walks. I’ve seen her walk around her stage, I’ve seen her walk around in pictures and she constantly looks like she shit her pants and is embarrassed, it’s like on some lazy slobby kick that explains why her hips and ass are so fucking sloppy lookin and it is the shit that is going to make her balloon to 250 pounds the second the world comes to their senses and she stops performing….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Camel Toe|Katy Perry|Slob




Katy Perry Birthday Bullshit of the Day

I am friends with Mark Cobrasnake, so I want to say that I am not going to hold the fact that he went to Katy Perry’s cheesy birthday party where he looked like he was having the time of his life amongst people I hate, like Perez Hilton and Katy Perry, because I’m going to tell myself shit was just an act for some exclusive pics he can sell to the paparazzi for a couple hundred thousand dollars, because that would be the only acceptable reason anyone I know or like would put himself in this kind of horrible situation.

The only thing worth caring about when it comes to a Katy Perry birthday party filled with L.A. idiot scensters who collectively feed their egos for being allowed in the event and her ego for suckin’ her dick while at her event, is her tits, because tits sometimes have the power to make me forget how much of an unattractive lame piece of garbage cunt this Katy Perry asshole who managed to trick the world into thinking she has talent better than me is….

Here are the pics to start off the week.

Pics via CobraSnake

Posted in:Birthday|Bullshiit|Katy Perry




Katy Perry and Russell Brand are Disgusting in Love of the Day

This is a horrible way to wake up, the only salvation we have is that Russell Brand’s heroin addiction was actual fact and not just a bullshit book he wrote as an “autobiography” from his parent’s basement that lead to his MTV career and that lead to his Hollywood career, and that he shared needles, is too scared to get tested for AIDS and has infected this Katy Perry dog so they both live sick and miserable lives with no energy to perform ever again.

The only thing that makes sense in all this is that I thought brand was a full poofter and that his sex jokes were all just the same bullshit that landed him his career, when really he wanted to rim Seth Rogan with his cock head or some shit, so that would explain why he’s so smitten with Katy Perry, because he doesn’t realize she is the ugly pig that she is, he just knows pretending to kiss her is good for his career…..and the whole thing is pretty fucking sick.

Pics via INFphoto

Posted in:Katy Perry|Love|Russell Brand




Katy Perry Has a Shitty Body No Matter How Hard She Tries of the Day

Katy Perry was out having a lazy workout, because she’s a lazy girl, and the proof is in her shitty body.

I don’t know what possessed her to wear shorts that make her look like she’s in an adult diaper like the lazy bitch she is, who is too lazy to get off her ass to walk to the fucking bathroom and take a fuckin’ shit cuz it’s too much work for her, but the reality is that some of you probably like it, because you have no taste and you live in a town where everyday girls are 300 pounds thanks to America’s freedom to eat all the toxic foods you motherfuckers eat.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m fat too, but I that it is strictly because of years of hard drinking and not because of eating twinkies and that’s got nothing to do with Katy Perry or her attempt at basketball before stopping and grabbing a bagel in attempts to not burn more calories than she eats, because that’s how lazy people work and you don’t want to set that balance off, cuz look how far it’s got her…..

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Basketball|Bike Shorts|Katy Perry




Russell Brand’s Got No Taste in Vagina of the Day

Russell Brand is kind of a funny dude. I have seen him in stand-up years ago and he was a lot more interesting to listen to than the other people on the bill like Judd Apatow, Seth Rogan and that weird Asian chick who fucks the dude in Juno.

Sure his shit is tired, his jokes repetitive, he’s softer and candy coated and even annoying, but I am sure he could land some seriously hot pussy, but instead he’s fucking Katy Perry. Sure, he’s kinda gay and gay dudes pretending to be straight don’t traditionally fuck the hottest girls, you know as they prefer the kind who look like they have dicks, and in his defense he is from the UK where most girls are as ugly as Katy Perry, but I guess we can always hope that this known heroin addict, or at least dude who claims he was a heroin addict has HIV from sharing needles he hasn’t told anyone about and does us all a favor by infectin’ this bitch….cuz then she’ll be too sick to make another horrible record to destroy my life with. Good goin’ Russell! Someone get him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Katy Perry|No Taste|Russell Brand




Katy Perry and Her Fat Chick Tits of the Day

Katy Perry was at the Yves St Laurent fashion show taking in some tips on how to dress because she’s pretty much looked like a shitty clown throughout her short lived music career that I hope has very little life left in it, because I hate her, but for some reason you idiots get excited about her tits, despite the fact that all chicks have tits and her tits are no better than anyone’s tits, but for some reason we aren’t all bitter, negative pricks like me and look for the good in people, and I guess I have to agree that despite all the hatred I have for her, at least she’s got tits, see, even I can be positive sometimes too..

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Fat Chick|Katy Perry|Tits




Rihanna’s Got Shitty Friends of the Day

I get it, Rihanna’s got such an exclusive life that people just don’t get it. Normal people just don’t know what it is like being a puppet to record execs who tell you what to sing, when to sing, how to sing, then shove your music thru filters and computers to make you sound worth listening to, fitting you into the equation that makes them a lot richer than you are, and that’s why you’re just the puppet. In your defense, you are making enough money to be considered rich, you have a nicer house than the one you grew up in, even though you thought your one room shanty you were molested by your father in was the best out there until you came to America, and enough money to rent luxury cars your boyfriend beat your ass in, giving you this ego that you are superior, so you hang with some other one-hit-wonder cunt with shitty music cuz you’re best superficial friends in a world where you can’t have friends, but you’re not doing the only thing that would make this pics interesting and that’s fisting each other’s large pussies….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Katy Perry|Rihanna|Shitty Friends