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Cameron Diaz get’s K-Fed-ed of the Day


Madden Twin…Having Twins with dried up but Rich as Fuck Cameron Diaz…

I assume this happened because of the same brain washing tactics I assume he used in his music to get a record deal and to get a suburban kids to buy into his fucking lie…

Now this:

“Although she’s just a few weeks in, Cameron is hoping her babies turn out to be a boy and a girl. She’s excited to start shopping for the nursery.” There is a bit of a worry surrounding this pregnancy, Cam is at a greater risk for complications, due to her age. “They’re being very cautious,” the insider stated. “She’s very healthy and everything looks great so far. They’re hoping for the best.

Benji must be jumping for joy! Their source added, “He’s so protective of her and the babies that it’s hard for him to focus on anything else. He just can’t wait to be a dad.”

I care very little about Cameron Diaz, her ship has sailed, and whether she’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars and still has a fit enough body, her vagina is long dead to me…it’s just been so battered over the years that I assume the little fake rock and roll babies will just dive out of her when they are ready because their dad’s so “EXTREME”….

I care ver little about the Good Charlotte sisters, they hardly exist…but I know, some shit when down, to trick this girl into being manipulated by this dude, I’m assume slipping her drugs in her drinks, maybe being overly nice…

I wonder if the baby counts if it was produced in a lab using her frozen granny eggs…but not really, I actually don’t care the whole thing is just a herpes filled absolutely disgusting mess…and knowing that more of this K-Fed DNA will live on is what’s wrong with America..all while she says to the world that she retires….and it was a good fucking run…because she’s fucking rich…and that’s what the “art” of acting is about…LOL

Posted in:Cameron Diaz|SFW




Miley Talking About Licking Teeth of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Miley Cyrus..is probably the most interesting thing in entertainment…because she’s not Taylor Swift..

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing that matters or just noise…or does she even exist in this world where everyone is self involved weirdos looking at their social media and snapchat and instagram all day…

But as long as she’s eating cake off her friends face…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Doutzen Kroes See Through Dress of the Day

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So GQ had a men of the year award show what I assume was a couple of days ago, so I guess it was only logical to invite model to their arbitrary, bullshit, award show that I assume is strictly based on awarding people who either help their brand or marketing, or people who lure the models to attend their Gala, so that they can maximize the cost of the event…makes sense…

Because we all know I am the man of the year, in terms of failed relationships, failed in business, failed in life, but really good at self destructing with affordable alcohol and unprotected sex with girls who aren’t my wife…and who probably have aids, even though I don’t….

Exciting…but not really…

She’s waring a see through dress…but not really..

It’s all lies..LIES…everyone does this shit for attention….


Jourdan Dunn was also at the GQ Men of the Year event…she showed side tit…

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Posted in:Doutzen Kroes|SFW




Candice Swanepoel Grinds her Vag of the Day


I have no idea why I feel compelled to post this ad for some Jeans company that isn’t paying me to promote their ad that they probably paid a lot of money for…

But I think it has something to do with Candice Swanepoel grinding her recently engaged vag onto some male model head..

I am not that excited by model on male model head…if anything I find it boring, but I find Candice Swanepoel boring…hot but boring…and the only redeeming thing she has going for her is that she’s a racist slave owner in South Africa…not because I am a racist or into South African racists, but at least she’s got something going on other than posing half naked for money…

I guess what I am trying to say is why did they censor her tits…I get it…to promote their product…but this should create an outrage…riots…show us the tits we can just google to see….because we don’t like recycling our tit pics…we always want new tit pics…


To see her in some random magazine, still hot…still boring…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW




Selena Gomez Naked for Instagram of the Day


Selena Gomez posted this ridiculous topless pic of herself…

Her skin has been filtered so hard she looks like she may be a bad painting of herself, or some kind of sex doll version of herself that she’s promoting…

It like this played out pose, didn’t Sharon Stone or Demi Moore, or Madonna do this…

I call it the hide your GUNT…..in a strategic barely nude…Bieber can’t even use it to jerk off as a reminder of what was Selena Gomez’s virginity that he may have taken…but that’s not because it’s non nude that is because Bieber’s more into jerking off to Usher..

But hiding your GUNT goes to waste when the follow-up pic is a side profile…of her fucking gunt…

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Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Rita Ora’s Clickbait Song of the Day

Every one except Stephen Colbert know that TV is dead, talk shows are dead, the only people watching that shit are old and in the habit of watching TV, because even kids who watch TV, don’t bother watching nightly programming, they just fucking binge or use the internet..

So nightly talk shows are more a vehicle to produce viral stunts with celebrities, because they still have access to celebrities, and if they are well executed they get spread the fuck around, making money on youtube for these people, because that’s what matters…

The two players are redundant childhood schoolyard idiot Jimmmy “Giggles’ Fallon…and this Jimmy, who’s team emails me everyday and I just figured I’d link it, because Rihanna Impersonator with Tits is doing the rounds, singing about the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life…Clickbait..

Clickbait…will haunt my existence….forever…because I’ve known about it since the late 90s…in pushing internet traffic…but I never took that knowledge mainstream to make 100,000,000 or more off of it…

Instead I come here and post barely celebs singing barely songs for youtube views..a video I had nothing to do with…just to write my angry caption to it…

I’d rather be homeless.

I didn’t watch this video…so if it’s bad…blame yourselves for clicking..

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Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




50 Cent’s Bankruptcy of the Day

A video posted by 50 Cent (@50cent) on

I saw this trending on Facebook….and figured that I am both behind the curve, always bhind in the news, not because I have a life, but because I hate the computer, and ultimately don’t care about 50 cents finances, but the masses care…and that means I have an opinion on it…

Declaring personal bankruptcy is a strategy to not pay your debts including to the IRS, which is usually more affordable or better business than actually paying them, because if you owe the government millions of dollars, you can just shelter that millions of dollars so that they can’t get it and be rich as fuck and bankrupted…

It’s rich person problems… so 50 Cent is not poor because he’s bankrupt, he’s just stupid for bragging about his mansion in Africa, where I guess he’s moving to evade his tax bills…

The fact that people are shocked by this, based on his career, his Vitamin water deal, and all the other shit he’s done…

He can’t be bankrupt, like the traditional poor person kind of bankrupt….but he can be bankrupt legally, because why pay bills when you can just keep all your money…right…

Posted in:50 Cent|SFW




Selena Gomez is on a Boat in a Bikini of the Day


Apparently, this is Selena Gomez and one of her many sisterhoods, she’s in a bikini or a bikini top…because even she knows she’s too dumpy for bikini bottoms…and unlike her friends, she’s got all the pressure on her to look good because she’s Selena Gomez…which is probably why she got the fake tits…or maybe that was deeper rooted issues caused by the rejection from Beiber who I assume cheated on her, because you know how these entitled bitches are…the worst in bed….but still in a bikini so whatever…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian Grinds her Mom Vag Against a Bike Seat of the Day

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There was a period of time where I got excited by girls on bikes…not necessarily in bikinis on bikes..just on bikes in general…because I knew their vaginas were rubbing against the seat really hard…and on hot summer days…vile and sexy…dripping with seat and broken dreams…

But when I see Kourtney Kardashian doing it, it doesn’t make me want to sniff the seat when she’s in the store buying a drink…like I do with some girls…if anything it’s repulsive…after all the babies and Kardashian pollution that comes with being a Kardashian…but for some reason…I’m still looking..


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Snapchat of the Day


We are in the tail end of Bella Thorne being 18. Her birthday is Oct 8….meaning one more month to the day before she’s legal…so take it in, pure, innocent, 17 year old girl in a bikini, that is hardly erotic, but erotic enough because you know as well as I know, that this generation of kids, not even Hollywood kids around the shitty behind the glamour of the industry, are so into porn at a young age, that a month isn’t going to change her month….but in the USA, she is criminal to fuck…and she can’t pose nude…but she can cocktease…

I am not really interested in young girls, they don’t know how to fuck, they just sort of sit there terrified, and that’s in their early 20s, so I doubt at 17 they’d be any better, so I’m not interested, but I guess as an actor and the pride of her family, she knows how to throwdown and not just because she poses her young body in a bikini…because that’s just the way it is..

So take it in, one more month of Bella Thorne…who is more interesting a 17 year old that her gutter counterparts…the Kardashians…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW