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Archive for the SFW Category




Dakota Johnson for Another Magazine of the Day


Dakota Johnson is not hot….but she’s showing half of her famous kid tits in Another Magazine…

I assume her sex scenes from 50 Shades of Grey were just as dull as this…otherwise I’d be jerking off to clips from that movie for old times…you know a tribute to when I could jerk off to mainstream movie sex scenes..because it was that or National Geographic….or music videos or Playboy….

She’s just got a famous Granny who whored herself to Hitchcock, a Famous mom who has rumored to whore herself to everyone being the daughter of the actress who whored herself to Hitchcock, and a famous dad who was in Miami Vice…when Miami Vice was the biggest, pink neon and white suit wearing shows on TV…

So her career doesn’t impress me, her struggle not real, I mean unless you think being handed a job to keep her out of trouble, when she could just sit around and be paid for, is struggle.

I don’t…

But I’ll still watch her very average, even boring, girl you’d see working a coffee shop….

More pics

Posted in:Dakota Johnson|SFW




Lady Gaga in a Bra of the Day

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Attention seeking Lady Gaga…who no one cares about because she’s old news and her attention seeking wasn’t really authentic or controversial in a good way..it was just try hard and lame…but she still wears bras out in public..even though no one cares…because I guess that’s how she likes to express herself as a talented artist..who lost out to Miley, Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift in the pop game, but has still cashed the fuck in, is set for life, and unlike some of the other options, actually has some musical talent, because otherwise a face like that, even when used to market to gay people who are into ugly girls, since they don’t have any interest fucking them, and can see their souls, would have been left in the mail room answering fan mail for an actually pop star…

I guess there’s a whole new generation taking her place…but she’s still in a bra…in public…and despite not thinking that matters…I am compelled to post it…

I would prefer if this was her fucking a dead squirrel on a park bench with kids around in some kind of melt down..

But I guess I never get what I want out of these celebrity idiots….

Here’s her ass in a bikini from instagram…because I do my journalistic research

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Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Cara Delevingne in a Bra for Stella McCartney of the Day


Cara Delevingne brought her hipster rich kid, with access and famous friends, that she’s leveraged into a serious modelingand acting career, all while having some of the most iconic model eyebrows in recent years…to a Stella McCartney lingerie campaign to support breast cancer, even though I’ve heard bra’s cause cancer, but I’m also ignorant….and use that line one girls when I’m in the mood to see hard nipples through their shirts…which is more and more common and still interesting..just less exciting…now that people aren’t wearing bras…unless they are Cara Delevigne getting paid a lot of money to do this…money that would be better spent donated to breast cancer…than to a campaign that supports breast cancer…

Either way, Cara Delevingne matters, she probably shouldn’t, but she does…and as a supporter of fighting breast cancer since i like breasts, with a girl in underwear, because I like half naked, I guess this is some of her best work….

To See Cara Delevingne in a Bike at Burning Man CLICK HERE

Posted in:Cara Delevingne|SFW




Stella Hudgens Has Tits of the Day

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Stella Hudngens has big tits…possibly because she’s the chubby Hudgens who only really exits as more than just an instagram model…because her sister is super famous Vanessa Hudgnes…unless she’s gone off and done work of her own…something I wouldn’t know of even if she did…because ultimately, I’m a grown man and even if I was a teenager, who gives a fuck about this girl who is barely 18, tits or not, if she’s not fucking me…or even a match on Tinder..

All these people matter less and less and we become more and more self obsessed on social media…

But these people still have tits…and tits always matter…if when we’re not suckin’ em…

Here she is at some rave…probably on drugs…as these kids do..

If you’re more into Vanessa Hudgens…and you probably are…everyone is…that’s why Stella shows her tits…here’s a TBT bikini pic of her from instagram

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Posted in:SFW|Stella Hudngens




Demi Lovato at and Event of the Day

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Demi Lovato showed off some cleavage…in a leather dress…in what I assume is a tribute to her lesbian past..

I posted a post on Demi Lovato showing off some cleavage…in a leather dress in what I assume is me being a pathetic bottom feeding asshole who posts pictures of people I don’t actually know or care about…doing things I don’t find interesting or care about…because who the fuck is Demi Lovato, other than just another Disney chick from the Miley Era with a bunch of issues from being sold off by her parents…that she’s medicated with sex and drugs…before being locked down by that dude from That 70s Show..all while always, consistently, making money…

I couldn’t tell you a Demi Lovato song, which is a good thing, because if I could, I would probably kill myself…knowing I hit rock bottom…

This post on her leather dress is pretty close to rock bottom…but I can get through it…


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Stefani Sober for Elle Turkey of the Day


Her name is Stefani Sober and I only like her because I am never Sober and she’d be something that I guess the media would want me to be, and not just because she’s a hot skinny model, that is fat shaming me just by existing, giving me unrealistic goals and body image issues, but also because she’s hot, and a reminder that I don’t get to have sex with things like this, possibly because I’m not sober and being drunk…makes me do very disgusting things…that claim they are woman…but I’m not too sure because I just close my eyes and go for it…

I just figure as Drunkenstepfather….Sober is my soul mate in an opposites attract situation….But that could just be the delusions of alcohol withdrawal and living on the internet the last 2 decades…

Sober…such a beautiful thing….even when drunk…

Here she is for Elle Turkey…because I love Turkey…

Here are some instagram pics…because I am now stalking her…because we’re meant to be…

Posted in:SFW|Stefani Sober




Jessica Simpson’s Tits Selling Garbage of the Day

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Jessica Simpson known for her huge tits, still has her huge tits, despite having lost a ton of weight based on a weight watcher’s contract, back when all she’d do is eat…

She even did some family planning around that contract, because if she was pregnant, they couldn’t demand their millions of dollars back…

I guess she’s also known for her stupid Walmart brand clothing line for the masses, the Christians who make no money, but are okay with a shitty life thanks to God…you know the people you want to sell product to, because they’ll buy into anything…


Here she is talking…on Fallon…about her kids….to bring you down from…”OMG TITS”….we call this the video castration….because a woman talking about her kids, and not her tits, is a woman I have zero interest in listening to, but I’ll still stare at her tits.


If you look past her box, and below her gunt, you can see her cameltoe…


Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Miley Cyrus Cake Picture of the Day

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Miley Cyrus was celebrating her birthday, or her friend’s birthday, or knowing Miley, one of her attempts at a high concept, porny, Tumblr selfie shoot, as part of her “performance” art and branding, that makes people like me think, “At least she’s not Taylor Swift”….while playing the media in what I call “Just being Miley”…

Yes, it’s all a fabricated lie. but it’s half naked, and really, is anything really real anymore anyway?

I think life is just a series of me interacting with my computer in my shithole I call home…

It’s all a fucking fantasy, so as long as it’s some overpaid pop bitch in a bikini on all fours covered in cake, I’m ok with the lies…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Beyonce in Flaunt Magazine is as Hot as she Can Be of the Day



I am not sure they ever went away, but I don’t remember hearing about them in the last couple of years and I guess I’m not the target market so what the fuck do I know, other than that their latest issue is coming at you harder than you’ll possibly cum to the pics they took of Beyonce…

I assume that they are showing the world that they can be contenders in the “break the internet” movement that magazines have taken on with their photoshoots…

Whether it’s Paper Magazine with Kim Kardashian’s fake ass balancing a Champagne glass, or Interview Magazine releasing facetime sexting pics of Miley pretty much masturbating, to everything in between…it’s kind of the way shit works now…

Only this time, It’s Beyonce, who amazes me, not because I’m a gay dude waiting outside her concert screaming her name hoping she hears me because I feel she’s my spirit animal, and that ever since Say My Name…I’ve been saying her name…because I related to independent women…

She amazes me because at 40, with child, she’s managed to make herself pretty much hotter than she’s ever been, which isn’t really that hot, but still competitive with her competion…Rihanna…who makes Jay Z…more money than Beyonce ever has…unless they sell their kid to the industry…which I assume they will because why not…

So Beyonce should thank FLAUNT MAGAZINE for making her matter…even though according to Beyonce she’s always and will always matter, you get that?

No I haven’t gone soft, I am always soft, and no, I don’t think Beyonce is ever hot and is always the worst….I’m just saying better than usually…looking on the bright side….she’s grabbing her mom tits in a pool…

Check out FLAUNT for more pics…it’s a 500 page issue with a ton of people in it…. HERE

Posted in:Beyonce|SFW




Katy Perry on All Fours of the Day


The internet is freaking out because Katy Perry got her handprints in what I assume is the hollywood walk of fame, because I guess as an LA party girl, who probably walked Hollywood BLVD with her girls buying their silly raver outfits for their club nights, it’s probably a big deal, worth the price they charged her for it, because now, she’s eternal and can inspire other mainstream raver chicks to fuck the right dude in the right band to introduce her to the right people as that is how it pretty much happens…

I mean, I get the whole tits busting out of her top, that she knew was going to be the position she’d be in, and probably why she wore the dress…because everyone give this old lady popster with some of the worst music more attention on her big day! It cost her money…now notice…

I don’t think Katy Perry is a horrible person, I think she’s a horrible performer and don’t get her, but feel sorry for her knowing that no one actually respects her or her music and only care because she’s famous…if she wasn’t famous, she’d just be the weirdo at the club….

That said, your instagram and facebook must be blowing up with Burning man pictures, as they “Burners are back”…and Katy Perry was a “Burner” this weekend and she posted one of her Mad Max, creepy in the desert not dessert outfits, and all I can see is her short thick legs…

To See the Rest of the Pics of the Event CLICK HERE

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW