I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Lindsay Lohan Dancing in a Bikini on a Yacht of the Day

This pretty much completes my life….

It’s just so many issues bundled into one crazy girl, showing off her dance routine she learned as a kid when her parents whored her out to the industry…because..when normal drunk, medicated addicts dance like this, I usually just assume they are having a good time or trying to make money for a purse or to feed their babies as a stripper….but when Lohan does it..it’s dark…and incredible….I just wish that yacht deck she’s grinding for rich guys was my face.

I want to taste everything that well traveled, terribly aged, like a moldy cheesy pussy has to offer…

That said, in 2008, I was in a hotel room with Lohan, wasted at 3 or 4 in the morning and she was dancing like a stripper, slapping the floor and looking amazing…not quite as good as this..but close…and that disturbing image has been something i haven never been able to recreate with hookers, but wish I fucking could…but this is close…because people don’t change…especially when it comes to dance dance dance…

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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Tyga Takes Advantage of his Broken Tween Girlfriend by Casting Her in a Shitty Video of the Day

I wouldn’t really call this a genius move, but it’s definitely an obvious one…

Keep in mind this is totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of the world…almost as irrelevant as Bobo buying 2.3 percent of Facebook in 2009 that is now worth 1 billion dollars….because that’s what philathropy is about….and not nearly as important as the Lindsay Lohan dancing on a yacht like a stripper, something I’ve experienced first hand in a hotel room in 2008, but it still makes me laugh that dude, instead of going to jail as a sex offender, has been able to openly admit he fucked teen Kylie because her parents were no where to be found, and not just because her dad was in disguise on some Mrs DOubtfire shit….but because they are garbage into themselves…but she’s got a huge fucking following, people are talking so do the whole “first” love manipulation and cast her in your bullshit, because it gets her some visibility, breaking free from her sisters who made her tranny like her daddy face relevant…

ALl while getting him free talent and views so people can now know one of Tyga’s songs when asked, because before today anyone, even hip hop fans couldn’t place anything motherfuker did…other than Kylie…

Either way, manipulate broken young girls pretending it is love and win…that’s the Tyga lesson of the day

Posted in:SFW|Tyga




Rita Ora’s Star Pasties of the Day

EXCLUSIVE: Rita Ora leaving NoBu in Los Angeles, Ca.

Rihanna Part 2…or Rihanna Back-Up…or Rihanna’s Busty Body Double…or Rihanna Impersonator who will call you racist for comparing her to Rihanna, because she aspires to be Rihanna, but in breaking free from being seen as a Back-Up Rihanna, in case Rihanna dies of a drug overdose, like most people, needs to use racism to get out of being seen as Rihann, even though Rihanna sees her trying to be Rihanna too, it’s just that obvious….

She goes by Rita Ora…which rhyles with Rihanna, if said fast enough, and I guess it’s just part of her marketing, like fucking producers, label people, and wearing pasties under underwear, since her tits…these tits…are a huge part of her campaign….

But that fact though…seriously…


TO See her LEaving the Club CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day


Spoiled, overrated, model because her mom was a model and her dad still fucks models her age, Gigi Hadid, is one of the most aggressively marketed creatures with little to no talent, but with money and egotistical parents that want to be the next Kardashians, thanks to being vapid idiots, so they throw that money and PR people, who can manipulate the media and that can create an instagram following using her LA rich kid access, that can create a modeling career, since modeling is a joke – photographers will shoot anyone and magazines will feature anyone…as long as they have an audience…advertisers like audiences…

Well now she’s dating virgin, who isn’t a virgin, but pretended to be cuz it got him more pussy, Jonas brother…

But more importantly, posting these kinds of pics to the internet…bikini selfie porn…

The more entertaining thing about Gig Hadid, is that her sister got jealous, like all rich kid sisters, and is raining on her parade….stealing her job and contacts…to have her own career…with Victoria’s Secret…because that’s what bratty whining gets you…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Taylor Swift Sex Scene in New Video of the Day

I don’t know when Taylor Swift decided she was Lana Del Rey…but I guess being a hack, pandering to the most basic emotions in teen girls, with simplistic garbage songs that have made her the most powerful act in Hollywood, the kind of non threatening, basic, act that all of Hollywood, who aren’t as confident in themselves as she is, are flocking to, because they want a bit of that glory, you know like having dinner with God…only in this case god is a highly marketed, singer/songwriter, who just made accessible content and won…

Now, like Miley dropping an album about her dead fish as soon as the VMAs ended, Taylor Swift dropped this video, where the proceeds go to animal conservation thanks to her being rich as fuck and not needing money…also a great marketing angle to get people to watch and to get producers to cast her in serious hollywood movies, which we know they are already in talks about, and the highlight was the PG-13 sex scene…a little make out session like Taylor has every night of the week with different dudes because that’s her thing…

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Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Chloe Moretz in a Short Skirt of the Day

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Chloe Mortez….blah blah blah..jail bait…

Blah blah blah….was in a nerd movie as an action figure…blah blah blah…which made nerds like her…blah blah blah…more than they should like a 14 year old…we’re talking Jared from Subway level of like…well…blah blah blah…she’s 18 and on set in a mini skirt…

WHO FUCKING CARES…why do I post this shit…I hate myself for participating in this, and I hate you, one reader, my only reader, for makig me do this everyday instead of getting a real job, like working as a greeter at Walmart or something as rewarding as when I worked in an old folks home changing old diaper..because dying people shit..is one of the worst smells possible…but better than this…I’vebeen there. I know.


Posted in:Chloe Mortez|SFW




Victoria Justice Bikini Snapchat of the Day


Perverts everywhere love Victoria Justice.

She’s catering to them by posting a picture of her in a bikini to snap chat…

Because why else would she be posting pictures of her in a bikini…

FOr her teen girls fan, to be like “hey girls, i have a bikini, check it out,it’s so cute, let’s compare vaginas and scissor…OMG so fun.”…

Fuck off, you’re a softcore, very softcore pornographer and this is what you do to get dudes to jerk off to you…

Victorialicious, another Disney slut, trained by Disney to give dads forced to watch shitty TV, to keep watching shitty TV..with their kids as they all get brain washed…

She apparently did some sort of talk show…in white..that involved getting into a car for you to look at her ass you creeper

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Posted in:SFW|Victoria Justice




Sarah Harding in a Solid Outfit of the Day

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Sarah Harding is some 40 year old popstar who has had what looks like some really hard living…since her UK pop band Girls Aloud in the 90s disbanded and created the amazing an hot Cheryl Cole…while I guess shitting out this one….

Over the years she’s had a series of bikinis, panty flashes, etc…I’ve posted on her before HERE

Not that I care about Sarah Harding, or what she’s up to, or even about any of these idiots, but I’ve been updating this shit for 11 years and I’ve stumbled across these iditos before..

That said, on this comeback tour she’s wearing a Cat Suit and her face is so fucking haggard, I barely even notice what must be a massive cameltoe, bot a product of the low level celebrity slut…party…


Posted in:Sarah Harding|SFW




LeAnn Rimes Ass in a Bikini of the Day



What the fuck is going on with this face…

I guess the best way to describe how LeAnn Rimes makes me feel is…

I love that she looks like a beat up porn chick, knowing she’s one of the top selling Country singers of all time, and that for her entire existence, she played the whole Christian card for white people to support her no matter what “Sins” she was tempted with, like her boyfriend, who she divorced her first husband for, after he left his wife, because he was cheating on her with LeAnn….and/or her fake tits…

It’s like she embodies all that is wrong with America, that is coincidentally all that I love about America…big tits, skinny frame, adultery, lies to appease the Jesus Freaks, money, and fake tits…in bikini selfies…

Posted in:Leann Rimes|SFW




Nicola Peltz Billionaire Bikini of the Day


Being a billionaire…makes me question why a girl would crave fame…but then I realize that she’s not the one who made the billions, so instead of being the “leave me alone” from being hassled for money from business partners, potential business partners, his ex wives, kids, mistresses…employees, etc….it’s enough to want to move upstate, be a reclusive and just throw money at your slutty daughter because you have no hope for her, but know she’ll be okay thanks to her trust fund you set up, so just her play for her entire life as an aspiring actress, so hungry and desperate for attention, possibly from him not giving her enough time, or maybe from him giving her eveyrthing she could possibly want that fame is that last mountain to climb, and the whole thing works for me…because why be a reclusive what you’re hot and have the ability to post bikini selfies…ride that Transformers gig cuz your dad gave Michael Bay money into as many bikini pics as you can…I’ll be your audience…hell, I’d even k-fed you…please let me k-fed you.

Posted in:Nicola Peltz|SFW