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Bella Hadid’s Tits in GQ of the Day


Bella Hadid is Gigi Hadid’s bratty sister….who whined her way into modeling because she didn’t like her sister getting all the attention…typical sister jealous of other sister dad that molests…it’s a common complex for girls to have and I guess not just in the trailer park, but also in the massive mansions with billionaire fathers…

You know that she’s the darker haired, bigger tits….that GQ picked up because why the fuck not, use whatever you can when it comes along…or because they were paid…or because Gigi said she’ll only work with them if they do a feature on her sister…it’s all nonsense…but here are her big tits, that should be a sex tape, because that’s the kind of issues I prefer “the other sister”…to have..

I’m talking to you Pippa.

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Candice Swanepoel Naked for LUI Magazine of the Day


Candice Swanepoel is a substantially boring model…yes, she looks good, has an amazing body, but she’s lazy in her career…she doesn’t make noise, she doesn’t make moves, she just does these shoots with very little personality…looking like some kind of robot or sex doll which is something that may be hot to some of you who hate women and everything they have to say…but I like a bit of flavor..

I don’t care if her body is tight, tens of thousands of girls are tight bodied….

I do think this move to get naked in a popular men’s magazine in France, that might as well be Playboy and that has produced some great nude shoots of models, is a start…headed in the right direction in this tail end of her career because I am sure she’s trying to scramble to hold onto the fame she’s managed to get from Victoria’s Secret…and if it involves naked…that’s solid enough for me….maybe there is more to Candice than just some South African rich white person riding the wave…

These are just preview pics…the rest will happen probably in the next 24 hours…stay tuned..

As expected, even when naked, she’s dull…

Joan Small was there too – I don’t feel like doing another post for her – so here are some pics…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW




Kylie Jenner Weird Bathing Suit Photoshoot of the Day


Now that Kylie Jenner is 18 and her black rapper boyfriend who already has a kid has sang about penetrating her has the world lost interest in her? Can they see her for the puppet that she was bred to be, but more importantly can they see a 35 year old sugar baby looking face on a sloppy body, that may or may not be a tranny….

She’s not hot, she’s not exciting, she’s not interesting…yet they have her posing in bathing suits like she is, because I guess the “urban” market loves it..because they love anything rich, once wet, now brown, despite being white, thanks to the family being on giant identity crisis navigating to stay relevant and it is working..

I get it, when she’s under 18, illegal to fuck, she becomes more interesting in her slutty booty pics…but the day she turned 18, I am sure we can all agree all that deflated, she got sloppy, her face old and saggy and even these bathing suit pics, uninteresting and basic…

I’ll post them anyway….you know keep the momentum alive…but know I don’t think this garbage matters…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Agnes Hedengard is Too Fat To Model of the Day

Agnes Hedengard is a pretty hot model from who the fuck cares..she’s in her underwear…and she’s been not getting work because she’s too big…so she decided to make a viral video about the absurdity of it all, because her butt is too big…her ass is too big…and clients want nothing to do with her because she needs to be thinner…

Typical Fatty…complaining about everything, always being loud and annoying and whining…fucking fat people…

I don’t believer her….I call this a strategy to get noticed…to get work…and it worked…she’s translated the video into two languages – making excuses for not getting work she knows people will freak out over because it is ridiculous…you know generate a buzz, create an uprising, be the figurehead to stand out from all the other instagram models who think they are models….

She should probably become a plus sized model…because that’s what all the agencies that have spent 50 years telling skinny girls they are fat, are now celebrating because it is “In”….hypocrites..

Most interesting in all this is that Kate Upton is still not considered a plus sized model, despite being fatter than all plus sized model…it’s a shit industry, it’s not a real job, who cares…

Here are some of her instagram pics..being fat…

Posted in:Agnes Hedengard|SFW




Selena Gomez Panty Selfie of the Day

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HEre’s a weird pic of Selena Gomez, looking likg Kylie Jenner, because I guess the hormones in the food are making these under 25 year olds look like they have crazy waist to hip ratios, that I guess are caused by waist training harnesses, and/or FACETUNE app…we’re onto you..but not the way I’d want to be onto her…this leopard print panty shit is exciting, especially to the girl in the background taking pics of Selena as she takes pics of herself in this self-aware, selfie obsessed, document everything so we don’t need to use our brain to remember….but I’m far more interested in the friend’s vantage point, I mean who cares about this view…and I still haven’t figured out how this isn’t Kylie Jenner…I guess take the lead from what people seem to be into and ride it like the puppet you are…

Next time, let’s aim for more crotch shot..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Meadow Soprano’s Reminder She Still Exists of the Day

Jamie-Lynn Sigler 07

Meaadow Soprano aka Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who I don’t think has done anything substantial since being Meadow Soprano, except maybe something on another HBO show because they felt bad for giving her her career peak early on, by putting her in a very massive show, and paying her too much to be in that show, in a part she couldn’t really carry or be compelling in, destroying her career by creating her career, because it is all downhill from here….

I believe is that she has the capabilities of being in low level shit that require not very memorable performances…well into her 40s…it doesn’t require much…and really all she needs to be interesting to people is tits, and clearly, she wants you to know she’s got a set of those..hotter now than ever…which makes no sense based on the timeline, but I guess we all like tits…so TITS!

Preach it Minister…

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Posted in:Meadow Soprano|SFW




Rebecca Gayheart’s Bikini of the Day

Rebecca Gayheart_07

Rebecca Gayheart bikini pics remind me of her running down and killing a kid while on a cell phone….

So somewhere a broken mother hasn’t recovered from the loss of her kid, yet here is Rebecca Gayheart…celebrating never doing any time for her crime…playing in her bikini… though today it would be called vehicular manslaughter and motherfucker would be behind bars…even someone as high profile of Rebecca Gayheart…what’s she been in?

More importantly, I remember her totally normal threesome sex tape with Eric Dane, the father of her kids, in a threesome with a known madame or sex worker, who on tape can be heard brokering deals while on drugs, in one of the dumber things for idiots to film….a sex tape that her lawyers, probably the same ones who got her off of murder charges, deleted from the internet…

So think of this ass as a Throwback Tuesday…


Posted in:Rebecca Gayheart|SFW




Monica Bellucci for Marie Claire Mexico of the Day

Monica Bellucci - Marie Claire Mexico September 2015  (7)

Italians fucking LOVE Monica Bellucci and I guess Mexicans do too…because here she is in Marie Claire Mexico…for the Italians…who use her as hope that their Italian wife will age into hotness and not into their Nona with her beard you find in her normally fantastic lasangna recipe…when you go back to the mother country on summer vacation from your job in New Jersey working in construction…or whatever it is that Italians do..

Posted in:Monica Bellucci|SFW




Anna Kendrick Ass in an Upskirt of the Day


It turns out that terrifying Anna Kendrick due largely in part to her face, or more specifically, her weirdo, overrated, actor that shouldn’t really exist as an actor, not because acting is hard or challenging, it’s all just a scam, but because she’s not hot as fuck and because she’s not all that interesting to watch in movies….and who would be better suited as the awkward girl working in an entry level office job….

Is not so terrifying when looking at her ass pussy in her panties by the pool…

Erase the face, erase the mouth, focus on that asshole…we’re good.

I don’t know what this is from – but TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Turns out it is for a movie called Digging for Fire….

Posted in:Anna Kendrick|SFW




Hayden Panettiere in a Bikini of the Day


The most interesting thing about Hayden Panettiere….isn’t the rumor that her mom used to whore her out at parties to hollywood execs when she was underage, but that was a pretty awesome story from a few years ago that you probably don’t rememeber because you don’t care about Hayden Panettiere, and that I remember, but not because I care about Hayden Panettiere, but because I am absorbed in this bullshit celebrity world, for no real reason…and remember this nonsense information about them…that is probably not even true but that people seem to feel the need to tell me….when I am just interested in their tits, pussies and the fact that they are deemed more important than girls I can fuck for money in my own backyard…not that I have a backyard…but you know what I mean…local hookers no one knows…

Why are these twats so special…well in Hayden’s case it’s that she can fit the penis of a 7 foot tall massive boxing Russian in her…far more talented at that…than her acting…probably because she’s got more experience with insertion…than acting…

All this to say…Bikini Top Mom…

Posted in:Hayden Panettiere|SFW