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Ashley Benson Weird Legs Mini Skirt of the Day

Ashley Benson

I’ve been seeing a lot of pictures of girls who aren’t in very good shape, like Ashley Benson, who should be in good shape, because she’s on TV, a Hollywood Star, I mean her show is one of the biggest fucking shows on TV, and I guess she can’t be bothered with trainers and nutritionists, fuck it, people her like her the way she is…belly and big tits, and her knees looked kink in…and for some reason, all I want to do is lick her inner thigh….up to her special place…because cankly bitches are my porn…


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Elisabetta Canalis Pregnant Bikini of the Day

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If, like Elisabetta Canalis, your hopes and dreams were to one day become the host body for George Clooney’s baby, because it is good for business and finances….and it doesn’t work out for you, because Clooney is gay and had a schedule for each beard he had over the years, and fame whore immigrants only have a small window of opportunity before immigration starts looking for Green Cards…the perfect excuse to break up…

There is hope for you…even if you got so close to not just see the golden sperm…but even tried to impregnate yourself with the golden sperm…only for it to not stick…

There are other rich dudes, who are less careful with their sperm, because they aren’t queer actors..

Here she is either fat, or pregnant, in bikini…

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Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis|SFW




Dylan Penn is the Celebrity of the Day

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Her name is Dylan Penn.

She’s a “model”….which is code for celebrity kid cute enough to get paid to be in photoshoots because people like their last names, and what the hell else are they going to do with their access, seeing as going to school, or actually helping the world…is just way less fun..

She’s 24, so unlike the other celebrity daughters trying to make it as instagram models by leveraging the family name…she’s old enough to jerk off to…and that should be exciting enough for at least one Sean Penn fan who though he was a woman in Fasttimes at Ridgemont High….


Posted in:Dylan Penn|SFW




Kaley Cuoco Swimpants of the DAy


Kaley Cuoco, the hot chick who killed John Ritter by giving him a heart attack one morning on set of the 8 Simple Rules of Dating my Teenage Daughter, where rule number one was not getting caught by the authorities, because they just won’t understnad the relationship….

Has turned into the hot chick amongst the nerds on some other show that is massively successful and that people love because Friends, when the friends are Nerds, is a good format for a show….and the nice thing is she’s not even that hot…

But she is making 100,000,000 dollars the next three years, on top of everything she’s already made,, while being Kaley Cuoco, you know not a scientist, just a bitch on TV….

And here she is in swim pants, because she’s rich enopugh to wear whatever the fuck she wants to wear by the pool…

Posted in:Kaley Cuoco|SFW




Selena Gomez No Bra Party of the Day


She’s found her marketing hook…her tits…

For a few months, people wanted to know if she had implants because their lives are pathetic and some rich Disney slut’s implants are relevant to their existence, because their existence is that pathetic….I am talking to you…

Then, she milked that rumor by showing off cleavage, which would have been exciting….if we were religious people, and cleavage was arrousing…you know if we weren’t part of the internet porn generation of throat fucking…

And now, at least the last week, shes gone free the nippl on us and doesn’t wear a bra, something that is totally relevant now…it’s a political stance…that allows her to come across as a “with-it” young boss, when really she’s likea 50 year old thanks to being prostituted to the world and Disney at such a young age…

Either way, people like nipples…and here’s her tribute to her pimp…

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Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Kylie Jenner in a Bikini of the Day

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Kylie Jenner posted a bikini picture on instagram….because she gets performance bonuses at her job / house / from her mother who controls her finances because she’s 17, based on how many snapchat opens she gets and instagram likes she gets, you know like normal 17 year olds, who get the car for the night if they finish their chores or homework, only the hooker version….and the whole thing would be more depressing, if it wasn’t a weathered 17 year old with either plastic surgery or a lot of make-up in a bikini….right…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Rita Ora’s Got a Tit of the DAy

Rita Ora

Rita Ora

Rita Ora’s got huge tits….and she knows that when her career becomes less interesting and people stop talking about her….it is important for her to show off said tits, whether for social media, for photoshoots, or for the paparazzi, because it really is this easy to get into the media…people fucking love tits, panty flashes and nipple slips…and we’re all so bored and voyeuristic…that if she was out with handicapped kids getting ice cream like a decent person we wouldn’t care…but the second a full tit on the hooker hangs out of her shirt intentionally…we all stop what we are doing and say “those are some tits, nice shirt, who’s Rita ORa, oh right, the Rihanna impersonator, she’s got great tits, what’s her song she’s trying to get famous with, right, who cares, tits…”…

She’s on a fame whore mission and I’m watching…

Here’s her message to her fans that she calls her BOTS, because they would have to be BOTS to be into her shit…

A video posted by Rita Ora (@ritaora) on



Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Elizabeth Banks Weirdo Shoot for Flaunt of the Day

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Elizabeth Banks is the most important person in Hollywood right now…someone forgettable, who you you’d probably look at or remember from secondary rolls in Judd Apatow movies, you know the kind of kinda hot girl who was never quite hot enough or compelling enough to suck you in….

Well she’s now now 41….and more importantly, worth 100 million dollars because she’s the person behind Pitch Perfect….and Pitch Perfect 2….set for fucking life…

Meaning, Hollywood can happen for everyone if you just have an average idea and script that you know will brain wash the fucking masses…through average at best comedy…and songs everyone loves…

Here she is in some weirdo shoot, that’s obnoxiously trying to be “art” or “concept”…that just looks dumb, but maybe that’s the point, I mean she is a comedy producer…it would make sense…

I am actually into her, not because of her money, or because of her Pitch Perfect Character, but because I liked her in Love & Mercy, the Brian Wilson movie…but who cares about me, I hate everything…depending on the day…and today is a day I respect this specific half naked old lady..

Posted in:Elizabeth Banks|SFW




Taraji P. Henson May Be Showing 1/16th Nipple in W Magazine of the Day


W Magazine is so sneaky with this Taraji P. Henson lady in her 40s, who is in some show called EMPIRE, that I assume is pretty popular, because why else would W Magazine be featuring a 45 year old woman in their magazine…

Not that the reasons for mainstream media being paid off to feature stars of TV shows as an ad campaign to help promote said TV show….really matters…

She’s an actress, who fucking cares, it’s not like she cured cancer, if anything she got cervical cancer in her quest to be an actor….#HPV

What does matter is that I think I see 1/16th of her nipple…

W Magazine. You are so naughty…

Posted in:SFW|Taraji P. Henson




Mila Kunis Uneventful Dress of the Day

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis is overrated…

I get it, you jerked off to her on That 70s show, because it was between her and the Scientologist redheaded dude…but that doesn’t mean you have to carry that affection, or lust, into her 40s…especially now that she’s a dot com billionaire wife…and mother…and too old to be considered hot…

The lazier the public gets, the less they scrutinize these idiots, and the longer their careers exist, because you buy into the shit, instead of looking to fresh girls to want to see act badly in movies…and as a man who is married to one pile of shit, all I look for is new girls to get naked, and any self respecting person would do the same…stop locking into someone who doesn’t care about you, or who doesn’t deserve your fandom..especially when she looks like this…boring…as fuck…shit…


Posted in:Mila Kunis|SFW