I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Britney Spears Slutty Salsa Dance of the Day

There is nothing better than watching a slutty Britney Spears pushing 40 doing a slutty Salsa dance like a recently divorced 40 year old who doesn’t know what to do with herself on weekends now that she doesn’t have a husband to build her life around….You know it could be good for her, maybe she’ll meet new people, put herself out there again…20 years too late…but never too late to learn Salsa…

Only Britney Spears, despite being 40, is still hot….maybe it’s what happens when you’re held captive by your parents and never allowed to grow up, or maybe it’s what happens when you’re focused, trained, and taken care of thanks to all your money, because very few 40 year olds look this good, or this happy while clearly medicated and crying for help, they instead look way more sad, depressing, and pathetic…I mean walk to any Salsa Class on a Friday night on a weekend the kids are with the dad and you’ll know what I mean….desperation, tears and Diabetic sweat everywhere…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Selena Gomez Tight Pants of the Day

Selena Gomez Ass Tight Green Pants

Selena Gomez is a mental case, but she’s also got a broken Kidney and a new set of tits, so that alone should make you feel sorry for her. I mean a terminal illness, with an autoimmune disease that works like the AIDS she may also have thanks to unprotected sex with Beiber before he found Jesus or maybe from the blood transfusions that happened when she ripped a kidney out of some groupie bitch she was housing for the sole purpose of harvesting her organs, you know when you want to get famous, some people would give their kidney for it…

Point of the story is that while finding god, going in and out of rehab, finding a new Kidney, finding tits, quitting social media, finding out Bieber married Hailey Baldwin like god wanted him too…Selena put on some tight pants and let people take pics of it…because I guess sexualizing yourself in NEON Green…is the best way to show off your new face..

Who cares about this midget child star…I guess a lot of people..but I find it boring.

Selena Gomez Ass Tight Green Pants


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Caroline Vreeland Massive Tits of the Day

Caroline Vreeland Massive Tits Nude Dress

Caroline Vreeland is not hot, but she doesn’t need to be hot, she can just have tits, and do just fine with that…her body weird…as it would be…when you’re deformed and carry your weight in your tits the way she does…not to say she’s fat, but she is dumpy looking, and I’m not really a fan, I don’t look at her and want to fuck her tits, I don’t even like they way her tits look in the nudes I’ve posted of her in the past, she’s sort of just average at best, trying hard to be relevant, going to all the events, she’s years deep in this hustle, and there is a reason she hasn’t made it yet…

I mean girls with far less tits, access and a great grandmother who probably isnt’ even her grandmother but part of her lie to get her into fashion events…doing far more than her….but she exists…

She hangs with influencers, celebs, is in Hollywood, wants to be a singer and has huge tits…yet has been at this for 5-8 years and still not a household name…you’d think she’d take the hint, but I guess she’s just living man…and it’s finally coming together for her…persistence people..keep up the good work…those tits will eventually excite people and you will eventually exist…

She is getting brand deals though, so I guess she’s hanging at the right tables and people are starting to sign checks in her name…but it’s been a fucking while, almost a pathetic amount of time that she’s wanted this to happen and that alone makes her pathetic.

Big tits though. That’s an accomplishment.


Posted in:Caroline Vreeland|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens Slutty Latex Erotica of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Tight Latex Camelteo Ass

Vanessa Hudgens – Disney Kid with a propensity to getting naked on her cellular phone, having those images leaked, pretending to be humiliated by it, only to do it again a bunch of years later, because she actually fucking loved it….

I know girl, all kinds of girls, from all kinds of walks of life. I’m an old guy and I have been a friend to various girls forever, I prefer girls to guys, not just because of their breasts, but because dudes are fucking gross and hanging with the boys is queer, and what I have learned from these friendships is that 98 percent of women love sending nude pics of themselves to dudes they are into, 92 percent like posting slutty pics of themselves for strangers on instagram, and none of these girls are child stars, raised and brainwashed by Disney to be entertainers…

So you put that into the mix….and there’s not way the nudes are intentional, narcissistic, and when compared to the coffee shop girl doing it, you realize…that bitches love being seuxalized…all of them…just not by dudes they find gross..like me…

Point being, Van Hudgens in latex is a good time for her fans who either jerked off to her Disney Show or her leaked nudes while doing her Disney show..because she hasn’t got fat.

Vanessa Hudgens Tight Latex Camelteo Ass 4Vanessa Hudgens Tight Latex Camelteo Ass


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Phoebe Price See Through Bodysuit of the Day

Phoebe Price Ass See Through Lace Bodysuit Black Thong

Is a day even a day without seeing Phoebe Price out in some silly outfit?

Are we even really living if we don’t get to see our friend and beacon of hope that all will be alright in this world…out there in her underwear / sheer outfit…

Whether she is roller skating, pumping gas, eating ice cream…I do not feel like I’ve really succeeded at my day, you know really accomplished all that I can possibly accomplish, which isn’t really much, I pretty much just sit all day and wait to die….without seeing some paparazzi manipulation by the master…

Some may say she’s an Old Timer, but I say, never too old to film a sex tape for me to watch and watch until I can’t watch no more…especially when you represent all that Phoebe Price represents…and I’m not sure what it is she represents, but it’s good, it’s funny, it mocks celebrity, it’s clever and she has a great time doing it, it’s like a troll, or a prank that’s become an actual thing…a meme before memes existed, an influencer before influencers…a legend for all of us to ask “who the fuck is Phoebe Price again?”….

That’s not the point…the point is…the outfit…man…don’t you do fashion bro.

Phoebe Price Ass See Through Lace Bodysuit Black Thong


Posted in:Phoebe Price|SFW




Rihanna Tits of the Day

Rihanna was out with her tits out….but what’s with the dude smiling at her…creep.

I guess the one good thing about Rihanna getting fat like a Caribbean woman in her hometown who makes ROTI all day..is that she’s finally got some titties…..because if you’ve ever been to Barbados, you’ll know their women size the fuck up pretty quick, and it’s hard to understand why, I mean there’s an ocean to swim in, and rich white British guys to seduce in the bars in exchange for money…they don’t call it HOLETOWN for nothing…

I find all this celebrity shit boring, I do think there’s more to Rihanna’s rise to fame than we are aware of, it just doesn’t make sense to me that a 15 year old girl with average at best talent and looks was plucked out of Barbados and imported to America to become a huge fucking star…out of no where…the chances of that ever happening are so slim to fucking none….I mean paperwork had to be filled out….apartments paid for…someone was bank rolling this…and saw whatever she became…

The daughter of a garbage man, from a shantytown now owns half of the real estate on her island…How? Makes no sense…but maybe it’s that modern slavery thing they keep talking about…whites exploiting blacks due to white privilege, if that’s even a thing anymore, does Black Lives Matter still exist, or has white entitled rich women taken over the conversation with Believe All Women hashtags?

Posted in:SFW




Bar Refaeli Workout of the Day

What’s not to like about a girl named Bar…I mean we all like bars…the site is called drunkenstepfather and when you combine hot model tits, even when they are old and a mother of two, tits…in spandex working out for their model body, a model body that was once good enough for LEO, top tier model because it was before Leo was picking up all the table scraps….you’ve got a good thing..

I mean unless you’re like all the Americans on my facebook, who wouldn’t like bar for the simple fact that she’s an Israelite, assuming her people run the media, and perpetuate lies….until you tell them that their leader Trump supports Israel, his daughter is also Jewish…converted that way….so that they can calm their racist KKK asses, and see Bar for what she is…a rich fucking big titty Victoria’s Secret model who retired from modeling to start a family at a reasonable age, unlike the Brazilians who were older than her at the time they worked together, and who are still fucking doing it….

But then again, it’s the instagram era, and this fitness would suggest a Bar comeback to come to….as 30 year old women don’t seem to know how to sit on their pile of money and enjoy doing nothing…it’s like being half naked and having dudes jerk off to them is their lifeline…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Billionaire Chloe Green and her Convict Husband / Slave of the Day

This is the best case of a billionaire daughter trying to piss off their dad….

You’ve heard the stories of rich girls trying to protest their family’s way, despite having all kinds of money due to their family’s ways, money she doesn’t even realize she has, because she’s just always had it, you know money doesn’t actually exist to her, as it just appears in a bank account every month or week, depending on how daddy set it up….which I guess makes for a bored girl….a resentful girl…a mentally fucked up girl…who used to emotionally eat…but who instead decided to find a MEME personality off the internet, the black dude who was the “sexy convinct”…track him down because he turned her on….and bring her into her billionaire British family…

Bitch imported a fucking convict from a criminal family….to her palace in Britain…or Barbados where she hangs….far worse than “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”….bringing the black man you met in college home…

My assumption, comes from a place of rich white people are weird, he’s a novelty and she was drawn to his genetics, assuming he’d be her slave after getting a taste of her life…and seeing homies swim trunks, it’s safe to say this is a GET OUT situation….

This is strictly for breeding purposes…I mean trying to sophisticate some gutter American trash seems too labor intensive..it’s more a bang me out, make me babies, SLAVE situation.

It is what America was built on, so you freaks must like this…I just like the K-Fed opportunity of being set for life all due to a MUG shot…

Oh and that Chloe Green’s been working out and is less fat now than she was, I always feel billionaire white girls should be fit, even though they can afford all the food they want and are broken….why not look your best, you got nothing else to do with your time…

Posted in:Chloe Green|SFW




Rita Ora on All Fours of the DAy

Rita Ora assuming the right position, if you’re some kind of pervert who looks at women as sex workers, and who assume taht Rita Ora likes being in this position so much, that she wants to share it with her fans..

Maybe it’s a family tradition, you know something she learned as a child and she’s just sharing it with you….maybe it’s something she taught herself when trying to figure out how to seduce men into giving her what she wants….

I just know that she’s posting this erotica up shamelessly, without asking our consent, whether that is expected of her or not, this is sexual Assualt…

I didn’t agree to look at a bitch in an about to get fucked stance….

What type of feedback is she aiming to get by this? Probably any that validates her existence….

We know you’re here Rita Ora…you’ve thrown yourself at us enough with those tits..we don’t need you simulating doggy sex in the corner…

Maybe this is the reason why workout classes need to be gender exclusive….speaking of class…Class it up girls….

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Dog Playing with her Tits of the Day

I suggest you watch Bella Throne, or Thorne, or Torne Labia, depending on your tasts. and her tits on mute. Her voice is the kind of voice that cuts right into my chest and gives me chills down my fucking spine. I don’t know if I am autistic or not, I’ve never been tested, but I do know when I hear loud and irritating things, they drive me fucking crazy…and her voice…drives me fucking crazy.

I am glad that there is this wall between us called the INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY….her screen to my screen divided by miles of wires and radiowaves killing off the people…and sperm count…

Because I can watch her fuck her dog on mute, the way she is better presented to the people….even though she gets cast in movies with talking roles, mute…is how we like her and her gutter rich fake tits….

I’m ready for the overdose, but I have a feeling this Disney Kid doesn’t even do drugs…just acts like she does..cuz she’s a poser idiot…CALL THE PETA.



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW