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Archive for the SFW Category




Rita Ora Panty Flash of the Day

Rita Ora Panty Flash Upskirt on Stage 2

Rita Ora is on stage with her panties out….

I think the amazing thing about these pics is that Rita Ora is finally a thing, on stage, for people paying to see her…

The hustling from every angle, we’re talking doing all media and campaigns and instagram nudity as often as possible to get noticed, has finally made her dreams of being a singing and dancing Rihanna impersonator come true…

I mean she’s bold enough to not even pull her tits out on stage anymore, the single reason people care about her, and it’s just all panties all the time for her from now on..

Sex workers often do that, they use a body part to get where they want to go, only to never use it again after getting there as if it never happened.

Which is too bad – since she’s got great tits….but not as too bad as her being around for a while now that she’s officially famous for something more than the tits….



Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

Sarah Snyder Ass Throng Bikini Gets Wet

Sarah Snyder looks like a good time.

She’s some hip as fuck, cool as fuck, hipster as fuck girl who fucked Will Smith’s son, trying to do the ghetto rich and hooked up instagram life, and doing it well enough to get her ass out there in a hot tub, in photo, for her fans…which I am sure was a real challenge for a young slut who looks like a 12 year old cam girl…

She steals bags, she goes to fashion week, she dates rich guys, she looks good…it’s living the white girl dream…ass out, tits out, party time…and now you old crusty perverts can sexualize her more without even being rich enough to buy her and that alone is magical. Thanks

Sarah Snyder Tits Orange Bikini


Posted in:Sarah Snyder|SFW




Blake Lively’s Got her Titties Out of the Day

I find it interesting that Blake Lively’s name is Lively…because her face looks so jacked up with fillers that she looks like a Corpse…

But I guess she’s married to your nerd hero Deadpool and with that alone, you like to jerk off to her, because if she’s good enough for Deadpool she’s good enough for you…

Or maybe you saw her movie where she was on a rock in a bikini fighting sharks…or maybe you’re a Gossip Girl Fan…or maybe you just like celeb tits in a sheer top thanks to the flash on the red carpet we all know happens – including the celeb in question trying to show off her fat tits without being too obvious about it.

I’m only Zombie girl.


Posted in:Blake Lively|SFW




Marian Avila the Down’s Syndrome Model of the Day

Marián Ávila is the first handicapped, or retarded, or disabled or whatever you’re supposed to call a person with Down’s Syndrome to walk the Runway in New York Fashion week…which I guess is true since Nina Agdal is not a Runaway model, but rather a “swimsuit model” who only works for Sports Illustrated and who is now in her 40s….

The funny thing about the Marián Ávila Down’s Syndrome model from Spain is that she actually looks less Down’s than Nina Agdal…a model I’ve been talking about as if she’s a product of affirmative action, inclusion, loving Diversity but unlike Marián Ávila she pretends she’s normal…HANDICAPPABLE if you will…and you will…or you would because you’re that kind of pervert and you’ve been wanting one of these since watching Life Goes On….like my friend Roy who used to have sex with handicapped girls because they had needs….and weren’t so picky as they drooled all over themselves full retard you know…

I mean who are we to say that having an extra Chromosome shouldn’t be sexualized and celebrated….if that’s what the world wants…that’s what the world gets…

If you’re the parent of a retard, might as well monetize them, like Kris Jenner did…right?

Exploitative…maybe, definitely, I think people are pandering to this and talking selfies with this like a “freak show” and that is horrible…but any excuse to get half naked I guess is a good one…this is the world we live in…

Thanks Steve for Sending in your Fetish…..

Posted in:Marián Ávila|SFW




Christina Aguilera Too Little Too Late Pasty Tit of the Day

I’ve always hated pop culture, it’s always offended me on so many levels, and now it’s probably worse than ever thanks to social media and everyone becoming a meme in and of their self….

But there was a time, Back when pop culture mattered more than the selfie, and actually affected the world, because they weren’t too self obsessed, that they could fully absorb themselves in the scandals and tabloids of the time, in more than just a double click to like on instagram…

Not to say people don’t obsess over things that go viral, like Cardi B fights and other marketing stunts…by Nike…and that the general people still talk about the finale of certain shows…it’s just different now…

But when it wasn’t different, there would be a constant bro-versation about who you would rather fuck – Britney or Christina…and I alway chose Christina, a choice I regret today, but that is because I was less informed about the aging process back then, and figured she’d stay a tight little thing, with fake tits, which I didn’t love, but that were more of a sex doll fetish…while at the time Britney was soft and saggy titty and less Dirty..

Well, I take that back….as I look at Christina Aguilera…and Cross Reference how Amazing Britney has been consistently despite her mental issues…while this twat thinks she’s some voice of an angel or some shit…while Britney is just pop dance and lip sync shit…and really that’s what I prefer. I girl with less ego, not that Britney Doesn’t have an ego, she’s Britney Fucking Spears….but X-Tina thinks she’s an artist, while Britney doesn’t know how to think..

So the war is won, Britney takes prized pig at the county fair, and X-tina is on some weird pull her tit out comeback…that should have happened Decades ago and that like Maitland Ward – I’m not super stoked is happening now…when they should be fucking retired on their pile of money.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Kim Kardashian Naked Degenerate Trash of the Day

Kim Kardashian Naked Covering Nipples with Flowers Insagram

I know the Kim Kardashian’s get paid 1,000,000 dollars per instagram post each…so they are rich as fuck because they whore the fuck out to everyone…because they are whores…and people like them and buy into everything they are selling..

But that doesn’t mean that Kim Kardashian is hot, or good, or interesting, or anything more than the sex worker she built her career off.

The fact that she has a legacy, and is anything more than the other trash that have failed at sex tapes, blows my fucking mind.

America fucking loves this Reality Story porn shit….and to this day, while she’s near 40, a mom of 2 or 3 pieces of shit, people still are brain washed into thinking she’s hot…

She has been and always will be disgusting, and the fact she’s managed to spin this into being the hottest thing will always be very confusing to me, or more interestingly…remind me how fucking garbage the world is…you created this…I mean you and lots of cosmetic treatments…that allow her to keep earning like the stripper who never quits no matter how banged out she is…


Kim Kardashian Big Fake Tits Ass Wet Neon Green Bikini


Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Selena Gomez Big New Tits of the Day

Selena Gomez Big New Tits New Face Drinking Cleavage 3

I don’t know if Selena Gomez has just got fat…or if she got pregnant …or if she got inseminated when the Kidney Transplant happened…or if she was just so weak that her LUPUS autoimmune disease was eating away at her tits and now that she’s got new Kidney and new DNA in her system….she’s hit a second puberty….or maybe she’s just like all Disney Kids being sexualized at a young age, only to get old and not feel sexy anymore, so they jack their faces and tits up…I don’t have the answers…it could just be a push up bra…but it does look fucking silly as hell…or as silly as big tits look…which I guess is not that silly at all…

But really, could they be any rounder or more bolt-on lookin ? When did Selena Gomez turn into a 90s Pam Anderson…or stripper who could only afford the roundies bolted on in a back alley by a blind guy who pretends to be a titty doctor…

It’s silly…but so erotic…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples Braless

Lily Rose Depp showed off her puffy nipples…because Puffy nipples are a fetish and not wearing a bra is what these young people do…so that you can see their nipples…that may not be puffy nipples like Lily Rose Depp but nipples none the less…because nipples, like snowflakes and pussies are never the same…they are their own unique specimen…sometimes on daughters of celebrities trying to make it as celebrities of their own….sometimes on college girls…sometimes on sex workers…but always a magical experience for a pervert like me.

Thanks Lily Rose for doing the paparazzi right..next time…put some more labia into it. Just swing them hips in a short skirt with no panties…we’re ready to see your hip little bush.


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Tits Out of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley Big TIts Pussy Print Purple Swimsuit

Elizabeth Hurley has a very simple marketing and promotion strategy fat girls have been doing for years…and that’s push they big fat Tits Out because people fucking love tits.

Sure she does it with more of a bikini/ bathing suit/ made by her own brand in mind, because why not double up on sales through using their namesake as the bikini body people can jerk off to…even at 50 fucking years old…

Because I guess tits out is a tactic that hot chicks with big tits use to get everything they want and need out of life also….fat girls do it to trick dudes into fucking them and to distract from their fat…while hot chicks do it for the money, fame, good life that comes with being hot…

Point being…You’re never too old to be a whore…

Elizabeth Hurley Topless Panties


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Pimples Popping Erotica of the Day

A bitch who only really matters because her mom whored her out to Disney at a young age and she was trained in media manipulation…

Which works out nicely for us because being relevant in todays porn era means getting naked or half naked…and her body is fit and busty with good hip to waist ratio…despite her face injected horse face….

Gets out there and gets her pimples popped to show how real she is…without her tits in the frame…..

Offends me…like girl built up this brand – I get she wants you voyeurs along on the ride, but seriously…get the fuck out of here with this non tit, gross hygiene shit..

Also it’s you peeing…I aint interested…

That said, here’s her pimple popping skin care professional in a THONG at burning man…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW