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Archive for the SFW Category




Josephine Skriver the Robot at Victoria’s Secret Event for some Fake Art Book of the Day

I think Josephine Skriver is probably the hottest Victoria’s Secret model…which is saying a lot because Victoria’s Secret hasn’t pandered to the fat whining chicks, the genderless inclusion driven, whining entitled losers who think hot chicks are the enemy….and still use hot chicks…

Or in Josephine Skriver’s case, do some West World shit…where she was created in a lab by some weird psychopathic homosexual narcissist who knew he could create a human genetically modified with the right funding….and the whole thing will end badly..with a takeover by her people killing us all off…even though she thinks she’s human….


My second favorite VS model is Elsa Hosk, because she’s an Athlete from Sweeden who came up so trashy and remains so trashy, like a sex worker a high end sex worker…


They are at some VS sponsored event with one of their photographers, to ensure people know they are producing art and not half naked promo model smut, which is what it actually is, but if you have a published book funding by the smut producers, you can polarize what you do as art, so the hippies and lesbians can’t bring you down and call you Misogynists.

It’s all clever marketing you see….because these protestors don’t realize that ART doesn’t exist.

Other people there include:

Cindy Crawford:

Barbara Palvin

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|Josephine Skriver|SFW




Sarah Hyland Disposable Bra Blackface of the Day

Sarah Hyland Topless Face mask Snapchat

Sarah Hyland, who has had a Kidney Transplant so gets a pass on pretty much everything from being annoying as fuck, to looking creepy as fuck….even if she’s just another entitled overpaid celebrity who started as a childstar and is still in the same role because the TV industry is fucking crazy and they don’t kill off the last standing shows that still work..

Well, I guess being a handicapped sticker holding, developed weird girl allows you to post up sexy in weird disposable bra tops..no nipples…and Black Face…

Even though Black Face, for whatever reason, especially on Halloween, despite being the only way you can dress like Kanye, is considered the fucking worst.

Yet this one…gets away with it…cuz she’s famous or has a shirt off…I don’t know…but it happened..call the Social Justice warriors and fight cultural appropriation!

Here she is in some weird modern family promo shit

Sarah Hyland Black Thong On Girlfriend

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Nina Dobrev Doesn’t Support Nike of the Day

Here she is out in her REEBOK like NIKE wasn’t something she had to stand beside to let all the other Hollywood liberals know she’s a Canadian Socialist from a communist country, and that the freedom to stand or sit whenever you want is pretty good place, whether you agree with each other or not, at least you can do what you want, including burning your NIKES…

Where she is from, the girls become sex workers forced to pee for men they don’t like….I mean then she came to canada where the spoiled brat got put into acting…and became this bitch intentionally taunting you all, playing both sites…in her REEBOK because in true Canadian fashion – don’t have an opinion or upset anyone they are all potential paying customers…


Some more NIKE MEMES…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Hailey Clauson Big Fat Cameltoe of the Day

Hailey Clauson Big Fat Cameltoe Short Jeans  crop top close up

Hailey Clauson has lot a ton of weight, so she is likely at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show casting that all the sluts with some social following are going to – where the company has the paparazzi set up – because it’s all part of marketing and how you build a billion Dollar a Year Brand…

Despite being skinnier than ever, her pussy still fat though, or maybe her shorts too tight, because these shorts…and her posing on the street like she’s walking the catwalk…and not some hipster model pushing 30….if not already 30….who was smart enough in her youth to sue her client for sex offending her when underage….to get a financial base and still manage to get work for the next decade, more the last few years since she made a choice to go mainstream, but I woulda blacklisted a bitch…

You see there are 100,000 or more people capable of doing this…but Clauson I guess puts her pussy lips into it…a seasoned veteran really.

Hailey Clauson Big Fat Cameltoe Short Jeans crop top


Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Barbara Palvin’s Braless of the Day

Barbara Palvin is outside the Victoria’s Secret office, because these sluts are already generating publicity hype around their bullshit infomercial the rednecks who still have cable still watch because they are people of God who don’t frequent the porn sites, but still like to see prime time pre-holiday tits to remind them that their penis still works, hot chicks still exist on TV and aren’t all LENA Dunham and maybe if they buy their fat diabetic wife some VS, they’ll be able to fuck again.

It’s garbage….but it requires casting…and getting people going in and out of the building in various states of undress…for the paparazzi they hired.

Definitely not a magical anything, she started out as a VS promo girl before they dropped her cuz she got fat, now skinny again, still famous based on their investment…so of course they’ll bring her back….tits out.

These are the Bieber fucking Hungarian titties – still big….it’s all marketing….


Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Looking Naked of the Day

I don’t know why Charlotte McKinney is naked….it must be an old photoshoot or girl is in the mood to be seen, rememebered, noticed…looking for that viral post that gets tons of likes to jack her stats up…or whatever.

I just know I am mad at this pic…

Because if you’re pantyless but positioned so that I can’t see your pussy slit / lips / clit if you’re built that way on the Outty Pussy spectrum….you’re just out there cockteasing…and that HURTS me

What have I ever done to you to deserve this HATE…oh right…calling everyone a whore…

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Rich as Fuck Fake Titty Cowboy Kaley Cuoco’s Ass in Riding Pants of the Day

You Equestrian loving fucking perverts…with your riding pant fetish…or Kaley Cuoco fetish….here’s some soon to be out of work – rich as fuck – for playing the hot chick on the Nerd show – after killing John Ritter on her last show – Kaley Cuoco….

She made something like 100 million dollars on the last 4 seasons of Big Bang Theory, the dumbest show, everyone – especially nerds – because it speaks to them – fucking love…

I mean there is a reason they threw that money at these idiots, it was the only show that worked and now TV can officially die with Cuoco like they were John Ritter.

I said John Ritter twice in this post, because like Burt Reynolds, his death spoke to my soul….

I don’t know if her booty looks good, maybe it’s more a celebration of fabric tech giving booty lifts on old ladies…hormones in the food…girls have fat asses in tight pants everywhere…just yesterday I saw a mom with a huge ass in a romper..like she was J.Lo when J.Lo was hot not a mom…fucking perverts. You all make me sick.


Posted in:Kaley Cuoco|SFW




Allison Janney GILF Bikini of the day

allison janney swimsuit erotica sexy

Apparently…I have done a post on Allison Janney…

I have no fucking clue who Allison Janney is or why I did a post on her…

But I’ll assume she was doing something slutty…like this…

The big issue is do I google her, to see who she is, does it really matter…or do I not bother because I don’t care, I am apathetic, and don’t want to put the time into it.

It’s not that I don’t have the time, I have been unemployed for 14 years…but when you have nothing to do, and get used to doing nothing, googling Allison Janney seems like work…

Also, in all the time I wrote about how I am not going to google her…I could have just googled her…yet instead…I’m trying to see her pussy lip in these pics.


Posted in:Allison Janney|SFW




#DoTheLilo bothers me of the Day

The fact that #dothelilo is a meme – and all the lame kids who listen to EDM are doing it – is offensive to me..

But when I saw her drop that dance and the meme accounts pick it up on instagram..

I knew the retard train was rolling…coming our way…and that Lohan would love it because she is finally relevant and being talked about again…

Not in a good way, but she doesn’t five a fuck about that….she just wants people talking about her and her daughter of a Rockette turned cocaine huffing partner stage mom…it is what Disney bred her to do..all while looking like an ex pornstar in her 40s addicted to pills.

Hot hot….but that’s because I’ve been a Lohan fan for a long fucking time and she can do no wrong…the rest of yall though…can go fuck yourselves…

Dancing monkey bitch…the best kind of bitch….but all you internet people are ruining the pure beauty and making it about your damn selves…fuckers.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Doing Media of the Day

Recently found love Jennifer Lawrence who I thought was taking the year off to chill on her pile of money and big tits….is out there doing a lot of MEDIA…

Two Magazines, both for October…what could she be promoting, I guess more than just her awesome tits, the best and only interesting thing about her…because everything else about this overpaid quirky dancing monkey who keeps Film Budgets high….is fucking annoying…

Those tits in all the slutty nudes the slutty girl starred in, her best role….that got a dude arrested and sent to jail over….and I am sure from his cell he feels like it was worth it…because the world needed to see the tits…she needed us to see them. It made her more appealing to me and I’m sure other J.Law Haters…

I don’t find her hot or interesting and these pics are old – being re-used because print magazines have budgets to respect – maximize as much as you can…but I’m posting it anyway…even if it isn’t nude…and isn’t new pics of her annoying white girl with too much money tits.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW