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Archive for the SFW Category




Kylie Jenner Thirst Trap of the DAy

Kylie Jenner Thirst Trap

I hate posting Kylie Jenner as much as you hate looking at her, because she’s terrifying.

I figure one more Kardashian attempting to squeeze some more attention out of society as she squeezes her weird fucking body into some lingerie with some low level instagram style half naked shoot….that you know her team has put hours of work into knowing it would keep their name out there and talked about…because they do have a team. They are a calculating marketing agency with bright minds using the family social media feeds to to monetize their lives…but remember everything about them is contrived and disgusting, including this body made of injections, liposuction, and whatever other techniques they’ve got left over from turning her dad into a chick….because if you can make a dude into a chick, you can make a young chick into something fuckable…it isn’t that hard….and either am I cuz I hate everything about these trashcans…


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini on the Beach of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is in Brazil living her best Victoria’s Secret model in a bikini despite being 40 – life.

I mean it must be a trip for her and all her Brazilians that she was able to infiltrate the perverted CEO of the brand that funded EPSTEIN and make a lucrative career getting half naked like some low level stripper…where in Brazil she would have likely ended up dying of AIDS cuz the porn seen down there is less regulated and there are more trannies, but in America she got treated like some kind of Royalty…and when she turned 30 and it was supposed to all end for her…she just kept going because America just kept thinking her and her modest model implants were great….so what better way to celebrate the last decade than with a model who should have by all logical reasons retired a decade ago…but she still doing it.

Here are some videos of her dancing….

Here are some bikini pics….


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Yulia Rose With The Big Tits of the Day

Yulia Rose With THe Big Tits

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, if you think the smell of a sex worker is sweet, I typically find it a little too rank to be sweet….maybe fishy, or shitty, or like that smell I get when I don’t change my 10 year old underwear that has absorbed all my smells the last decade and the second they reach a certain temperature my immediate surroundings smell like ass / balls and whatever else is brewing in there…

It’s probably not very nice of me to assume that YULIA ROSE is a sex worker, but any Russian with over 100k on instagram that pretends to be a model typically is. So I’m just ROUNDING UP on this one because more likely than not…she’s a sex worker. NOT TO MENTION, I think all models operate the same a prostitutes, because they are being paid for their bodies and sure the “Sex” with the photographers, agents, bookers and brands that hire them is “consenting”, it’s still very transactional. NOT TO MENTION Yulia is from Russia and you know how that plays out…not that it matters, what matters is the big tits and she’s got the big tits.


Posted in:SFW|Yulia Rose




Brooke Shields in her Bikini of the Day

I always thought of the adult version of Brooke Shields to be very fucking large, masculine and even called Agassi a homo for dating her, which could be true, he did always wear those bright colors on the tennis court….

I remember her sitcom and various things she did in the 90s and I always thought “That girl is Big”…..but I also remember her being the naked 14 year old from Blue Lagoon, which is criminal, despite all of you jerking off to that scene over and over again when you were growing up. A little blow out the VHS with your PAUSE – REWIND – PAUSE – REWIND….and I am sure you could easily find all those screen grabs on the internet despite her being 14 years old at the time. I think that would be called SEX OFFENDER if it happened today…

SO…from hyped up naked 14 year old, to MAN, to modern science fit at 55, rocking all the face injections she needs to turn herself into a woman, I mean Bruce Jenner did it, why can’t BROOKE….she actually looking better than ever which defies everything I’ve ever known about EVERYTHING pretty much EVER….

Posted in:Brooke Shields|SFW




Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin of the Day

Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin

Miley Cyrus may be annoying, her face may be a bit broken down, but for some reason I still think she’s hot. It may be the fact that she’s always out there shaking her skinny white girl ass like some kind of stripper, despite being a the child of a rich entertainer who became an entertaining of her own, and really is so far removed from the stripping life, but since her dad was country trash and her mom was some sort of cocktail waitress, the inner stripper runs fucking deep within her DNA….you know the house is bigger, the stuff in the house more expensive than when they lived in a trailer before Miley was born, but ultimately…still hick trash….that she totally plays up…despite being straight fucking Disney created California based sitting on her pile of money.

It’s an act, I get it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad one…plus her God mother is Dolly Parton and I fucking love Dolly Parton…so Miley and her twerking…is still relevant to me…and will never be as played out as it obviously is.

Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes of the Day

1 Ana Ivanovic – Tennis
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Ana Ivanovic Tennis

2 Alex Scott Soccer
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Alex Scott Soccer

3 Muni He – Golf
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Muni He Golf

4 – Maryna Bekh Romanchuk Long Jump
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Maryna Bekh Romanchuk Long Jump

5 – Elena Moreno Track and Field
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Elena Moreno Track and Field

6 – Anastasia Ashley Surfer
Top 10 Female Athletes Anastasia Ashley

7 – Georgia Ellenwood
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Georgia Ellenwood Track and Field

8 – Ashley Harkleroad Tennis
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Ashley Harkleroad Tennis

9 Jaime Anderson Snowboarding
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Jaime Anderson Snowboarding

10 & BONUS 11 – Ellen Hoog and Eva De Goede – Hockey
Top 10 Hottest Female Athletes Ellen Hoog and Eva De Goede Hockey


Posted in:SFW|Top 10




Scout Willis Bikini of the Day

Scout WIllis Bikini

Scout Willis must be spending time with her mom The Whippit Queen Demi Moore for Christmas, in her bikini.. Hopefully she wont jump into Demi Moores Pool and die like that poor partygoer years ago…that would be so sad, you know a life without another entitled and rich, spoiled celebrity child who never has to achieve anything in life because their parents did it for them, so that when they are posing in lingerie like the hipster that she is, even though she’s getting a bit too old to be a hipster, you know that she’s doing it from the core of who she is, and not for personal gain, which makes her nudity better.

I have made fun of the Willis kids for years because I don’t fear BRUCE…the only celebrity who ever lashed out for me making fun of their kids is Alec Baldwin, he’s protective of his little pig, while BRUCE doesn’t need to overcompensate for his parenting, because there isn’t a recording of him calling his girls little pigs, even though they kinda look like pigs….he can do what all celebs do and focus on what is important…his damn self..

POINT BEING…celebrity kids are amazing, I actually love ALL of them for different reasons and I appreciate this one in lingerie by the Christmas tree is my kind of good time. I just can’t help but wonder if Ashton used to change her diaper…with him mouth…that sick dot com billionaire fuck….but who could blame him when forced to choose between DEMI’s DIAPER or SCOUTS DIAPER….plus SCOUT was only in a diaper because celebrity kids are lazy and it allows her to not waste her valuable lounging time with toilets….but still stick of Ashton that sick fuck.


Posted in:Scout Willis|SFW




Julianne Hough Probably Fucks her Brother of the Day

Julianne Hough Probably Fucks her Brother

Julianne Hough Probably Fucks her Brother….

It’s some Mormons shipped off to Europe to be dance partners in the professional dance scene before denouncing Mormonism due to sexual assault that happened when she was younger and that I am sure co-starred her brother….as they always do….only to become some Hollywood reality show puppet that would have been better off a stripper….put that dance training to good use…and during those years she was out there fucking known anal loving cocaine loving pervert Ryan Seacrest….SO….she’s been a bad girl…a very bad girl…where fucking her brother is hardly the worst of what she’s done…and if anything it’s the one consistent love of her life….and that’s how they show their love…

Julianne Hough Probably Fucks her Brother


Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Sarah Hyland Slutty of the Day

Sarah Hyland Slutty

Sarah Hyland looks like if Sara Gilbert travelled back in time and had sex with her own father, impregnating herself and later birthing a version of herself, Sarah Hyland – who ended up with a weak body and kidney so that Sarah Gilbert could further travel back in time and kill her own grandmother(potentially Linda Perry), preventing her own birth and therefore making herself immortal.

Anyway here is Sarah Hyland in some new movie being all slutty in her panties on a couch waiting for her black male costar to ask for consent to fuck her. I assume.

Sarah Hyland Slutty


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Got Them Tits On of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley Tits

Elizabeth Hurley’s son takes her slutty pics with her tits out because they are a liberal family…like a backwoods coal miners in the hills of West Virginia only these two are fancy and rich so their weirdness doesn’t end with flipper babies, they squash those unwanted pregnancies as they come in…and I know what you’re all saying “her son is gay and they just like being fabulous together”….but fucking your own mom isn’t a “sexuality” specific thing. It’s not like he’s into fucking girls cuz he fucks his mom, it’s not like he doesn’t like being a gay in his spare time, it’s on a higher level, a spiritual connection you will never understand…a going back home to where her came from…while she’s getting what she feels is an ideal man because it’s half her DNA….like fucking herself if she was a man…or the closest to fucking herself if she was a man…so it’s almost masturbation really.

That said, I have no evidence Liz Hurley fucks her song, I’m just reading into the pics they give us.


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW