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Archive for the SFW Category




Irina Shayk in a Slutty Cat Suit of the Day

Irina Shayk in a Slutty Cat Suit`

Irina Shayk put on a catsuit to celebrate Halloween, because it’s still Halloween in Russia, or at least it is for a hired vagina an actor as commissioned to make him a baby -girl’s gotta be ready to get in catsuits, lingerie, clown suits, whatever the weirdo actor is into on call, everyday of the week…because that’s what being a high paid escort who is giving a dude the girlfriend experience…he could be like – take out the trash dressed like Jay Leno in Crotchess panties while peeing yourself and girl would…like the strategic sex worker she is…

Especially now that she hasn’t recovered from her baby weight…she’s gotta work extra hard to keep him roped in, you know so she gets a second kid with hi, the payout doubles..

STRATEGIC….sex worker..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Sarah Hyland Pitches Thanksgiving of the Day

In Holiday news, it’s Thanksgiving is the next great American Holiday that will be celebrated with Turkey, Black Friday and other secular things that don’t involve religion, even if religion is what fuelled the whole “giving thanks” thing…to justify raping native Americans and eating their food so that the White mad didn’t die of scurvy when he was taking over their land..

Point being, Thanksgiving is massively celebrated, but for some reason, a reason I call being locked in the basement practicing her song and dance for her evil parents and their evil intentions to get rich off of their weird looking daughter…

So she decided to pitch thanksgiving on her Instagram story she performs on because that’s what these attention seekers do…and it left me feeling uneasy…which could be seen as erotic for some of you.

Sarah Hyland Pitches Thanksgiving

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Halloween Creeper of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Halloween Creeper

Ireland Baldwin is terrifying

The only thing more terrifying than Ireland Baldwin’s halloween costumer is her WITHOUT A MASK

But great titties….on her monster body…which doesn’t mean she’s not a monster…it just means that she’s got some titties that her broken famous daughter brain that is confused likes to show off for attention because she likes attention…

Halloween is over…but that doesn’t mean we can’t look at beasts..in costume

Posted in:SFW




Nicole Scherzinger Officially a Drag Queen of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger is a Drag Queen….or tranny and here is the proof.

Reaffirming all my thoughts of her…

I know that she leaked nudes a while ago of a vagina, but it could be anyone vagina to offset the fact that she’s got a dick and balls…because these tits may be big but I believe…they are still attached to a host body with a dick…that hard face doesn’t trick me…

But I guess in a world with no gender…who cares what her genitals are.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|SFW




Maria Sharapova Cheater in a Bikini Top of the Day

Maria Sharapova Cheater in a Bikini Top

Maria Sharapova is a performance enhancing cheater….trying to cheat at tennis….and work her way back in and she is in a bikini top…because cheaters always win when in bikini…even if they aren’t that hot in bikini…bikinis always win…

That’s all I have to say about that…

Posted in:Maria Sharapova|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Attempts Modeling for Instagram of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Attempts Modeling for Instagram

Hailey Baldwin pretending to be a model with her tranny jacked up from filler face is always funny to me…It’s like she wants it so bad, she’s skinny, but she’s such a spoiled, entitled, snobby cunt with no personality, looking at her posing is like looking at a used tampon on the bust station floor, some people will want to pick it up and eat it all up, because they are perverts and see it as gold…while most people just don’t know who she is or care who she is, because they aren’t social media managers who need to get their products on busy pages…it’s weird how uninteresting this bitch and her tranny face is…you’d think she’d have something going for her…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




J.Lo Gives Britney Shoes of the Day

J.Lo who no one gives a fuck about….gave Britney Spears who everyone should care about in this #metoo world of being taken advantage of by men…only instead of it being men…it’s her own family that have her under conservatorship because they had a good legal team and girl was too medicated to fight them on it…knowing she needed the discipline to survive…but that was 10 years ago and she’s pushing 40…them controlling her seems fucking gnarly…some abduction shit, only in the public eye…but let’s all cry because a dude jerked off in front of Oliva Munn you sick fucks…

Well, J.Lo gave Britney some shoes in something I think should be a foot fetishists dream so I’m posting it…so Y2K, I know.

Britney Had a nipple slip in concert – more interesting than shows I’d gather..

Posted in:Britney Spears|J.Lo|SFW




Mariah Carey’s Tit Show for her Hollywood Star of the Day

Mariah Carey's Tit Show for her Hollywood Star

She knew what she was doing…well versed in that “you’ll be on your knees, bent over like when Tommy Mottola gave her a career… before she got very fucking famous and lost her fucking mind….#metoo

She’s always been a TITTY show, she knows about cleavage selling records, but the older and fatter she gets the more absurd shit is…because they are bigger than your fucking head…something you’d probably want to drown in…but why wouldn’t you…K-Fed is our idol…slacker beds famous crazy person…set for life…awesome…

She’s no Taylor Dayne….but she’ll do…


Posted in:Mariah Carey|SFW




Provocative Christina Aguilera Pictures of the Day

Provocative Christina Aguilera Pictures

I am trying to figure out if these pictures are of Christina Aguilera…who always makes me laugh because in 1999 I made a bet with an old friend that I would fuck her in my lifetime and I guess I haven’t lost the bet, and can only lose the bet if I die, but can say that I haven’t fucked her yet…and likely won’t…because I haven’t tried…but I am convinced that if I put my whole life into it….I could make it happen…maybe I am delusional, confident, who knows…but I figure you can make anything you want happen…I mean look at me…I made a shitty website happen with no writing or computer skills…BRILLIANT….

That said, I saw these pictures they claim are of her, that are old pictures she posted to social media, they are racy, there are nipples in some they, topless in others, memories of when she went from pop tart to slutty pop tart before getting fat..her prime…a little rat faced with the bolt on tits…but still memories of a better time…a great time…for her and for me and the entire human race…there are people dying….I think I’m quoting MJ…young pussy that’s now old does that to me…

Racy racy – a reminder that all girls are slutty – and always have been…

Here she is old and fat for Halloween, to remind you that ALL Things DIE.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Really Weird Movie Marketing Tactics of the Day

Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell were on the Price is Right because they are promoting some feminist Bad Moms movie…

I guess the depressing thing in all this is that these moms, or at least two of them, were one the young hot sluts from TV that I remember seeing and thinking, “Looking at those hot Young sluts on TV”…and now they are middle aged moms…

The other depressing thing is that movies are clearly a dying art form, the theatre concept for anything that isn’t a blockbuster movie with special effects that need the theatres technology is a struggle…because people prefer staying home..

I mean the odd movie, or their are a group of sober people who like to do weekly movies a day a week, who still go…but most just wait for it to hit Netflix or ITunes or whatever….we don’t need no 12 dollar popcorn….

So I guess market research says that the lazy, unemployed, fat women who watch Price is Right are the people who would pay to see these old ladies in a movie…you know since they still pay for basic cable or whatever.

Weird times…


Posted in:Mila Kunis|SFW