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Archive for the SFW Category




Britney Spears and her Shitty Taste in Music Workout of the Day

So Britney Spears is working out in her home gym, staying fit to keep on making money to support her family and staff by dancing around like a monkey on stage singing shitty songs people are emotionally attached to – while listening to shitty songs that created social media hookers like Em Rat Cow thanks to her big tits..

While Lohan, a exploited, broken, crazy dancing monkey in her own right, but not managed as tight as the even crazier Britney Spears…back in the head shaving years – but still pretty fucking crazy is on her balcony putting on a show about being pregnant and choked out by her Russian billionaire…who was out partying when she was at home trying not to have a miscarriage with that knitting needle…

She’s a wreck – but Britney Spears gives us hope of a mid 30s mom ass in leggings working out not needing to be a bad thing – but more importantly – that your kid can be an earner forever.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Topless Jennifer Aniston Butt Shot of the Day


Watching a 50 year old, barren Jennifer Aniston in a skimpy bikini bottom is almost depressing, because I know that ass is all she’s got to show for her holding out on having kids and when all her friends are fulfilled women – who have babies to love and nurture – she’s out tanning with her ass in the air…..like she’s on a permanent vacation thanks to all her money – while her poorer gold digging man caters to her requests – because not having kids is fucking awesome. Seriously…

How many 50 year olds are still worth fucking…not many…and this one, despite how sad she may be about it, thanks to being a spoiled cunt who gets everything she wants, except babies, because dudes either fear her or she’s to vain to fuck up her life…even though childbirth is so fucking narcissist…trying to understand it is futile…there’s no understanding a super zoom of a paparazzi camera on her ass…it’s just there and it’s worth looking at…and that’s more than most moms at 50 can say…so despite her sadness – this is winning.






Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|SFW




Hilary Duff Corn Eater of the Day


The best meme of the weekend and a reminder than I can’t keep up with the internet – because people in all different timezones are online all day and they are following celebs on social media and they have access to the same paparazzi pics I do…making me pretty fucking obsolete, but the good news is that I already knew it…was well aware as I was sitting in my basement apartment, mold filled palace built of internet money that allows me to coast these golden years …

So someone took her funny tweet and posted it over the picture in question – and it was simple, elegant and made it real…it tied it all together like a masterful dance my use of the internet just couldn’t pull off because I don’t think in terms of social media – I hate social media hence why I am on a sinking shit…but at least I’m here to write captivating commentary on Hilary Duff Sucking Corn, it’s a wholesome midwestern fetish, but dudes love all phallus based mouth on dick like things…and Hilary Duff in and of herself is a fetish of her own to her fans…so here it is.

Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Panty Flash of the Day


Charlotte McKinney is on the aggressive hustle…I am not sure if it’s so much a sugar daddy hustle, I’m pretty sure she’s a rich kid from FLorida which is a wonderful place to be a rich kid, since they still retain the trashiness of Florida, just with white trash new money attitude…

I would assume she’s trying to find famous people to “date” or have her picture taken with after they fuck her – to get some press….

She used her big tits to get out there…but she pulled the trigger too soon on TV…making her the forgettable tits, rather than getting herself more titty famous before doing TV so perverts had more of an emotional connection to her tits…and now she’s here forced to flash panties to the paparzzi she called – because she needs the press…

It’s almost a sad story, but not really, it’d be way more sad if she settled with a rich guy and her demise wasn’t documented, her tits being pulled out not documented, we like her tits, and like to see them come out more and more as she struggles to figure out how to maintain that fame…instagram followers is not enough dammit.



To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day


Iggy Azalea is bullshit, but not as bullshit as her ass, an ass she’s posted to her social media to get that male attention she craves, otherwise she’d never have got the ass implants in the first place to milk to every black guy she could – especially those in the music industry who could help her get out there with her shitty rapping – before settling with pro athletes who I guess are rich and a better way to spend getting fucked from behind…

She’s some fucking clown, but instead of a red nose and floppy shoes, she went with the ass…and she’s committed to it…like she’s committed to all the other lies about her. I’m not a fan of anything she’s done, ever. Just garbage but I’ll post her shameless butt shots because I bottom feed.

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Ariel Winter’s Ambitious Outfit of the Day

Ariel Winter Out in LA on July 22 Pic 5

Ariel Winter is pretty bold in her outfit choices. She just puts it out there – which makes sense since her existence, privacy and life has been robbed of her…as has her childhood and I’m sure there are a lot of fucked up stories like she was a new generation of Lohan..with parents on her ass telling her not to fucking ruin it….who had her under their control…and the day she turned 18…she existed, her reduced tits sloppy and dangling everywhere she went – in some kind of protest her creepy fans who have watched her grow up masturbate to…

I am not a fan, but today…she looks less fat than she did last week…I guess she’s still a growing girl who theoretically can get her metabolism going with a bit of fitness…for now she’s ok, just a little on the heavy side by it’s at 30 you’ll want her to cover the fuck up…because she’ll be 400 fucking pounds…


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Selena Gomez in Bikini of the Day


Selena Gomez is in a bikini….sucking on a popsicle…like a little slut form her Springbreaker movie that she produced under a fake name….like she was Taylor Swift writing shitty dance songs for Rihanna and her boyfriend of the minute Calvin Harris…because Selena Gomez at the time was committed to her vanilla image and is now following her idols Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift and embracing the slut….the edginess…that makes the idiot youth think she’s more legit than she actually is…when we all know she’s just a well trained puppet.

I guess what it comes down to is that this really looks like every kid I’ve seen dying off his chemotherapy treatments she was so quick to say she was getting – while partying everyday – to get the sympathy vote and that was the day I decided that Selena Gomez is fucking dog shit, garbage, manipulative and even her bikini pics are garbage…bieber fucking garbage…

But people still want to fuck her, I mean you don’t have to think about all that is wrong ith her when sitting in her penthouse hotel room in a squat pissing on her assistants face while you watch…or whatever it is the kids are into these days…I just know they are the fucking worst.

Here she is in some magazine

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Emma Roberts holding Predator’s Hand of the Day

A video posted by Emma Roberts (@emmaroberts) on

It’s Comic Con so all the nerds have been masturbating to nerd shit that comic con brings out….

Like girls, often times hot girls who realize nerds are an easy market to get into – all they have to do is play video games or dress up in characters from their favorite bullshit…

Or – The WONDER WOMAN TRAILER….12 million fucking views….really…..

Or – Brie Larson playing captain Marvel ,because when you win an Oscar for some indy role, you have to do comic book movies – they are the only movies happening these days…which I find unfortunate…but NERDS FUCKING LOVE>…

So Cosplay, weirdos, creepy people into cosplay and celebrities milking the shit out of these people, because these people actually fucking pay to go to movies, because something went wrong in their lives or childhood forcing them to become fanatic. You know so absorbed in the characters, the lifestyle, yet so alone in their social awkwardness

Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 10.59.59 AM


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Lea Michele New Tits and Face of the Day

I used to like making fun of Lea Michele for being a man who dressed like a girl – thanks to her hard manly face and her voice of an angel. I figured if she was born with a penis – they’d only be able to sell her to the entertainment industry and as long as she was clean shaved – no one would have to know….

Then I liked making fun of her for her fake relationship with her gay heroin addict co-star who died of a heroin overdose – because I know how these shows pander to retard children who buy into their show, buy the merch of their shows, buy the boxset or the I-Tunes Series – making the producers money – and it’s all through manipulation…

So for years since his death my joke, which got repetetive since I am not creative and it was repetitive was “Here’s Lea Michele not crying for her dead fiance”…you know since she’d be devastated if he was her actual fiance, and she was a vapid twat who just wants more money and fame….

Well….now…we can focus on her plastic surgery that has clearly turned her into a girl…I won’t say she’s hot…I can’t bring myself to do that…but I will say that modern science, facial injections can really help a tranny commit to their womanly dreams…


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Miley Cyrus Cleavage of the Day


I hate saying that Miley Cyrus was a brilliant marketer and manipulator a couple of years ago when she decided to take on the Youth market in a relevant enough way….because I felt as an outsider that every move she made was a fucking lie, was a fucking rip off, was stealing from a generation of kids…and I am convinced that if the internet didn’t make everyone the fucking same basic idiot – it would have never been generally accepted…

But kids, the youth or as Ivanka Trump calls them, Millennials are really fucking literal, they have no concept of what is real, they love commercialized shit, and they don’t try to fight the system, but rather let the system track their every move and distract them with Pokemon or Miley Cyrus or some shit….

So she pulled this edgy, tits out, which is what all these mainstream, who act like they are anti-mainstream, but who if they lived in my generation, would be in GAP khakis not sucking dick at parties, even if it wasn’t actually her….

And now she’s back to her homebody self, showing off tit, that is probably pregnant tits, because she’s all engaged and boring as shit…but her bathing suit, that shit’s still got remnants of the style she raped, pillaged and made a pile of money from…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW