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Archive for the SFW Category




Renee Somerfield for Maxim Australia of the Day


Her name is RENEE SOMERFIELD, she’s some Australian “model”…who has a great fucking body, definitely, but her content is so fucking cheesy.

We live in this world of easy to digest, flash in the pant, attention span of a mosquito so content doesn’t need to be thought provoking or compelling, it just has to satiate that sweet tooth for very little time as we scroll onto the next picture in our feed…

But this girl has made a career out of being in these dramatic photoshoots of herself, because she’s vain and disgusting, posing all dramatic for herself, like she’s a hired model, and brands probably throw money at her – so that she can producing these compelling, Academy award winning establishing shots of herself…

Now she’s in Maxim Australia….

Posted in:Renee Somerfield|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Back to her Crazy Self Finally of the Day

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Now I don’t have any fun, controversial, slutty or exciting pictures or videos of Lohan, I just love this story of her billionaire brat – cheated on his high maintenance, old as fuck, has been washed up actress who is only with him for his money, leading to a crazy scene and breakdown – because she’s crazy.


I don’t know what this is all about, I didn’t read into it….but she accused her Fiance of Killing her….screaming while having Tantrums…and police showed up or were called by the neighbors. like good old times… CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY

I just find it exciting that she’s the same old Lohan and that you can’t take a brat out of the mix even after she goes broke – shit is ingrained in her….he can’t take the crazy out of the brat…when she’s as fucking crazy as Lohan….

He wore black and I wore white…. ?????????????? I guess #art is whatever you make of it.

Lohan for president.

Weird shirt, door kicked in, engagement rings….the freakout happened because he was out – while she was at home pregnant…she’s a crazy person – I’ve experienced it- I’ve seen it – I Love it.




There is a video of her meltdown on the balcony….”he just threatened and almost killed me, everyone will know, get out of my house”…

So good..love meltdowns, Especially when they are Lohan navigating the right and wrong way a russian billionaire should treat a hooker…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Irina Shayk – Still in a Bikini of the Day

Irina Shayk is still in her bikini – being the Russian Male Order bride she’s become and is so good at, like Miranda Kerr, Billionaire Hunter, you know that this bitch knows how to fuck…because her looks, despite being amazing, alone shouldn’t be able to brainwash and manipulate a motherfucker who is rich and can fuck anyone…she instead uses communist spy torture and manipulation tactics coupled with her looks and obviously really mind blowing sex to lock these fuckers down..

She’s definitely a weirdo opportunist, but in terms of models, she’s one who I like trying to figure out her twat…through her yellow bathing suit bottoms…but I guess I would do that to any bitch in a skimpy bikini – because that’s what perverts do, it’s how pervert lives, it’s pretty much all we know…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Mandy Moore in a Blue Bathing Suit on Set of the DAy


Mandy Moore is back…I mean back enough…or back as you’d expect her to be back…which is in the most dull, uneventful, she’s got money and doesn’t need to be here kind of way…but she’s in a one piece…which is about as racy and exciting as she gets….

I guess when a girl is nearing 40 she’s at her sexual peak and starts to not give a fuck and put herself out there – you know after all the sex with random drunk people and gynecological exams and a dripping vagina that just wants to get filled – leading to low cut shirts or flirty behavior that is always awkward and inappropriate places – because their vaginas just throb to get filled all day and they can’t control it…

So this is her being slutty for male attention as 40 year olds do…

Posted in:Mandy Moore|SFW




Demi Lovato Does the Tranny of the Day


Demi Lovato doens’t interest me because I am convinced she panders to her childhood fans – by taking them on some bullshit story that is her “life”…designed to sell product…it’s all she knows and she fucking worked it…She was gay for a minute, not gay a minute later, she was bi polar which was an excuse for anytime she showed her true self and went off brand…and least interestingly, she was into being fat and owned being fat…But for some reason…a reason I call being a lazy fat chick is ok for a year or two but it’s better to come out on stage being your hottest and tightest especially as you get older…

Well – she did a slutty shoot – looked like a tranny – but is wearing make-up for a make-up / love your body / down with body shamer / is so backwards – but not really, we expect all celebs to be full of shit..

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Eva Longoria’s Downward Pointing Nipples of the Day


Eva Longoria looks like shit…she’s old, she’s sloppy, but I guess she’s tighter bodied than the Mexicans she hires with their 6 babies as Mexicans do, because she’s got the genetics to be built like a Mexican but she tries so hard to not be a Mexican, she’s a cunt like that…I mean unless when it’s time for her to use it to her advantage like it was Sofia Vergara’s accent..you know that bitch can speak perfect english…

That said, on an international level, Eva Longoria is HUGE. People are fucking obsessed with her, they think she’s some philanthropist or superstar, it’s like the David Hasselhoff effect where no one in AMerica gives a fuck about the motherfucker, but the rest of the world just latched on and love that person…

Not that that matters, or her and yet another man / husband / it’s not her first…in her bikini looking dumpy and it’s not just me saying that…it’s her nipples…blame the nipples..stare at the vag.


Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Hilary Duff – ZIKA Virus? of the Day

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Hilary Duff is the kind of girl who has the weirdest fans, probably the social awkward kind who have gone through a series of therapy their entire lives to try to integrate them into society – but their ADD and obsessive compulsive disorders brought on by autism – are committed to this bitch….

She can be 300 pounds, or have a dick, and they’d still be committed to her, ready to marry her, waiting for her, just weirdo superfans – you know who don’t ever evolve…because that’s scary…

Well, Hilary Duff got hit by mosquitos and I figure since her fans jerk off to anything she does, they might as well go at this mosquito bite porn – or better – ZIKA porn…always innovating Hilary Duff / forcing her fan to dig into weird places for new orgasms to her…

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Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Charlie XCX Ass in Concert of the Day


Charlie XCX is looking less sloppy in concert – for those of you who don’t know Chalie XCX – she’s a virtual nobody who was a bit fatter than this and who used her tits and ass as a marketing angle – in what came across as a bootleg Miley Cyrus, try hard, concept – but I guess it works for her, she tours…even if you don’t know any of her of bullshit music….

Well, she’s been keeping up appearances by wearing what is a pretty skimpy panty and weight loss or not – her pussy still looks fat…works for me but only because it’s pictures and I don’t need to watch her desperation in video doing akward dances while not even being cute….there have been so many of these slutty pop tarts who never quite make it – but who get naked..it’s a genre of it’s own…this is just the one that’s dominating the space for now..

Posted in:Charlie XCX|SFW




Sofia Vergara’s Tits on Set of the DAy


Sofia Vergara is some hooker – who tricked the right client to give her a shot in the entertainment industry – under what I assume was extortion…thanks to the help of her Colombian team of drug cartel gangsters who helped her orchestrate it…

Because…Sofia Vergara and her hypnotic tits were once ILLEGAL immigrants that Donald Trump would have married if he was into Hispanics more than Eastern Euros….she smuggled herself into Florida with her kid in tow…and now..in her 40s she’s a superstar actress who can barely speak english…and it’s not because she gets nudes – it’s because she’s tactical…and what Trump is warning you about illegals..they get into your economy and just take it over…

She’s in lingerie on set, her fans love it, I’d prefer seeing her earlier porn or exposing her story – for what it actually is – but that we’ll never figure out because as we know – people take what they are told at face value – instead of researching……but maybe no one would care – since her tits is all that matters…

All I can think about when seeing her in her expensive shaping lingerie, is that 87 percent of Muslim these fundamentalist Muslim women who are in Hijabs, you know full bed sheets, actually wear really slutty lingerie, sometimes with anal beads inside them, because they are only human…even if you don’t think they are because you’re racist.

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Vergara




Christina Ricci’s Merkin of the Day


Christina Ricci is back at work, I guess she’s ready to hit the scene again – now that she’s got a kid to send to college or some shit – maybe she’s always been working and I just stopped paying attention – because there was a weird period between being the child star, turned busty indy movie queen, to having a breakdown, cutting off her tits, and doing some tv show like Ally McBeal….which is where we left her…

Well, she posted a picture of her MERKIN on set, which you know is her bush in the shape of panties so that she an give the illusion of a hot bush, without being bottomless, but with Merkin – usually comes TITTIES…

Just ask Lisa Bonet, who I guess is on some show doing what Bill Cosby taught her back when American was great and Rapists were allowed to sell JELL-O products…

Posted in:Christina Ricci|SFW