I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Emilia Clarke for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day



The thing I like about midget Emilia Clarke is that on Game of Thrones they refer to her as the midget – so everyone, including her knows she’s a midget, and as a midget you should imagine spinning her and her big in proportion tits….

I don’t like Game of Thrones because all you wizard loving, fantasy watching, virgin motherfuckers….because ever since I found out fantasy existed, in shitty books, shitty video games, and then in shitty clubs at the college level who played Magic Cards and had sword battles in the woods like 7 year olds at 30, it made me uncomfortable…but Emilia Clarke is lovely….

Posted in:Emilia Clarke|SFW




Sarah Hyland in Some Shoot of the Day


Sarah Hyland posted some of these ballet pics a whole ago, but I guess it was part of a bigger – more substantial campaign or photoshoot – that in part showcases her ballerina ability – which isn’t shocking considering she’s a child star and obviously her parents put her in ballet when she was 2 to condition her for a life of performing – disciplined performing – pay our mortgage and our life because we made you performing….all while rocking a 12 year old body with some creepy As fuck – Jon Benet Ramsey Lookin’ Tits…

I just find it weird to see a 25 year old who looks like a 12 year old who may be 25 but anyone fucking her likes that she’s 12 – espcially her fans who follow her because of that reason alone -legal kiddie porn…

I prefer my girls to be more haggard, I’m talking 40 at 20…it’s more authetic, real, with more pain and stuggles that feel good to cum on….

So not into this.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Cara Delevingne for Famous Dead Animals of the Day


Cara Delevingne is in this photoshoot called “I’m not a Trophy” – where she poses fully naked or strategically naked or naked enough because no one should want to see Cara Delevingne naked – she’s boring, even if she took the model world by storm, by being the lively model amongst half dead models – who has now gone onto acting in hollywood movies….

She just reminds me of the annoying pretentious loud girl at the bar who loves hearing herself talk – making snarky comments who even when you roofie her to bring her to the back alley for romance – doesn’t shut up – because she’s been on meds since she was a kid – stealing them from her rich mom’s medicine cabinet…you know tolerance….fun once in a while – but the kind of girl you want to drown as soon as you cum…

That said, this is a very relevant shoot that should speak to all of your souls now that you’ve forgotten Harambe like he was Cecil the lion and all the other animals the TRUMPS kill on safari….free these majestic creatures…or complain about how badly treated they are on social media instead of donating money to save them in the wild you crazy fucks…

Posted in:Cara Delevingne|SFW




Aimee Rouski The Colostomy Bag Model of the Day


Here’s a new opportunist on the body positive kick – celebrating her colostomy bag – because she’s has Crohn’s, a disease that fucking sucks and that girls I’ve had sex with have had – and have been operated on because of – but never to the point of a colostomy bag – something that would make any girl feel insecure – you know since not every dude is into shit bags, but most dudes will fuck a girl with a shit bag, because you don’t see the shit in the bag and you don’t need an asshole to have good sex as long as the pussy is in tact – but girls don’t realize how sick we are as a species / gender – nothing would stop us – hell there are people who would fuck the colostomy bag, or the hole into her intestine just to get off…it is hotter than fucking Amy Schumber – true story…

I support this body positive, own your disability and disease and the shitty tools needed to keep you alive…literally…

I am a believer in post it as long as you’re not a lazy fat chick trying to get attention – because that is empowering – and a way to get semi famous for it – and in turn it turns sadness and trauma into DOLLARS…

Plus there’s a fetish in here somewhere…

Here’s what she wrote with the pics:

I’ve wanted to do this for a while because I always see body posi posts for weight, but not many for disabilities / invisible illnesses.

First off I have Crohn’s disease, it’s a serious incurable illness that nearly killed me, not just a stomach ache like most people seem to think.
A person with crohns will go through many different treatments including surgery, and it’s the surgery I want to touch on now.

My Crohns has left me with a permanent ileostomy, no large intestine, colon, rectum, anus, or inner thigh muscles as they were used for plastic surgery on my wounds.

I’ve always been okay with the stuff that has happened to me, but some people have real difficulties accepting these things so I just want to say this.
No one will know unless you tell them.

People who know will still love you and still find you beautiful.
Your illness is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed abou

Here’s her

Here’s her feature in Metro.Uk

Here are her hot skinny legs…THIGH GAP fro, not being able to digest food is still thigh gap…

Posted in:Aimee Rouski|SFW




Demi Lovato Slutty Photoshoot of the Day


Lesbian Demi Lovato takes ownership of the no-make up, be a fat mexican chick with mental issues hustle – because it turns out that there are a lot of fat girls and loyal Mexicans who believe her lie, who buy into her nonsense, who make her rich as fuck and who keep her doing what she is doing…from Disney to mental breakdown – to loyal following that listens to her lies…

While she’s not touring like a cunt who thinks people want to listen to her – because she has the money to prove it – she’s probably at home fucking her Wilmer Valderamma up the ass, because his dick fell off from all the young pussy in Hollywood he destroyed when he was relevant….not to mention ass play from an angry egotistical lesbian is a good time for someone who’s had it all – but doesn’t want to admit he’s a faggot…

I preferred her when she was bi-polar, institutionalized and all that good stuff we call addicted to drugs because that’s what famous people do…not that I’ve actual preferred her anyway…she’s Demi Lovato…who gives a fuck…I mean besides millions of really creepy fans who care too much about this girl…

I also prefer her when she was rumoed to have sex tapes with Miley….but here she is in fetish gear for a photoshoot – because people, not me, but people…like her.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Ariel Winter Mirror Tricks of the Day


Ariel Winter is a fat busty girl from TV…who has a lot of creepy fucking fans watched as her tits grew bigger and bigger and bigger until they were unmanageable so she cut them off at 18…only for them to still be big and growing bigger and bigger like they are some kind of amazing horror monster…we all want to latch onto and feed off because they are magical..

Unfortunately, those big tits come with fat but thanks to some mirror tricks going on…she is showing you what could be abs, but that if she was to turn sideways – you’d see her gut hanging over her pants, which is porn to most of you, because you’re used to WAY fucking fatter…

Good times…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Taylor Swift is Single and the Fucking Worst of the Day

I guess Taylor Swift Terminated the pregnancy that my very reliable source told me she was pregnant…and I still believe that she could be…because I would hate to be seen as anyone who promotes fake information…actually, I wouldn’t mind that – my entire existence has been trolling…and I’m really into her being pregnant because now that her and her DJ who she pretended and acted so in love with – despite him being a DJ who tours at clubs and is surrounded by young horny girls – making him not loyal at all – but more a “I can’t believe I’m rich from this, I was always so awkward and now that I fuck Taylor Swift all the girls want me”….kind of guy…are broken up – she’ll be forced to raise a bastard baby –

Unless she already terminated the pregnancy…

Oh how great it would be to be in the inner circle and to know exactly what is happening to her uterus….coupled with all the tactics used to troll the world…into loving her….

But I’m just like everyone else, watching her complain about FROGS in an instagram video she posted a week ago!!

Here’s some bikini romance staged bullshit to perpetuate her lies…

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets Chased by Elephants of the Day

Arnold Schwarzenegger is amazing in everything he does, he just has to open his mouth and speak in his stupid fucking accent and I laugh…so seeing him on his African Safari where he’s not killing majestic creatures with his action hero weapons – or his bare hands..as he should…probably because a mother didn’t let her 3 year old crawl into the Elephant den…forcing the world to go into an uprising after killing the majestical creature – because we can all collectively say that bad parents deserve dead babies – and majestic creatures we exploit deserve life…but the elephant does charge him and it’s LOLz.

Posted in:Arnold Schwarzenegger|SFW




Stella Maxwell for Maxim by Gilles Bensimon of the Day


I don’t give a fuck about assless Stella Maxwell. There’s something about her that I just can’t fucking stand. She’s just this opportunist who has no business being anything more than an instagram model, but she manipulated her way into the Victoria’s Secret party circle and used her fake friends to get in front of the right people – who packaged her as the hipster VS model…

Then she managed to make her Miley go alone with the whole being a lesbian – because it was good marketing for her tour that as soon as it ended went back to Miley being normal, you know putting that “character” up on the shelf until it’s next public appearance after the cash grab….and that mutually beneficial hustle from manipulating Miley to help endorse her…worked out better for her and and the whole thing is so frustrating because I hate when garbage pulls off serious scams…

But I will look at her or any skinny model bitch naked – I don’t care enough about their garbage behavior that works enough to let it outweigh her naked…

These pics are for Maxim Magazine, a magazine that used to buy traffic for me when I had more traffic than they did because I am god of the internet…shot by Gilles Bensimon, the old time photographer who has been doing this since the 60s, but more interesting was DOING ELLE MACPHERSON at her prime – which is amazing because she’s amazing and these pics are obviously the best Stella Maxwell has looked – nothing a little money, fame and success can do to a set of shitty hipster tits..

Some more outtakes..

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Kate Moss because She’s Kate Moss of the Day

Kate Moss for Alberta Ferretti's fall campaign.

I don’t know if I love Kate Moss because I was in my 20s when she was coming up – getting beat up by Johnny Depp – the leader of the Heroin Chic Calvin Klein child erotica themed underwear late 90s hustle…

Or if it’s because she is constantly topless, with a whole doesn’t give a fuck attitude because like all these models who have won, she doesn’t give a fuck..she’s rich and she’s made it…

Or it may have more to do with her being 50 and still going strong….

But I think it’s because I know she’s got the dirtiest, beat up pussy, up there with a crackwhore pussy, because she dated possibly married heroin addict rockstars back when she was getting exposed doing coke at parties because that’s what models do…and you know that needle sharing rockstar fucked all kinds of groupies that indirectly were also rubbed up against Kate Moss….you see….I adore fucking dirt bags…especially bags of the vagina variety…

THese pics are for Alberta Ferretti’s fall campaign, whatever the fuck that is…I just know that they suck…but are still Kate Moss…and that’s good.

It more interesting Kate Moss news – she’s rumored to be banging an 18 year old named Jake Curtis – the son of some movie director – who is probably proud his boy lands A Class whore – even if she’s in her 50s / 42….same shit. This could be his instagram INSTAGRAM …good job…

Posted in:Kate Moss|SFW