I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I went into The Ratio Tuesday when I launched it last week as a new weekly feature you can come back every week to see….the latest and greatest in girls posting up slutty selfies of themselves for whatever reason, mainly to get people to sign up to their Only Fans accounts, so that they can make that easy money as a “sex worker’ now that it’s accepted on the mainstream level….but that is still pretty fucking lazy of them…even if they make 100s of Thousands of dollars doing it…in what is the new generation of “influencer” which is basically member sites of the late 90s the new edition…to help these lazy attention seekers monetize their perversion…

Anyway, the ratio tuesday got some hate because we’re dealing with alliterations here and the idea of The and Tuesday being that connecting words where “RATIO” is what we are dealing with, upsets the autistic crowd….

The Ratio for those who don’t know or care is based on the waist to hip ratio, the wider the hips, the skinnier the waist the hotter the bitch on a cellular genetic level….

Some of these women think they have ratio because they have fat asses and fat titties, but that’s not the real ratio we want…I’ll post them anyway, because I don’t discriminate against girls who produce nudes or half nudes, I think they are amazing, hilarious, even though I’d never sign up and waste my money on their fan sites…I prefer spending my money on alcohol, but luckily a lot of virgin losers into financial domination are into the whole experience…of doing their part to help, encourage and support the nudes they are being scammed with, my approach is take the free shit they send, it’s more than enough, but I’m not a fucking loser, I mean I am a loser at life…but not a loser about that kind of being sucked by girls shit…


Posted in:The Ratio




Brie Larson See Through of the Day

Brie Larson See Through

Even with Brie Larson’s working out, adrenochrome, aborted fetus stem cell treatment, all the other procedures available to a rich and famous pile of dog shit, she’s still a pile of dog shit…

She looks old, haggard and most importantly, she’s not hot…sure she’s got some tits, and she’s not fat, but there’s nothing more than AVERAGE looking going on here…and if you don’t agree with me, you’re part of the fucking problem.

More importantly, Brie Larson gives off the worst fucking human vibes. I am sure there are far worse people out there but her desperation for fame is just so fucking obvious….and now that she’s got fame…and she’s doing her best version of her famous self…like how she probably used to rehearse her Oscar acceptance speech when she was some 18 year old failure forced to move in with some dude in a band she was fucking…you know that level of loser….only to have a breakout performance through some manipulation by her agents….that got her that Oscar and now all the super hero high ticket roles because Hollywood needs bitches they can get high payouts for, the agents have Art, Houses, Sugar Babies to finance and selling a bitch for 1,000,000 dollars only makes them 100k, they need the bitches to come in at the 50 million mark….

That said, Eddie Van Halen died of Throat Cancer at the age of 65….12 mins ago..so here’s some JUMP…

Now back to scheduled programming, Brie Larson sucks and has likely sucked a lot of dick in her desperate to be famous hustle that worked….and here she is in a see through enough shirt…because the only thing good about her is the titties.

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through


Posted in:Brie Larson




Dakota Fanning Bra and Panties of the Day

Dakota Fanning Bra Panties

Dakota Fanning is a special breed of celebrity because she was sold off to the industry by her parents, who were supposed to protect her, but were more excited by the feedback, work, money and success their spawn was getting in her acting work. They decided to go full tilt with that and get the money while it was available to them, I mean waiting for her to turn 18 would require too many x-factors to actually make it, it’s more competitive as only a handful of parents are dick sucking fame whores at a level where they’ll choose Hollywood over the kid’s well being. So you know she’s fucked up on a lot of levels. Held under a microscope her whole life, scrutinized by the media and perverts and just all around bad things because fame is shit.

However, fame is more shit now that ever, it’s almost a commoner’s experience, everyone gets their 15 mintues at varying levels of fame, but all approach it with the same “I have an audience, therefore I must chase more likes and follows, and I’ll do that half naked”….

It’s weird to me, because I am in part a Dinosaur, but not really in this case because I’ve seen this whole thing play out, it started out slowly and became mainstream….but a dinosaur in that I like the subtle tease of sexuality from the starlets, where you’d have to watch the movie to see them naked or half naked, and sit through 2 hours of bullshit to get to the good parts…having it handed to me on a platter daily…from EVERYONE trying to be famous, or at least trying to maintain fame, just cheapens the whole thing. I want sleazy paparazzi hiring helicopters to fly over celebrity swimming pools to get a glimpse of the bikini…but instead we get self produced smut.

Sure, I happy to see what would have been a nude selfie you’d jerk off to if it was sent from a crush 10 years ago, before gaping asshole pics were used for that purpose, sure…but would it be better if she was “above all that” social media clickbait….probably…but she’s risk relevance and you can’t have that…so here’s her underwear…


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight Pants are basically our new normal, thanks to women everywhere loving the comfort of the yoga pant, legging, tights, bicycle shirts while maintaining a level of sex appeal, one that doesn’t really come with oversized sweatpants that girls wear during their periods, pregnancies or following their abortions….because tight pants give shape to fat asses, but more importantly, give the pussy the opportunity to shine through it’s pussy hugging effect, allowing the world to really grasp every layer of flesh the labia has to offer all while just minding our own business at the grocery store or wherever these pussy flashing in a wholesome way women are….

Tight pants are for young and old, fat and skinny, just anyone and everyone whorey enough for them….and here’s this week’s tight pant round-up


Posted in:Tight Pants




Jordyn Jones School Girl Skirt of the Day

Jordyn Jones is what you’d expect to find dragged out of Kalamazoo Michigan…the white trash hot chick who for whatever reason is getting some level of mainstream success amongst her peers for her dancing that you know her parents only put her into for stripping reasons, you the security or back-up plan all girls must have in the event they can’t land a rich guy….since college is out of the question….

I am sure she’ll end up 300 lbs drinking big gulps all day in her motorized wheel chair all footless from the diabetes, or what I call the Michigan dream….

But for now she’s living hot, and there is a chance she ends up staying in LA and hopping into porn when the fanbase finds some other nobody who can dance better….

This is her doing some clickbait fetish content because she gotta keep things hot.


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Heidi Klum’s Titties Being Spooky of the Day

I wonder if Germans have a German Lives Matter group because of all the hate they get, not for being Nazis and bringing fascism to the forefront 90 years ago, but because of all the German scat jokes made about Germans and their pragmatic approach to life, work, engineering and sex clubs…..I mean BDSM has a stronghold or did have a stronghold in Germany, there’s obviously a reason we all just accept and assume German’s like to shit on, or be shit on in the context of sex…like we couldn’t have just made that up.

I guess that has nothing to do with Heidi Klum’s Halloween obsession…she is known for going all out with her yearly costumes for her yearly Halloween bash…that I guess will end up being on ZOOM like everything else is this year…because COVID IS NOT LIKE THE FLU and society must FULL stop to beat this virus in these unprescented times….of the new normal..

In htese videos, she’s playing around with some SPOOKY filters to be all spooky with her hot old lady, model tits….because she is an old lady, but also a mom of something like 6-12 kids, half of which were with SEAL, who clearly has a forearm sized cock, and clearly fucked this one A LOT…so it’s surprising she’s still standing and still looks this good…maybe it’s from being rich, maybe it’s from being bred in an lab while the Nazis were dabbling with Eugenics, to make the people of German the strongest on a genetic level…who fucking knows, she’s still hot and is still being hot…whether her pussy looks like road kill or not….we can focus on the tits.

Here she is demonstrating some Modelling because she’s a seasoned veteran with 40 years of posing under her modelling belt…putting the other sluts of instagram to shame when this one’s not even trying, if anything she’s just making fun of the selfie, by making a series of 10 selfies, because the way to do something you find cringeworthy and shamefull….is to do it in “jest” so that people don’t think you’re actually serious….which backfired when I did that same approach with this site, I am making fun of blogs, yet now I am a blog…and have been for 15 years…so people I meet think I am into this kind of existence and that it’s not some horrible evil punishment….only Heidi Klum is hotter about it…

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Sofia Bush Wet Tits of the Day

Sofia Bush Bikini

Sofia Bush is not showing her bush, despite it being her namesake, how could a bitch named bush not be the feminist ambassador for not shaving your cooter, but instead we are stuck with this new wave fake feminist movement of social media celebrating bush on some bitch who might as well have a huge cock, you know a fat, shaved head bitch who looks like someone your nerd ass whould invite over for a Dungeons and Dragons cuck because based on the girls I see posting fuck videos on Reddit, since Reddit is a porn site, there’s a lot of really perverted Sci/Fi Fantasy weirdos…as you’d expect…but they remain as terrifying as they’ve always been.

Speaking of nerds, Sofia Bush was on One Tree Hill, another nerd show, that nerds flocked to, at least nerds I knew at the time. I’ve never seen it, I just know she was the hot pussy in it, and this is her glammed up for a casual pool pic to keep that social media relevance alive, in hopes she’ll get work again or something….fame…such a stupid thing.


Posted in:Sofia Richie




Faith Schroder Fitness of the Day

I wonder if Ricky Schroder, during his dark times after his 5-6 years on Silver Spoons, when everyone forgot he existed, type cast him, forcing him to forever be a second or third maybe even fourth tier actor, even if that Silver Spoon money set him up for life, it was no way anywhere near the revenues the 90s sitcoms generated for their stars, just ask Ellen, Drew Carry, Grace Under Fire, Roseanne, Seinfeld, Friends and their 100s of millions of dollars….that Ricky Schroder definitely doesn’t have….but yeah, I wonder if he’d ever think his kids would be as useless as he was…I mean maybe it was expected since he didn’t work, at least not as an actor, or very hard as an actor for the bulk of his daughter’s life…maybe even for her entire life she had this father figure, who was possibly some stay at home dad, or maybe just a tyrant bitter about how life turned out….as he made the morning pancakes and his bratty millennial daughters offended him…he’d go into a tirade about “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, I AM RICKY SCHRODER, I WAS THE BIGGEST STAR OF MY TIME AND YOU’RE GOING TO GIVE ME LIP BECAUSE MY PANCAKES I MADE YOU IN MY MISERABLE DOMESTICATED LIFE AREN’T GLUTEN FREE…YOU TRASH….I WAS DOING COCAINE OFF STRIPPER PUSSY NIGHTLY AND NOW I ANSWER TO YOU”….

That’s not to say that being a girl who posts videos of herself in slutty shorts that probably take 10 minutes to shoot, maybe 30 if they’re feeling insecure and want that perfect angle, is useless work, I mean we can all find use for it…but in the grand scheme of things, it’s useless fucking work….even if it pays out…and here’s Faith Scrhoder, cuz you gotta have faith, at least according to George Michaels and his AIDS….or at least you gotta look at her ass in tight shorts being like EVERY other girl her age….that are luckily far less fat than I expected this generation to be….there’s actually still hot, thin ones…so I guess in ways this is a win.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Bench Pressing Babes and Other Videos of the Day

Woman has a Latter Fail

Heated Floor Fail

Brave with a Chainsaw

Wrong Place to Use a Lighter

The Drunk in the Dryer Influencer

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

People love to think they are living in a movie, they hate anything that goes against their ideas they picked up in a meme, and they love the covid excuse to do nothing that everyone needs to respect, because people are babies, we are trained that way…to do what we are told and what the government tells us….

As the media brain washes you through emotional triggers that hit you on an emotional level, which is basic fucking marketing, telling you things you either want to hear or that resonate with you when you hear it….like this is your “new normal” so you know life isn’t going back to what it was, while telling you that you are a survivor in these uncertain time making you feel like a fucking hero, while discounting all science and allowing celebs and political people and rich people profiting off the virus to dictate what you should do and how you should act…who you can have visit you for a cup of tea or a fuck…..because you are all idiots..,,and when you don’t like what you hear….you collectively cancel that person, shame that person, and bully that person into back tracking….even if that person is an “expert”….just not expert enough for the clan of Facebook experts…

I see the media spin everything and I see people eat it the fuck up because it speaks to their own personal agenda or fear of missing out and not being a part of whatever they want to be a part of….

So now people who don’t have COVID, who aren’t specialists, who are just stay at home low level humans, the worker ants in the ant farm are getting mad at the people who did have the virus and feel like the people who had the virus saying “it wasn’t so bad”…..are evil and pushing misinformation and downplaying it…..

So now they are going after Trump who HAS the virus, calling him an idiot about the virus, which they did before he had the virus too, because they just love to hate him, and when you ask them why, they don’t have an answer, because they are all running off emotional triggers marketing, half idiot celebs and influencers hit….

Whether you like Trump or not, I am sure he’s like any other rich dude and thus horrible and non-violent psychotic…you don’t get ahead by not fucking over at least one person…but when you see what’s going on, where you can’t have tea with your mom, even though you live in her basement, but you can pile up in a grocery store, as laws get changed to deal with this “state of emergency” everyone is excited by because they are part of “the new normal”….it’s pretty funny to see….

You gotta remember we’re all going to die of something at any given time, you gotta stop being fucking pussy followers….this isn’t about masks or no masksit’s just that everyone I know who has tested positive for COVID has said it was a cold for a day or two….and all the deaths are likely people who would have been taken out by a flu or pneumonia too….

So stop listening to influencers and their meme culture of news and stats, and start saying “who gives a fuck”….because ultimately who gives a fuck…the internet controls you…fight it.

Here are some stepLINKS…

Model Rebeka Underhill is Naked in the Waterfall

Seals Take a Bath

Stars Attend a Zoom Fashion Show

Jordyn Woods Joins OnlyFans!

Sounds of the Planets from Space

Model Anna is Topless in the Bath

How Bodysuits are Made to Look Real in Movies

42 Foods to Try Before You Die

Fan at Patriots-Chiefs Game Kicked Out for Wearing Roger Goodell Clown T-Shirt

Corgi Doesn’t Like Lab Friend’s Height

Gracie Hunt (Chiefs Owner’s Daughter Rising and Grinding for a Workout!

HOT Live Cam Girls Being Slutty and AMazing

Posted in:stepLINKS