I'll Make You Famous…




Nicole Scherzinger’s Bikini Selfies of the Day

Does anyone give a fuck about 40 something year old Nicole Scherzinger in her bikini, I mean I am sure there are weirdo fans out there who think Nicole Scherzinger is the best thing to ever fucking happen to the world, and have stuck by her side since the first Pussy Cat Doll video, but the rest of us just assume she’s a tranny, before tranny was a thing, who along with her tits and face procedures either got her dick folded inside out, her body is just too hard….or maybe she’s still into the manual procedure of tucking…tuck game strong if you know what I mean….either a Vegas Showgirl, or a professional trained off broadway dancer who knew how to move like a girl, either way, she’s in a bikini and I’m not believing anyone gives a fuck, but I’ll top post it anyway to show how outdated this shit is as social media stars make their millions a month selling butthole pics and running Youtube and TikTok earning scams….because no one under 40 even knows who Scherzinger is…which works for us, since we’re all a bunch of fucking boomers.

Either way, looks like covid is really getting her down because like every other celeb pretending COVID exists, she’s living large…and not just her dick size..I mean…on beaches and shit.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger




Tanline Thursday of the Day

Summer may be coming to an official end this weekend, I mean I guess it’s not the official end, but people like to consider this the last weekend of the summer, at least in North America, like there’s even a “rest of the world” right…

The good news is that there are slutty girls of the internet who like to maintain their tanlines, so much that if they get their spray tans with their favorite panty lines. I am in Canada and I’ve been to stripclubs and in the deep dark days of winter, there are tanlines…so it can be done…plus a lot of sluts live in Florida..so there won’t be a tanline shortage for your tanline fantasies…you weirdos who like seeing where clothes once were while in the sun so you know you’re getting their NAUGHTY “exclusive” for your eyes only bullshit…or maybe you just like how the contrast makes the ass look…nice!


Posted in:Tanlines




Bella Hadid Mom Jean Pussy of the Day

Bella Hadid Fat Cameltoe

Bella Hadid is a monster who was re-designed by her rich parents and I guess their plastic surgeon after she got jealous of her sister Gigi’s hype. These rich kids are fucking spoiled and in this generation, being a respected, although I don’t think anyone respects Bella Hadid’s work ethic, look, or contribution to the fashion industry, but that industry is full of suck up losers trying to get close to people they think are important for their own egotistical bulshit….but yeah…she’s a high paid, top model, from instagram who does the work her sister doesn’t bother with anymore, Kendall Jenner is above and barely bothers with anymore, while the bench warming string hitter, at least I assume it’s called a string hitter, I don’t do the whole sports thing like all these girls do the sports things, cuz they are rich slutty whores, because I think sports are for fucking homos into watching dudes play high school games at a higher level and higher pay grade….but that’s not the point…the point is Bella Hadid, the ugly sister, managed to trick an industry into thinking her ugly look was unique and stunning and interesting, maybe because we don’t do genders anymore, maybe because it is all about inclusivity…maybe because if you get the face fillers and have the followers the people believe the lie…and don’t care that your career was bought, a product of her sister’s career which was also bought, because rich kids don’t cry over ponies or who gets the hotter car on their 16th birthday, they cry over being famous, instagram followers, being taken seriously despite being nothing but a garbage rich kid..

Look, I don’t hate rich kids, I am not bitter towards rich people I don’t give a fuck what other people have, I just hate shitty people and this is a shitty person with shitty mid section, showing her shitty banged out broken rich girl cunt, in a pair of jeans jacked up inside her because some people need that feeling of fullness to feel alive…when they know they are so empty…and a product of bullshit…but she probably doesn’t realize she’s all bullshit yet..she’s just cruising through…not quite in on the scam…because it’s better to think this is warranted celebrity than to think it’s all contrived, manufacture, digital marketing done right because faking it til you make it and continuing to fake while you made it…is easier on the ego I assume…

Either way, nasty ass overrated pussy in jeans for ya’ll sick fucks.

Bella Hadid Fat Cameltoe


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

It is safe to say that people with tits like to show off tits because tits get hits, trust me, I know, my whole internet existence over the last 15 years has been based on tits getting hits, I write these words, but people don’t read them, why would they…I mean I wouldn’t read words on other sites…it’s just a horrible compulsion, but I am sure if I just posted the tits, without the words, the hits would stay the same, maybe even better because there would be no bullshit words to distracted by, just tits….

Anyway, hundreds of girls like flashing their tits, some have better tits than others because not all tits are created equally, but its’ one of those things where even shitty tits are awesome….and girls into flashing their tits, more and more join that movement each day are equally awesome, probably not in personality but in TITTY FLASHING!!

Here’s about 30 sets of tits, click more to see them all.


Posted in:Titty Drop




Rowan Blanchard’s New York City Dreams of the Day

Rowan Blanchard turns 18, escapes LA and that charmed Disney Life her family sold her wellbeing off for, to hit the “edgier” (LOL) NYC…

Yes there was a time when the lesser evil of the bratty rich kids who thought they were cool lived in NYC, you know the ones who wore jeans and flannel and did the whole homeless look while being rich. They were called hipsters and they were laughed at by all because to be a hipster required work despite looking like it was shat out on the subway during homeless sex.

While LA was filled with lame kids looking like aspiring Disney kids, which ironically, I assume it’s irony, I still don’t understand irony, Rowan Blanchard is…

So the edgy fashion and music scene cocaine lovers were in NYC and the closet case queers in colorful clothing in LA….

But then the whole world just turned into shit and everyone everywhere was a lame ass trying to come across as edgy….so I assume Rowan in her now bi-sexual existence, who moved to NYC to find her lesbian activist self, is out here producing this dramatic shit…as she “finds herself” as far away from the city that ate her soul….LOS ANGELES….when really it’s all the same shit…get a grip loser.

Here she is on the Creeper cam…living her best NYC microbikini life…edgy.

Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Madison Beer’s Gas Pump Pussy of the Day

Since the world has no gender anymore, Madison Beer is the King of the staged paparazzi pics, it’s like this bitch got bought by Beiber after her Youtube success singing shitty cover songs back when she was 15 or 16 and perverts around the world would stare at her boobs, because youtube is some pervert shit for perverts disguised as some top tech company that is basically built off porn…just don’t tell the advertisers who give them hundreds of billions of dollars each year…they’d be totally against that…right…

When it comes to porn, people are selective, some porn sites get all kinds of mainstream love, even get publicly traded or a funded by Hedge Funds on Wall Street, while others get blacklisted…some sites, like this one, aren’t even porn, but TOO hardcore for GOOGLE, despite google’s number one search query being PORN..or SEX…it’s so fucking dumb.

But anyway, Madison Beer, despite having no songs that you’ve heard, is always working the paparazzi, it’s an inside job….they are in on it…they need content, she needs attention, for when she does release her music, which really isn’t anything impressive since you can change everyone’s voice using a basic computer and thus make everyone sing, if only Milli Vanilli had that tech back in the 80s…

POINT BEING, she’s pumping gas, spreading her legs, with pants on, but you know that’s just part of her tease….big titties out….marketing and publicity strategy properly executed…just wait til she launches her Only Franz.

Yes, one of her cars is a Ferrari.


Posted in:Madison Beer




Girl Uses Ranch Dressing as a Chaser of the Day

The things people will do for the social media clout is pretty ridiculous, I am not against people documenting their every move, especially now that all these attention seekers are aggressively seeking their 15 mins of fame by just doing their own thing, not bothering crafting a strategy to sell to some money person….just as easy as using ranch dressing or really anything obscure as a chaser after a shot before going out to party amongst the COVID people are ignoring…

The nice thing about this is knowing that once the fame hits for those 15 mins, the sex tapes and nudes are quickly going to follow….because fame is addictive and you gotta keep those hits up…

I’ve never really one for chasers, I like the burning abuse on the way down so I know what my liver is going through….the whole masking that abuse with a sweet thick milky flavor like ranch from the bottle is probably the last thing I’d want to have curdle inside me…I have puked from drinking at least 2-3 times in my life and it was from Irish Car Bombs, the Baileys just rotted me out…..the other time was tequila…I think…and the first time was malt liquor as a kid…but this isn’t about me…it’s about this Ranch Chaser clearly chasing dreams….not promoting her only fans yet but it’s likely coming…

Wild party girls who “don’t give a fuck” at least not until they are washed up and decide to while about it have always existed but now they are on social media to remember their sloppy at best glory days!

The best thing about this is that Tito’s and Ranch will end up on the menu at some pretentious cocktail bar that call what they do MIXOLOGY…and I guess that others will follow this challenge and by next week 10000 girls will be doing the RANCH CHASER CHALLENGE thanks to the internet.

Posted in:Videos




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

People really seem to love showing their assholes…because there are hundreds of asshole behind thong pics being updated daily…and the only reason for that is because people really love showing their assholes….

Maybe it is that movement of de-sexualizing body parts, even though every pose of these asshole behind thong pics is pretty sexual…maybe it’s to de-stigmatize it, you know make it acceptable and ok for girls to show their assholes…something I endorse…or it could be some empowering, own your puckered anus, love it for all its ridges, discoloration, hemorrohoid or HPV scars….because you are you, it is part of you and to love yourself truly requires putting those things you are shy about…like an asshole…the hole in which you shit from….on the internet…

Or these are just a bunch of slooots…

Either way, ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG THURSDAY….cuz we like repeat features now…



Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Demi Lovato Cleavage of the Day

Demi Lovato Cleavage

I saw that Dictionary.com has reworked some of it’s words for a woke or fake woke generation, you know to not offend them, or to show them how with-it Dictionary.com is, and one of the words they removed or re-worked was ADDICT, because apparently calling someone an addict STIGMATIZES them, and it must instead be presented as “Person addicted to”….which is a hell of a lot more work as to not offend some asshole weak fuck with no respect for their body, or at least no ability to control their impulses, because obviously it’s a “disease” and not a “choice” to be some weak fuck…

You know, I know addicts, I’ve been addicted to basically everything at least once. I’ve had friends die from being addicts, lives ruined, my life involves writing a bullshit website because of the level of fail being a drunk handed me….so I have no fucking sympathy for that weak shit…call an addict an addict and let them suffer for their shitty fucking behavior…

Coddling addicts is ridiculous..call them what they are…shame them…blacklist them….erase them…they are garbage self destructive trash…especially when they re Demi Lovato and have everything to live for. She’s not an idol, she’s a bad influencer, but them media sucks her fat cock like they were Wilmer Valderamma.

She’s not even a good addict because she almost died of it…not even a good addict, yet celebrated and sensationalized as if she’s some HERO….get the fuck out of here with this over-prescribed mental health excuse, it’s worse than COVID as an excuse for basically everything…”I can’t do that, COVID”….

Seeing everyone come out and celebrate Demi Lovato for having a heroin overdose was hilarious, she has kid fans and she should have been fucking cancelled, yet instead her road to recovery was one documented and presented as some win…from heroin to Superbowl singing, to being engaged and faking being healthy….when bitch is just an opiate addict, a rich one, but one none less and she may not be out here dying in parks she will probably one day die because of it….however that day is not today….today is the day for her fat girl titty cleavage…that should be fucking dead….RIP Motherfucker in advance….trash.

Demi Lovato Cleavage


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Skylar Grey Thong of the Day

Skylar Grey is some 34 year old “recording artist” from Wisconsin, where you know all the best “recording artists” are from…she got signed at 17, release an album under the name Holly Brook and in 2010 she co-wrote an Eminem and Rihanna song called “Love the Way You Lie” and she’s gone onto release her own music you’ve never heard and written songs for Christina Aguilera, Nick Jonas, Alicia Keys and Celine Dion…..yes.. Celine Dion…

I am reading her WIKIPEDIA when writing this, because I just see her as some suicide girl looking alt model being edgy and racy all battered by her shitty tattoos and terrible life choices…which are better than our life choices because she’s probably stupid rich, allowing her to do shit like show her panties in a Fuck you, I can do what I want to kind of way…all while drawing some low level attention to herself because she’s showing her panties, which I guess feels good for these people, because no matter the girl, the half nudes and nudes do better for them in terms of social media performance…and since everything is social media based….people just keep getting more and more nude.

That said, she’s obviously posing with big trucks in stupid gas masks you know to keep whatever weird aesthetic she goes for, or maybe she’s fighting California wild fires or working her side hustle removing Asbestos from schools built in the 50s…maybe she runs a mold removal service.. but at least she’s not fat….


Posted in:Skylar Grey