I'll Make You Famous…




Alessandra Ambrosio Old Lady in a Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is an old lady in a bikini and she looks good.

I have nothing to say about Alessandra Ambrosio…

Her Belly Button is scaring the fuck out of me, which may sound silly, you know when people fixate on the imperfections on an otherwise hot chick, who has made a very long and lucrative career out of being hot, and who at 40 is still succeeding at it..

It’s like a pathetic thing pathetic dudes do…they find that one flaw, single it out and tease it….people look at people like that and see how insecure and unhappy they are in their lives…

Well, I have never claimed to not be a pathetic dude…

I run a fucking blog bro…there is zero cool in that…I am broke, unhappily married, an alcoholic who can’t get a boner and who can’t take a shit…but that doesn’t have any fucking impact in my saying her belly button is terrifying…they are unrelated…my ability to see a fucking weird belly button and point it out…and the fact that I’m a loser…UNRELATED..

I also find it irritating that she’s old, still modeling, and repressing the young girls trying to come up in the industry…by not getting out of their damn way…like an old timer who hates the new….and overly asserts herself to prove she doesn’t neeed to be replaced..

Here are some pics..


More day 2


Posted in:Alesandra Ambrosio




Alexis Ren Erotica of the Day

Alexis Ren Erotica

Alexis Ren does instagram the only way she knows how, and why wouldn’t she, it’s how she got followers in the first place. The media was really into her slutty travel content with her boyfriend at the time, which has likely fully inflated her ego, making her think she is way more important than she is, but also training her to really grasp what the people want…what the public want…which is her as slutty as possible without being porn…which is luckily basically porn to old timers like me who used to jack off to music videos and female sports because it was on TV….


Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Lea Michele Bra and Panties of the Day

Lea Michele Bra Panties

That dude Lea Michele’s really proud of this TUCK…because there are more pics in the series from the pic I posted earlier….

You know in some half naked outfit, showing off her new face injections and puffy lips, her boy hips and her broad fucking shoulders that you know have been struggling to be seen as female since her opportunist parents figured women have more longevity than men….even when they have busted dude faces…so do what works…oh and get half naked with a glass of wine…channeling Emma Robert’s cover photo from Cosmo in some weird Jealous trying to steal her glory…as catty women / trannies do…when trying to live their best GIRL life…often time better than most women do.

Here she is trying to be Emma Roberts when she was TOPLESS for a magazine.
Lea Michele Bra Panties


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Madison Beer Got Them Tits On of the Day

Madison Beer Tits

Madison Beer likes her tits more than you do… from a young age on YOUTUBE she knew her worth, her asset, what would make her a better channel to subscribe to, in an era where subscribers meant record deal, meant leaving youtube to the big leagues with a legit non-DIY career…where she could also use her tits to get noticed on stage, at events, or for the paparazzi the record label hired to follow her as they try to cultivate a new popstar they assume will do great cuz she got views on Youtube….without realizing the followers were there because Youtube is a porn site and full of perverts looking for underage girls vlogging…TRUTH.

Making her a product of porn generation of perverts, just packaged like she’s not, but not really, since this outfit is pretty racy in the titties.


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Miley Cyrus Dumb Period Pad and Latex Fetish of the Day

Miley Cyrus Dumb Latex

Miley Cyrus is a scam…and this is from her new video…

I just wrote that Miley may be great because she took getting naked on the internet mainstream, but she’s evil and learned how to mastermind this shit from the people at Disney…who are also evil masterminds…so it’s not really authentic, it’s all a bullshit act…that we accept because she gets naked…and we are glad she did it…cuz mainstream girls who would otherwise not get naked are now getting naked….

It unfortunately makes Miley think she’s more important than she is. Like some kind of leader, or god, or inspiration to a cause, when we know she’s just an entitled rich kid…

I don’t know why she decided to shut down her first naked all the time novelty act, where she attempted to be as wild and shocking as ever, back when she decided to focus on Country…which lasted a year…..

Only to be back…with the same bullshit, trying to be a voice, or leader in the support women, be empowered, love your fat body, get naked, support all women, believe all women…narrative that gets views and hits…because the people of the internet like to collect all the things wrong in the world, all that is unfair so they can all sit on how slighted they are and complain about it….nuts.

Anyway, she’s got Maxi Pads and Latex suits. So edgy.

Miley Cyrus Dumb Latex

Here is the best shot in the video..
Miley Cyrus Dumb Latex

Here is the video..

Here is Miley flashing her tits..


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Noah Cyrus Topless of the Day

Noah Cyrus Topless Panties

Ol’ big face Noah Cyrus trying to keep up with her sister MILEY only she’s a fucking monster…and will always be the bootleg try hard sister who only exists because of Miley…

Miley may be great because she took getting naked on the internet mainstream, but she’s evil and learned how to mastermind this shit from the people at Disney…who are also evil masterminds…so it’s not really authentic, it’s all a bullshit act…that we accept because she gets naked…

But I remember a time, after her first stint of naked weirdo, when she decided to do country, cuz her God Mammy is Dolly….and she denounced Hip Hop and being a THOT on social media…only to have returned to that with her new video…because it’s all a scam…these people are just soulless and do what gets hits..

Which is apparently sexualized, support women empowerment, check out this naked fat chick…nonsense.

Then their siblings try to find their own angle and it’s just embarrassing….here’s Noah Cyrus failing…

Noah Cyrus Slutty


Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Katharine McPhee Wet Bikini of the Day

Katharine McPhee Bikini Tits

Katharine McPhee is married to David Foster officially.

I guess this is their Honeymoon, even though the rest of her life will be a honeymoon, as dude fades away thanks to the aging process he is trying to fight off, but is in his 70s….and thanks to him being rich as fuck…it will just be a matter of time when he’s in a wheel chair in a room unable to speak…stroked out by all that coke he did in the 80s…giving her the freedom to fuck the pool boy, and really whoever else, as he sits there pissing himself.

This is some Anna Nicole Smith hustle, of girl taking advantage of a rich and senile man for her personal gain…

I knew when I saw the Katharine McPhee vaginaplasty pics leaked from her icloud, that she was up to something….I just didn’t think it’d be this weird…

But I tell all women if they can find a will to work themselves into, do it, and if you can use that dude as a mentor cuz you do music and he ran music….you might as well…you know go for the top…wherever that is….and maybe you’ll be hosing off on a Yacht in a bikini with your big American Idol tits.

Dreams do come true…

The year that Katharine McPhee was born (1984)…..which I guess makes her too old…

Was the year David Foster produced: You’re the Inspiration and St Elmo’s Fire…



Posted in:Katharine McPhee|SFW




Elsa Hosk Topless of the Day

Elsa Hosk Topless

Elsa Hosk propably the ultimate in Victoria’s Secret models, despite being almost 30. There’s just this naturally slutty vibe about her that makes you think she’s eager and driven to get what she wants….maybe it is her “Pro” athlete roots of being on a Swedish Women’s Basketball league, a story I like bringing up, because it sounds like a 80s porno concept, which reminds me how shit porn has become with their hardcore scenes that are based on personal FEATS rather than story….it’s like “Girl squirts three gallons and takes load in ass”…rather than….”Swedish Basketball Team Locker Room Party”…it’s all so disappointing..

But Elsa Hosk and her athleticism and discipline to win….that has gone from fetish Basketball player, the same way some of you feel about Steph Curry, to fetish mall brand underwear model….all while getting naked all over the place in between…it’s wonderful…

Elsa Hosk Topless


Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Bella Hadid Slutty of the Day

Bella Hadid Slutty

Bella Hadid is doing a shameless video of her pushing her ass into the camera….in a cheeky and silly way…wearing a pretty racy bathing suit…and posting it to her social media….because if you do something slutty with a smile it is by default far less slutty and desperate…despite it being desperate..

She’s the ugly rich kid, who was positioned to be a model by her narcissistic parents, and I guess a lot of money went into creating both her and her sister, the cuter but still ugly one…to pave the way for this troll….a troll who looks as good as she’s going to look…from behind while looking at her ass…in a slutty outfit in motion….

She’s garbage, everything wrong with the world, but at least she’s influencing the people to pull their asses out like a bunch of jocks in the locker room pre rape!

Bella Hadid Slutty


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Eva Amurri Bikini Tits of the Day

Butter face Eva Amurri Martino, who is probably best known, or only known for being the daughter of Susan Sarandon, who inherited momma’s big Rocky Horror Show tits, and who was able to get into acting, naked, on Californication when that was a thing….

She tapped out of working, even as an actor, which isn’t work..to start a family, because I guess that is more fun, even though she probably could have stopped to do anything, like travel the world or nap all day….RICH KIDS….

And in her defense, she barely worked, she did one show topless, in what was probably an attempt to be rebel….while she’s got her mom to do the working for her.

Either way, she’s got those Susan Sarandon tits…that are now a mom of two tits…but still massive. LOOK.

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW